Link the Fires (Dark Souls 1/SAO)

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Link the Fires
The Lordran Online Reboot

"Here are the files you requested on the...


Husky Fighter Novice
Link the Fires
The Lordran Online Reboot

"Here are the files you requested on the beta-testers. Why did you need these, sir? They've offered good feedback already; it's not as if the beta hasn't been going on for a while."

Kayaba Akihiko turns in his chair, gazing at the files with interest. "It's nothing that concerns you. I was simply interested in these 100 players; there'll be an event ingame soon, to thank them for their hard work. It would be embarrassing if I wasn't familiar with them."

He opens the first file, and as it happens, it is yours.

Who are you?

[X] Username: Yuuki

Profile: Terminally ill girl of ~13 years. Displays startlingly good reflexes, and favors swords above all else. In the beta, she is tied with Username: Kirito for the title of 'Strongest Swordsman'.
Development Path: Swords and light armor. Dislikes shields, as they are rather heavy. Not very sturdy at all, but very fast. As long as it has a blade, she boasts that she can master it. Did not experiment much with magic ingame. Occasionally used Pyromancy. Talented player that gained a reputation for being a 'boss-killer' and dueling.
Covenant Choices: Path of the Dragon, Chaos Servants, Way of White.
Strength: Bravery. Yuuki will stride into any situation fearlessly, and often looks on the bright side. She truly lives up to her name, in that regard.
Flaw: Pressure. Yuuki's bravery is the direct result of a gnawing uncertainty; she could die at any moment ingame due to her illness, and she worries for her family.
Link Partner: Username: Asuna

[X] Username: Klein (original username changed due to being too vulgar.)
Profile: Young office worker of22 years. Not exceptional in terms of personal skills, but became the unofficial leader of a covenant during the testing period. Friendly and well-known among the testers.
Development Path: Displays a preference for wielding katanas in both hands. Likes heavy armors, and will use a shield if he believes it would be useful. Took enough points in Faith to use healing miracles, but otherwise focused on offense and vitality.
Covenant Choices: Knights of the Sun, Princess Guard, Forest Hunters
Strength: Empathy. Klein is not especially brave or strong, but he wins over people easily with his friendly and reliable nature. He would be an excellent leader, and the glue that would hold a group together.
Flaw: Compassion. Klein is unable to abandon others or commit distasteful acts to save himself or others. Time will tell how this will affect his stay in Lordran.
Link Partner: Username: Kirito

[X] Username: Kiriha
Profile: Sister to Username: Kirito. Student of 13 years. Very good with a sword, but appears to struggle with the Sword Skill system. Overall, inexperienced player who compensates with real-life skill.
Development Path: Favored a katana with a bow as a support weapon. Did not experiment much with magic, but appeared to be considering Sorcery. Mostly tagged along with her brother, but displayed an interest in the story behind Lordran.
Covenant Choices: Darkmoon Blade, Forest Hunters, Gravelord Servants
Strength: Drive. Kiriha has more motivation than most to explore Lordran; she is searching for her brother, and will scan every inch if she must.
Flaw: Lack of experience. Kiriha struggles with the Sword Skill system, and must compensate with her skill with the blade. It is not enough; she has a hard time against bosses and certain enemies.
Link Partner: Username: Sinon

[X] Enter Username Here

Profile: Basic information on the character, original or canonical.
Development Path: What did they favor in the beta? If a canon character is being used, you may leave this blank and let me decide.
Covenant Choices: The three covenants they were most likely to be in. A later vote will decide which one they will be in at the start of LO. This will determine starting location.
Strength: What will help them in the trials to come?
Flaw: What will drag them down?
Link Partner: Part of a mechanic that will be explained later. For now, think of it as the first character you'll meet, and one you'll probably interact with a lot.

Kayaba closes the last of the folders, and looks up at his assistant. "Send a system announcement around; for the final event of the beta, players are to make a new character, and log in at a specified time."

"Yes, sir."

Well, here goes nothing. The old LO had a number of problems, so I'm starting it over. We won't have nearly as many numbers, but there'll be a lot more focus on characters and plot, so hopefully none of you will be put off by that.

Wait for reserved posts to be made before voting.
I don't know how to refine the Kayaba vote to make it viable, so let's stick with what worked.

[] Username: Yuuki

Nevermind, Shin's done something great!
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Im glad you're finishing this story.

