In which I try my best shot at re-establishing German naval superiority in the mid 20th century, barely two years after the end of the Great War. What can possibly go wrong?
* Features ship waifu's, questionable design decisions, and possiblyalmost guaranteed rampant levels of deficit spending to keep up with the British and the French in an arms race that will inevitably result in warsecure peace on the European continent.
Hello and welcome to Let us Rule the Waves, where I take charge of the German Reichsmarine in the 1920s in the turbulent post-World War One period, and then probably screw things up so much that not even the combined efforts of the spirits of John Fisher, Isoroku Yamamoto, Alfred von Tirpitz and Chester W. Nimitz can save me from total disaster. In fact, some of them may just make it even worse.
Now, for those who have not heard of Rule the Waves and its successor - which is the one that I will be playing - here is a quick rundown. Brought to you by the lads and ladettes over at NWS, it simulates naval warfare from the turn of the 20th century to the mid-1950s, up to and including carriers (not seen in the first game) and the first ASMs (like carriers, not in the first game) on ships. It is also both 'a spreadsheet with attitude with only a small amount of graphics during the battles', and also 'the most fun you can legally have with drop-down menus' according to the people over on Discord - all in all, it is a very fun game for something which looks like it belongs in the early 2010s where the main action is fighting pixelbattles. Trust me, you can sink hundreds of hours into it and not be bored. And with Rule the Waves III maybe delayed, I thought to myself, why not do a playthrough of the second game in the series?
I will not be going into this playthrough blind though, having both played Rule the Waves I and several games in II, though I am not the best at it at all. Hence why I think things will be going to pot sooner rather than later when my questionable design decisions come back to haunt me
Now, let's set the main options for this playthrough:
1. Use the 1920s start,
2. Check the Versailles Treaty checkbox, and
3. Set fleet size to Large.
And now for what may just be the sole vote in this playthrough. There are several options here: The research rate, harsher peace deals (which means more territory won - or lost! - after wars), slow aircraft development (which makes the Big Gun Battleship/Battlecruiser viable until the end of 1944 and thereabouts before aircraft become a genuine threat) and which Arms Reduction Treaty is in effect in addition to the Treaty of Versailles limiting us to 10,000-tonne ships and 283mm (11") cannons - for reference, the historical Washington Naval treaty limits you to 8" cannons at maximum with the same 10,000-tonne weight limit of the Versailles Treaty, while the random treaty option gives you a random treaty exactly as it says on the tin, with RNG determining just what the terms are. These can range from positively benign to full-on being nasty, though.
You may notice that I am not touching the AI Advantage, Varied Technology and Maximum Airbase Size options, for which I have no reason other than that I want to make it a fun game, and I am hampering myself enough with the Treaty of Versailles already so it does not need to get too difficult/the AI does not need to get more cheats available than it already has.
[ ] Arms Reduction Treaty
- [ ] Washington Naval Treaty (historical)
- [ ] Random Naval Treaty (A hit or a miss, depends on RNG)
- [ ] None
With all that out of the way, I wish you all once again welcome, and let the voting begin! Let's hope it does not turn into a trainwreck after the first months in-game
... Hello Ojou-Sama I see you're still at it, let's see how fast we can crash this train now! I'm sure it'll be fun for all.
Now is this Plan voting here or just vote for what you like?
[X] Research rate
- [X] 100%
[X] Harsher Peace Deals
- [ ] On
[X] Slow Aircraft Development
- [X] On
[X] Arms Reduction Treaty
- [X] Random Naval Treaty (A hit or a miss, depends on RNG)
[X] Research rate
- [X] 80%
[X] Harsher Peace Deals
- [X] On
[X] Slow Aircraft Development
- [X] Oo
[X] Arms Reduction Treaty
- [X] None
The reason why I picked these choices is to make it one where it's actually super costly if we lose and two that we don't have to replace our ships every like 5 years because of new technology that revolutionized the warfare. And for the final part I don't want a arms treaty restricting us on what we can build or what other people can build. So we (and the AI) can truly get Rocky and crazy.
It's good to see that you're making a new quest @Ojou-Sama . Thank you. This is really going to be fun.
