Equestria, Ponyville, 03-11-05 A.N.M., 10:16 A.M. (After Nightmare Moon)
You would think that with all of the crazy stuff that has happened since Twilight Sparkle moved to Ponyville, that its citizenry would be used to and would tolerate more crazy stuff happening.
You'd be half right; yes, they were used to it. Did they tolerate it?
Not at all. They simply put up with as much as they could. When it became too much, they complained to the mayor. Not that she did much.
Since Ponyville was more or less run by the heads of those families that founded it, Mayor Scrolls had very little authority. And now, since a doppelganger had been masquerading as her for almost eight months, she stood to lose more; her seat.
That is, until Princess Twilight put her hoof down.
"No! I will not permit this! And unless you relish the idea of a bunch of 'post juvenile mares' running this town, you will listen to what I have to say!"
The one trick that Twilight had picked up from working clandestinely with Princess Luna these past few months that she had little occasion to use was the Royal Canterlot Voice. Fortunately for most, she'd not had much opportunity to use it.
Unfortunately for a certain stallion, he was bearing the full fury of it.
Once it was done, Filthy Rich made to comment. "Now see here,
Princess-- *urk*!" Before he was able to elaborate, his muzzle was clamped shut with magic, and he was lifted by magic to the muzzle of one seriously steamed alicorn.
"You. Will. Listen. Filthy. Rich." These words, even though they weren't shouted, were nonetheless intense enough to cause the stallion to sweat-- though he was already doing so, as it was a little hard for him to breathe.
Twilight released her hold on his neck; however, the muzzle-spell was still active. Rich tried to cancel the spell with the dispelling rune on his left hindhoof, only to have the magic that now protected town hall dissolve it.
"Up until now, I have done little to interfere in the running of Ponyville, save to assist in organizing Winter Wrap-Up." Her expression hardened from a severe look to a scowl. "I've been handling things like that for several reasons."
Twilight held up a hoof to enumerate each reason. "First, my family has avoided any kind of political activity like parasprites. Shining Armor's position was guaranteed without politicking because the Royal Guard doesn't fall under the aegis of any Council." Her scowl lessening somewhat, she continued. "Second, this town has been traditionally run by earth ponies since it was founded over fifty years ago. I'm not one to stand on tradition,"- she smirked briefly while she said this - "but even I can recognize the importance of such a tradition."
Twilight's severe expression returned. "When those of the mayor's contacts that she could trust came back with the evidence concerning what was planned, I naturally turned to the
representative of this town's council, who in his infinite wisdom convinced both me and the mayor to agree to the tentative plans we had been given."
Twilight rounded on the still-struggling stallion. "Were you aware that the initial tunnels were dug directly under the homes of my friends? You should have been, as I pointed it out to you. Were you aware that that first survey team laid sabotage runes in those tunnels, with enhancements that would have ensured the houses above them fell?" Her expression became one of intense anger. "Or that they were set to trigger when myself, all of my friends
and their families were in the rooms most at risk?"
Finally able to speak, Rich did his best to appease the rest of the stallions present- who were really only present because he was blackmailing them -and the angry mare in front of him. "I wasn't completely aware of the risks involved. I'm a business pony; my talent lies in making deals, not in mining."
Twilight snorted. "I pointed the risks out to you. By that time, I was fully aware that there was more going on than what was being said. That's why I convinced this council to vote against the proposal. Afterwards, the threats made towards Scrolls were enough to convince me that something very sinister was planned. I wasn't aware of the runes at that time."
Twilight was interrupted by Amethyst Star, who passed her a folder that one of Princess Luna's Guard had just handed her. Reading the documents with first dismay then anger, Twilight glared at Rich. "Somepony doesn't know when to stop," she snarled at him. "Somepony thinks he's better at running this town than this council, or me and my friends. Somepony thinks that his money can buy him whatever he wants." She then grinned a mirthless, evil smirk.
"Somepony has just had his assets frozen by Royal Edict, and will be arrested for blackmail and fraud.
All the other stallions except Big Macintosh- who was unaffected now that Blueblood was investing in his farm -made to object, their expressions angry. The next words that came from the muzzle of the irate alicorn before them quelled whatever they had to say.
"This council, save for the hereditary seats held by the Quills, Apples, and Turners is hereby dissolved until the next general election. That will be whenever Scrolls decides, as she is now my Royal Chancellor. Good day sirs, I have a stockade that needs rebuilt." So saying, Twilight stalked off, reminding every pony present that though she was the Princess of Friendship, she was still an alicorn.
And as everypony knows; once you get under their skin, alicorns have a
nasty temper.
While Twilight was busy dealing with the fallout of the conspiracy, a certain stallion was monitoring the movement of several pieces of his furniture that had recently been express airlifted to Ponyville. Though his guest suite was superb, he preferred to be in his own home, one decorated to his own standards. Blueblood felt it was necessary to move out of Twilight's palace as soon as possible, in order to salvage what he could of his reputation; also, he intended to start demonstrating to others that he had changed.
Some of the furniture that he was bringing was unsuitable for his needs; however, it was more than serviceable for the local halfway house, which was making due with whatever the local furniture sales-pony- one Quills -was providing. Needless to say, this was hardly serviceable at a dive bar.
Blueblood likely realized that the house hadn't seen any use for years, if at all. What evidence had been gathered had shown that it was an idea that Filthy Rich had had. Suffice it to say, he had bought some of the low-grade furniture available, then donated it to the house, along with the Guards barracks. Blueblood intended to do right by his new town- nothing new, since he also did the same for his old Canterlot neighborhood -so he was providing the bits for new furniture and equipment for the guards-stallions and guards-mares that helped to protect this town.
Blueblood's business assistant- who had finally arrived this morning -was nattering in his ear about the overweening amount of bits that he had pulled out some of his lesser business deals. The complaints were beginning to annoy him. This particular assistant wasn't the one that he had wanted; Quick Quills was far more efficient than this patsy. No, this one was foisted off on him by his Board of Directors, and was a spy for his mother. Quills was on her way now; he intended to send this one packing once she got here.
I'm also going to take her out, like I promised before I was sent here. There are a few restaurants around here that are ritzy enough for her without being too plebeian- ahem -common for me. Not that that is a bad thing; I'm starting to see that I've been missing a great deal of business by rejecting Ponyville out of hoof.
The complaints of the board lackey continued unabated. Blueblood wanted to facehoof; here he was using his
own bits to fix some of the damage he caused, and he had others complaining about it. It was truly ironic, considering the board wouldn't be there had he not been trying to play politics instead of running his companies.
