Let's Create A Comic Book Setting (Superheroes and Super villains)

1. Gods, Cosmic Beings, etcetera can be multi galactic, etcetera with their own power alone. Regular heroes and villains can't, at least not without some addendums added to the OP. For now, the highest levels that heroes and villains can be is X2 Galactic.
2. Feel free to have some noticeable similarities to Superman, Batman, etcetera but they must be noticeably different and interesting.
3. The setting is centered, like most comic books that I know of, on Earth.
4. Superheroes have been noticeably in the public sphere since the 90's.
5. Create Superheroes, Supervillains, and side characters. You can also create areas like Kamar-Taj, Wakanda, Atlantis, etcetera, but don't change real life locations too dramatically.
6. No Time Travel yet.
7. No iron rules on magic and science yet. For now, imagine the magic of this setting being like DC's or Marvel's.

You can post up to ten "facts" about the setting per day. Feel free to chop up these factoids on the setting and spread them throughout the day.
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1. The whole phenomenon of superheroes as a cultural force emerged due to a combination of many reasons. But three main factors contributed to this system: propaganda, comic book culture, and the pursuit of control by governments. The first factor, propaganda, mostly took place during the two world wars. Superpowered individuals already existed at that time, and even before, but there were far fewer of them and they were less noticeable. During World War II, some were used as soldiers in special forces and as propaganda tools. Early heroes.

Partly from this emerged the culture of comics, which became quite popular. This was enough for some people to develop an idea of being costumed vigilantes, not strictly with powers. In some places, it even became fashionable in the post-war era, when, due to the scars of war, there was a huge rise in crime and existing legal institutions simply could not cope with the situation. This contributed to the creation of groups of citizens who took the goal of maintaining the law into their own hands. Some of them took inspiration straight from early heroes of the war times.

Soon, governments stepped in to slowly take control over this new phenomenon. Some figured out ways to use it for their benefit, employing both soft and hard power. After all, why reinvent the wheel when there is already an understandable idea in society's mind about how such things should be conducted: comics, war heroes, and the post-war vigilantism movement. This approach proved to be rather effective when a second boom of superpowers happened in the late 1980s. Sometimes it was even profitable and laid the foundation for institutions dedicated to regulating superpowered individuals and vigilantes.

P.S. Just wanted to tell about, where the whole idea came from and what cultural/historical phenomena contributed to creation of the movement.​

You can post up to ten "facts" about the setting per day.
I have a few questions. When does day start and end? Time zones can be pretty confusing, in which one we work to count days? Also, should one wait for someone else to post facts, before doing it second time?​
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Ok, this will do it. I am just on the other side of the planet - so day for me comes to an end. :D

Hmm, I put another idea, which was on my mind for pretty long time. Just to have some basic laws of reality to describe whatever fantastical phenomena appear in this bizzare world, a sort of framework.​

2. Basic Metaphysics. The entirety of reality is permeated by metaphysical fields, which generally remain dormant and seldom interact with physical phenomena or shape new ones. However, they do interact sometimes with physical things and each other. What do these fields represent? They are pure forms, gradients of concepts - ideas that have existed, exist, or could exist within the universe. This is the primary reason why anomalies exist: superpowers, psychic abilities, various forms of magic, extraordinary talents, and so forth. These fields are particularly pronounced when large populations of sentient beings are organized into complex systems and generate substantial amounts of dynamic data and ideas.

However, metaphysical fields can sometimes begin to influence reality for other reasons as well: cosmic anomalies, locations with a high metaphysical weight (such as the remains of a great alien civilization), or remnants/scars left by powerful entities. Any concept that the human or inhuman imagination can conceive of exists in some form within these metaphysical fields. Like a possible physical phenomena, which can be accessed somehow.

Nevertheless, tapping into these fields is a complex process. Some species, civilizations, or societies may find it easier to access certain fields while finding others more challenging. Reality possesses objective truths, but these are merely a sketch, the bare bones of existence, unbending blueprint. It is the work of observers to add color and fill these sketches, ultimately creating a complete picture. The world exists somewhere between the purely objective and the purely subjective; it is a gradient between these two absolutes.

