Katherine desperately needs someone to team up with her. Her coops are borderline unworkable at the moment and don't let her play into her strengths as a military leader/trainer since the DC for those actions is too high for to tackle by herself. I don't see this changing this turn, unfortunately.
I think the big problem is that Katherine just lacks the ability to compromise and and avoid needless confrontation. If we could Identify the right skill we could train Katherine in it with Pamela, and her coops would shoot up, not enough to be fantastic, but she'd be workable in more than a handful of situations. Hmm.
to separate something into parts and not allow those parts to mix together
Compartmentalize might work. It would let her be more professional and ignore peoples negative attributes. Again, nothing revolutionary, but it would put her into workability.
Meena has no reliable, go-to team-ups. This could change with a good recruitment effort for occultists, particularly if we pick a science-leaning magic user
Meena has a lot of decent coops, but conversely no overly strong ones. If she weren't usually the highest learning character in a team up that wouldn't be much of an issue, and conversely it can come in handy for leading people who otherwise don't get along.
It's been hinted at before that most magic is more about belief, and science is more about logic. This is why it's so hard to teach Lex Magic. It'd be pretty hard to find a science minded occultist with the kind of power or versatility we are aiming for.
What meena needs is tact.
The ability to recognize when she has pushed to far and plan ahead to butter someone up to make them more willing to answer her questions and such.
Rose hopefully returns next turn. Stats will increase? Something to do with her brother/father? Hopefully, her coops with Talia, Eve, and Livewire will be good.
Talia is likely, eve maybe, livewire is a coin flip to whether she gets on her nerves or not. I'm more interested in how she gets along with meld for intrigue team ups than the latter two, and whether any of her good coops have shifted. Also, whether her dad is looking into us now or not.
Cold Engine completes this turn, so either Louise will demand to work on it or offer her resignation. We could use Helena's nemesis action to announce the Cold Engine and give her credit publicly this turn? Frankly, we should fire her.
I don't think so, and I think we are voting on the final sub action selection as part of the hero vote. If she is being weird next turn and still around, I say we fire her while doing that push for recognition action. Caitlin is loyal enough she won't care much about not getting acknowledged.
Alternatively, if we think it's worth the time, we could use pheromones to convince her to be paranoid about abduction over her knowledge and believe she needs to stay with Lexcorp for her own safety, but it's a waste in my opinion.
Last suggestion is to have Bee snap her up. She'll get some use out of her for a few years and then she'll go braindead, taking info on the Cold engine with her.
I feel like we need to have someone teach Leonard engineering so we can have him and Caitlin as our Cold engine team. That or finally use the language spell on someone so we can maybe get him to use it after he has seen the results.
We will probably need 2 hero units to build another Lexcorp tower next turn given the rising DC. Nathan + Starfire (+42, -10 to DC) could be useful
Unless we are targeting somewhere difficult I feel like it's likely there is a DC within just Nathan's range.
Random idea: if robotic convergence increases Lex's and Marie's coop score to 2 then Marie's Diplomacy should only be increased up to 30. If we increase it to 31 then their Diplomacy team-up will be +97 and given the scale of successes that they will experience, Marie's diplomacy increasing is inevitable, even a +1 to Diplomacy will turn them into a +99 team and bar them for additional rerolls. At Diplomacy 30, +95 on a team-up will be slightly weaker but significantly more resistant to stat increases and thus more useable long-term
Fine by me. I want her to get her intrigue over 20 anyways, though again, I am 100% not converting her until she has her trait. We know nothing about how a converted hero unit functions in terms of trait acquisition, and I'm not taking the risk. A turn or two of trying for a trait won't kill us, and we don't know that LMD reverse engineering has succeeded.
Diplomacy (* post-transition Marie), Martial, and Intrigue all have decent coverage hero unit-wise. Additional recruitment efforts for Learning and Stewardship hero units should be made. Recruit scientists? Recruiting executives with Lex and Marie post-convergence could be viable as well.
Recruit competent assistants.
[ ] Recruit competent assistants
DC 35
Roll 67
Amazing Success
Recruit Competent Assistants subvote
Please select up to two of the listed option. Keep in mind that I will not be revealing stats in advance for any of these characters.
[ ] [RCA] Felicity Smoak
This programmer has had a long history of getting involved in various smaller startup companies. While she hasn't had any major breakout hit her management and coding skills are excellent and make her a good asset.
It's how we got Felicity.
[ ] Recruit competent assistants
DC 39 It's so hard to find good help. Mercy is a blessing in her competence but she cannot do everything. Finding someone to help fill in the gaps and take care of things you can't personally oversee would help everything run a lot smoother
[ ] Recruit Managers and Executives
DC 127 Sometimes you need an individual to be able to manage things. While you've certainly got your own hands full, having someone who is skilled in the art of business could enable you to free up more of your time and focus your efforts elsewhere
And the DC is much lower than managers and executives.
I think that recruiting Zatanna in our occultist recruitment action is probably not optimal if she is offered. She is too moral and it's unlikely that her Learning stat will be high, not to mention that she will come caveats like having to help her with her shows and stuff like that. I'd rather pull her over to us over time and take other occultists right now if offered to solve more immediate needs.
Her learning stat being low might be offset by a trait relating to teaching or magic learning actions. Another thing to keep in mind is that occultists, like superheroes, prefer independence. It's difficult to get someone of quality who doesn't have enough familiarity with you to feel comfortable. It's not like we have grand evil magical ambitions. We want a heroes for teams to learn more about mostly safe kinds of magic and help our younger mages get a hold of their powers. Her likely high coop with jinx is good for that. We aren't planning to strike deals with demons or possess the daily profit here.