Turning, Blueblood saw Quick Quills coming from the direction of the Ponyville Rail Station. Smiling far less haughty than he would have even twelve hours ago, he greeted the unicorn mare. Blueblood whistled for one of the longshores-ponies nearby to take her luggage. "Can you please deliver it to the palace, my good sir?" he asked the stallion-- tossing him a small bag containing four one-hundred bit coins. The stallion grinned, nodding-- he'd already made more helping Blueblood this morning than he ever did working on at the station.
Quills looked gratefully at Blueblood. Her expression turned long-suffering at the lackey, who was now complaining about the fact that Blueblood was giving these plebeian work-ponies more money than was in the budget. Blueblood was happy; now that Quills was here, he could finally get rid of the irritant bore.
"Well, considering that your tab at the
most expensive restaurant in this town is thrice what I've been paying these ponies- who have been working far harder than the both of us -I don't see what the problem is." Blueblood wanted to smirk at the wannabe-ponce, but kept his expression neutral. "You seem to forget that these are my
personal funds I've been spending." He looked at his left forehoof briefly before looking levelly at the colt.
Turning at a shout, the ponies saw a huffing dragonling running towards him. Smiling, Blueblood took the small stack of scrolls Spike was carrying; the little drake had been quite useful to him. Blueblood levitated a bag of mixed gems- star sapphires, rubies, and emeralds -over to Spike in payment for all of his help. "Let your employer that you've been a great help, my good sir."
Blueblood cracked the seal of the first scroll, which bore his aunt's seal. Unfurling the scroll, Blueblood read its contents with an air of surprise.
Dear Nephew,
I have been in contact with both Princess Twilight and Princess Luna concerning your involvement in the fallout of this regrettable conspiracy. Twilight has told me that you have spent a small fortune in bits already in assistance.
Whether you are doing this out of guilt- or because you have finally seen the light -matters little; the fact remains that you are doing it. I am pleased that you have seen fit to lend what small aid you could.
It concerns me that the Council of Eight banned you from Canterlot for as long as they did-- not because I feel that you do not deserve it mind, but because there are many who will lose their jobs should any of your businesses fail due to the lack of your presence. I reluctantly accept that you are willing to make amends by accepting it; however I am lifting it for two weeks so that you have time to settle your affairs. Use the time wisely.
Understand nephew; I have never stopped loving you, and have always been sad at how you most recently treated Princess Twilight. I remember with fondness the way you two first acted around each other. She once told me that she did not need very many friends because she had Cadance, her brothers, and you. I hope those memories will come to the forefront now, and I am proud that you have accepted the consequences of your actions.
You are a suitable candidate for House Lemyre; while it is not the House your mother thinks you should have, it is nonetheless a house of worth. Continue making me proud nephew. I hope to see you at Pony Joe's in two days time.
Aunt Celestia
Blueblood looked up from reading the scroll; a look of pleased shock was still on his muzzle.
After all I've done, Auntie Tia says she's proud of me? Shaking off his shock, Blueblood handed the other scrolls- along with the clipboard of the hapless lackey -to Quills. "My dear Quick Quills, could you make certain that these are all what I've been waiting for? There's much I have to do within the next couple of days before I return to Canterlot."
Quills was shocked, until she read the opened scroll. Nodding, she took all of it in her own magic. Turning to the lackey- who was looking like a fish out of water, mouth closing and opening in shock -she made her way to a nearby bench to start her job. Nodding as she read each scroll, she marked off the tasks as 'paid in full' as she came to each one.
Blueblood turned to the lackey, who was still looking like it started raining frogs. "Well, it seems as if your services are no longer required." Levitating his checkbook and a pen out of his saddlebags, Blueblood wrote out a check that he considered small potatoes. Ripping it off, he handed it to the colt. "Severance pay; I'm sure the amount is far more than what either the former Board or my mother ever paid you." He then stuck his muzzle in the colt's. "If it weren't for your grandsire, I wouldn't have given you any. Go find something that's more suitable to do besides being a spy and yes-colt."
Blueblood walked over to sit next to Quills, admiring the way the sun glinted off her mane.
I wouldn't have thought it, but getting sent to Ponyville is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Quills smiled at the stallion before continuing her work; both were happy that they had a chance to make a better life for themselves.
Equestria, Ponyville, 03-11-05 A.N.M., 12:47 P.M. (After Nightmare Moon)
The last several hours had been very trying for Twilight. Not only did she have to deal with the fallout of the conspiracy to level Ponyville, she also had to deal with a lawsuit leveled at her by Filthy Rich, who was peripherally involved in that whole mess.
Then there was the inevitable confrontation with Ponyville Town Council, who were
not at all happy with her interference in their running of Ponyville. It was only when she pointed out that Ponyville fell in her demesne- along with Appleloosa, Las Pegasus, Hoofington, Dodge Junction, and Trottingham -was she able to shut them up. She was forced to send numerous letters to name relatives of her friends as pro-tem Councilors for Hoofington, as it was found out that members of that city's Council was involved in the conspiracy.
Then there was the damage to the stockade and Guard barracks. While she was expecting there to be some damage, the damage that was actually done was far in excess of what had been expected. It was not outside of what they prepared for, however. Twilight smirked; Princess Luna's suggestion that they prepare for unexpected difficulties actually panned out.
Twilight made her way from the dining room to the kitchen. Her friends had been a great help with the clean-up. They had originally planned to have the weekly Friendship Council meeting today. With everything else going on though, it looked like it would have to be shuffled aside.
Placing her plate into the sink for Spike to clean later, Twilight noticed that there was a saucepan there as well.
Who else is here? I could have sworn that Rainbow Dash left this morning; she wasn't in her room when I checked on her. Sighing in exasperation, Twilight made her way to her library.
Thinking about Rainbow Dash made her realize that there was some things about the fight that morning that were odd. Twilight detoured to her second lab, and retrieved both her crystal staff and the stave of wood that Rainbow had been fighting with. Her horn glowing, Twilight examined what had at first appeared as a stick.
On a closer perusal, Twilight could see that it was in fact a cedar-wood stave, the kind that earth pony sages were said to have carried. There were carvings along the bottom, near a point that was smoother than the rest. She could feel her earth pony magic resonating with it.
Twilight used another spell, one that determined what kinds of magical residue could be found on an object.
Some of the mana was obviously earth-based in nature. Looking closer at the runes, Twilight realized that they were Zebra in origin. It didn't have the look of something that Zecora would use. A curious blue glow suffused it where the 'handle' was. The flavor of magic was obviously Rainbow Dash's; however, it wasn't from a wind-based levitation spell. The residue was from concentrated levitation, more along the lines of a unicorn.
