Lets Help Cyber prepare for The One Year War (And all the Madness)

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Gundam One Year of Hell (No SV, The One Year War is trying to Kill You...)

The Year is Universal Century 0075…

And the Solar System and its inhabitants have changed forever.

From the Federation struggling to fulfilling its Mandate, to Avalon, building upon the Golden age promised in its foundation.

Zeon prepares itself for the fight for independence and the rights of Spacenoid Nationalism that it claims to fight for as the words of Zeon grow from the masses to take the Federation mandate for themselves.

On the Mountains of Mars, The AEUG plot and prepare for the coming war and political battles to come. With a thousand Ideas and a thousand plans they must choose the future Admiral Blex Forer suffered to give them, for freedom is a thing that so easily be taken away.

He works for the betterment of Man, but even the greatest of men make mistakes and stumble under their own ideals.

The Belt hold many terrors and Wonders as Axis Zeon walks among outcasts, insane people, and mercenaries , as they carry about their own mandate and ideals into the future.

A Future that is long and Far away...and above all Uncertain.

The Jovian Republic stand at the precipice of great change, a change not seen since its inception during the Age of War, an age that was their baptism by fire and blood , now free to chart their own destiny in the stars at long last they wait and listen…

Preparing to make a move to change everything once and for all.

Finally, there is the Orthys Republic of Saturn, the Dreamers of the Universal Century whose actions led to these uncharacteristic and Earth Shattering events.

They work and live in tandem, not a single one has any idea that a war is coming and that soon Humanity will bleed once again.

Such things are inevitable.

And all we can do now...is merely watch as it is created .

And see how the world has changed for better or worse.

AN: So...I wanna see how you all want to see how the World has changed since Titan Rising Started...and I want to see the ideas, headcanons and OC's that you wanted to create but can't because of how Titan Rising Operated.

Well here's your chance to Help me build a world that has changed...and well prepare for the ONE YEAR WAR!!

And Also because I love you guy's Enjoy and have fun.

And Because I'm using this to gague interest and build the quest off what your going to build
Well what do you want to do boss man? Folks and how they changed?, new folks born in-between and joining now, new tech that has been made or discovered, or even how how organizations and governments have changed?
The federation has Jupiter supporters that are well being assassinated by the federation though it can cause great crisis if not handled properly
Uhh can you clarify this so I give a good answer, because Jupiter SUpporters aren't being assassinated because Jupiter already suffered, Societal collapse, civil war, A Reconstruction and a blockade of trade.

The Crisis itself is that Jupiter is getting Immigration and prospaeity unseen in its history and wants to focus on its own desteny and allinces.

In hoi 4 terms....

It can Go Non Alligned.


Some Brand of Socialism/Controlism that Diekun was talking about.

Or Embrace Spacenoid Facism.

Like a Hoi 4 game.
AN: So...I wanna see how you all want to see how the World has changed since Titan Rising Started...and I want to see the ideas, headcanons and OC's that you wanted to create but can't because of how Titan Rising Operated.

Well here's your chance to Help me build a world that has changed...and well prepare for the ONE YEAR WAR!!
I want to see what crazy tech from the other Gundam settings get made here by everyone. We already have access to Gundam UC tech after looting the Unicorn but now I want to see what other stuff will be developed like Seed's Phase Shifting (but not limited by power constraints like canon) now being able to block energy beams along with physical projectiles.

Just some ideas.
Okay bu your going to have to build who is building that and make a little story about it
Model: RGM-117s GM 'Mjolnir'
Created during the lead-up to the One Year War by the scientists of Avalon, this next-gen Mobile Suite utilizes proprietary Plasmatic technology* to power it's array of advanced technology giving it currently unparalleled defensive capabilities. Using experimental 'Phase-Shift' armor technology to protect against beam and projectile weapons, enables this suit to engage at all ranges with a plethora of weapons designed for it specifically**. Combined with an experimental stealth system*** to get into position lets this suit perform a variety of roles as part of a combined arm division or mobile suite brigade.

* Plasma reactors that "utilize a set of improved nuclear fusion engines that featured two smaller reactors around a larger one, which were capable of boosting the overall power output by 300% for a short time if needed." Featuring a "laser-induced optical slurry of ions chilled to near-absolute zero" virtually eliminates a commander's concerns about overheating and slagging a ship's (or mobile suites) engines and reactor.
**Helical Rail-Weaponry, Laser Lance (Spartan Laser) Weaponry, Particle Beam Projector Weaponry, Phased Plasma Projector Weaponry and Positronic Weaponry.
*** Mirage Colloid and Optical Stealth Systems.
Ohh this is nice, is basically Avalon's GM...but slightly better then the Federations GM.

