Life is a Petri Dish [Starcraft I][Zerg][Self-Insert][Trash]

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Chapter One: Among the Ruins


Grand Idiot of the Universe
Where am I?

It was warm. Dark. Everything around me looked like the inside of a human mouth, with pink folds and ooze dripping from the walls. Arches rose from the sides and above, with a singular purple crystal glowing to my right. From that crystal came immense power, enough that I felt physical pain just by looking at it. The womb I found myself in is incredibly flesh-like, with black bones and purple mucus stretching around it like an egg sac. It took me a while to realize I could see everything without turning my head. Took me even longer to realize I didn't have any eyes to see with, nor a head to turn.

Alright. That doesn't really answer my question. In that case, who am I?

My name… My name is Jac...ob? Jack? Ja'Quan? I don't know. I can't remember. A hazy fog in the back of my mind blocked passage to my memories. From what little I could recall, I was an avid fan of the Starcraft franchise, wanting to explore everything since the first game came out when I was a young'in. I collected books, I bought the expansion and sequel. I explored fanfiction, fan art, interviews, scoured every inch I could to see what might still be uncovered. My favorite race was always the Zerg with their incredible efficiency, though I had disliked it when Blizzard got rid of my sunken colonies.

I remembered that I was human. Once. Now what am I? I feel like I should know this- does my brain not even want me to understand what's going on?
Focusing, I tore into the hazy fog that clouded my mind, forcing myself to consider what's happening. Then, I remembered it. Walking. Tires screeching. A crash.

I died.

How… anti-climactic.

I suppose I should be more concerned over this, however all I could feel is apathy. Humans were always so droll and prone to mistakes. It only took one to end my previous existence. A voice then spoke in my head, powerful, incredibly so. It surpassed the strength of the purple crystal, which my newfound clarity allowed me to understand was placed there to enhance and sped up my already rapid gestation.

"Awaken, my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright." The thing said, the echoes pounding into my skull. That… psionic voice. It called to me. "This is Law," it said. "Know that I am the Overmind, the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me."

The Overmind. The Father of the Swarm. The all-knowing. It is my duty as His Cerebrate to serve him. My former humanity clashed with my newfound zerg mind, fighting to say that "this will end in tragedy," but I squashed it. I possessed knowledge, now. Knowledge of the future, and of the past. The galaxy is at my fingertips, if only I can grow strong enough to grasp it fully. The Overmind continues to speak, although some amusement is in his tone. Could he feel my intentions, perhaps, if not entirely my thoughts, as he was not focusing?

"Behold that I shall set you amongst the greatest of my Cerebrates, that you might benefit from their wisdom and experience. Yet your purpose is unique. While they carry forth my will to the innumerable Broods, you have but one charge entrusted to your care."

A single charge. A single chrysalis. One that would erupt into a glorious and terrible creature, the likes of which has never been seen before, nor ever will be seen again.
"For I have found a creature that may yet become the greatest of my agents. Even now it resides within a protective Chrysalis , awaiting its rebirth into the Swarm."
Sarah Kerrigan. The Queen of Blades. She who would ascend to Xel'Naga, and eventually seed the universe with life. Precious biomass would become even more plentiful. And yet, I felt a twinge of anger, and frustration. Perhaps a hold-over from my previous life, where I felt disgust at seeing the old grittiness of Starcraft become a feel-good story of hope. Perhaps it was simply hatred that, seeing the future, I would inevitably be consumed and recycled, never again to exist.
I would not allow this to come to pass. While I will follow the Overmind's directives and protect the Chrysalis, once it is hatched, I shall have not a care for it.
"You must watch over the Chrysalis, and ensure that no harm comes to the creature within it. Go now and keep safe my prize."

Yes, My Overmind.

Thus, I directed my attention to an alien tendril of thought. It was a thread, connecting me to a large yet simple brain; my first Hatchery. I felt a small cluster of far smaller minds nearby, mere drops in the ocean that was the Swarm. Two of them are chittering, constantly communicating back and forth with the Hatchery, and seemingly more complex than their fellows. These are my Drones, the work force of my hive cluster.
Twelve of the minds are very simplistic-seeming, with an instinct for mindless killing. Most likely my Zerglings. My 'hounds of war,' as it were, and the backbone of my sparse army. One mind commands all others, connected to the other lesser Zerg and ultimately to me. Flying above the field is my sole Overlord, a bulbous creature that will help in scouting out my opponents.

I immediately set my drones to work gathering minerals and, using the larvae that had been produced from the Hatchery, began to morph Drones for more income and Overlords to increase my control over this brood. By the time Daggoth's mind touched my own, intending to assist me in setting up my first colony, I already had an additional four Drones gathering minerals and two harvesting vespene gas, with two Overlords and a Spawning Pool already birthed in order to expand my host of Zerglings.