Twilight dropped the stave in shock; there was no mistaking it, this stave was made to channel and reflect the magic of whoever wielded it.
But that's impossible! The only way for Rainbow to be able to levitate anything was if she was either a unicorn, alicorn, or pegacorn…
Then, Twilight remembered seeing how Rainbow closed her bedroom door. Panicking slightly, Twilight cast a basic diagnostic spell, one that could be used to determine traces of mana. The palace began to glow softly, different auras becoming apparent.
Most she recognized as her friends. Some other ponies were present; the mayor was prominent in a few of the rooms she had used while she hid here. Still others had that distinct dragon flavor; Spike's mana was all over the place, as he had recently been going through a late growth spurt.
One cerulean glow was all over, and was extremely bright. This was Rainbow's mana. Twilight started to panic more; it scaled all over the place. Though obviously it was because she mostly flew everywhere, the mana itself was a mixture of
all pony types.
Before Twilight could panic any further, she remembered the breathing exercises that Cadance had taught her.
Okay Twilight, let's think this through. Panicking isn't going to help Rainbow at all. Casting a basic locator spell- the same one she had used to find Blueblood -Twilight's horn pointed in the direction of her library. Walking as calmly as she could, she made her way towards her friend. She brought along the stave, knowing that Rainbow was going to need proof.
Twilight found her prismatic-maned friend at one of her reading tables. The books strewn around the pegasus weren't adventure novels- Rainbow had recently branched out from Daring Do, at Daring's prompting - but looked like non-fiction texts. Looking closer, Twilight realized that some were Pony-Fu manuals, while others were encyclopedias. Wings fidgeting, Rainbow read from the one in front of her, while two more slid down from the pile next to her.
Before they were able to drop, a cerulean aura wrapped around them and pulled them back in place. Twilight stared. Rainbow hadn't even noticed what she had done; she was too busy taking notes on what she was reading.
Twilight cleared her throat. Rainbow looked up sharply; her muzzle bore a fetching blush as she realized that she had been caught being an egghead. "Um, hi Twi," she said sheepishly. "I had the day off today as it's a light weather day, and I kinda go curious about something that happened in that fight this morning."
Rainbow lifted one of the books; its cover bore the title
True Creatures of Myth: Seventh Abridged Edition by Professor Stalwart A.C.E. She opened it to the passage that described shadowlings. "I went around asking about these things, and everypony I asked thought I was trying to be funny," she said, a dark look crossing her muzzle. "You were busy with the mayor and council, and I couldn't find Zecora. So, I just did what I thought Twilight Sparkle would do; I looked them up." She looked up at Twilight with a sheepish, yet proud grin.
Twilight shook her head to clear it. Still holding the two staves, Twilight moved a little closer. Clearing her throat, Twilight tried to speak as normally as she could. "Rainbow, has anything, well, odd happened to you lately? I mean, besides having to fight other-planar creatures," she said the last sheepishly.
Rainbow's muzzle scrunched up a little. "Well, other than my wings hurting more than usual, and having to eat more than I usually do, no. Why are you asking Twi?" She looked at the staves that Twilight had levitating next to her. "Oh, you saved it! Cool, I wanted a better chance to look at it!" Rainbow made to get up, but a wave of Twilight's hoof stayed her. Looking confused, Rainbow sat back down. Her confusion only mounted when Twilight continued.
"No Rainbow, I didn't mean physically." Then Twilight frowned, before gulping a little. "Though, now that you've said that, it's only adding to the problem." Twilight moved away from the door, walking towards a more open area. "What I'm asking is if you've
done anything else odd lately."
Rainbow frowned. "Besides read books written by eggheads?" She shook her head, getting irritated at her friend. "Look, I may be having a few growing pains Twi. I mean, sure, what I did at the fight this morning was a little more odd than usual. I haven't had many chances to use Arcane Wing." She looked down for a moment. "Good thing too; non-military ponies get scared when an Arcane Wing Master is around."
Twilight facehoofed. "She thinks that her Arcane Wing is the only odd thing she's done," Twilight muttered. She turned in exasperation, still doing all she could to fight off the rising panic. Realizing that there was little she could do to get her stubborn friend to notice, Twilight tossed the cedar-wood stave right at Rainbow's nose.
Rainbow's attention zoomed to the object hurtling towards her. Not able to duck in time, she
stopped it with her mind. In shock, she realized what she just did. The stave dropped in front of her.
"What the hay was THAT?!" Rainbow shouted in both fear and anger. "What did I just do?!"
Twilight looked at her now panicking friend. "You just used levitation to block that. Just as you levitated those books that were about to fall. And just like you levitated your bedroom door open and closed this morning." Twilight's own panic was waning in the face of her logic. "You also did the same with that stave while you were fighting this morning."
Twilight walked over and placed one of her wings in comfort around the panicking pegasus. "You also somehow used the power in it to channel the blessings that Zecora placed on the trees near where we found Bluey." Rainbow looked at her friend, tears trailing down her muzzle.
"Twilight, what's happening to me?"
Twilight paused. "Well, unless I'm mistaken, you're displaying a mixture of pony mana," she said. "Not pegasi, not earth pony, not unicorn." She used her magic to levitate a hoofkerchief to Rainbow, wiping her friends' streaming eyes. "It's not alicorn mana either Rainbow."
Rainbow looked at her friend, fearing what she was about to say.
"I'll need to examine you completely to be sure, but I think it's pegacorn mana."
Of all the things that Twilight could have said, none were more shocking to Rainbow than that. "P-pegacorn mana?" she stuttered. "H-how am I g-giving off pegacorn mana?" Rainbow looked confused. "And how are p-pegacorns any different than the rest of us?"
Twilight didn't answer right away. Walking over to the reference section, she looked for a specific book, only to realize that it was already on the table-- her copy of
A Guide to the Pony Tribes. Lifting the hefty tome in her magic, she opened it to the very first section. "This only has the most basic description of what a pegacorn is." Turning her attention to the book, she began to read,
Not to be confused with winged unicorns, pegacorns are a rare breed of pony. Alluded to be the ancestors of the other tribes, this breed exhibits traits of all of the other breeds. Characterized by high levels of mana, often breaking out in many different ways.
Past members of this tribe have exhibited unique characteristics. Often far more altruistic than other tribes, pegacorns are known for their adherence to the core Equestrian virtues. Another characteristic is their difficulty using specific types of mana.
Most pegacorns born in the past were thought to have been disabled. Indeed, the common belief is that the pegacorn is a faulty half-breed, neither unicorn nor pegasi. However, there is a fact that separates a true pegacorn apart from the other tribes; their lifespan.