[X] Arms Reduction Treaty
-[X] Random Naval Treaty (A hit or a miss, depends on RNG)
Research a bit slower to reduce the rate at which aircraft come to dominate, but not even slower. I basically hope to see a 'historical' WW2 being fought with aircraft carriers receiving their proper place of dominance. You know, if we make it that far.
But we'll probably see a bunch of fighting even before that, when Big-Gun Battleships will be in full effect considering that this is the 1920 start, not pre-dreadnought 1900. Perfect for making Ojou scream in horror at how badly outmatched they are. To make things even more fairamusing on that account, Harsher Peace Deals are on. As for the Naval Treaty... Yeah, I'm in favour of RNG. Let's see if it cuts Ojou-sama some slack or if they'll find themselves going up against the Post-WW1 Entente navies with only six-inchers. I'm sure that's perfectly balanced gameplay, right?
But we'll probably see a bunch of fighting even before that, when Big-Gun Battleships will be in full effect considering that this is the 1920 start, not pre-dreadnought 1900. Perfect for making Ojou scream in horror at how badly outmatched they are. To make things even more fairamusing on that account, Harsher Peace Deals are on. As for the Naval Treaty... Yeah, I'm in favour of RNG. Let's see if it cuts Ojou-sama some slack or if they'll find themselves going up against the Post-WW1 Entente navies with only six-inchers. I'm sure that's perfectly balanced gameplay, right?
Joking aside (I really meant my comments as a joke), from what I have read in the manual after posting the opening, the 'peace treaty' (Versailles limits) takes priority over 'international treaties' IE, the Washington Naval Treaty/Random Generated Treaty. Basically, it is to allow Germany to create the Deutschland-class Panzerschiffe if you go completely historical with your run/save-file... Heh.
Anyways, I think that the random treaty cannot restrict people to only light cruisers, though I may be wrong in that regard.
My apologies for the double post, but this vote - probably a unique one, given I do not currently have plans to have more in the near future - is now open! Approval voting is in effect.
Voting will end later today (CEST timezone). Thank you all in advance! is time to get this show on the road. From some experiments I did by using an empty save file and taking some samples, there is a hard limit on gun calibre limits: 8" cannons are the smallest it will go, together with a 10,000-tonne ship weight limit. The largest treaty that I so far encountered during this experiment was basically saying screw you to Washington, and allowing for the construction of 28,000-tonne ships with 14" cannons. Still, it can be bad... Alright, let's press 'okay', and...
...huh. Okay! I do not think that we can take advantage of these pretty open limits though because we are stuck with Versailles, which takes priority over 'international treaties' such as this one, and by the time Versailles has lapsed, this random treaty will be done already: Let's just hope the AI doesn't design cruisers with a weight of 20,000 tonnes, because with Germany being limited to 10,000 tonnes even going for a Deutschland and putting 11" guns on a small hull will not make up for it unless you make so many of them that...well, it is just wasted tonnage and money.
Anyways. Here is our proud German nation in the year 1920!
"Welcome to Europe! Please do not mind the shell holes and trenches left from the last war two years back."
So, after the Great War, our African colonies got taken by the victorious western allies, while in the far east, Japan conquered everything: From Kiautschou Bay to Togoland, our colonial empire of old has been completely dismantled, making operations in West Africa, the Indian Ocean, and both North and South-East Asia... difficult, to say the least. And if Germany ever wants to obtain influence in these regions, we need to beat either the Brits or the French, and with how the Reichsmarine currently holds up compared to foreign powers...well.
The fleet, in the meanwhile, has been reduced to two very obsolete pre-dreadnoughts of the Brandenburg-class, two Hertha-class heavy cruisers, two Gefion-class light cruisers, and fifteen destroyers of three classes. In comparison to the other navies... Well, let's just put it this way: The Treaty of Versailles was very effective in defanging the Reichsmarine in Rule the Waves, as I do not want to engage with anyone in conflict until I have at least some battlewagons up and running, which...will not be for a long time. Of course, the politicians may just drag my underprepared forces into a major war anyways
"Yeah, this needs to be fixed quick, but we need the cash to do it! Damn you, Reichstag!"