"Ah, Cerebrate. I see that you are instinctively aware of what must be done for a Hive Cluster to be efficient." Daggoth states, a tone of impressment in his psionic voice. Gathering my Zerglings, I marched them to a newly-birthed Sunken Colony, ready to lay waste to the pathetically ill-equipped Terran force that now tries to seize my base. Only four Marines? Against the glory of the Swarm?

Truly, they are foolish. My Sunken Colony burrows its tendril deep into the soil, spearing a Marine through the chest as his metal exoskeleton is rent to pieces, crimson blood spurting from his new wounds. My Zerglings are directed to tear their opponents to pieces, screeching in a warcry as their claws flash in the sunlight. If it weren't for the sounds of battle echoing across the plains, perhaps it would have been a nice, sunny day. Limbs are torn off and the Terrans' skulls are crushed, and soon the small taskforce is reduced to naught but puddles of gore, myself having only sustained three Zerglings as casualties.

Thus is the weakness of my opponents. They will have to expend far more resources than I in order to replenish their losses, and whilst humans are finite, We are Infinite.

A new voice enters my head, and I feel annoyance from Daggoth. Perhaps he was about to speak again. "Greetings. I am Zasz. I too am a Cerebrate of the Overmind." That much was obvious. "I have located a small band of Terrans who would threaten the Chrysalis and the Hive Cluster. You must not allow them to leave here alive."

A simple go-here-kill-this mission. I mentally grin, and if I had a human face, one might be unsettled for all the blood lust painted on it. My vespene has grown enough, and thus, I morph an Evolution Chamber and a Hydralisk Den. I recall that the Terrans had access to Wraiths and Goliaths, and unless I feel like wasting several hundred Zerglings, I want to knock those down quickly. Within a couple of days, my structures are finished, and in another five, a new Hatchery goes up. With two Hatcheries producing innumerable amounts of larva, I began production, using the Evolution Chamber to mutate the carapace of my minions and motioning for my Spawning Pool to start increasing the swiftness of my Zerglings. The Hydralisks must also have movement to match, I suppose, and I get to work on adding that adaptation. In about a week, having fended off increasingly more annoying Terran harassment, I had a sizable force of approximately a hundred and twenty Hydralisks and several hundred Zerglings. Even though now I could intricately see everything that goes into the creation of my minions, the speed and efficiency with which they are created is something to marvel at.

With a mental command, they break off, half of my force going north and the other heading east. My northern force encounters resistance in the form of three Terran mechs, Goliaths, and a dozen Marines. They are torn asunder, but not without losing fifty Zerglings and ten Hydralisks from concentrated fire. It seems the enemy has not been slacking in their own research, as the Marines' weapons pierce far more than they have any right to. Ordering my thralls to continue their campaign in the mountainous region, three uncloaked Wraiths die by my Hydralisks' spines before finally I burrow them down to await the call to arms.

My eastern detachment barrels into a group of Terrans guarding a single Barracks. Perhaps that is where they are so quickly coming from. Ordering my Zerglings to enter, they begin tearing apart everything from the inside out, consoles catching fire and the weak-of-flesh humans being crushed beneath my Swarm. The missile turret is useless, being similarly torn down, and I send my brood forth once more. Eight Goliaths and several Marines stand in my way, the Goliaths being focused down by my Hydralisks as they are the most damaging of the bunch, whilst the Marines are kept busy by my swarming Zerglings. In a flash of spines and carapace, the force is destroyed, although nearly one hundred of my Zerglings and thirty of my Hydralisks lie dead.

I shrug. It is not a terrible loss, I suppose, as I can always produce more. Unburrowing my Zerg in the mountains, I begin the assault on the Terran base. They are woefully unprepared, having sent most of their soldiers to stand guard on the outer perimeter or to attack my Hive Cluster. With a thought, the SCVs are annihilated in a volley of spines, and with another, their production facilities lie in ruins by the claws of my Zerglings.

With a third, the Terrans are entirely annihilated.

My mission is complete, and though this was easy, I doubt my work will remain that way. After all, this was simply the Tutorial Mission in the original campaign. In just a few short months, it is said that I will lie dead by Tassadar's hands. I will not allow this to come to pass.

It is Survival of the Fittest.

Such is the way of the Zerg.


I used Archive Of Our Own as a testbed and this seemed to gather a reasonable amount of interest. Chapter 2 is indev, and I am the sole author on this escapade for once. Rate and review, hopefully it isn't trash like the title suggests.
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Way too much game elements. Build order, research...

It does feel like a game but that hasn't to stay. It is well written, at least for my taste. I think it could easily get away from it.