Pegacorns age 1/7 of the rest of the pony tribes after adolescence. While they won't live forever, they will live on the order of centuries, unless they ascend.
Notable pegacorn ascensions:
Princess Celestia Dos Everfree
Princess Lunara Dos Everfree
Princess Mi Amore Cadenza Crystalia
Princess Twilight Amelia Sparkle Armor
A more in depth analysis of the pegacorn is available to those with a xenobiological degree. Contact the Royal Archives for more information.
Twilight looked mad. Flipping to the front of the book, she looked at the date stamp. When she saw the date, she facehoofed in aggravation. Turning, she saw that Rainbow was smirking despite her tears.
"Twilight Amelia Sparkle Armor? Now I know why you just go by Twilight." Rainbow couldn't keep the grin off her muzzle. Her amusement was short-lived however. "What does it mean though Twi?"
Twilight sat the book down. "I don't really know the particulars. I never asked the princess, and Cadance doesn't talk about her childhood much." She levitated a scroll over. "I'm not even sure if you're turning into a pegacorn or not. I have to ask Princess Celestia to be sure."
Rainbow paled. "Please Twilight, don't tell
anypony what's happening! Not even the Princess." She got up and started to pace. "I mean, it's not that I don't trust her or our friends, but this is personal! What if everypony thinks I'm a freak or something? What'll I tell my parents? What'll I tell Scootaloo?"
Twilight looked glum, as Rainbow's actions confirmed her suspicions. "Well, I'm still not 100% sure, but if you don't want any
pony to know, I can keep it a secret for now." Twilight walked over to her friend. "Rainbow, how long have you been having wing aches like you described?"
Rainbow thought for a moment. "About the last week or so," she said. She realized that they started about the same time as the recurring dream that she was having. She started to pale as she remembered something else. "Um, Twi, those times you mentioned weren't the only time I levitated anything." Trying her best not to panic, she went on. "Yesterday morning, I pulled a bag of peanuts out of my cupboards in the same way."
Twilight made some rough calculations. "Well, given that your mana has already accelerated to its current state, I'd say that you don't have very long before other changes start to take place." Looking closer, Twilight noticed that the primaries of Rainbow's wings were noticeably longer. The wings were fuller too, with twice as much plumage as normal. "In fact, some of them have already begun, as your wings are starting to look more like mine."
Rainbow Dash flared them out in panic. A bright cerulean flash came from them. Blinking, Twilight looked at them in astonishment. "You're accelerating even faster than I thought," she said in shock. "You just cast a unicorn-based disguise spell."
Twilight looked closer. "No, wait. It's a disguise spell, but it's using
pegasi mana." She looked excited. "This is so fascinating! I mean, using unicorn mana to create a storm is one thing. Casting disguise magic using pegasi mana? The scholars at my old school would have a fit if they knew it was possible!"
Rainbow yelped as Twilight pulled one of her down feathers off. "Hey! Watch it egghead!"
Twilight looked at her friend irritably. "Oh Rainbow, you were going to molt that one anyway. How else am I supposed to study the mana lines?"
"Well, how would you have liked it if I just plucked one of
your feathers without so much as a by-your-leave? In case you haven't figured it out yet, pegasi are sensitive about their wings," Rainbow snarked.
Twilight started to blush. "Oh, I'm sorry Rainbow. I should have asked first." She would have continued if her friend hadn't started laughing. She stuck her tongue out at the prismatic mare.
"Oh, you should have seen the look on your face!" Chortling, Rainbow made to straighten out the mess she had made. She used her hooves, not realizing at first that she was also levitating some of the books into piles. "Ugh, this is weird." Rainbow turned to her friend. "How come I'm doing this without thought anyway?"
Twilight looked up from her examination. "Well," she said offhoofedly, "telekinesis is one of the first things unicorns learn. Also, you've had mastery of your mana for quite some time." She then looked stern. "Rainbow, don't
try to levitate anything before I have a chance to really teach you how. Right now, everything you're doing is instinctive, much like what Pound and Pumpkin do. If you force it, you'll break out all over the place. Like Scootaloo does with her flying."
Rainbow snorted. "Yeah, I keep telling Scoots that she's trying too hard. Course, they do that all the time in Flight School. Once I did my first Sonic Rainboom, I realized they had nothing more to teach me." She frowned. "I only stayed as long as I did after that because of Grandpa Prism."
Twilight smiled at that. "Let's get this all cleaned up, then find Spike. There's a lot we need to test if I'm going to help you, especially if you're going to persist in hiding it." She looked at her friend sternly as they gathered up the books Rainbow had been perusing. "By my calculations, you have about a month before the changes are complete. This time next week, your horn will likely start to grow."
Twilight made to hug her friend when she saw the expression of fear Rainbow was wearing. "I'm sorry if I'm scaring you Rainbow. Just know that I and Spike will be there for you." Rainbow looked at her friend, frowning at the mention of Spike. "Rainbow Dash, i don't hide stuff from Spike, else he doesn't make a good assistant. There's things I've told him that I've never told Cadance, and I've confided things to her that my mother doesn't know." She smiled. "Besides, he's not a pony. If you get him to swear on his Dragon's Honor, he can't tell a soul."
"Won't or can't Twi? Cause that sounds like a Pinkie Promise," Rainbow replied, still a little irritated in that Twilight wanted to tell Spike.
"Can't, Rainbow Dash. His magic prevents the words from leaving his mouth unless you say so in his presence." Twilight smirked. "Oh yes, I've confirmed it. He once was unable to tell my mother that I broke Bluey's study window because I got him to swear on his honor to wait until I had the bits to pay for it." She smiled reminiscently. "We were both grounded for a month after that, though it was lifted once Princess Celestia got word." She grinned viciously at the surprised look on Rainbow's muzzle. "It wasn't my parents that grounded me, but Bluey's mother. I heard the shouting all the way from the train station. We were leaving to go on vacation at the time."
Twilight frowned. "I always despised that mare. Honestly, half the problems that Bluey has is because of that bitch." She shrugged. "Anyway, he'll be back soon, and I'd like this all cleaned up before he gets here." She made to hug her friend again. "Don't worry Rainbow; the testing won't take all that long. It's just mostly to confirm the level of pegacorn mana in your body, and the rate of change." She then smiled slyly. "I'll even give you time to tell Scoots if you want.
Rainbow blinked at that. "Yeah, I think I will tell Squirt. Better she hears it from me before anypony else. Flutters too, as she and I've been friends since Flight School. I wish Gilda and I were still friends, cause she'd like to know this too." She didn't notice the sad smile on Twilight's muzzle.
