Liberty never Dies!:A sci-fi mecha worldbuilding/ideas/storybuilding thread

After a bit of thinking I had an idea.Instead of the usual cliches of a corrupt central government,horrific regimes excused and justified with halfhearted lies and authoritarianism looking efficient, I would have a story that was different.A world where democracy was strong while tyranny is the path to failure while those freedom loving rebels are shoen to be the libertarian hypocitical power fantasies they are.

Important facts
  1. Psionics,death lasers and various ancient techological bullshit exists and is somewhat uncommon.​
  2. Starfall Coalition originally came into being whe the HSU fell into a dynastic civil war and a bunch of socdems,revolutionaries,a very confused knightly order and some other groups formed a alliance to fight off noble incursions and fight for freedom in the civil war.merchants and coservative independence fghters left and formed the E-REZ and CCI respectively causing a bunch of damage and causing the remaining members to form ranks and strengthen the old constituition.​
  3. troop qualities and numbers are a bit tricky with the HSU having better tech in some ways and having more bodies to throw but the SC has developed better practical/theoretical tech and has way better automation allowing them to build huge drone-swarms,reduce crew sizes and build automted mechs.In additin their human operators are on average equipped better than HSU across the board when it comes to rank and file.​
  4. There is a bunch of subfactions inside both the HSU and SC with said subdfactions having their own doctrines and special units while being inside each factions umbrella.​


locations and war theatres
  • Is within 500-100 planets divided into 5 regions.​
  • The Core contains earth and the first few worlds colonized by humanity.Inside the Core the war between the Starfall Coalition and the Holy Star Union is a brutal defense of Earth and the surrounding colonies against the HSU with the Coalition fighting against the imperator's wrath with tenacity and skill while the corpses keep pilng up.whoever wins here will aid in winning the war.If the imperator wins this will shatter the Coalition's main army but of the coalition can break the siege and kill the imperator then the HSU will fall into chaos and disorder.​
  • The Crown region contains some of the farthest pre FTL colonies and guards the paths to the Core.Currently the HSU is attempting to break the SC supply lines connecting the Core and Colonies region.​
  • Colonies are the first planets set up by FTL travel and are the heartlands of the HSU.Currently SC task forces based of some fortress world enclaves are rallying the rebellions within the colonies while the Crimson Spears led by the imperator's daughter is trying to rally the few forces that are left in the Colonies and crush the rebellion before it goes out of hand.If the HSU wins then more resources can be allocated to different areas of the war but if they lose then at the very least their forces will have to be recalled and most of their industry will be lost.​
  • The Expansion region is the sight of numerous proxy wars and political plays between the SC and HSU trying to involve the Comitee for Colonial Independence/CCI and the Expansion Region Economic Zone/E-REZ to join the war.Whoever wins this war of knives and words will bring new allies into the war.​
  • The Frontier is at the Very edge of known space and is filled to the brim with SC forces trying to break out.The HSU doesn't have the resources or manpower to defeat them,only contain them or slow them down long enough for the other fronts to be resolved.If the Federation can break through they can rampage through the Colonies and break the siege around Sol.​

  • The Starfall Coalition is a diverse federation of various states from the Monarcho-syndicalist underhold kingdom to the totally-not-a-market-socialist state of Libertalia devoted to fighting the HSU.It has both the Combined Feet and the Member Fleets of each polity.It's main problem is the fact that the Coalition is smaller both in size and economic productivity compared to the HSU and that it is currently split in half.It's states tend to be somewhere between social democrat or anarchist commune economically or politically speaking and they share a common currency(in some of the more communal areas the currency is just used to represent out of state rations),common cause in revolution and all are part of the dual house Coalition legislature split between Coalition Parliament and Coalition senate(senate represents popultion and Parliment is x number of seats per state) with everyone electing a Coalition President-genera to lead the federal and military aspects.The SC is in-universe transhumanist(I don't know all the variations of transhumanism so I'm most likely making a mistake) with the belief that humanity should be improved in mind and body through cybernetics and/or genetic enhancement but they have a dislike of psionics with some countries like Libertalia considering psionic capabilities to be a sign of minor monarchist sympathies.​
  • The Holy Star Union is a HRE-esque monarchial confederation of kingdoms and duchies loosely united by the power of the ruling imperator. They are all monarchies practicing feudalism with an emphasis on mech combat being a sign of honor.Their main weakness is the fact that they haven't fought a foe like the SC that could even compare to them militarily, economically or industrially.They also tend to have lots of inter house/kingdom/family rivalries.They are posthumanists beliving that humanity must be abandoned in order fr the select few to ascend from the weakness of the mortal form and "guide" the masses into prosperity.​
  • The Comitee for Colonial Independence or CCI is a loose alliance of breakaway states ans independence movements that came from both the SC and HSU.THey are conservative on the social,economic and political ends of the spectrum with the one uniting factor being a dislike of central government.The SC has a ongoing grudge with the CCI due t the whole sucession thing and the fact that they seem more focused on isolation then fighting the HSU.The E-REZ is a collection of merchant republics and corporate states focused on making a profit.They aren't sure which side they should join because both sides offer opportunity bur\t both sides hate them​