With the Reichsmarine hilariously outnumbered and with no option to procure capital ships, I think that the best option is to go for a Jeune Ecole-style fleet until battleships are a viable option again. Torpedoes do not suck so much as they do in the 1900 start, and with destroyers capable of being as large as 1,500 tonnes, I am sure that splurging a bit on a modern destroyer to replace the 500-tonne overgrown patrol boats and the cramped V1-class will hopefully not impact the budget too much.
With the light cruiser situation...well, the Gefion's need replacements. Their armour is poor to nonexistent, their speed about 5 knots under the international average, the 5" guns are older models, and...well, they were built in 1904. Armour technology has advanced much since then, so their 2,5" armour is completely outdated and can be pierced by even 4" naval guns from older destroyers, while new boilers and engines allow even slow battleships to keep pace. If I am to ever make the Reichsmarine the best fleet in the world (possibly in third place behind the British and the Americans), then this critical flaw needs to be addressed quickly!
And like the cruisers, the pre-dreadnoughts are a lost cause and need replacement. Too slow, not enough reserve tonnage to upgrade them, only four main 12" cannons and twelve 6" guns in six twin mounts, they will be target practise in a modern war for enemy heavy cruisers if not even light cruisers, the difference in tech is that great. Same with the heavy cruisers - too old, outdated 8" main guns from 1903, and old armour from the same year as the cannons that have not incorporated any technological advances since then. Also, the armoured decks on the both of them are just way too thin to deal with plunging fire: These four ships are victory point pinata's just waiting to be popped.
Let it never be said that the AI cannot give me headaches to deal with
But with cash reserves at 100 and enough money to pay for designing the new cruisers and destroyers the Reichsmarine needs only coming in after two or three turns, designing new shipfu'sproud warships of the German navy has to (unfortunately) wait. In the meantime, looking at the research tab, I spot that we have an advantage in Armour Development, Subdivision and Damage Control, AP Projectiles, and Naval Aviation - Lighter than Air: Only the first three are going to be useful in any capacity though.
And with how the Reichsmarine has to rely on smaller, sub 10,000-tonne ships for some time, I bump Light Forces and Torpedo Warfare to high, together with Torpedo Technology, Fire Control, the aforementioned Subdivision and Damage Control, and Turrets and Gun Mountings. Naval Guns gets reduced to low, because most of the cannons that I will be using in this playthrough are already researched, while Naval Aviation - Lighter than Air gets put on the backburner because airships...well, we all know what happened to the Hindenburg, and flying boats and seaplanes can replace them in the reconnaissance role.
With everything done and research priorities set, let us begin!
Well odd I didn't get a notification that this got an update?
Oh well here now, onto the update I got to say I don't think we are starting off that bad the RNG treaty wasn't bad even if we have to follow the Versailles treaty first. And while we have a defanged fleet they can still be used to pratol our waters while we build up a new fleet, and I am definitely thinking we should work from the bottom up ship wise here at this stage it's easier and cheaper to build new destroyers and LC's that can actually compete with other powers. While allowing us to slowly retire our more obsolete designs and simplify our supply chains as well by having only one DD design instead of three.
And as we build up our new DD's and LCs that can give us time to research improvements for our larger ships as well. Though I am tempted to prioritize Torpedo and Light forces and Torpedo warfare to give our lighter ships a bigger bite given we'll be building them soonish unlike our heavier ships that will have too wait.
The year 1920 - In which we design new ships, gain money through dubious means, and dream of carriers
With some quick edits in the file reducing the research rate to the proper level, the game can continue!
So, the situational report. Germany has 100 in the bank right now, and 3,264 coming in per turn. This may look like a small amount of money, but if you compare it to Rule the Waves 1, you you just need to add three zeroes to that number to get an accurate read on how much the Reichsmarine is gaining - or losing - per turn.
With the only people in Europe that I can go to war with while having any chance at winning being the Soviets, I decide that the smart move is to not start things with anyone right now. Mainly because the British have some 24 capital ships in Europe and the French 20, and the Commies have nothing worth taking - I could go for a war and take Kamchatka, but I feel that it would just be a worthless money sink. And with how a war with Russia would ravage the small Reichsmarine, even if I decide to expand it a bit with modern light cruisers, I have a feeling it just would not work out and in the end just lead to misery for all.