Well, that last statement confirms it. They're always willing to let those closest to them know. Now if there was only a way I could get Cadance involved; she's a better choice than Princess Celestia, as she's nearer our age.
After the pair of them cleaned up all of the books, they sat around waiting for Spike to get back from helping the mayor. Twilight was reading the book on mythical beasts, grumbling about the lack of an entry on darklings.
Rainbow Dash was reading the Pony-Fu Manual. Her wings would briefly flare from time to time. Twilight smirked a little as she noticed this, as it was yet another confirmation of Rainbow's changing nature.
Further reading on their part was cut short by Spike's arrival. And he wasn't alone. Following the drake were three ponies who looked quite familiar.
The first was a unicorn mare that Twilight thought she had seen the last of-- Clever Marigold. The other two were a shock.
Twilight got up and hugged the unicorn, then the pegasus. Then she bowed cheekily, grinning as she did so. "Rainbow Dash, I'd like to introduce you to two of my Canterlot friends: Sunny Days, and Bright Moonlight." She raised an eyebrow sardonically as she said this.
Rainbow looked at the pair. Since she knew that Twilight didn't have many friends before she came to Ponyville, she was a little confused. That is, until she got a closer look at the pair of ponies. She then smirked, as hiding their natures wasn't working very well since their colors were still the same.
"Hello Princesses," Rainbow said, a sneaky grin on her muzzle. "If you're trying to go incognito, it works better if you change your coat colors."
'Bright Moonlight' just rolled her eyes at this. 'Sunny Days' looked a little stern, before she cast a barrier around the palace. Once it was up, she- and the pegasus -began to change. Before too long, the Diarchs of Equestria stood before those assembled.
"I apologize for the ruse, My Little Ponies. However, something has recently come up missing." Celestia looked around, before settling her gaze on the cedar-wood stave sitting next to Rainbow Dash. "Well, this is unexpected."
The princess walked over to the stave. "Well, this confirms it." She then looked at the two Element bearers. "Which one of you first came in contact with this staff?"
Rainbow flushed. "I kinda found it in the woods near where we found Blueblood this morning." She ran a hoof over it, a little possessive. "Is it important, Princess?'
Luna looked at the pegasus closely. "Yes, Rainbow Dash, it is important. This stave was enchanted by a great unicorn shaman." She walked over to where the others were standing, motioning Marigold to follow. Twilight made to stop her, scowling a bit; a severe frown from the Night Princess stopped her.
Luna pointed at the scrollwork that adorned the stave, which was even more extensive than it was earlier. Twilight was shocked at this. "This shaman was one of the preeminent wraith hunters of his time. He was more than that though, as was his student." Here she teleported a book, one that Twilight thought destroyed.
Luna smirked at the expression of relief on Twilight's muzzle. "Oh come now, Twilight. Did you really think that Star Swirl would let his last, great work be destroyed from one of his weakest foes?" She grinned at the shocked look the young alicorn gave her. Her grin turned sly as she saw the resigned look on her sister's muzzle. "Tirek was only a threat to us because he carried our Little Ponies' magic. Had he not, we'd have sent him back to Tartarus with little effort."
"That is neither here nor there, sister," Celestia said severely. "What this all means however, is that some things that are worse than even Discord at his worst are now freeing themselves." She levitated- with difficulty- the stave up to her eye level. "Star Swirl is often considered the greatest unicorn wizard that had ever lived, yet few realized that he didn't come to unicorn magic naturally." She floated the stave over to Rainbow Dash, who had the presence of mind to grab it with her hooves instead of her new magic.
"He was first trained as a unicorn sage long before he began his studies in pony magic," Luna stated, continuing where her sister left off. "He had enchanted this stave to respond to the presence of shadow wraith mana, and to the presence of one that could fight such creatures." Turning to Twilight, Luna frowned. "When I sensed its presence this morn, I realized that the demons I fought in Hoofington recently were no fluke."
Celestia took up the thread. "This is a concern, as it means that the seals placed on the Gates of Tartarus are beginning to weaken." She pointed in the direction of the mountains south of Ponyville. "The main Gate is that way of course. However, there are others outside of Equestria." She looked sad for a moment. "Despite my best efforts, I've never been able to convince the Keepers to completely close the Gates. Only Cerberus seems fit to head our warnings." She grumbled a little, knowing it was his lack that allowed Tirek to escape.
Shaking her head a little, Celestia continued. "What this means for the three of you," pointing her hoof at the young alicorn, unicorn, and pegasus in question, "is that you will have to journey north." She then teleported another tome; this one had Twilight gasping in shock.
Celestia nodded. She floated the tome over to her former pupil. "Know this, Princess Twilight. I had hoped that you would never be asked to fight like my sister and I have had to," she said sadly. "Nor do I feel
at all comfortable in sending you and your friend in danger with little more than a spy to assist you." Her gaze turned stern as she looked at Clever Marigold. "I have little choice though, as the words in that book do not pertain to me." She frowned. "Damn his beard, but Starry could be quite ambiguous at times; this is not one of those times."
She then made to hug all three of the ponies. "I am sending you all into more danger than any of you have a right to expect," she said, a sniffle in her voice. "Know that you go with the Blessing of Solaris." She turned so that they couldn't see her tears.
Luna hugged them in turn as well. "The Blessing of Selene is with you three as well. Keep in touch as long as you can." The Princess of the Moon made no effort to hide her own tears.
Before the two made to leave, they crossed horns; a glow of combined sunlight and moonlight suffused the area between their horns. When it cleared, a long object made of crystal hovered before the assembled ponies. Clever Marigold took this in her telekinesis without complaint, as she knew that was part of her duties. She bowed to her Princess.
The two royal alicorns briefly bowed before resuming their disguises; Rainbow was nonplussed as to how they were affecting the change.
Twilight watched her princesses leave with a heavy heart. Turning to her assistant, she made the first of many plans. "Spike, there was going to be some other things that you were going to do for us." She sighed. "All of that will have to wait until we get back though. I need you to gather our friends." She pushed her brother towards the palace door. "Have them meet us at Sugarcube Corner in one hour."
Spike nodded before scampering off. Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked at the other pony; neither one was at all happy that they were in the unbound presence of a traitor.
"Look," Marigold said, holding up a badge. "I'm sure you know what this means." Twilight gasped as she looked at it. "That's right, Princess. I may have done some stupid things, but I
never wanted to hurt anypony." She shuddered. "Once I found out just how close I came to possession myself, I swore to do all I could to bring those responsible down." She hefted the crystalline object she held in her magic. "I'm to take you as far as Trottingham, where I was hired. That book," she nodded at the book that the princess had given Twilight, "said that 'the crystalline form will release what it contains in the place where the evil contract was signed.'"
