[X]Yes: Will automatically negotiate fee and script changes, and it will be January of 1971, in Hong Kong, for storyboarding and scripting. You will also be celebrating a birthday.
[X] Why skip And lose turns? -[X] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said.) -[X] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, see how they are doing? DC 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing) -[X]Uncle Bruce: Your sister, Cat needs you to take care of your niece. DC: 5 (You are a good uncle) -[X]Babysitting, and other signs of Adulting: Bruce asked you to take care of Brandon and Shannon for the next few days while he does some final production stuff and planning. It can't be that hard... can it? DC: 10 (You and Brandon and Shannon all have a nice, fun-filled evening.)
[X] Plan:One Last Hurrah in the States -[X] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC 50 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.) -[X] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below) -[X]Uncle Bruce: Your sister, Cat needs you to take care of your niece. DC: 5 (You are a good uncle) -[X]Babysitting, and other signs of Adulting: Bruce asked you to take care of Brandon and Shannon for the next few days while he does some final production stuff and planning. It can't be that hard... can it? DC: 10 (You and Brandon and Shannon all have a nice, fun-filled evening.)