Basically you can post four facts about the setting any setting to its total structure. In all effect it's essentially a multiverse. Don't contradict others. Have fun!
1. This place is called the Absolutiocosm, and it is called that for it is absolute. No one created and it has no limits. There is nothing outside of it because then that would be absolute. It has no limits and no ends. Even infinity is nothing before it. Omniverses drift inside of it like quarks in a universe. No one can destroy the Absolutiocosm or conquer it's totality. No one can even see it's totality as there is always more. No truly omnipotent beings exist and they cannot exist of course that doesn't stop beings from trying.
There was a time but not really a time as time did not exist then when logic was not a thing. Neither were concepts nor ideas nor energy or matter or space. Order and chaos didn't even exist. This time was called the Null era.
During the null era roughly a few trillion beings created themselves. It doesn't make sense but nothing made sense during that time. These beings could be considered one of the first to have form in the Absolutiocosm. Because of this they created "echoes" in the Absolutiocosm There are many races which resemble roughly or call themselves angels or demons. But why? Because one of those beings called Absogenitors were Yahweh and another was Abbadon. These beings were the first and their existence influenced the following inception of races meaning many creatures in many universes resemble the Absogenitors and their created races.
The Absogenitors created races or breeded with beings to make them and these races are called Absolute races. Absolute angels for example are creations or descended from creations of Absogenitor Yahweh. As such they are the strongest version of angels in the Absolutiocosm. Absolute races are the mightiest with little exception. Though across the entirety there are only a trillion or so. As such they are rare.
One Absogenitor was different from the rest. When they came into existence they did not piece themselves together like the others. No, they created a separate realm from the Absolutiocosm an impossible feat and created a body around and interwoven with that separate realm. Because of this that being has no echoes through the Absolutiocosm. They were the youngest and weakest of the Absogenitors and would grow to become among the mightiest. They could not create a race resembling them but they could pass down their unique trait by having children. Thus the children aside from age are no different from their distant ancestor. Among the Absolute races this race has the most potential. Every single one of their kind has no ceiling.
1. This place is called the Absolutiocosm, and it is called that for it is absolute. No one created and it has no limits. There is nothing outside of it because then that would be absolute. It has no limits and no ends. Even infinity is nothing before it. Omniverses drift inside of it like quarks in a universe. No one can destroy the Absolutiocosm or conquer it's totality. No one can even see it's totality as there is always more. No truly omnipotent beings exist and they cannot exist of course that doesn't stop beings from trying.
There was a time but not really a time as time did not exist then when logic was not a thing. Neither were concepts nor ideas nor energy or matter or space. Order and chaos didn't even exist. This time was called the Null era.
During the null era roughly a few trillion beings created themselves. It doesn't make sense but nothing made sense during that time. These beings could be considered one of the first to have form in the Absolutiocosm. Because of this they created "echoes" in the Absolutiocosm There are many races which resemble roughly or call themselves angels or demons. But why? Because one of those beings called Absogenitors were Yahweh and another was Abbadon. These beings were the first and their existence influenced the following inception of races meaning many creatures in many universes resemble the Absogenitors and their created races.
The Absogenitors created races or breeded with beings to make them and these races are called Absolute races. Absolute angels for example are creations or descended from creations of Absogenitor Yahweh. As such they are the strongest version of angels in the Absolutiocosm. Absolute races are the mightiest with little exception. Though across the entirety there are only a trillion or so. As such they are rare.
One Absogenitor was different from the rest. When they came into existence they did not piece themselves together like the others. No, they created a separate realm from the Absolutiocosm an impossible feat and created a body around and interwoven with that separate realm. Because of this that being has no echoes through the Absolutiocosm. They were the youngest and weakest of the Absogenitors and would grow to become among the mightiest. They could not create a race resembling them but they could pass down their unique trait by having children. Thus the children aside from age are no different from their distant ancestor. Among the Absolute races this race has the most potential. Every single one of their kind has no ceiling.
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