Marigold huffed. "I'm only involved because my badge flashed as My Sovereign read that passage." Twilight looked shocked. "Yes, My Sovereign; I've been a devotee of both Gaia and Selene since I was a foal. How else do you think a
unicorn could become skilled with runes?"
She teleported a map. "Here's where I'm to take you," she said, pointing at a spot north of Trottingham. "Once I get you there and this thing opens, you're on your own." She then teleported three torcs. "These will allow us to send word to My Sovereign and Her sister, since we can't take your dragon Princess Sparkle." The last was said in grudging respect.
Donning their torcs, the ponies moved to gather everything else they would need for their journey. That took awhile for Twilight, until Rainbow Dash told her to limit it to three reference books.
Marigold was already prepared. Not only did she have a Royal Expense Account, she also had a bottomless bag that carried enough provisions to last a month. She only smirked at the expression on Twilight's face; such things required access to materials that only the princesses knew where to find to make; thus there were few of them.
Rainbow flew off as they made their way to Sugarcube Corner, looking for a certain orange pegasus filly. The other two shook their heads in amusement.
Twilight found herself thinking about all that had happened the day before. She started to smirk as she realized that the pony next to her hadn't tried hard enough to get away. "You know, I thought you were smarter than you let on," she said to Marigold, grinning. "I was right. You didn't want to do all you did, did you." The last was more of a statement than a question."
Marigold smirked. "Oh, I did. I just realized I had a snowball's chance in Tartarus in actually succeeding." She frowned. "Nor did I want anypony to be hurt. I may have some problems with greed, but that's only because I had little growing up." She then looked at the princess. "I'll be honest; when I found out just who was involved, I nearly backed out." Huffing in annoyance, she continued. "I only relented when they convinced me that an academic like yourself would be blind to a subtle conspiracy like that. I completely forgot what Papa always told me. 'Never look down on academics, May,' he would say. 'You never know when their smarts will turn to wisdom.' I should have listened to my instincts." Shaking her head ruefully, Marigold chuckled along with the princess.
Before they entered the shop, Twilight stopped the unicorn. "We need to be friends before we go on this journey," she said softly. "Apologize to my friends for your actions if you wish, but know that I've forgiven you." She then frowned. "You were lucky that the damage was minor; you'll have an easier time than Trixie getting them to accept you."
Marigold nodded. They made their way to meet with Twilights friends; both knowing that this wouldn't be the last hard thing they would have to do.
While Twilight was busy introducing Marigold to the rest of her friends, Rainbow Dash was doing everything she could to find Scootaloo. The little pegasus was being especially hard to find this time, however.
When she asked Scootaloo's parents, the earth ponies told her that they hadn't seen her since that morning. "She's, well, she's going through some difficulties right now. I think her wings have been hurting her for some reason." Lily looked at the prismatic pegasus that had done so much to give her little treasure joy. "Her friends might know where she is. I just hope she's not getting covered in more tree sap." Both ponies rolled their eyes at that, chuckling. The CMC could get into some of the oddest situations while trying to get their cutie marks.
"I haven't seen any of them at all, not since yesterday anyway," Rainbow said. "I'll look around the river leading to WhiteTail Woods; that's one of Squirt's favorite places to practice her scooter tricks." Lily nodded
Leaving her 'sister's' home, Rainbow made her way towards Whitetail Woods. Along the way, she thought about what she was going to say to the little pegasus. Scootaloo went for what she wanted with a single-mindedness that was both humbling and utterly adorable. And through it all, she managed to have as much fun as she could.
As the Woods got closer, Rainbow made to land. She noticed that there was a stage of some kind along the northern bank of the river. Flying in for a closer look, Rainbow was shocked to see several of the town foals in front of the stage.
The stage itself was a masterpiece of construction, especially with its current unfinished look. She was able to see that it was remarkably sturdy, given that there were several large pieces of equipment- and several more foals -on its main part. Three of those foals were infamous around Ponyville for being demons of destruction. The others were classmates.
Rainbow winged in for a landing. Only partially aware that she was casting an invisibility spell, she made her way towards the small crowd. The foals all had an attitude of expectation about them. This air became more intense when Sweetie Belle stepped forward, a microphone held aloft in her telekinesis.
" Fillies and gentle-colts, feast your eyes on the greatest show the CMC has ever performed!"
Sweetie called out, her sweet voice proclaiming wonders.
Uh oh, this is just like the talent show all over again, Rainbow thought in dismay. She was about to be surprised.
A few moments after Sweetie finished speaking, the filly in front of the drums began to play. The colt and filly that held guitars in front of them started in soon after. The beat was a beautiful mixture of classical and modern styles; Rainbow swore that she could detect Trotskovsky's influence. Then, Sweetie Belle started to sing.
The voice that came out of that filly was full of life and vigor, and was every bit as sweet as Fluttershy's. In fact. Rainbow had more than a sneaky suspicion that Flutter's had been coaching the little filly. Her words were full of hope and joy as she sang of a journey to find herself; one that would make her sad if it were ever truly finished.
The talent of the foals on the stage paled when Rainbow saw what happened next. An orange-and-purple blur came from behind the stage; when it cleared, Scootaloo
danced in front of the assembled foals.
Her movements were both brash and fluid, fast and slow. At once graceful, and completely impulsive. Scootaloo demonstrated the beauty of Sweetie's words in every single movement, making it look as effortless as breathing.
Rainbow could see that both fillies were taking incredible joy in telling their story with both word and movement. She realized in that moment that Scootaloo was as different from her as she was from Twilight. At the same time though, she could see some of her brash attitude in Scoot's movements, and could hear Rarity's grace in Sweetie's words.
A blaring of trumpets heralded the end of their performance. Scootaloo finished in a pose that was as graceful as an eagle in flight. Her wings were beaded with sweat, yet her face was awash with joy. All the foals clapped, cheering at the masterful display.
It all stopped when a derisive voice spoke from behind the group.
"I've seen better from carnival tricksters. I can't believe you all think a couple of blank-flank fillies and their plot-kissing friends actually have talent."
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon made their way towards the front of the stage, avarice in every line of their bodies. Before either could reach their destination however, a loud
bang from off to the side of the stage was heard. A pair of colts came out, covered in whipped cream and applesauce. Diamond Tiara looked at Snips and Snails, and made to bolt.
