[X] Rico: Keep the rest of the class calm. Use our best "Commander" mode big sister voice.
-[X] "Alright! Now, no one is going to panic. Because if you panic, she panics. And no one here wants that. So, you're all going to keep quiet and slowly walk out of the room without so much as looking at her."
-[X] Call Big Sis after and explain what happened. Including how this is probably her first transformation from how it looked/when it happened.
[X] Eva: Talk to her. Soothing, calm tones.
-[X] Topics: Why she bullied us, our sister and how she doesn't hate magical girls, why she's hurting
-[X] If she asks why we're helping it's because she's hurting and we want to help and because no one should have to run and hide in fear
-[X] Try to get to how our sister does not hate magical girls before Rico calls her and how she's the best way we have to help Ana.
[X] Run for it. You've never gotten along well with her, and she's unlikely to trust anything you say. Get out of the way before everyone else panics and head to the staff room to call home with. Big sis will know what to do.
-[X] If you can't get to a phone, then just run out of school and head home. If you're forced to transform to save yourself from something she does, it'd not go well for you, so stick to bushes and places with cover. Use your size to your advantage.
[X] Eva: Talk to her. Soothing, calm tones.
-[X] Topics: We just want to be her friends, our sister and how she doesn't hate magical girls, why she's hurting
-[X] If she asks why we're helping it's because she's hurting and we want to help and because no one should have to run and hide in fear
-[X] Try to get to how our sister does not hate magical girls before Rico calls her and how she's the best way we have to help Ana.
[X] Eva: Talk to her. Soothing, calm tones.
-[X] Topics: We just want to help, our sister and how she doesn't hate magical girls, why she's hurting
-[X] She's hurting and we don't want to see anyone hurt. Not her, not our classmates, not anyone in the city.
-[X] Try to get to how our sister does not hate magical girls. Ask for Ana's permission to call her, since she's the best way we have to help.
-[x] We will stay right there with her and help her get through this.
[X] Rico: Keep the rest of the class calm. Use our best "Commander" mode big sister voice.
-[X] "Alright! Now, no one is going to panic. Because if you panic, she panics. And no one here wants that. So, you're all going to keep quiet and slowly walk out of the room without so much as looking at her."
-[X] Call Big Sis once (if) you get the go-ahead, and explain what happened. Including how this is probably her first transformation from how it looked/when it happened.