OOH BABY A TRIPLE. But that's it for my prepared writings. Expect more... whenever. Point out any mistakes if you see any, that would be very helpful indeed.
Dirt - 1.03
1430 HOURS, SEPTEMBER 24, 2517 (Military Calendar) /
We were all lead several miles down and away from the Academy, a 'short run' in Mendez' words.
The aching feeling in my limbs barely detracted from the sight of our new Playground. Reading about it hadn't quite set the picture, not truly.
Someone had taken the base idea of a jungle gym, been given a huge budget, and also was incredibly sadistic. Every inch of it was designed to test the ranges of movement a human body could make. There were rope cargo nets, rickety wooden bridges, sliding poles, and knotted climbing ropes. A few walls held colorful handholds to climb up and I saw a few swinging challenges as well.
Riddled in with said obstacles were traps. I doubt many others noticed them, but I could see here and there where things didn't fit. Beneath the entire forest of poles were pits filled with water and mud with only a few cushioned spots. Still wouldn't be fun to fall.
My eyes flickered over the provided challenge as I tried to find a way through it. Despite my advantage, it was very difficult to make sense of the literal maze of paths that intersected, looped, and criss-crossed. Fuck. Maybe I would just wing it?
Idly, I followed orders as Mendez ordered us to form three lines. "The first person in every row will be team number one," he said. "The second person in each row will be team number two and so on. If you do not understand this, speak up now."
Naturally, nobody spoke up.
I appeared to be in the fifth row, now wary of making myself front and center. To my right were two children. One was a slightly younger and much shorter girl with brown pigtails and strangely enough pink eyes. Future genetics? I'd noticed a wide variety of color amongst our group, much more varied than my own home. 'ALEXA-054' her tag read.
To her right was a boy taller than me and certainly more stockier. Ginger hair, it seemed, and a pasty skin tone. 'JACK-110' I read. He gave me a tired little grin. I gave a nod back, turning my attention to our teacher.
Today's game," Mendez explained, "is called 'Ring the Bell.'" He pointed to the tallest pole on the playground. It towered above us, an additional ten meters or so above the others and had a steel slide pole next to it with cushions near the bottom. Hung at the very top of that pole was a brass bell.
"There are many ways to get to the bell," he told us. "I leave it up to each team to find their own way. When every member of your team has rung the bell, you are to get groundside double time and run back here across this finish line."
Mendez then took his baton and drew a finish line in the dirty sand at our feet.
A familiar face raised their hand. John. Mendez glared at John, staring him down for a few moments. "A question, Trainee?"
"What do we win?" John asked, expectedly.
Mendez cocked one eyebrow and appraised him. "You win dinner, Number 117. Tonight, dinner is roast turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, brownies, and ice cream."
Around us, murmurs of approval swept through the gathered children. Admittedly, I was hankering for such a meal myself. My mouth watered at the thought of food. Crackers were not a fitting lunch.
"But," Mendez added, "for there to be winners, there must be a loser. The last team to finish goes without food." Just like that, everyone fell silent and stared at the others with caution. With a single sentence, Mendez had turned us all into enemies. So easy. A few moments passed before Mendez continued. "Make ready." We all prepared ourselves.
I sent a glance to the two on my right. "Follow my lead," I muttered in a barely audible whisper. Alexa gave me a curious look, but Jack just smirked. "We need to work together," I added. "Unless you'd rather go hungry?" That got their attention.
Instantly, the pack took off. John, predictably, took the lead, his longer legs eating up the ground as he went. Let him learn his mistakes… I wouldn't be interfering for now. He may have been a lone wolf, but not all of us had luck on our sides.
Our trio was slower than most, I made sure to keep pace with the other two. But I was leading them down the path of least resistance instead of fighting the tide of bodies that got stuck at obvious choke points.
It was more difficult and left me panting and my limbs screaming. At one point I was almost caught by a net launcher, barely managing to avoid it as Jack grabbed my shirt. I gave a quick thumbs up, glad he had listened to my statement. The favor was returned in kind as we crossed a dropping bridge and he was just a bit too slow to cross. My hand caught his and I grunted with the effort.
"Thanks," he muttered, equally out of breath as I pulled him up as fast as I could.
With no time for chit chat, we dashed, jumped, ran, leaped, and climbed our way through the Playground. Then we were faced with a bare sheet of concrete wall with no handholds in sight. "Agh, you screwed us!" Jack groaned, not seeing my ploy.
I took up a spot at the base of the wall, crouching and holding my hands as a platform. "Jump on, quick! Alexa!" I jerked my head back. She took a second to realise what I was thinking. This wouldn't have worked with someone bigger, I doubted my ability to lift anyone above a certain size.
"Okay…" She said with hesitation, before steel showed itself in her pink eyes. She ran towards me and I lifted with all my strength as she landed on my hands. Her steel toed boots dug into them, but regardless I threw her upwards. She collided with the top, scrambling for a handhold. For a second it seemed like Alexa was going to fall, but she managed to grab hold of a rope and pull herself up.
Seconds later, the rope was dropped down for us and I was already pulling myself up.
Alexa nodded to me as I crested the top, and I returned the favor by pushing her onwards. "Go, go!" I called, turning back for a second to reach down and grab Jack and heave him up. The pain in my limbs had been replaced by a flood of adrenaline I didn't know I had left.
This challenge had me hooked.
Above us, John was the first to ring the bell and drop down, a victorious grin on his face. We weren't too far behind, with this route being significantly quicker. Another group managed to reach the bell before us though, riding atop a large bucket they heaved on to ride upwards. Below us, people floundered in the water and mud, while others fought for the right to be first. Forcibly, in some cases. Ouch. I winced upon seeing someone's tooth go flying with a vicious punch.
Then we reached the bell and I stopped, waiting for the others. Jack pulled himself up first and slapped the bell hard. Alexa was after him, slightly slower due to her shorter limbs. Still, she didn't weigh much and had an advantage in that factor. She let out a wheeze and rung the bell herself, trying to suck in air.
With a smile, I rung the bell myself and jumped for the pole, sliding down the thing with a rush of exhilaration. My team-mates weren't far behind, and we each ran for the finish line.
Mendez looked at us with a neutral expression, but I could see a hint of calculation in his eyes. He knew we had gotten the point of this exercise. Without saying anything, he checked off on a clipboard and resumed watching the others.
Panting and gasping, the three of us pretty much flopped to the grass and waited as the others finished up. My arms screamed with pain, very angry at my rough treatment thus far. But I ignored that, happy that I wouldn't go hungry tonight.
Recovered somewhat, I cast my glance towards the final contestants as they crossed the finish line last. Kelly-087 and Samuel-034. Two very important future SPARTANS. John had left them behind in his effort to win… which left them alone and stuck, unable to get past the procession of other children. So they were last and John had lost in reality.
"Good work, Trainees," Mendez said with a rare smile, beaming at them all. There was something else to it, but I couldn't quite tell. "Let's get back to the barracks and chow down."
All of the children cheered, despite their sheer exhaustion and dirtiness. I let myself relax for a moment, letting my tensed body unwind and try to repair the damage I had caused it.
"All except team three." Our teacher said, staring down John, Kelly, and Sam.
"But I won," John said, confused. "I was first." The shock on his face was evident.
"Yes you were first," Mendez explained, "but your team came in last." Then he looked towards all of us, taking on an authoritative tone. "Remember this: you don't win unless your team wins. One person winning at the expense of the group means you lose." Wise words, ones that we would need in the coming future if we wanted to survive.
I stared at John, watching emotions run over his face. Confusion, anger, sadness, exhaustion. Sorry kid, but you needed to learn it.