[X] Plan Something Fishy
-[X] First things first, fly up and prepare to evade.
-[X] Ask the Queen of Darkness if she intends to attack us now, and whether it won't be a violation of rules. Can't we all get along?
-[X] If she persists and tries to attack, Rico tries to burn through the chained ceiling, while Eva casts Soothing Moonlight on everything (target-by-level - SO useful) to see if anything happens.
-[X] If nothing useful happens, go to the default response of burning the queen with fire. Reserve the boost for defense just in case. Eva should see about keeping us all healed in the meantime.
-[X] Most importantly: Don't let Queen of Darkness separate you.
[x] Plan Fight Metaphors With Metaphors
-[x] The path this game has been taking is wrong. If the chains of fate say that you're only options are to be a monster, you'll just break those chains. You don't want to hurt anyone, but you refuse to let anyone hurt those you love.
--[x] Sun: Cast Scorching Sunlight at the chained ceiling. Shatter the chains and bring light to this world of darkness.
--[x] Moon: Stay close to Sun, don't get separated. If anyone gets hurt, cast Soothing Moonlight on everyone.
--[x] If the Queen tries to attack, use your quick reflexes and the skills you've learned from training in order to block and dodge. Use your mental connection to time things so that Sun can knock the Queen away when she's being blocked by Moon.
[X] Plan Let There Be Light
-[X] Stick close together.
-[X] If she is close, do a combined melee attack to knock her back.
-[X] If there is space, use Scorching Sunlight, then rush her in melee.
[X] Plan Let There Be Light
-[X] Stick close together.
-[X] If she is close, do a combined melee attack to knock her back.
-[X] If there is space, use Scorching Sunlight, then rush her in melee.
-[X] Try to take her down without killing her