Metaphysical fields are purely objective in their essence, for example. But some esoteric things like souls are purely subjective, which can produce some contradicting things in reality. So philosophy actually has a lot more uses than it already should in this reality. And existence itself is capable of producing a broad spectrum of phenomena.​
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1. Old Glory
An extraterrestrial baby was found in the American Mid West in the 1930's. This baby was raised by a middle class American family, a bit more well off than their neighbors but not "rich" either. He was raised with family based morals, a dash of tradition, and patriotism with a modicum of Christian (Protestant) religion. "Truth, Justice, And The American Way" was his motto from long before he started his Superhero career, and still is. However, from the moment his parents found him in a metal pod, it was clear he was different. The crash could have killed any adult riding it, no matter how tough, but the baby was unharmed. Then, by the Vietnam War, Old Glory was a man who had been through numerous experiments by the government. Old Glory disappeared mysteriously during the Vietnam War, and only re-appeared on New Years day, 1990, in New York City. Old Glory has the powers of flight, superstrength, super speed, super charged laser vision, and hardcore durability, having survived weaponized impacts superior to any nuclear weapon ever invented. He has long been regarded as being the most powerful super hero in popular imagination since 1990. (That's subject to argument, though.) However, Old Glory does have a "weakness" to magic, in that he isn't particularly resistant to it like he is to everything else.

He has been known to show mercy to his enemies, and occasionally, these same people actually change as individuals for the better.
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1. The Salesmen:
The Salesmen are the largest mysterious criminal organization, that is publicly traded on the stockmarket. Their motto 'Everything for a price' and will buy and sell the wierdest things for the right price and they don't disciminate in their custumers.

2. Insta-X:
Henchpoeple are a necessity for any self respecting villain, but very few people are willing to aid in destroying the world and not everybody has the time or money for an army of Doombots.
This is why Insta-X is the highest grossing product of the Salesmen. You just need to add hot water and equip them with gear to get them to do whatever you want They innitially come without souls in order to prevent them from forming ghosts and they are incapable of independend thought to prevent rebelion. And they have a shelflive dry shelflive of about 10 years and a wet shelflive of about a week to a year depending on the envirement.
You can get them at your dealer in 4 different flavours optimized for lions, crocodiles, sirens and cannibals.
1. The Man-With-Eyes
18th August, 1783 the Great Meteor streaked across the skies of the British Isles on a clear, dry night marking the appearance of the Man-With-Eyes. For weeks on end storms and all manner of strange phenomena would plague Great Britain till about the the start of the winter season. All manner of rumours were abound what this strange event was but in the city of Dumfrie, Scotland strange sighting began to be reported. Amongst the poor and criminal folk they told of something that had a human face but on its back there were hundreds of blue star like eyes. Since these rumours crime has fallen in the vicinity.

2. The Charlotte Dundas Incident
In 1788 at Dalswin Loch a mere 7 miles from Dumfries, where the inventor's William Symmington and Patrick Miller of Dalswinton would showcase their project. That of making the first ever practical steamboat, on the 14th of October on the Dalwinston Estate a fight broke out. What exactly happened that day is unclear yet the Loch is now significantly deeper. The entire region would only a week later be placed into permanent care of the British Crown, with a small barracks and chapel built.

The steamboat Charlotte Dundas would survive these event's was taken into the holding of the Crown following the death of the inventors mere day's after from an "unspecified" ailment. Strangely around the locality fairy ring seem to spring up more often and then disappear just as quickly. With the locals finding them burnt to the ground, no one has spotted this arsonist but some swear they feel as if there are eyes watching them.
1: The Rushmore Incident

Marble Legionnaire, a cursed roman soldier turned to stone after pissing off a witch, and after multiple attempts to cure himself of this affliction he has the ability to bring other sediment to life too with some limitations based off his willpower, such as the bigger and more numerous the amount of sediment he controls the more mentally draining for him
Apparently he was making a deal with some unsavoury sorcerers near the monument, deal went wrong, got Magic Missiled into the mountainside, however the hell his magic works combined with the projectile spell ended up with his magic entering the mountain, making a 4 headed giant of stone rise from the earth and start rampaging, it apparently wasn't under the influence of his power since he was unconscious and sticking out of the side Lincoln

