Vote tally - Let's Play Rule the Waves 3 - An Interactive Let's Play by Shebe Zuu

Scheduled vote count started by Shebe Zuu on May 26, 2023 at 2:03 AM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Shebe Zuu
Let's Play Rule the Waves 3 - An Interactive Let's Play by Shebe Zuu
Post #28
Post #44

  • 11

    [X][FLEET] Split our battleships into two divisions, to give us greater flexibility in deployment.
  • 12

    [X][TOUR] Our Gazelle-class cruisers may be sub-par but we have a lot of them and don't particularly need them at home either. Send a few abroad.
    [X][TOUR] Perhaps if we expanded our base facilities in Tanganyika we could send some heavier ships instead…
    [X][TOUR] The Gefion-class has the speed and the firepower to match any opponent it's likely to meet, a perfect fit!
  • 12

    [X][TRAIN] It is to early - and expensive - to commit to such training at the moment (No special training)
    [X][TRAIN] Damage Control will be our specialty!
    [X][TRAIN] Let us focus on Gunnery training!
  • 12

    [X][MOTHS] We are on a tight budget and cannot afford to spend money preparing for a war that may never come. (Put as much of the fleet in reserve as can be managed)
    [X][MOTHS] Our cruisers may well face the enemy alone and on the other side of the world, and need to maintain their edge. (Keep our cruisers active and place the rest in reserve)
    [X][MOTHS] The Battleline is what will win us control of the sea, and it must be of the highest quality. (Keep our battleships active and place the rest in reserve)
  • 12

    [X][DOCKS] Larger dockyards are always a worthy investment. (Expand dockyards)
    [X][DOCKS] Unfortunately I don't think we can fit that in the budget. (Do not expand dockyards)
  • 12

    [X][BUILD] Our Gazelle-class light cruisers are hardly suitable as either raiders or scouts. We should commission a new, more capable design to fill these roles.
    [X][BUILD] Our current battleships are sadly limited to coastal defense in our home waters. We should seek new designs that will allow us to project power beyond Europe.
    [X][BUILD] Though still under construction, the Furst Bismarck-class seems to hold great potential. Perhaps we ought to order a second example?
    [X][BUILD] Write-in: We should order new predreadnoughts that can overmatch anything else currently under construction!
  • 12

    [X][FORTS] The German coastline is still vulnerable and must be our priority. (Expand defenses in Europe)
    [X][FORTS] Our current coastal batteries are sufficient for our needs. (Build nothing)
    [X][FORTS] The German coastline is still vulnerable and must be our priority. (Expand defences in Europe)
    [X][FORTS] We ought to invest more in the defense of our Empire! Make sure our possessions are properly protected. (Expand defenses in colonial holdings)
  • 12

    [X][EGG] We need the best technology available and are willing to pay for it. Give them as much as they can use! (12% monthly spending - MAX)
    [x][EGG] The current scientific budget is acceptable. (8% monthly spending)
    [X][EGG] Those Eggheads have had it too good for too long! Cut their budget! (6% monthly spending)
    [X][EGG] We need the best technology available and are willing to pay for it. Give them as much as they can use! (12% monthly spending - MAX)[][X][RESEARCH] We should focus on coming up with new and innovative design schemes for our future fleet. (Prioritize Ship Design and Turrets & Gun Mountings)
    [X][EGG] Perhaps we can find a bit more room in the budget for them. (10% monthly spending)
  • 11

    [X][RESEARCH] We cannot afford to rob Peter to pay Paul, all our technological endeavors are equally important. (No prioritization)
    [X][RESEARCH] We should focus on coming up with new and innovative design schemes for our future fleet. (Prioritize Ship Design and Turrets & Gun Mountings)
    [X][RESEARCH] We cannot afford to rob Peter to pay Paul, all our technological endeavours are equally important. (No prioritisation)
    [x][RESEARCH] Let us focus our research in the areas which our scientists are most skilled in. (Prioritize Armor Development and AP Projectiles)
    [X][RESEARCH] We need better guns and projectiles to decisively engage the enemy! (Prioritize Naval Guns and HE & AP Projectiles)
  • 12

    [X][MAIL] Our attention should be on our most likely enemies. (Focus spending on high tension)
    [x][MAIL] We shouldn't ignore our adversaries entirely, but better (and cheaper) not to be provocative… (Focus on keeping costs down)
    [X][MAIL] Our first priority should be to keep an eye on our immediate neighbours. (Focus on Russia, France, and Great Britain)
    [X][MAIL] Our first priority should be to keep an eye on our immediate neighbors. (Focus on Russia, France, and Great Britain)
    [X][MAIL] Gentlemen do not read each other's mail! (No intelligence spending)
  • 1

    [X][HONOUR] We are willing to endure a few sneers and jeers if it's for the good of the nation. (Be pragmatic about spending Prestige for other benefits)
  • 12

    [X][SUN] Our REAL enemy is clearly the perfidious nation of {Russia}! (Try to focus tension against a particular nation)
    [X][SUN] Though it is not our place to question the Kaiser, it is clear that the Navy cannot challenge Britain just yet… (Focus on avoiding a conflict with Britain)
    [X][SUN] Our REAL enemy is clearly the perfidious nation of FRANCE (Try to focus tension against a particular nation)
  • 11

    [X][TURNS] Conduct a full turn every year with a mid-year 'check-in' to address any pressing issues.
    [X][TURNS] Conduct a full turn every 6 months.
  • 11

    [X][HONOUR] We are willing to endure a few sneers and jeers if it's for the good of the nation. (Be pragmatic about spending Prestige for other benefits)
    [X][HONOR] The honor of the Navy is paramount! (Try to keep Prestige as high as is practical)