The SI has already take the first steps in that direction with compliting mission objects before them being given to him.
well i got a few ideas​
since it seem like u doing it game style u should adjust the Default research enemy have depending on how much $$$ go into that army. since irl research take way longer then game time and implementing it require resource.​
example: weapon upgrade will be better ammunition to Trooper which cost mineral to make, and unit dont got infinite ammo most have like 5 reload before then run out, so ammunition factory and Food Supply can be added

i always fine that leaving corpse and rekts around are wasteful why not savage machines, along with flesh (recycle) them into more mineral. or u can do wat no other celestial do. make MECHA ZERG(and become immune to posion).​
from wat i remeber differ brood have custome strand that is elite ver of normal troop. maybe u can do somelike simlar on wider scale so u got Meatshield zerg & Elite Unit Zerg(since some mission have limited deploment) and even better maybe promo zerg that live and fight long enough into LEGEND unit. like some KING Zergling that is 5x the size with physic net that allow him to command zergling nearby like Overlord relay, and add tons of extra custom mutation on him that would be wasted on normal fodder. like maybe steal some Protoss Light sword and equip it onto the zerg LEL

a big problem mc face is that celestial is link to overmind so u either gotta save the overmind or somehow self sustain yourself after overmind is ded.​
i remeber that zerg have purple crystal and stuff maybe u can also use something like that and make physic units. maybe u can also infest terran and add unit like sukov and have your own Mecha devision​
mc main body is that slug right? can u transfer to a new body or make a custome unit that will Protect and carry yourself(maybe ride on a ultralisk which is custome make , bigger size more armor hollow space inside to fit u, or be in a flying unit)​
Way too much game elements. Build order, research...
Its got potential, but it really did start to read like a transcript of a starcraft match after a while.
It does feel like a game but that hasn't to stay. It is well written, at least for my taste. I think it could easily get away from it.

The SI has already take the first steps in that direction with compliting mission objects before them being given to him.
well i got a few ideas​
since it seem like u doing it game style u should adjust the Default research enemy have depending on how much $$$ go into that army. since irl research take way longer then game time and implementing it require resource.​
example: weapon upgrade will be better ammunition to Trooper which cost mineral to make, and unit dont got infinite ammo most have like 5 reload before then run out, so ammunition factory and Food Supply can be added​
i always fine that leaving corpse and rekts around are wasteful why not savage machines, along with flesh (recycle) them into more mineral. or u can do wat no other celestial do. make MECHA ZERG(and become immune to posion).​
from wat i remeber differ brood have custome strand that is elite ver of normal troop. maybe u can do somelike simlar on wider scale so u got Meatshield zerg & Elite Unit Zerg(since some mission have limited deploment) and even better maybe promo zerg that live and fight long enough into LEGEND unit. like some KING Zergling that is 5x the size with physic net that allow him to command zergling nearby like Overlord relay, and add tons of extra custom mutation on him that would be wasted on normal fodder. like maybe steal some Protoss Light sword and equip it onto the zerg LEL​
a big problem mc face is that celestial is link to overmind so u either gotta save the overmind or somehow self sustain yourself after overmind is ded.​
i remeber that zerg have purple crystal and stuff maybe u can also use something like that and make physic units. maybe u can also infest terran and add unit like sukov and have your own Mecha devision​
mc main body is that slug right? can u transfer to a new body or make a custome unit that will Protect and carry yourself(maybe ride on a ultralisk which is custome make , bigger size more armor hollow space inside to fit u, or be in a flying unit)​

Thank you for leaving comments, and thank you everyone else for liking my story! I decided to come away from writing (and killing off) quests and try to write a story solo. Since I haven't seen many of them around, I settled on a StarCraft SI rather than Starcraft 2.

I hear your concerns, and I'm trying to get away from the more game-y terms. Rather than just say "I ordered my Drones," for example, I did my best to explain what it felt like to connect to them and what their role was for people who weren't all that familiar with SC for one reason or another. I also plan to make more "custom" evolutions utilizing the Evolution Chamber, actually experimenting with the Zerg genome rather than "herpdederp let's upgrade carapace."

I agree, this chapter did read like a mission transcript after I looked at it a second time through, and I hope that my writing skill improves to the point where I will no longer need to rely on the game's missions in order to tell the story. I plan on breaking from canon for the most part come Chapter 2 or 3, the former of which is currently in production. I hope you'll stick with me until then; constructive criticism and comments drive the story and help me to become a better writer!