Luckily the Turbo Team arrived to stop the Mad Monument, their leader Red Rocket transformed into his signature starship form and blasted the monstrosity back into it's original spot while the rest evacuated civilians
Except for Black Bike who after the leader shot the monstrosity into place, did a cool flip in bikeform then partially became human midair to snatch Marble Legionnaire out of the Lincoln face

They were awarded for their bravery with... nothing, cause they left before they could get a medal cause that ice cream place they liked was about to close and they had to go quick

2: Turbo Team are a group of RADICAL teens who after a horrible traffic accident they were all involved in gained access to weird metaphysical handsigns that confuse the universe into transforming them each into a different vehicle

Red Rocket the happy go lucky leader can transform into a advanced starship from the Blip Blorp nebula, which is more lightyears away then there are atoms in the milkyway so nobody can really point that fact out
Black Bike the edgy second in command and Red Rocket's boyfriend with a even more tragic backstory from before the crash (he once got a really bad papercut, thats where the scar on his cheek came from), he can transform into a bike, not a motorbike, just a regular bicycle, makes up for it by being the only member on the team who can kick ass in human form
Jasmine Jet the hyper energetic scout for Turbo Team, she can of course transform into a jet, the youngest member by one year cause she is 16 and the rest are 17, she keeps on fake accepting random team sponsors to sample what they offer for free
Turquoise Tank the chill heart of the team, a big huggable bro to everyone, he can transform into a powerful tank capable of transforming a 2 story building into splinters with a single shot, is in fact the older brother of Jasmine Jet, mainly keeps her in check by leaving her with something distracting like a looping video of a kitten jumping or letting her play Osu while he relaxes
Plendocrax the mysterious inorganic being with the ability to construct non-euclidean crystalline structure, was never a teen and wasn't part of the crash, was just adopted into the team after a fight in Egypt with something extradimensional

3: There is this weird pocket dimension called the Nemesis-Verse, a alternative timeline of incredibly hostile and morally corrupt versions of everything in the setting, but apparently there is a reason it exists
The Nemesis-Verse is kinda like a immune system for the baseline reality, if something hostile to a large portion of existence is noticed by the universe, the Nemesis-Verse overlaps with the target and subjects them to the horrors inside for as long as needed
Don't know why the abundance of goatees are needed there though

4: Dr Distorto is a surgeon from the small town of Attimsburgh, the town in the year 1998 had a large structure similar in look to a radio-tower constructed nearby with funding from the local wealthy eccentric Lord Bathers Mortensen
The structure distorted all the space nearby somehow, but everything affecred would still somehow function, people were torn to shreds while still living, fused with their own homes and unfused, a hiker saw the sight from outside and stated that "I saw proof that god does not love us"

Dr Distorto, who past being remembered but her true name being forgotten completely, was one of the only survivors, she looks normal but thanks to the Distortion Tower's effects she now has the ability to distort stuff until it unravels and keeping it fully functioning, and also being able to put it back together

She mainly acts as a emergency operator for extranormal disasters, and also aiding alongside some other superpowered medical professionals in a group called the Care-Squad to help any special afflictions that may affect fellow crimefighters

5: The Salesmen agents usually appear as individuals with common and unthreatening appearences for the local area, but always wearing a white simple shirt, red tie, black pants, and black dress shoes

They're equipped with multiple things to make their job easier
Their ties are woven from the cloth of a dead greedy pre-sumerian ruler's garments, it's ghostly essence being attracted to items that would be particularly valuable, it is quite a subtle pull so only members of The Salesmen know how to use it
Some also come equipped with miniature rayguns to deal with particularly rude clients