Awesome...this is exactly what I'm looking for.
Seed has some good tech that was hampered by shit energy generation in canon. So why not showcase it here where it can be utilized to it's highest potential? Plus they're Halo fans. It would be out of character for them if they didn't make a Mobile Suite that looked like a Spartan.
Seed has some good tech that was hampered by shit energy generation in canon. So why not showcase it here where it can be utilized to it's highest potential? Plus they're Halo fans. It would be out of character for them if they didn't make a Mobile Suite that looked like a Spartan.
HAHA...your right...but have fun with building characters and possible bad things that may happen.
...I am already imagining one where Gihren almost wins, but then his alliance implodes on itself turning the galaxy into a bunch of warring states, with no power strong enough to unite them...
HAHA...your right...but have fun with building characters and possible bad things that may happen.
I have one idea for how the One-Year War can go to hell. Once my laptop recharges, I'll write out a profile for it.
So here it is. Better late then never.

Historical Classification: The Hell War(s), The End Times (Part 1)

During the years leading up to the One Year War, geologists cataloguing and exploring the Martian surface for resource extraction made a massive discovery that was quickly hushed up and classified; the discovery of remnants of extraterrestrial humanoid life seemingly but not actually native to Mars. Buried deep under the Martian surface was (what later went on to be translated and learned) the lost city of Hebeth of the ancient Argenta civilization. Countless relics (in differing states of preservation and degradation) were recovered and local anthropologists and historians were catatonic from sheer awe at the wealth of knowledge at their fingertips. But the recovery and reverse-engineering of certain relics for combat purposes dominated the AEUG's focus. From this unexpected cornucopia came such whispered creations as the Barbatos* and Hashmal** which were all made possible by the discovery of a previously unknown energy source known only as... Argent***. But this proved to be but the first step down the road of damnation and the coming conflagration that would engulf the Solar system in a furnace of war without end.

* ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex
Created during the beginning of the One Year War but not completed till near the end, this unique Mobile Suit became the bane of countless Zeon forces and haunted the nightmares of all those who fought near it for it's unrestrained savagery and brutality. Possessing a haunting and uncanny grace that made even the Mobile Suits of Orthys and the joint Federation/Avalon project pale in comparison, it made up for it's lack of long-range weaponry by possessing an immunity to the Beam weaponry common among the battlefields of the Universal Century and the speed and agility to dodge all other attacks that could harm it in order to close within range of it's prey to rend them limb from limb, ensuring no escape was possible.
**Unmanned Mobile Armor Hashmal
Created as part of a program by AEUG to reduce combat losses among manned forces through the application of massed drone usage, the Hashmal proved it's worth as both a speedy and efficient scout as well as a rapid assault shock trooper that deep-strikes it's targets, inflicting maximum damage before exfiltrating out of retaliatory ranges. Was eventually used as the basis of a new model of Mobile Suit that could control a group of Mobile Armors in what would affectionally be called "a Flock" or less charitably "a Murder".

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Factions and Forces: Make Factions for Zeon
Factions and Forces: Make Factions for Zeon

The One Year War is no longer a battleground between Ideologues and the Status Quo, colony and states.

It is a war between Factions, Adversaries and Forces the Likes of which the Original One Year war lacks in its entirety.

You can chose the State, the Faction within the state, the army or units to play as as you try to survive the ONE YEAR WAR!!

[]The Principality of Zeon: The Main Player of this war, in one timeline the mover and shaker, who's ideologies are not only present but warped and twisted into the large feeling of time as those that lived now no longer matter.

But in this Era you are stong, mighty and above all, near the peak of your power.

-[]Krycillia's Legitimate Zeon:

-[]Girhen's True Zeon
--[]The Delaz Fleet:

-[]Garma's New Life Zeon

-[]Bakharov's Zeon Republican's

AN: Alright guy's I am asking to help fill out the Factions and Units within the Principality of Zeon...so we can actually start getting work done on making this quest.

Make descriptions, national spirits, Char Sheets and all of that HAVE FUN!!

ANd help Cyber prepare for the One Year War.
Well I finally read the Titan rising and came up with a single national spirit.

The One Year War: This is a battle that will decide the Fate of the Solar System, and the future of Humanity for centuries to come. (While fighting the One Year War, you will be forced to make choices that will define your nations)
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