So come and go the months in which other naval powers build and scrap their ships, while I wait for exciting new discoveries and the Navy Treasury to fill up before I plunder it with a construction spree
Unfortunately, my scientists immediately decide to fail me by delivering the news that they did not invent somewhat more reliable turret traverse for my future warships. Did someone forget to give them enough coffee or made them drunk on beer or something?
Anyways, with some 16,420 in the treasury in June, I decide to splurge a bit on larger docks and a design for improved 6"-armed light cruisers to replace the Gefions - already marked as obsolete and just not worth a refit with their advanced age and general small size - they, after their replacements are done, will quickly be scrapped for that sweet sweet salvage money. At 1,536 per ship per turn though, building two of the Niobe's leaves me only barely in the black.
At 7,800 tonnes, the Niobe's are a massive improvement over their Gefion-class predecessors. Four knots of additional speed, half an inch of additional armour in addition to it being made of more modern plate, 6" cannons from the 1920s instead of 5" from 1903, and actual torpedo defence instead of hopes and prayers from the crew - and me - to keep it alive. Six 4" cannons are also placed in dual-purpose mounts, and with about 15 additional light AA guns, the anti-air suite of this ship is also more advanced than what most other nations have, so if any aircraft come up looking silly, the Niobe-class will not be sitting ducks. Forty mines and two submerged broadside torpedo tubes complete the armament of the most advanced light cruiser in the world.
Forking over 2.6K, the design gets worked out by the boffins for construction in about two months time - August will mark the birth of the new and powerful Reichsmarine! ...Somewhat. At least a more powerful escort fleet until the heavy cruisers and such arrive later on: Speaking of which, a quick test reveals that I can cheat on the Versailles treaty! If I have the money, a 12,000-tonne heavy cruiser can be built, though only with up to 10" cannons: 11" cannons and having it remain a CA instead of a BC requires a Deutschland-class turret layout however, and given that money is currently tight as hell... Well, the large raider game will have to wait. Escorts and destroyers is the priority in the Reichsmarine for now.
Unfortunately, the other nations continue to just lay down ship after ship and scrap their legacy fleet, replacing older ships with much more modern designs in numbers that the Reichsmarine at the moment just cannot match. Judging from scuttlebutt however, they are largely slower for the same armament size of the Niobe, or around the same speed, but sporting 5" cannons at most.
In August, the Republic of China fights yet another warlord that attempts to rise up against the central government, but the League of Nations decides to intervene and mediate. A naval squadron will be sent as well: With the government hoping to become more active on the international front - and my ever-lasting quest for more money - I decide to recommend we join the multi-national choice.
This increases tensions with literally no one, and by budget remains the same, so all of that was for nothing. A shame especially because the two Niobe's - Niobe herself and Medusa, her sister-ship - have left the Reichsmarine with a monthly positive cash-flow balance of 188
However, tensions arise with the Italians and the Regia Marina for some reason. Spaghetti gonna spaghetti, those dirty bastards - even in Rule the Waves 2, the Italians remain a pain in the arse to everyone and everything! Meanwhile, as my scientists fail to research Daihatsu barges, 1920 ends on a high note, as Krupp wants a stronger navy. Being the paragon of incorruptibility that I am, I heartedly accept this offer and lay down a third Niobe with the money gained
Because of the third ship I will be running a minor -189 deficit for a while, but money not spent is ships not gained - and as fireworks light up the Admiralty Building in Berlin, my scientists discover that 'yes, we can fly things heavier than air of ships now', despite the tech being available since the Great War and the German Empire having plans for carriers of their own. I suspect that the people delivering the report had a bit too much schnapps and forgot about it. But still...
...let's see if Germany can into carriers in the near future, or if I need to bury my dreams of a German carrier task force in a plot behind the Reichstag. Speaking of carriers, I need to see if I can get some new planes in 1921...
Last edited:
The year 1921 - In which the Reichstag wants destroyer spam, Africa imports Communism, and American-German relations hit an all-time high
Because I forgot to take a screenshot at the beginning of this year, have a Bismarck instead.
Okay, so after a year of managing the navy, things have not been set on fire, so I am counting that as a plus! Possibly because of the lack of events that increase tension, but with how things go in Rule the Waves, that is no guarantee of smooth sailing: Entering January, no events pop up other than more and more ships being scrapped and that the USA is rebuilding some of their battlewagons...and also reveals that my spies there have drunken themselves silly, because they under-estimate the belt armour of the Kentucky, which I can see plainly in the Almanac as being 13,5". I may need to increase my intel effort there, otherwise it will likely remain one large mess.