They didn't get far; a hidden trapdoor opened beneath the bullies, dropping them into a pit of mud. The foals surrounding them laughed as they slipped and slid.
Sweetie Belle stepped down, her horn glowing. Why it was soon became apparent, as the mud hardened around the two bullies. Scootaloo joined her; both fillies wore long-suffering expressions on their muzzles.
"Ah did warn ya both that there'd be consequences if ya'll decided to come here uninvited," Apple Bloom called from the side. She walked over to where the two bullies were still struggling. "Neither one of ya two small-minded, spoiled brats ever learn to listen to anypony except your folks. Well, Ah'm gonna tell ya somethin' that I should'a told ya a long time ago."
Apple Bloom was in Diamond Tiara's muzzle by the time she had finished all of this. "Ah was
born into a titled family, something ya'll never have." She tossed her head. "Especially since a little draconequus has told me that yer daddy is sitting in jail fer thinkin' he could buy a title with
bits." She flounced towards her friends.
Suddenly, Rainbow Dash remembered something that Applejack and Rarity had been talking about. The CMC had spent the last several days wearing a much longer, expertly tailored version of their cloaks. With a pleased grin splitting her muzzle, she realized why.
"By the way, Diamond, Silver," Sweetie Belle said in a sweet voice. "Were you aware that we stopped being blank flanks four days ago?" All three fillies threw off their cloaks, proudly displaying their cutie marks.
"We all decided to throw this little play as our own cute-ceanera," Scootaloo said, her voice slower than usual. "I threw out that you weren't invited cause I just knew you'd gate-crash." She scowled. "You just love lording it up, don't you? You think because your daddies are two of the richest ponies in Ponyville, that you own this town."
Scootaloo pointed at Twist. "Her grandmother sits on the Council of Eight." She then pointed at Apple Bloom. "Her big brother is Heir to House Apple. Her sister is the Element of Honesty, which makes her an
Equestrian Knight."
Scootaloo then pointed to herself. "I'm a cousin of Buttercup Posey and her granddaughter Fluttershy. That makes me a potential Heir to that House." She then pointed at the two rich fillies. "For all of the money that House Rich and House
Pewter have had, that's all they've ever had. They've tried for over seven hundred years to buy their way to a House seat."
Scootaloo looked at Snips and Snails. "You two are so stupid. Not only did you embarrass yourselves by letting these two trolls bully you, you've done it twice." The colts blanched, recalling that it was Diamond Tiara that convinced them that luring an Ursa Major to Ponyville was a good idea.
"Everypony, let's all go to the schoolhouse," Apple Bloom said. "The rest of the party is waiting there fer us." All of the foals cheered before following the CMC to the schoolhouse, leaving Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon alone.
A now visible Rainbow Dash made her way over to the two bullies. "Oh, just so's you know, Diamond," she said, doing everything she could not to laugh, "Discord didn't lie to Apple Bloom. Your daddy really is in jail right now." She smirked. "He made the mistake of financing the false mayor." She got a little closer. "Oh, his assets were frozen, and his home confiscated. When you get back, there will be a pegasus pony and two guards-ponies to take you to a foal's home. Applejack declared him an unfit father for doing everything to make you a spoiled little rich filly. So don't run Diamond."
So saying, Rainbow Dash flew off after Scootaloo.
After catching up with the rest of the foals, Rainbow Dash spotted Scoots sitting on a cloud. She flew over to the filly, who was looking pensively at her cutie mark; a multicolored bird in flight surrounded by dancing flames
Sitting next to the filly, Rainbow waited. "Hi Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said half-heartedly.
"Hey squirt. Looks like you found your special talent," Rainbow said.
Scootaloo looked up; there were tears standing in her eyes. "But I'm not able to fly like you. How is dancing gonna get me anywhere? You can't dance a storm into being."
Rainbow looked at the filly. "Scoots, your talent is rare, special, and 100% cooler than mine."
All the orange filly could say was one word.
Rainbow smiled. "Scoots, have you ever heard of sky dancers?"
The filly shook her head.
"Well," Rainbow began, "sky dancers are incredibly rare. Even more rare than a Sonic Rainboom." She shifted a bit, moving a small patch of cloud from under her plot. Shaping it into a dancing pegasus, she continued.
"Sky dancers celebrate the very beauty of the sky and the wind," Rainbow said reverently. "They're able to display everything that makes up a pegasus; the speed of a falcon in flight, and the grace of a soaring eagle." She looked a little sheepish. "Sonic Rainbooms have been performed a few times in history. You just need a pegasus who has enough wind sense, and total control over their pegasus mana to do one. I'm only 20% cooler than other pegasi because all of my training has given me that control."
Rainbow looked at the filly. "You came up with those moves yourself." It wasn't a question, but Scootaloo nodded anyway.
Rainbow grinned a little. "That makes you special. Sky Dancers are completely certain of their place. You can't train a pegasus to be one. There's only ever been one in each generation, and the last one died years ago."
Rainbow lifted up the filly's head. "Scootaloo, your gift is the most special I've ever seen, and I couldn't be more proud to have a little sister like you."
The filly started to cry, letting out all of her pain in having a talent that made her different than her idol.
Rainbow decided that telling Scootaloo what she might be could wait for a bit. Right now, she wanted to fly with her little sister.
"Wanna race Scoots?" Rainbow asked, drying the filly's eyes.
Scootaloo cheered up immediately. "Yes!"
The two pegasi flew off, racing each other in perfect formation.
A short while later, the two were sitting at Rainbow's cloud home. Rainbow had shown Scootaloo the book that recorded the names of all Sky Dancers.
Scootaloo was thrilled to see that she had something that made her special. What was truly important though, was that she still had Rainbow's love.
Rainbow looked at the little filly. "Scoots, there's something I'm gonna be doing soon," she said softly.
Scoots looked at her idol. "What, Rainbow Dash?"
Rainbow found this as hard as she had found anything. "Something scary is happening to me Scoots. I've got mana in me that I don't understand." She hugged the filly, briefly swallowing before she continued. "And just when I find out, I'm supposed to go on an adventure with Princess Twilight."
Rainbow Dash held her little sister as tightly as she could. "Can you keep it a secret? Cause if you promise, I promise to tell you everything that will happen. I'll even write to you."
Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow. For the first time, she saw more than her idol.
She saw a pony.
"I promise big sister," Scootaloo said softly. They hugged each other, realizing that they were no longer just fan and idol.
They were family.
