Lilithium Plays, Sheltered.


Writing about sad cannibals as we speak.
So, here we are. Many of you may or may not know me somehow, but I recently acquired money! And I decided to use it to buy a game I saw being played by some lpers I follow on youtube.

Which is why we're here. Sheltered is a game in which you control a family living in the wasteland. It's this war of mine combined with fallout if you want to be quick about it. I honestly thought it was an already complete game but it's in alpha so please don't buy it unless you are super sure you want to.

You start with the nuclear family, two parents with two children and a dog. These character have stats and traits that very much explain themselves, and thus I may show you them later when ever I wish!

I have randomized a family for you, SV. Let's have a fun time watching them slowly waste away in favor of the dog. Now before I do continue to post screen shots I would like to tell you that everyone is named by what they are. Mom, Dad, Son, and Daughter. There is a reason for this. A very good reason that I will not say.
Now for the pictures and actual content.

This is our family, the Smith family. Glorious, may they live long.

Now if the rest of the pictures would WORK PLS IMGUR PLES I ALREADY POSTED THE OP BY MIST-

Okay I'm going to switch over to a different hosting site and see if that works, because Imgur is crapping itself. Anyway, here we have the family in it's new habitat. Their RV has broken down and now they must survive while living in an abandoned shelter. You start with a filtration system both for air and water, and a generator. All of which are half broken and crap. Also, space to put this is 100% super important right after feeding your dog. So the first thing to do is make sure things are as tightly packed as possible.

Otherwise you can and will die.

So very crap. But we have a work bench table thing! We can fix it!

Right off the bat you'll want to upgrade your workbench to level two, and thus unlock level two building options. This is hugely important! Everything in the second tier is better than the first by far, and investing the items and time into building them first is well worth it.

So much better, but they cost more. More items. In the intrest of being able to make things I have decided to send Mom out into the wasteland to loot for things.

Good luck, Mom Smith.
Day One of Daughters SUPER SECRET JOURNAL!

Today I saw mom talking all mean to daddy again. Then she took some of the stuff in the med-i-kal cabinet, a pipe, and put on a gas mask. I saw her and daddy look at the map and take something from the radio desk. Then she took water and left. Daddy says she'll come home safe.

I dunno.

In this game you must go out exploring in order to find items and food. Things like fuel, wood, pipes... Everything must be found in the wasteland. Lucky for me that I have such a good starting area this time! Small house, School, and Church.

Sending her, Mom, out costs water like all the other expeditions will. I have 10 left with her gone, but it should rain by the 4th so it's all good.

Also I send a small frail child up topside in order to fix the air and water systems but who cares about child labour!

Hazmat suits are in fashion for kids these days.

Meanwhile, just as Daughter is sent out to repair those things keeping us alive, Mom radios in about stuff. You know, finding things.

Boy am I ever! She even found ROPE which is super rare and used for important shit! All of it is. But that's nothing compared to what Mom finds at the School.


Back home we see that Dad has finished upgrading the workbench, which makes it so that we can now do the important shit.

Also Mom finds 5 food and some Cement in a show of bestness that Daughter shows her appreciation for when mom comes home.

Totally hugging on the inside.

By being amazing and finding us the godly loot that she has, Mom gain exp to Perception. This makes her even better at finding things!

Although no one was around to trade with, we got tools. Also Cement and Wood. The food is almost a bonus at this point.

And now we get around to the important things Dad was doing,

Water runs out quickly in this game. You use it for almost everything that keeps your people running and happy. Drinking, showering, bathroom, and cleaning. Not showering makes your people break down after a few days.

It's kind of fucking ridiculous when a grown woman earns trauma points due to not showering WHEN WE MUST CONZERSE WATER TO NOT UFKCING DIE I HATE YOU CYNTHIA

Right. I have mom eat and see that it is now day two. If you've been looking at the screenshots you'll notice how dirty it's gotten. My family has no toilet yet, and neither does the dog.

Having a place to sleep is even more important though. I force Dad to build a new bed with his brand new tools, and then have Daughter upgrade something. Off you go brat!

Mom was mining a new room all by herself. Nothing to see here.

Hm? What's this, a sudden cut to a man standing in front of an old farmhouse? That's because I put mom to sleep and sent dad off to actually show you guys some gameplay.

This is what happens when you meet people. They either trade with you, or try to fight you. Sometimes they just talk and you get to decide if you want to do that or invite them to stay with you. Sometimes they offer that too.

But this stranger just wants to trade. Let's see what he-



Dad turns the guy away and continues to the small farm which has some fairly good stuff.

Back home we have Son make a bucket and mop.

Yes, Son. I know, Son. I'm a little bit busy, Son. Dad is meeting rude people in the wastelands, making a trade and gaining more Charisma. Mom is continuing to build things like showers and toilets with mostly her bare bear hands. And then dropping into the only bed we have.

Also you sister just upgraded the Air Filtration system. Suck it up, Son.

Also that guy is probably dead.