And just like before, I cannot afford to scrap the outdated destroyers I am stuck with, because then I have absolutely nothing to escort my upcoming light cruisers with. Let's hope that things become better in the near future and that the budget is kind to me
As if the gods are listening, I get an event to design and build twelve more destroyers! For +budget and +prestige? You had me at the budget part of that deal! Unfortunately, the budget increase is not large enough to truly accommodate the request, and Niobe and Medusa have their construction halted to free up funds while Weissenburg and Brandenburg are mothballed. Also, tension goes down with the USA, goes up with the Japanese, the teadrinkers are also a bit mad with me it seems, while it goes down one bit with the Spaghetti's.
Meanwhile, my scientists continue to do their best impression of being pants-on-head as Improved Fuze Reliability gets a temporary setback, more ships are being scrapped, and
...Oh no.
Yeah, I am not going to get into a scrap with the Soviets if they have that behemoth, downsized Kongou-clone that it is, waiting on me, not until I have some anti-capital ship weapons that are not relatively fragile destroyers. Just need to wait 105 months until Versailles is done, and then we can roll the newest 15" gun designs...two years later. At this point, even if it seems like a compromise-heavy design, getting some ships with 11" cannons seems reasonable in order to have some form of anti-capital ship units apart from destroyers and praying that mines laid will bring her down. Food for thought here.
More research fails to proc, until this happens.
While I would love to issue an ultimatum, and I would have done it if I had capital ships of note, I have fuck-all to threaten the Commie Bastards with apart from some expired sauerkraut. Going for the international force is the best option here, and advising the Reichstag of this, the option results in...
...the Soviets promptly ignoring the force and spreading communism in Africa anyways. If this comes back to bite other nations in the arse, then know that I tried my best to stop the Commies.
With chances of a possible Soviet-German re-approachment dead on arrival, April turns to May, and France completes construction on one BC and finished the rebuild of another, while the Tea Drinkers continue to terrify me by increasing their modern ship count and steadily scrapping their old pre-dreadnoughts, leaving only one ship in the capital ship line-up that I have a chance of destroying with my own pre-dreadnoughts, though that is not saying much. But not everything is doom and gloom though as the new docks are completed, bringing the size of ships that can be built up to 38,000 tonnes and making a possible Scharnhorst-class battlecruiser much easier to make without compromising on speed or armour.
Nothing much happens, but July gives me a curious offer from the British as they - Germany's fiercest naval opponent in the North Atlantic before and during the Great War - offer to sell me a recent advancement in Machinery! Given that my boffins so far have been a mixture of underwhelming to just plain useless, I accept it for the 'meagre' price of 3,200.
More machinery weight saved is more tonnage that can be allocated to guns and armour, while nothing of import happens until August comes and the Reichstag congratulates me for building the requested amount of destroyers. I would rather that they give me more money to work with, so I can fork out for a heavy cruiser with 11" cannons, but I will take what I can get
The French continue to do what I think is something called 'murdering the monthly balance', as despite having only twice my budget - and with me struggling to maintain my force of two Pre-Dreads, four outdated cruisers and a handful of destroyers with some ships in the pipeline - they maintain a force of thirteen battlecruisers and four battleships, with three more BBs under construction! Holy jeebus. Tension, in the meanwhile, goes down with the other big kid on the block - Imperial Japan - as a revolution occurs in an African country of some import to the Reichstag.
"I think it needs not to be said, but the Soviets clearly have their hands in this."
Going for the middle option nets me both tension and an increased budget. The top option looked promising as it also increases prestige, but the additional tension with possibly the Teadrinkers or the French is not welcome.
Thank goodness only the French and the Italians were somewhat angered at this. The new increase in the budget gives me not enough to continue the construction of one of the light cruisers, so I instead invest it into another docks' upgrade and set research to 10% for that sweet sweet additional tech.