And as such [X] Username: Yuuki

She's certainly interesting to read as you write her
Username: Heathcliff

Secretly the creator of Lordran Online and therefore has a very deep understanding of the games multiple systems, mechanics, and various other details.
Development Path: Sword & Shield, locked into gaining the Holy Sword Unique Skill.
Covenant Choices: The super-secret Knights Of Blood.
Strength: Character is considered an Immortal Object and cannot be killed. Health will only drop to half before System-Assist enhances his performance.
Flaw: Socially Awkward. Heathcliff leads by exemplary strength but is otherwise stunted in basic social-interactions. Contrary to hiding his administrative-status, he is more straight-forward than manipulative.
Link Partner: Username: Diabel
[x] Username: Heathcliff

Secretly the creator of Lordran Online and therefore has a very deep understanding of the games multiple systems, mechanics, and various other details.
Development Path: Sword & Shield, locked into gaining the Holy Sword Unique Skill.
Covenant Choices: The super-secret Knights Of Blood.
Strength: Character is considered an Immortal Object and cannot be killed. Health will only drop to half before System-Assist enhances his performance.
Flaw: Socially Awkward. Heathcliff leads by exemplary strength but is otherwise stunted in basic social-interactions. Contrary to hiding his administrative-status, he is more straight-forward than manipulative.
Link Partner: Username: Diabel
[X] Username: Yuuki

Yuuki's story was not told in full in Lordran Online. Let's finish it here.
Just putting this here to see what happens. Mongrels.

Profile name: Gil
Extremely, Extremely, EXTREMELY arrogant. However, he can back it up very well. He has succeeded at everything he puts his mind to, but his tastes are incredibly... mercurial. He earned enough money in the year that he cared about the stock market to set himself up for life, but still takes an odd job every now and then for the hell of it. The only interest he's had for more than a couple of years is rubbing his superiority in other people's faces. He knows that most people are far below him in ability and sees them as far lesser in general. If someone comes to him for help, he might help them out if he's feeling generous, but if he's feeling ill-tempered, he might also just kill them so they respawn at a bonfire far away from him.
Everything. He's not as good with the sword as Asuna or Kirito, but he's close. Additionally, he's just as good with the spear, axe, knife, sorcery, miracles, halberd, hammer, investigating, dodging, martial arts, accounting, etc. as he is with the sword. He's working on making his own unique Sword Art which, when completed, will function as you'd expect for a Sword Art made by a Gilgamesh expy. He's got the idea of it firmly in his mind as well as it's name. "God's Salvo"
Covenant Choices: Darkwraith, Sunbro, No Covenant (I? Bow to an NPC? Are you joking?)
Strength: He has incredible talent at everything. If it's possible, he can learn to do it better than most people who do it for a living in less than a month.
He is quite possibly the most arrogant person in the world. In addition to making everyone think of him as 'that asshole', it affects how he does things.
He might deliberately handicap himself to make things more fun, not even considering the possibility that he might die. For example, he might go into a boss fight without a weapon, wondering how long the boss will take to die like that. If something does end up killing him, he will not rest until he destroys that insult to his pride.
Link Partner: Argo
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Just putting this here to see what happens. Mongrels.

Profile name: Enkidu
Extremely, Extremely, EXTREMELY arrogant. However, he can back it up very well. He has succeeded at everything he puts his mind to, but his tastes are incredibly... mercurial. He earned enough money in the year that he cared about the stock market to set himself up for life, but still takes an odd job every now and then for the hell of it. The only interest he's had for more than a couple of years is rubbing his superiority in other people's faces. He knows that most people are far below him in ability and sees them as far lesser in general. If someone comes to him for help, he might help them out if he's feeling generous, but if he's feeling ill-tempered, he might also just kill them so they respawn at a bonfire far away from him.
Everything. He's not as good with the sword as Asuna or Kirito, but he's close. Additionally, he's just as good with the spear, axe, knife, sorcery, miracles, halberd, hammer, investigating, dodging, martial arts, accounting, etc. as he is with the sword. He's working on making his own unique Sword Art which, when completed, will function as you'd expect for a Sword Art made by a Gilgamesh expy. He's got the idea of it firmly in his mind as well as it's name. "God's Salvo"
Covenant Choices: Darkwraith, Sunbro, No Covenant (I? Bow to an NPC? Are you joking?)
Strength: He has incredible talent at everything. If it's possible, he can learn to do it better than most people who do it for a living in less than a month.
He is quite possibly the most arrogant person in the world. In addition to making everyone think of him as 'that asshole', it affects how he does things.
He might deliberately handicap himself to make things more fun, not even considering the possibility that he might die. For example, he might go into a boss fight without a weapon, wondering how long the boss will take to die like that. If something does end up killing him, he will not rest until he destroys that insult to his pride.
Link Partner: Argo
For the record, I appreciate the effort you put in this profile, so Enkidu'll probably show up later on, if he isn't selected.