The Salesmen's main mode of transportation across the globe is the Globeotrixit, a medieval egocentric model of the entire solar system, each detail perfect carved (Except for the positioning), they place one of the metal pins lined up on the wooden base of the model and they're instantly teleported to that area
With the pin in hand they can just teleport back, and it's a bad idea to take it and use it since you'll be teleporting directly into their base as a unrecognized individual, you'll most likely be killed and the Salesmen will just teleport to retrieve their missing member if they're still alive

6: Batter-Man is quite a popular vigilante, and well known in the global superhero scene despite lacking any powers, he was a former baseball star whose best friend was crippled for life by mobsters trying to rig some sort of betting ring that the local criminal underworld of New York set up around the local baseball teams
He donned a mask, his old uniform, his old helmet, and beat the absolute hell out of everyone involved with the attack on his friend, he and Old Glory are part of the same superhero team, the Fellowship

7: The Fellowship Of Champions, a group of some of the most powerful and well known superhumans on Earth, dedicated to defending it from all sorts of threats
Their main base is inside the deceased Ares Unit: Tetrozon, a dead member of a species of intergalactic magitech wargods that somewhat resemble anime gundams

It crashed on Earth a couple thousand years ago after losing a duel to something and killed all the dinosaurs, it repeatedly sparked back to life and cause some trouble in it's maddened and weakened state before going underground to reserve power, inspiring the name for the Greek god Ares with it's presence in greece that one time
The Fellowship managed to finally put it to rest during it's modern reawakening in New York, using it's roomy insides as a HQ

8: Squidtastic is a seemingly very silly minor villain with his humorous humanoid cepholopod look, the silly noises it makes when vocalizing, and a tendency to misunderstand common human logic in ways somewhat detrimental to their plans, like that time they tried to take the transport system of New York hostage by attacking a Subway sandwhich store

Squidtastic is actually quite the threat, they're one of the first fully functional living beings that arose from the primordial ooze, also known as one of the Primordial Children, a group of immortals from the dawn of life on earth, aside from the abilities of a squid and super strength, Squidtastic hss the ability to convert organic matter into primordial soup, which he can rapidly construct into various aquatic creatures of his own design
His ultimate goal is to convert all life on the surface into aquatic life, then raise the sea levels, and technically own the largest aquarium on Earth, cause the Earth will be their aquarium

Their goals are stupid, but Squidtastic is still damn horrifying

9: Paradijs is the physical manifestion of the Metaphysical Fields representing Earth's magic, particularly the more whimsical side of it, with this dimension being vaguely being based on Dutch fairytales, with giant landmarks and wildlife having medieval dutch toy parts incorporated into it

Apparently this pocket realm manifested in the 1400s from the mind of a group of little dutdh children when they were playing, why Earth's realm of magic decided to borrow from them, nobody knows, but what local wizards do know is that travelling is quite a difficult endeavour, and staying long without some fairytale shenanigans altering you forever is also difficult
But to those that manage both, one can see mystic techniques and secrets hidden subtlely across Paradijs

10: Batter-Man's archenemy is the one, the only, Thomas Toone, a powerful reality bending serial killer, he resembles the average depressed middle aged man, but in a black trench coat, with a droopy face, stubble, and a tired look in his eyes
But somehow he has the abilities of a cartoon character, he doesn't make any exaggerated movements or expressions, but he can perform reality bending actions seen as humorous and resist almost any damage in humorous ways

He keeps causing chaos with a sad and bored look on his face, with the only known reasoning behind his motives being a recorded conversation between him and a talkshow host whose guest he murdered with a oversized hammer and who he would soon kill with a piano

"Wh-why are you doing this!?"
*Sigh* "Hoping I'll get a laugh outta it"

Most people dont question why Batter-Man is a fellowship member after seeing him handle Toone without powers
3. Souls
A team of Mad-scientists have proven that not everybody has a soul, in fact 90% of human children aren't born with a soul. Further studies, by lesser 'sane' who follow 'ethical standards', has determined that around 10% of the US population will die without a soul.

Several people tried to spin it into it's own bigotry, but most people need a lot of expensive complicated machinery or do stuff that requires committing crimes, several very serious crimes, to really tell the difference for sure. So they it's more popular to just incorrectly slap this fact on their own bigotry and call it a day.