As September turns into November, one month before the end of 1921, tensions slowly cool across the globe. The Soviets are likely busy with some internal purges, one of the under-construction destroyers is delayed, and looking at the almanac, I am slowly catching up in naval expenditure with the other nations of the world, but apart from the Brits and the Italians, everyone else is still building large capital ships - battlecruisers and battleships truly do remain the rules of the sea in this world! But then again, with slow aircraft development, not a lot of choice but to stick with the capital ship for a little while longer, eh?
But as December comes, an offer from the Americans arrives in the Reichstag! A formal military alliance between our two nations, the note suggests, will decrease the risk that the weak German naval presence presents as it will be bolstered by the powerful American battleline - or at least, that is how I think the offer went.
Well, I accept. While this will cost me budget, a treaty with the USA can only end in good things. And as if luck would have it, success! However, in the background, just as the negotiations are going swimmingly...
I would say increases intel spending to counter leaks like this, but well your budget is thin enough as it is right now and what you have is needed for research and building a modern navy.
As the date rolls over to 1922, it is time to do some housekeeping.
First, I will be halting the construction of all the Niobe-class cruisers. I need more money going in to fill the coffers up again, because running a -795 deficit when cash reserves are so small as they are is not exactly ideal. As soon as the destroyers and done and free up 408/month each, construction on the cruisers can continue. I really want to replace the Gefion's, but income is at the moment a bit more important so I can afford to buy more tech when my minions scientists fail me once more as they are wont to do.
Secondly, with a positive income now guaranteeing that I will not be going bankrupt after designing a ship, I take inspiration from the pages of history and make a Panzerschiffe by cheating on the Versailles Treaty like a madlad, inspired much by the IRL Deutschland-class cruisers. They are not going to be wreaking havoc on the sea lanes against merchant shipping though - it is possible to use them like that, however - but instead work as a deterrent against the waves of battleships and battlecruisers that are being laid down by the Soviets and maintained by the western allies: The 11" guns of these Deutschland's can go through about 12,5" of armour at 10,000 yards, which should be enough to deal with the new Soviet battlecruisers, while the eight 6" cannons are good enough for anti-destroyer work.
Now, the main reason why I do not use the jack-of-all-stats 5" guns, is because mine have a quality stat of -1 that will hamper their ROF, range, and armour penetration by a lot, and while the 6" may have a slight reduction in ROF compared, it more than makes up for it with better range and raw damage. Anyways, if the Reichsmarine ever needs to use these against light cruisers, then they have an immunity zone from 8,000 yards to 13,000 yards and possibly even beyond.
Meanwhile, over in Asia, the Japanese get a taste of their first colonial rebellions. I hope it is the first of many
The next turn brings nothing except a status report that Great Britain has laid down a battleship and scrapped their last pre-dreadnought, and that a rebuild for HMS Bacchante is done. The French are building airfields in South-East Asia, one of the upcoming destroyers is delayed with a month, and the game thinks that the ongoing rebellion is so important that I need to get a reminder immediately after it erupted last turn. I hope that it means it is worse for the Japanese and costs them that bit of clay!
Damn you Commies! I thought that maybe I could've dealt with the faux-Kongou/Lion by having some cruisers with 11" guns to punch through their belt armour but this class of four battleships just blows all of that out of the water with their 13" belt, with the 11"-armed Deutschland's needing to close to 8,500 yards to punch through. Damnit! Luckily, in three months, most of the destroyers will be done, releasing more funding for the Niobe-class light cruisers that have had their construction halted for months now.
As March goes and April comes, there is yet another uprising in China that requires an expeditionary force to be sent. With tension levels being low, and last time selecting the middle option doing nothing, I go for it again. Meanwhile, over in Europe, the Teadrinkers have struck back against the Irish to erase their perceived humiliation in 1921.
But that are just about all the events of April. The Deutschland-class designs mentioned earlier finish, but apart from that, it is just more of the same: The brits lay down ships, rebuilds are being done, and old DDs and CLs are being scrapped.
May begins with a new Italian cruiser coming for a visit.
Fuck dah spaghetti's
The rebellion in Kiautschou Bay continues unabated, but that is everything that happens. With the budget keeping steady in the black, I bump research up to 12% in the hope that the additional funding helps my boffins with their research. No dice this turn, however.
June starts with a bang as ten of the twelve destroyers I had under construction are finally finished!
