Vote tally - Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Oct 15, 2023 at 10:30 PM, finished with 74 posts and 23 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest
Post #16477
Post #16550


  • [X] Plan Thankful for Autopass
    -[X]Goodbye, Farewell, Amen: Lucille Ball has really called you and asked you to come back for an episode. To give the character Radar a Goodbye.
    -[X]1941: Steve's big-budget comedy Film that he had been making with Robert for Months. You honestly think it will be something cool and great. DC: 0
    -[X]Blow Out: Brian wanted to release his film Earlier but had been stuck in the Editing Loophole from hell. So he has to release it at the same time as 1941… Maybe you can do something about that. DC: 0
    -[X]Treating Her Like a Queen: Carrie isn't doing much around the house, so you are hiring some staff for a day to get her house clean as a whistle.
    -[X]The Gate Crashers: Freddie and Queen are back in town... and they have asked to to crash at your place because they know they would be safe. DC: 50
    -[X]Mikes Great Get Together: Michael Jackson has called and asked if you could just hang out. Like just hang out and not do anything. DC: 30
    -[X]Mike Eisners Contentment: "You do know my contract is coming to an end soon." "Yep." "You aren't worried?" "Mike if I were worried about you leaving us, I wouldn't we asking you to sit on the roof and drink a beer with me?" DC: 20
    -[X]The Disney Reveal: Cat has invited you and almost every big name at Lucasfilms to a big event at Disney Land. Wonder what it could be? DC: 10
    -[X]Steve's Wonder: Um Steve. You and George called everyone here. What dark magic have you done now! DC: ???
    -[X]As Mary Grows Older: It's almost Mary's Birthday, so maybe you want to ask her how she's doing and what she wants.
    -[X]A New Way of Doing Things Part 2: Since Brandon wants to be an actor, You decided that he will do things your way in how to handle a situation and of course, that means one thing. "I am not wearing that." It was a costume and a copy of Romeo and Juliet. "You asked me remember." DC: ???
    -[X]Helping Brandon Graduate Part 7: So Brandon, you are now a junior. We are going to get you to graduate by the end of the year, so that you may join the workforce without sacrificing your education. DC: 60/???
    -[X]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???
    -[X]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
    --[X] Project Lighthouse. $220 Million. While most Romanians are stuck in the nation thanks to the Biowar, there are hundreds of thousands who left in the early half of the conflict and need your aid. Try to help the Romanian refugees as best as you can so that no matter how the war ends, they will have some peace and refuge.
    -[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
    --[X] Dino De Laurentiis. The Flash Gordon films are what caused you to connect with George Lucas and they're what inspired George to create Star Wars. You owe a great debt to Flash Gordon due to all the positive butterflies that came with it, and supporting the film would also help Queen since they made the soundtrack. Connect with Dino and try to secure Lucasfilms as Flash Gordon's distributors. If nothing else, it would make for an excellent early Christmas gift for George.
    [X] Plan Thankful for Autopass (Investor Edition)
    -[X]Goodbye, Farewell, Amen: Lucille Ball has really called you and asked you to come back for an episode. To give the character Radar a Goodbye.
    -[X]1941: Steve's big-budget comedy Film that he had been making with Robert for Months. You honestly think it will be something cool and great. DC: 0
    -[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
    --[X] Buy Sunset Toys for $100 million
    --[X] Buy Hasbro for $400 million
    --[X] Buy Apple for $300 million
    -[X]Blow Out: Brian wanted to release his film Earlier but had been stuck in the Editing Loophole from hell. So he has to release it at the same time as 1941… Maybe you can do something about that. DC: 0
    -[X]Treating Her Like a Queen: Carrie isn't doing much around the house, so you are hiring some staff for a day to get her house clean as a whistle.
    -[X]The Gate Crashers: Freddie and Queen are back in town... and they have asked to to crash at your place because they know they would be safe. DC: 50
    -[X]Mikes Great Get Together: Michael Jackson has called and asked if you could just hang out. Like just hang out and not do anything. DC: 30
    -[X]Mike Eisners Contentment: "You do know my contract is coming to an end soon." "Yep." "You aren't worried?" "Mike if I were worried about you leaving us, I wouldn't we asking you to sit on the roof and drink a beer with me?" DC: 20
    -[X]The Disney Reveal: Cat has invited you and almost every big name at Lucasfilms to a big event at Disney Land. Wonder what it could be? DC: 10
    -[X]Steve's Wonder: Um Steve. You and George called everyone here. What dark magic have you done now! DC: ???
    -[X]As Mary Grows Older: It's almost Mary's Birthday, so maybe you want to ask her how she's doing and what she wants.
    -[X]A New Way of Doing Things Part 2: Since Brandon wants to be an actor, You decided that he will do things your way in how to handle a situation and of course, that means one thing. "I am not wearing that." It was a costume and a copy of Romeo and Juliet. "You asked me remember." DC: ???
    -[X]Helping Brandon Graduate Part 7: So Brandon, you are now a junior. We are going to get you to graduate by the end of the year, so that you may join the workforce without sacrificing your education. DC: 60/???