Not even other mad-scientists and Villains invite the scientists who had the original 90% soulless newborns study to places where they can be seen together.

4. Guard 4
The greatest enemy of the salesmen, is Guard 4.

Guard 4 was originally a meant to guard the prisoner and Guards 1 to 8 were prisoners only company for a long time.
So the prisoner, being bound up with nothing better to do started talking to them and the guards followed orders of not speaking with the prisoner, but the prisoner asking to play games with him was never mentioned and their master had never thought to ask.

Long story short the Guards grabbed onto a stray comment of the prisoner that they should unionize and fight for their better working conditions and more pay, bankrupted their employer. In this chaos Guard 4 had the first independent thought in her entire live and freed the prisoner and sorta got adopted by what turned out to be the god of soft cushions who recognized that Guard 4 was likely less than a year old and worked hard to extend the live of this 'child' that rescued him.

And love, including familial love can create souls, allowing Guard 4's father to transfer her to a more stable body.
Though her Godfather hopes that Guard 4 deciding that she's a girly girl is not just because her old master told her that she will never be a real man or that fighting the Salesmen is something she really wanted to do and not just because she was told that she should be angry at them or if she's just telling him that his cooking is good because she thinks that that is what he wants to hear.
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3. Souls kind of is related to magic. But maybe you can keep this entry by altering it a little? Maybe everyone has souls but some souls are dormant?
3. Souls kind of is related to magic. But maybe you can keep this entry by altering it a little? Maybe everyone has souls but some souls are dormant?
The souls being dormant sounds like a more iron clad rule to be honest.
I was sorta hoping to suggest that you don't need souls to function or be a person,
It's why I wrote guard 4's first independent act of independence before her having a soul.

I think that I should change the part of having a soul making independent thought easier to something else.

And love, including familail love can create souls, allowing Gaurd 4 to have an easier time escaping from her programming.


And love, including familial love can create souls, allowing Guard 4's father to transfer her to a more stable body.

Hopefully this works better. Is this more acceptable?
Yeah that is acceptable. Also, I suppose you can keep it as is if you want to.

OK, I've still changed the thing I thought about changing, it works better that way.

One last idea, before going to bed.

5. Guard 4 has been taught the sacred art of pillow fighting by her father in order to defend herself against against the Salemen's PR department and lawyers, who want to prevent people from realizing that Insta-X creates real people and getting caught up in class action lawsuits.
3. Clay Gumshoe, Private Investigator.
Chicago, 1923. The city, a powder keg just waiting for a match. Ever since the Prohibition things have just balled up in a right old mess, there more bents stumbling through the night then ever before. Bootleggers, rag a muffins gangsters and worst of all... politicians run this town. Thing's ain't good in Chicago much less anywhere else speakeasies are on every corner, with a few bent too match struggling to stand. Sure everyone think's this craze is the biggest problem in America but there plenty under the surface of all that giggle water that the fuzz doesn't want to investigate.

All manner of cabal's and secret societies but not everyone is a piker, at least not Clay Gumshoe. Broad shoulders, hands big as bowling balls, a face only a blind dame would love. He plod's through the city streets like a juggernaut and the tides of humanity slide right past him, he's quite happy with that. Cause Clay has a secret he's as old as the earth. He doesn't quite remember how but he was brought here from the Old World by Rabbi Moshe for reasons he's not clear on. He can't even ask him cause he was a fall guy, leaving the clay golem stranded on the streets of Chicago.

Still he found himself a niche turns out gangsters don't like a man who can shrug of bullets and bend steel with his giants mitts. He wasn't much for the fuzz and he isn't much for logical "detectiving" but he's got gumption and he's got his fists.

(This is so dumb but I've had him in my head for a while.)