Equestria, Ponyville, 03-11-05, 1:22 P.M. A.N.M. (After Nightmare Moon)
Rainbow Dash made her way to Sugarcube Corner, having spent a fun lunch with her little sister. They had talked over dandelion, mayonnaise and tomato sandwiches on rye bread- Scootaloo's favorite, and Rainbow's too, oddly enough. Rainbow was comfortable telling Scootaloo some things that she would have kept from all but Fluttershy.
Afterwards, she sent the filly home with a promise to write as much as she could. Rainbow then packed her saddlebags with the bare essentials; a couple of adventure novels- one the newest Daring Do novel, and the other the third of a classic series- and the text on Pony-Fu, her toothbrush and mane comb, and a high-weather flight suit. She also had her checkbook, and a bag containing all the bits she currently possessed- some five thousand in one-hundred bit coins.
Rainbow could hear talking as she made her way to where the girls were all sitting. "...and I think it was probably the stupidest thing they could have done. It would have cost more to level Ponyville and dig up those gem veins than it would to have put more effort into the Pie Family Farms," Clever Marigold was saying. Rainbow smirked a little; the unicorn had a captive audience.
Fluttershy was the first to see Rainbow. "Rainbow Dash!" she said, in a voice that was for her a shout. The butter-yellow pegasus flew over to her friend and gave her a hug. "I know you're going through something hard right now," she said softly. "Just be careful on your journey, okay?" Rainbow nodded, doing all that she could to keep the tears out of her eyes.
The other ponies watched as the two pegasi made their way to the table where they were all sitting. Rainbow noticed that Twilight was wearing her old crown in addition to the torc that Marigold gave her. There was a plate of rainbow-frosted cupcakes sitting on the table next another smaller saddlebag.
Rainbow took one of the cupcakes and munched on it, savoring the flavor. She looked at the torc, then at Twilight. "What's with the crown Twi?" she asked her friend.
It was Marigold who answered. "These torcs are filled with dragon fire. They'll let you send letters to anypony you wish, though there are some limits." Pointing at the alicorn, she continued. "One of the limits is that they need to be keyed to the ponies that you wish to remain in contact with by the magic of an alicorn. That requires a conjured focus."
Twilight picked up the thread of explanation when Marigold paused. "The gem in my crown contains a focused amount of my own mana, tied to the Tree of Harmony. I normally use it for the hearthstone charm I used this morning, but it will better suffice as a focus for the letter spell." She looked at her friends. "All that really needs to be decided is who we want to tie the other end of the spell to."
"Whatever do you mean darling?" Rarity asked.
"Well," Twilight said, "one of the limits is that these gems only have so much mana in them." She frowned thoughtfully. "One standard scroll is the same as a one-day-charge, so there's enough for eight weeks' of letters." Her frown turned pensive a bit as she continued. "However, that increases the more ponies are tied to the spell."
Rainbow raised her hoof. "Twi, do the ones you wish to tie the spell to have to be present?" she asked.
Twilight shook her head, looking at Rainbow with a small smile on her face. "Not necessarily. You want to pick Scootaloo as one contact, right?" Her smile grew at Rainbow's nod. Her horn glowing, Twilight altered the matrix over the torc around Rainbow's neck. "Rainbow, you were just with her recently, weren't you? I thought so; well, I was able add her as your main contact."
Twilight looked at her friends. "I'm going to save my torc for emergencies, since Spike is already able to send letters to me." her horn glowed again. "Rarity, Applejack, you'll be my two contacts. I'm closing the palace down, so I'm gonna leave Spike with you Fluttershy."
Twilight's horn glowed as she completed the changes on both torcs. "Fluttershy, I'm pretty sure that Rainbow Dash wanted you as her second contact," she grinned a little. Both pegasi were pleased.
"Well, Ah'm glad the business is all out of the way," Applejack said in her distinctive drawl. "Whadda ya'll say that we finish these cupcakes? Rainbow and Twilight got's a train to catch here shortly."
The friends all nodded, and finished up the sweets. They all used this time to commiserate with each other, and to get to know Marigold a little better. The unicorn in question was a little surprised to be included as a friend; she was sure that they'd be a little less forgiving than they were.
Rainbow Dash looked at Marigold. "Hey, don't sweat it too much," she said softly. "Nopony got hurt, and you're doing all you can to set the record straight." She grinned at the bashful look the mare gave her.
They soon left, making their way to the train station. Once they got there, they were met by some more ponies; Scootaloo and her parents.
Rainbow walked over and gave the little filly a hug. "Hey Squirt, you see this?" She pointed at the torc around her neck. The filly nodded. "Well, Twilight made it so that I can use it to send you letters. I have to keep it to a couple a week though. Is that okay?"
Scootaloo nodded, looking happy. Lily looked on, pleased that Rainbow Dash was thinking of her little filly. Stern Glow- Scootaloo's father -was also pleased.
"Miss Dash, I'm happy that you think of Scootaloo as a sister," Glow said in his quiet way. "We've tried to do our best for our filly, and we're both glad that such an important pony has taken such an interest in her future." He placed a hoof on Scootaloo's withers.
Rainbow looked at the three ponies. "Well, I sure hope I'm doing right by her." She smiled a little. "It's been awhile since I was home around my little sister, so I might be out of practice." She wrinkled her muzzle a little, and they all laughed.
The arrival of the train bound to Hoofington cut the little reunion short. Rainbow and Twilight gave all of their friends another hug. Spike was more than a little surly; he was wishing he could go on an adventure too, but the princesses had expressly forbid it. Marigold took the opportunity to give the conductor their passes; the journey was already paid for as far as Trottingham.
The three ponies boarded the train, waving to their friends. Rainbow had tears in her eyes; something inside of her knew that when she saw Ponyville again, that she wouldn't be the same as she was now.
As the train readied to leave, Rainbow noticed the frown on Twilight's face. "What's wrong Twi?"
Twilight looked at her friend. "Are you sure you want to do this Rainbow?" She scowled at Marigold when the unicorn made to object. "I'm not shutting up on this; she has the right to know that she can refuse. I'm only going because my home was attacked, and
not because the princess expects me too." She huffed. "I'm no longer under any obligation to do what Princess Celestia expects of me, and she knows it."
Rainbow thought for a moment. Though she was a little angry that she had been thrust into this without so much as a by-your-leave, a part of her knew it was the right thing to do. Concentrating briefly, she called Star Swirl's stave to her. "I won't lie and say I'm not mad. At the same time though, I get to go on an adventure with friends."
Rainbow smiled as the train left the station. "I'd have done this even if all this stuff hadn't happened. After all," she smirked, "I'm the Bearer of Loyalty."
The other two ponies groaned. They all watched Ponyville recede into the distance, well on their way to a new adventure.