Have a great day, everyone, and I'll see you at the next post!
One main problem will be that "primal" Zerg have like a build in evo ai that do most of the work for them but as a Overmind Zerg you are learning it by yourself so u can expect a lot of failures when changing geno, like u slice a superior armor but u didn't handle the support so the creature will just be weighted down and not to mention that Overmind Zerg geno is pretty lackluster compare to others due to not having the tons of extra geno that don't do anything.

if possiable u can try creating something simlar to abathur that will do the gene molding for you and u can just give it the direction and resource. U can make multiple and make them explore in different directions(it make no sense with the lack of diversity)
Zergling: they are front line fodder use to waste enemy stamina and resources
Game: make them even more fodder/ reach more places

IRL: possibility
Heavy frontal armor: they charge at enemy anyway just add extra front armor which can let them tank more dmg(also as raking tool)
Explosive reactions: we know some there are tons of unstable elements out that give Egbert but will explode violently, you can make zergling a ticking time bomb with basicly adrenaline rush that will explode like a shrapnel grenade.
Captain: primal Zerg have pact we can give zergling a extra command modules to take over a pack of zergling for independent action( cause micro managing everything is a waste of enegery so just make a better command structure and hand out the goal and have a Modify queen zerg that's tatican commander lead the battle while you can focus on the war)
Psionic: we can make zergling a zealot, since we know Zerg have psionic and even have Zerg pylon crystal, just need Protoss force field technology so u can copy it( maybe let zergling who survive many compact with many experiences this upgrade along with a captain upgrade)
Virus: corrupted got that aoe spray u can just have zergling carry eggs that can brust like tumor to spread it around
missle: we all love homing missle so why not copy the orks and make some zergling missle( remove the extra pair of claws and change tail to a hole which u can create a explodsion inside the Zerg for a quick firework propelled zergling with a bane long acid in the chest and use wings for flight adjustment)
Orks wannabe: this one is from swarm of war(make zergling spores like orks so u can have supper annoying Zerg resurgence everywhere
Sonic wep: we know sound is a wep we can modify zergling voice box to screech and blew people ear open

there are many more possibilities that is impossible to implement in short time due to lack of knowedge/essence/resource
Due to yesterday I was reading a SW si , don't celebrate feel like hutts without arm and face( can u remake your body to be like a hutt LELS

was on phone now im on pc i can add more idea i had while walking home

if u got blue print/a mech, u can make a zerg ver of that mech by replace ametal frame with carpace, wires with nerves and engine with organ, this isnt that good compare to normal zerg but with this u can plug in a protoss/terran wep onto your zerg and use it that way(cause some protoss wep is really useful)

we also know that normally zerg dont use protoss essence bc protoss essence is really static and hard to slice into zerg since Psionic is said to be really delicate (but i dont believe every protoss dna is the same, so sooner or later with enough sample u can find the pattern and give strong psionic to your zerg [Dirch the dragon zerg])

unlike other zergs u can also employ humans(maybe protoss if u can kipnap some eggs) and we know how crazy human imagination gets so if u can infect a few human and let them stay sane u can have like a R&R division and have your zerg gene slicer do the Work while human provide the crazy idea.
u can also get a few customize infected human it be like Deus Ex Human revolution where u can hide the zerg parts inside and bc zerg= bio, u can evade metal detector and do alot of amazing things.

one main thing i feel like that zerg lack is HERO Units bc they focus on Quantity so much, they usualy dont have much Quality work thats OVERCOST, but but but we all know sometimes a bunch of Meatbags isnt wat we need, wat we require are Elite units that can get jobs done with telling everyone in the sector that u are there. or key location that endless amount of zerg will take a while to break through.
example: Ultralisk is strong and can break alot of barricades but its still a mass produce model, if u put 10 ultralisk amount of armor on 1 ultra lisk(it can acculy successfully reach the enemy barricade and not get bomb down which make it worth more then a ded ultralisk, unless u go full abathur and [Death means nothing, essence is all that matter] and revive all the ultralisk again and again).

Personal Opinion:
it be cool if can create some Infested human that have some internal upgrades and be like deus ex cyborgs, that goes around in Terran territory as a mercenary group that help u earn Credits and technology+ information. this will also set u up with James raynor and u can influence him to Fight Terran empire even more w/e terran forces go too hard on your swarm when u have to focus on the protoss.

gundams are cool so with the Combine power of Protoss Metal Terran Insanity and Zerg Glue we shall create Gundams and kick stupid mobile armor from existence with a [ernesti] stamp of approval.

its also pretty high priority for u to Find zerus for those delicious Primal Zerg essence(which is steak , unlike the ration bars that is Zerg geno)

getting more space transportation also be nice since levithan never feel "safe" for me they always look like some Hot air ballon waiting to be pop

bc i re watch Macross Frontier lately, since zerg can be made into everything can it also be made to a Psionic network with V type virus(removing brains from zerg fodder unit seem really useful since u can make them cockroaches) and no brain require= more space for armor and other stuff, if u can make it really simlar u can also remove the risk of feral zergs, if u want to u can copy and make[Singing] a way to manipulate Psionic like Spell Chants, so u can just download Sound files into new psi Zerg instead of having them Learn how to do stuff.
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