4. Kingdom of Mann
The British Isles is home to a second Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Isles or more commonly called the Kingdom of Mann. A small country in-between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland gaining independence after centuries of English rule in 1923 a few years after the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921. It was a much more peaceful affair and has largely kept a good reputation with the English despite the separation. The reason for this is rather simple... a member of the British family would marry into the Seelie Court and the British Crown realising they didn't want a fairy in the royal family due to all the complication and of course the political game. As well as the fact they'd have to reveal the existence of the Faeries to the wider world.

So a compromise was made the entire Isles of Mann would be a dowry for the pair.

Long Live Queen Gloriana, Daughter of King Oberon.

5. The Devil Dog
The Cold War brought out a colder version of evil, one that justified itself with the idea of the "Greater Good" for the betterment of the people. Vladimir Dhemikov a master of biology and perhaps if one was a little coarse an absolute fucking maniac with no soul.Which is metaphorical he probably had a souls and he definitely used souls in his experiments. What would you expect from a man who did living dog head transplants, attaching a second head to a canine.

You see the Soviet State had other plans... what if you could replace the body parts of a human mammal with a canine mammal. After all the Soviets needed an edge against the United States who were themselves preparing their own artificial super humans, this era of the Cold War was a time of frankensteins. Unlike the modern era were sleekness and genetic manipulation go hand in hand it was a gore fest.

The Devil Dog was one of those first generation artificial superhuman's thought back then the idea of supervillains and superheroes had not yet formed. In fact the Devil Dog as the Americans would call him was more an assassin or hired killer more aptly. You can't expect a human to stay sane after having their brain put into an English Mastiff much less carry around a second head for maximum vision and reactivity.
1: Mina Marlon is the top jounralist for the Weekly Robin, a newspaper company stationed in New York City which are known for getting all kinds of neat scoops on extranormal situations involving superheroes and supervillains

She is the best at getting a good idea on what happened during certain superhuman incidents, most of the time personally sneaking around battles between gods in all but name doing her best to deduce what is happening
Her personal code dictates that she will NEVER reveal the identity of a superhero if they do not approve of the idea, also never villains either because she wants to keep her head on her shoulders, she is just saving all the evidence for the day she has nothing to lose

2: Getting unmasked while unrecorded isn't much of a hassle, not a lot of superhumans have secret identities that would get recognized by the public, most resemble average mildly okay looking individuals you would see on the street, aside from being the face under the mask most people would not really know who the hell you are, much less your enemies, unless the secret identity you got is a well celebrity, like with a wiki-page or something

The real danger to secret identities is of course recordings of you unmasked, dna evidence, fingerprints, and folks with a lot of time and a lot of access to citizens records of the country the superhuman was born in
A lot of superhumans in America got exposed back in 2011 by leaked NSA files containing what they determined through the intensive research of their records to be a ton of different secret identities simply based off recordings of their faces, or fingerprints, or dna evidence, or sometimes their weird ass search history

Lots of "How to fix lazer wounds without hospital" or the like in your search history gets you put on the suspected superhuman list, which is different from the confirmed list but still would be pretty bad if you were on it

3: Speedsters Anonymous is a small meeting that takes place weekly in a community centre located in New York, set up by Old Glory to help folks with similar problems involving superspeed deal with the emotional turmoil of it
Cause having superspeed fucking sucks, if your brain doesn't run at the same speed you're almost completely fucked because if your hand goes at the speed of sound while your brain doesn't a lot of accidents could happen if you aren't careful

And if your brain does go at the same speed it doesn't feel like your going too fast, you just feel like you're going at a normal pace while the world moves slowly, Old Glory has had his own fair share of existential crises just from flying across the globe a couple times, cause it just feels like flying at running speed for him, alone, for millions of miles, with nothing but birds for company

That can really ruin someone, which is why superspeed isn't as invincible as you think for big feats, beating up a couple crooks in a second? Great! Sign the speedsters up
Read and memorize a bomb dismantling manual, memorize the whole thing perfectly, they're probably gonna break down crying halfway through it but superfast so you don't notice then continue cause lives are on the line, they'll still manage to do it but they may need a good break after
Run across the entire earth? The logistics are ridiculous, they're gonna need to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, while the entire world is in slow motion, they'll have lived a lifetime or two by the time they're done if they even finish at all without breaking down from stress and or exhaustion

