Let's make a space setting with both FTL and Relativity

We Just Write

Blatantly Plural
New England
So, according to Relativity, any form of Faster Than Light travel can be used to arrive at your starting point before your departure. Many physicists rather dislike this idea, as it completely upends the current understanding of causality, and paradoxes are a major headache for everyone involved. As such, many physicists, the late Stephen Hawking among them, have declared time travel impossible in an attempt to prevent paradoxes from creeping into their physics.

Personally, I consider this boring; there are plenty of ways to render paradoxes impossible while also allowing all sorts of trans-temporal shenanigans. As such, I'd like to use this thread for brainstorming ways to put together a space opera-ish setting that obeys General Relativity while also allowing FTL in the form of any valid general relativistic metric. Per post, each poster can put down up to five facts about this setting.

1: There are currently five accessible versions of Earth existing in parallel, with travel between them either requiring a complicated traversal of the wormhole network, or just using the gates that were dragged through that route already in order to facilitate easy inter-earth travel.

2: Humanity is apparently an 'early riser' civilization, coming into being billions of years before most other sapient life.

3: Humanity has contacted ten other spacefaring civilizations across all timelines. They are only currently accessible through a wormhole fired an extreme length of time into the future using time dilation.

4: Many civilizations develop uploading and severe gene tampering long before figuring out spacetime tampering, but often retain forms resembling the ones they evolved into for sentimentality reasons.

5: Yeah, those wormholes fired into the deep future? Turns out that no other sapient life would be turning up in the Milky Way until Sol hit its Red Giant phase.