With a faint popping sound, Taylor found herself standing before Little Owl Bar & Grill, a tupperware container under her arm holding a freshly made meatloaf.
It had been surprisingly easy to rope dad into helping her in the kitchen once she managed to stubborn her way through his initial reluctance. Sure, it had taken a bit of waterworks and a few tricks of the books of several Taylors with...less compuction about emotional manipulation. But since dad did not seem to mind that much and even cracked a few smiles through the experience, she wasn't going to feel too guilt about it. Besides, like Bar taylor had said, when a kid had to guilt-trip their parents into family bonding time, it wasn't the child where you had to start looking for the problem.
Looking down at the result of three hours flailing around with their culinary inexperience and lack of practice, Taylor smiled to herself.
It might have been easier to go for something conventionals like cookies, but it seemed more appropriate at the time to revive mom's favorite recipe. And even though they were a long way from replicating the quality, at least what came out of the oven tasted pretty decent, if she did say so herself. Depending on how it would be received by other hers, Taylor might even consider making more as greeting gifts for her soon-to-be teammates at the Rigs.
For now though, Taylor was content with spending time with her new friends at Little Owl, away from all the exhaustive dramas of her own world. There was no fussy Youth Guard social workers who spent more time arguing with the PRT than listening to her needs, no legal advisors hounding her on details of the absolute shitshow that was her Winslow experience, and most importantly no imposing Director Piggot and Armsmaster who might as well have been iron walls when she tried to get her words in. It was her sole island of stability in the last few chaotic days, a place where she could sit back, relax, and – why was there a transparrent barrier forming around her?
There was a deafening explosion as almost the entire left wall of the first floor was blasted open. Debris and dust rained harmlessly against the glowing shield, but the kinetic force was enough to knock Taylor off her feet. Instantly alert, she tried to call up her power...and cursed at the realization that she wasn't carrying any of her insect swarms.
"Behold, dreg." A younger version of her stepped over the rubble, revealing herself to be a young version of Taylor in adorably baggy clothes and the smuggest expression she had ever seen. "for thou dost gaze upon the mighty visage of the one true Lord of the Ocean."
"Heh, whatever you say," The Taylor-shaped projectile that had made its spectacular exit through the wall stood up while making a show of dusting off her shoulders. "
Fish brat."
"It seemeth it would take more than one beating to make the wretch realize her folly." The smug grin turned feral as the child Taylor's body turned into water and expanded. And expanded. And expanded.
'Is that a giant fucking mermaid?' Taylor thought in shock as she witnessed the fifty-something feet tall mythical creature floating in mid-air and wielding a suitably massive trident, the silver gleam of her scales and fins radiating both beauty and lethality.
"Throwing a tantrum isn't going to help you case,
brat. But whatever," The other Taylor smirked, before making some strange signs with her hands. A massive purple skeletons torso bursted into existence before being rapidly covered in muscles and smoky armors. Its eyes shone balefully as its four arms drews out giant swords from their sheaths. "
I'm craving some sushi anyway."
The two collosal creatures brandished their weapon, ready for the clash that would surely devastate anything in their path...before disappearing in one resounding 'pop'.
"What the fuck was that?"
"Hi New Taylor, over here!" Bar Taylor called out from the opened front door, motioning her to come in as if there weren't just two Endbringer-like parahumans wrecking the place. Mutedly, Taylor obliged, following the woman inside.
"Oh, you brought food as well?" Bar Taylor looked back, smiling.
"Yeah," Shaking her head trying to get rid of the whiplash, Taylor amended. "I mean yes. I and my dad made meatloaf with mom's recipe, and you said I should bring something to share with everyone. Hope it doesn't taste too bad."
She held out the plastic container, which Bar Taylor took gratefully and peared inside. "I'm sure everyone will enjoy it. I think we also have some mashed potato and salad." Closing the lid, she smiled. "I'll be in the kitchen for a minute. You can go join the others. PRT Princess is absent today, but there is Foxgirl over there."
"Right, thank you." Taylor turned away from the counter to look at the surprisingly intact dining area save for a few wrecked tables and chairs close to the newly made hole in the wall. The rest had either been stacked against the wall to save space or arranged around a big round table where about a dozen other Taylors were sitting. Most of them were new faces she had never seen before, though some she luckily did recognize. Exorcist Club Taylor was nonchalantly going through a bag of chips, content with watching the chaos unfold. Banished Saintess Taylor was in the process of dispelling her protective barrier miracle, her forehead drenched in sweats. Off the the side was the slightly older-looking Super Sentai Taylor trying her best to mediate the bunch bickering over a boardgame of some sort, and finally Foxgirl Taylor was waving enthusiastically at Taylor while patting the small space next to her on the beanbag chair. Taking the offered seat, Taylor obediently took the giant tail that landed on her lap and started combing her finger through the mass of fur.
"What the hell was that?" Taylor looked to the newest renovation to the diner.
"Ah, that." Foxgirl cringed slightly. "We just had a new Taylor arriving, and she immediately started rambling about there being no two suns in the same sky and defeating the Demon Lord of the Land to prove herself the one supreme Lord of the world." She paused a bit in thought, putting a finger on her cheek. "The capitalization is important, I think? She put a lot of emphasis on the 'Lord' bit."
"Should we be concerned?" Taylor asked. "I mean their fight looked pretty serious."