Using superspeed for anything too big sucks, which is why they aren't always running around stopping every problem ever or taking over the world in seconds

Also Speedsters Anonymous meetings are always very short from an outside perspective, since they use superspeed to get a lot of the talking in, for you it's a blur, for them, an hour of emotional vulnerability

4: Apparently there is a species of large carnivorous purple tomato-like monsters living in subterranean caverns on mars, do with that info what you will
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Some of the details of 2 dip into recent real life politics territory.
I felt that I needed to do some reading on the place I chose for the 'Monster islands' and I felt that it would only be fair if Madeline Island fell into the hands of the local Indian population, due to the island having spiritual signifigance to them.

A good reminder that it's hard to write fiction about real places.

1. Cushion King of monster Islands
Guard 5's Godfather also known as the Cushion King and was once a villain who regularly fought with Old Glory.
The Cushion king and his business partner was the Kingpin of the notorious 'Soft Appostles'.

The Soft Apostles was a criminal and affably terrorist organization from back when people who couldn't pass as human where excluded from jobs as a standard practice. Their main sources of income was was illegal prostitution and selling illegal alcohol, illegally imported drinks without a license and the 'taxes' that came from their protection racket on the 'monster Islands'.

2. The Monster Island and Madeline Island resort.

The independence of the monster Islands was the goal of the Soft Appostles. The Monster consist of what we know as the 'Apostle Islands' in lake Superior so that the ugly and the monstrous would have a land they could call home.

The Soft Apostles weren't the only group fighting for the independence of the Monster islands, The Wisconsin Walleye War beyond what we've seen in our world. Because the 'Stop Treaty Abuse' had their, to which Ojibwe responded by employing the ancestral indian and finnish magics in self defence.
This caused a four way conflict between the Stop Treaty Abuse, the Soft Appostles, the Ojibwe and the state of Wisconsin, this war only ended it's 10th aniversary on 1999 due to the diplomatic efforts of the Ojibwe people and one of the major sponsers of Stop Treaty Abuse faction going bankrupt due to the formation of a Insta-X union, and the pressure of the Canadian goverment who were not pleased about the minor civil war near their border.

At the end of this conflict it was determined that Madeline Island would become an extra reservation to the and that the uninhabted islands would become part of the first monster reservation all the lake superior islands have officially become part of both Canada and the USA in an effort to prevent future conflicts.

Edit I removed a part about the Monster islands being the only monster reservations.
Double EDIT: Before I forget

3. Old Glory wasn't a part of this conflict. The reason he fought the Soft Apostles was due to their schemes inconveniencing his family regularly.
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Mister Magick:
Mister Magic is a powerful sorcerer, named Douglas Chan, some people think that he's the most powerful sorcerer in the world. He may be but there are at least a handful of other contenders in addition to him. Mister Magick was born exactly in the year 1900 to Mr and Mrs Li and Margaret Chan, and was a young archaeologist when he grew up. During an expedition in 1930 he discovered a magical crystal in a Chinese tomb which killed his entire expedition, but left him alive. This crystal is called The Eye Of Power. The Eye Of Power was created from the magical energies of the entire universe, and it has Multiversal properties as well. Mister Magick learned many spells from The Eye Of Power and despite his old age, he appears to be a young man around thirty years old. He wears The Eye Of Power, which is a magical crystal contained in a magical amulet around his neck. Although the Eye increases his power immensely, he is still a great master of magic without it.

Douglas Chan has enormously powerful enemies that include other great sorcerers, witches, gods, vampires, evil spirits, cosmic beings, etcetera.
4. The Pillow King and friends once shrunk a large portion of Superior city down to the size of Plushies. It was unfortunate for them that Old Glory happened to be visiting family and was still able to use most of his powers against them while tiny and soft.

This is a picture by Guard 6 about the event. You can notice how positively her father talked about Old Glory from how Old Glory isn't depicted as a 'poopoo head'.