To-Do/to worldbuild
  1. HSU subfactions.​
  2. HSU civil war lore​
  3. SC member states and special units​
  4. battles and events​
Are you open to contributions? I've got a bunch of space-opera-ish ideas left over from my own project that never went anywhere.
space units
Another thing for this setting the main unit groupings for stuff like space combat is in 3 groups-strikecraft,mechs and warships

Strikecraft-Usually strikecraft are fast and highly maneuverable.HSU strikecraft are essentially like tie fighters in the sense that their cheap,have shit weaponry and have no protection against anything that so much as touches it hard.Their main weakness is the fact that they tend to get shredded when up against arship grade AA and ECM suites so they usually needmechs to clear a p.These are given to serfs and are meant to act as meatshields.SC strikecraft on the other hand are of a totally different breed due to the fact that strikecraft were used heavily in it's early history due to their ease of use and because they didn't require as much hangar space.SC strikecraft are multi-role and usually have two grouping of either highly agile skirmishers who protect the warships from mech attacks and clear out HSU strikecraft or bombers that use their speed and small size to launch their ship killer payloads and get away quickly

mechs-mechs are more heavily armed and armored than strike craft and are designed to take anything short of a concentrated AA barrage or a direct hit from a anti-warship weapon.HSU mechs are split between low spec commoner mechs that are around the same quality as a civillian mech chassis that's been heavily retrofitted or redesigned for war.Noble mechs are high quality works of art designed for CQC combat and often have crazy tech that only one noble family has but tou can expect stuff like a special arrays designed to boost psychic attacks,energy shields and ungodly amounts of ECM.SC mechs are designed to be medium-high quality across the board with every mech being better than a commoner mech but aren't super elite special snowflakes like the noble mechs.In addition SC uses drone mechs to act as meatshelds like commoner mechs except there isn't anyone in the deathtrap(before you ask no the HSU can't do the same thing because their electronics/computer tech is less advanced on average and because it would allow smaller duchies to be on par with larger ones and would upset the balance of power).GRanted this apples to the SC combined fleet because each of the member states use variations on the tactics or use a different one.

warships-all warships are different from the above two categories in the sense that they are bigger and that they all have FTL capability.The warship classes are split between carrier types that are designed to carry mechs and strikecraft and battle designs that have a bunch of heavy weaponry.The warship classes from smallest to largest are cutters(fleet tenders),frigates(fleet tenders too),destroyers(escort carriers),cruisers(carriers),battlecruisers(strike carriers),battleships(fleet carriers) and the largest and limited to the HSU are mega-dreadnoughts(SC has the battle carriers which are bigger than battleships but smaller than mega-dreadnoughts)
What kind of interstellar communications exist, if there is anything other than "put it on a ship heading that way".
What kind of interstellar communications exist, if there is anything other than "put it on a ship heading that way".
while the Pony express style of communication was common in the very early days of the HSU because most of the ancient FTL coms hadn't been discovered,researched or reverse engineered yet but currently the 4 main ways are psychics,ansible,quantum net,and the crash network.Ansibles are FTL coms that pretty fast but can only send stuff like communications to the closest Ansible which will then send it to the next one after that until it reaches the destination.The Ansible system is mainly used in the HSU for civillian coms because it's easy to spy on,cheap to use and any rebellion will have to use this system.Psychics can link with other psychichs and send information in real time similar to a astropath from 40k but they are't widely used because it's a skill and the quantum net is a better system.Quantum net's are basically quantum coms that are used in the HSU for important military communications because it's really hard to make them,they are really resource intensive and they recquire a bunch of facilities to maintain so only cruisers and above can carry a coms suite.SC quantum coms are used for military and civillian use(SC has a better grasp on the tech) so they can be used similar to the modern day internet.In addition destroyers and above craft can carry a coms suite.Crash networks are developing SC are designed to have one ship around cutter size having the suite and then using it for allof the mechs and strikecraft so that HSU ECM will be useless on missiles and targeting systems.