"Nah, usually Bar Taylor just put them in a timeout spot a safe distance away and let them sort it out." An enraged cry came from the opposite end of the gathering as Taylor saw two identical-looking Taylors among the boardgaming group tried to stranggle each other. "Bar Taylor generally allow us to duke it out so long as things are resolved in the end. Some of us really need to vent off their frustration from their own worlds, you know?"
"Their 'venting' looks like it can level cities though."
"Eh, all the more reason to do it here where there's no risk of property damage. Besides, it's not like they can really kill each other so long as she doesn't allow it." Foxgirl shrugged. " That reminds me though, have you thought of a good nickname yet? Might be good to make it official when there's a lot of us here."
"Not really," Taylor hesitated. "We haven't even agreed on my Ward name yet, and I just found out today that even my dad though my naming sense was garbage." Her face flushed as she remembered the arkwardness and humiliation as both dad and Mr. Chambers silently turned their heads to look at her, then at each other before signing in some kind of silent communication.
"New meat, eh?"
She did not know whose voice it was, but most of the Taylors present turned to her, and she got the distinct impression of being stared down by a pack of hungry wolves. Foxgirl's whispered 'oh boy' did not help one bit.
"Hi?" Taylor managed to squeak out.
"Seein' as we got another New Taylor joinin' us today, what say ye we commence the Naming Ritual, arr?"
'Nay.' Taylor mentally refused.
"AYE!" The majority of the Taylors gathering said otherwise.
"Guys, don't bully the new girl." Super Sentai signed in exasperation.
"Nonsense! It be beneath us to resort to somethin' so barbaric, arr!" The pack leader, a Taylor who wouldn't look out of place in a pirate convention, waved off the concerned older girl. "So, New Taylor. Ye be needin' to give us some info to work with here. Got some special power, do ye?"
"Y-yes?" Taylor hesitated. "I mean, I control bugs."
"What kind o' bugs be they? Spiders, termites, weevils, or them devil-be-damned cockroaches, arr?"
"All of them, I think? I haven't found any that I can't control, at least."
"That's a very strong power." Another Taylor nodded, pushing up her glasses. "If we're talking about
total control of all insects, it has tons of potential in both support and offense."
"I think met a Taylor with a similar power once, can't remember her name though."
"Was she the one who rotted off a guy's crotch with bees?"
"Yeah, that one."
What? Eww.
"How about Monarch Taylor? Like the butterfly."
"We're not giving her a secret identity, dumbass."
"Critter Whisperer?"
"She doesn't
speak to bugs." That Taylor turned to her. "You don't speak to bugs, right?" She nodded. "See?"
"Insectoid?" "Taken."
"Arthropod Oracle." "Too pretentious"
"Creeper." "I don't even want to go into how wrong that sounds."
"CrawlMaster." "ANTagonist." "Lady of the Swarm" "Bugmaster." "Bugzooka." "Hivequeen." "For the last time, we're not trying to give her a secret idenity, you shit heads." "Who the fuck are you calling shitheads?" "You wanna go?"
Things devolved into chaos soon after before a hand slammed onto the table, shutting everyone up with a triumphant "I've got it! We're calling her-" Said Taylor paused for dramatic effect. "Bug Girl Taylor."
Silence. Absolute silence as all the Taylors gathered turned to stare at the girl.
"Come on! This is the part where you applaud me for the simple yet genius name!" A flying plastic bowl hit the girl's head and knock her out, her body being swallowed by the mass of Taylors who resumed their bickering.
"Do I get a say in this?" Taylor's plea felt on deaf ears, and Foxgirl gave her a side hug in sympathy.
"Everyone." Came the gentle voice of Bar Taylor as she emerged from the kitchen, and every stopped dead in their track. "Please behave yourself."
Unanimously, everyone untangled themselves from the brawl and settled down neatly around the table. Even Taylor inexplicably felt chastised hearing Bar Taylor's admonishing tone even though none of it was her fault to begin with. It was just too bad that the air of order and civility did not las long.
With a loud 'bang', the tiny Taylor from before barged into the diner, dragging her unconscious opponent in by the collar.
"Dregs, bring forth thy finest draught! Mine person is most terribly parched."
"Please join everyone at the table, Taylor. We're just about to start the party." Bar Taylor said kindly.
"Eh?" The child turned to Bar Taylor, surprised as if only now noticing her presence. "Did you just speak, hag?"
And what happened after could only be described as cataclysmic.
Taylor shuddered as she came out of her daze.
"You okay there, Entomancer?"
"Y-yeah." She stuttered back. "Did-did you just time freeze me?"
"Uh, yes." Clockblocker raised an arm to scratch the back of his head, before realizing that his helmet was in the way and sheepishly lowered it. "Look, I'm really sorry if it offends you. I was just trying to-"
But she was already ignoring him in favor of taking a good look at the rest of the team. The team leader Aegis was making a very good attempt at face-palming with helmet on. Kid Win and Gallant was moving to extract the time manipulator from the conversation while Vista was making to whack him on the head.
Shadow Stalker entered, took a look at her, and disappeared inside her private room without a word.
Taylor thought back to what she had witnessed in the place beyond space, time, and the concept of death and sanity. And promptly hugged Clockblocker, shocking everyone in the room.
"Thank you." She whispered. "Thank you for being normal."