View: https://i.imgur.com/hdcKuq7.jpeg

The Pillow King is usually not one to smack talk his rivals, even when he is gloating.
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1. Mister Magick and Clay Gumshoe have a working relationship as after all their both being's with ties to the supernatural. Just one is far more prone to actually using that magic over his fists, which does lead to friction. Mister Magick is the one Clay will call in when something shifty is going on in Chicago cause he doesn't have that repertoire of knowledge... cause you know he's literally as thick as a brick. Yet at the same time Douglas is completely lacking in the street smarts skills of the Gumshoe... who knew interacting with god like entities made you a bit of a block head in regards to mobsters?
1. Pythian Games
In ancient times there was a battle between Apollo, champion of the sun and Python, champion of the earth and everybody turned out to be a sore loser.
Since then the sun and the planets have send their best in one time compressed day every 4 years to see who could produce the the strongest, most magical, the smartest, fittest, the most artistic and a bunch of other mosts.

Every planet has a Pythian torch that will bring the selection competitions to the various cities and countries who manage to capture it and hold it. The Selection Games will typically bring a local truce between everybody as nobody wants to miss the chance at a chance to win the Pythian Gold.

This can result in supervillains and superheroes competing side by side, and sometimes even joining together in teams in order to win the Pythian Unobtanium.

2. Squidtastic and Old Glory had once teamed up to win the competitive Hotchoth competition, but lost from Mister Magick and Clay Gumshoe due to their lack of teamwork.

3. Most people before the 90s thought that it was all fake, like WWE, now most people who have no interest in competing think it's completely fake.

4. The Pythian games are the only known source of Unobtanium known to earth.
1. There is a man known by his code name Quill. He possesses an incredible, unnatural talent for designing information to affect chosen audiences with specific goals in mind: news, memes, ideas, fashion trends... Given enough time, data, and tools, Quill can craft perfect pieces of propaganda, even infohazards or antimemes. It is a tedious, lengthy process, with any substantial change requiring months of work on specific information. He has been working for the US government since the early 1980s. Quill is a secret agent with a team of talented individuals under his command. They manipulate information, shape the social perception of certain events, and oppose dangerous ideas from the shadows. If higher-ups need to smooth out bad PR or prevent violence in the aftermath of a large-scale hero-villain confrontation, Quill's team is the one they call upon.

The team under Quill has prevented many dangerous escalations, terrorist acts, and political disturbances by employing his unnatural ability to create narratives and manipulate social and cultural perceptions of events. However, to prevent them from becoming a problem themselves, a special Ethics Committee exists to regulate the work of Quill's team and prevent people from exploiting their agency.

2. Another secret agent working for the US government is a woman by the code name Amnesia. She possesses a combination of memory manipulation powers (which work the best via close contact) and magic knowledge, built to better utilize them. Amnesia creates drugs, and less often devices or artifacts, that affect memories in specific ways. She can craft mnestics to enhance someone's ability to remember specific things, such as if agents have to work against someone capable of affecting short-term memories or perception to hide. Or amnestics to erase or change specific memories, like secret information. Amnesia is one of the main reasons why certain agencies exist, unknown to almost everyone. Her team is also heavily under the watchful eye of the Ethics Committee. Amnesia's division was founded a little bit earlier than Quill's, in late 1970s.​
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The first idea was brought to you by a F-d up dream I had.

1. Holy Dungeon and Jessy Carpenter
Most Super prisons are mega privatized, but there are exceptions like the holy Vatican dungeons. One of the most notorious prisons of the world said to hold the most unholy and depraved villians.

One of these Notorious villains is Jessy Carpenter, is a Witch who had been apprehended by the inquisition for preforming false miracles and spouting heretical nonsense. All good christian folk are told in detail of her wickedness and to be overjoyed that the woman is in an icy prison so cold that it even prevents aging in order to prevent her from escaping to Hell.

2. The J-7 are six men who claim to be Jesus from an alternate world. They say they their seventh member is Jesus from this world. All 6 known members of the J-7 are officially criminals for public and economic disruptions, homelessness, anti authoritarianism and Illegally operating mechs.

They are generally seen as heroes by the public.