"Welcome to the fleet, girls!" "Danke sehr, Admiral!"
The auspicious events keep coming, as the Brits host a race - in the spirit of international friendship (and hoping to reduce tensions) the Reichsmarine HQ orders the German crew to come second behind the British sailours.
Meanwhile, however, my minionsScientists fail to discover the new tech they had been crowing about back in 1920 and I am pretty sure laugh about it behind my back. I suspect the money I invested into R&D has been going missing in strange ways if this keeps on happening
The Soviets continue to prove themselves as trustworthy as far as you can throw a three-tonne stone, and are rebuked accordingly. But with the destroyers finished, that means a per turn income increase to 4,268!
With that bit of good news the three Niobe's have their construction continue immediately, putting me a tad in the red, but who cares! The three cruisers which I wanted to be built a year ago are finally going to be launched in mid-1923! Checking the costs of a Deutschland-class cruiser again, I see that I can build two of them immediately after the Niobe's are done.
July arrives, and apart from the message about the rebellion in Kiautschou Bay continuing and two destroyers being launched, things are largely silent. The same can be said for August: Just a score of old ships being scrapped and corvettes being launched and commissioned. Having the funds to spare, Niobe and Medusa get their construction accelerated to get them all in service roughly at the same time.
And as August becomes September, I welcome the ten modern destroyers of the German Reichsmarine now fully into the fleet. Let's hope that these girls perform well in battle.
In October the docks upgrade I purchased completes itself, while the British offer to sell me ASW technology. Buying the tech I am sure that R&D will do something to make it much less reliable against my future submarines, but otherwise more ASW in general to deal with potential Soviet submarines is better than nothing.
My scientists continue to not earn their pay as they fail to comprehend the concept of K-guns, the remaining two destroyers get commissioned, and Arado proposes that their newly developed fighter - the Arado Ar.88 - becomes the standard-issue aerocraft of the Reichsmarine.
With such marginal improvements over the Fi.84, I decide to not accept this deal and keep the 600 in cash to myself - the extra toughness may have been good, but with how much it cut into the top speed...well, I like my fighters to arrive on target on time, not three hours late.
December comes, and finally, events begin to pop up.
I am unashamedly going to send over some of my old 500-tonne 'destroyers' for the budget that comes with it. With any luck, it pays for one of the two Deutschlands that I plan on laying down: Deutschland herself and her sistership, Admiral Graf Spee.
It does not, unfortunately, so I have to wait until the first two ships are done. So, with a heavy heart, I cancel the accelerated construction on Niobe and Medusa and lay down a fourth Niobe: 'Gazelle', named for the high speed of the Niobe design, and if tech advances, also the one who risks becoming obsolete on the slipways the most. And finally, I order an expansion of the Wilhelmshaven dockyards to a size larger than 41,000 tonnes.
And so ends 1922, this time on a particularly high note! Unfortunately, my boffins have been useless so far even with the 12% of the Reichsmarine budget allocated to them, so for now I am relying on technology that I already have - or that the world is willing to sell.
I would say increases intel spending to counter leaks like this, but well your budget is thin enough as it is right now and what you have is needed for research and building a modern navy.
Looking at the almanac, even the Italians have a higher percentage of cash allocated to the Navy. Right now, cash infusions and budget increases are things that I need, but the politicians are just being really stingy with the cash - though perhaps 1923 will be better in this regard.
They are coming! about six to four months (turns). Anyways, currently not a lot of ways to reach the Spaghetti's, so it will likely turn into a cruiser/raider war...
DD-botes are gudbotes. They are the largest size that I can build, and do a respectable 33 knt with their armament of four 4" cannons and six 21" torpedoes.
I hope to eventually rebuild the Niobe's with some better turret top armour, the most important part was getting them actually out right now - The Gefions are, excuse me language, crap and not worth the rebuild.
Looking at the almanac, even the Italians have a higher percentage of cash allocated to the Navy. Right now, cash infusions and budget increases are things that I need, but the politicians are just being really stingy with the cash - though perhaps 1923 will be better in this regard.
Ah yes Politicians not giving money a usual issue to have and I get it, right now what money you do have has to go into research and building new ships to modernize the navy.
The year 1923 - In which plans are made, money is gained, and the world gets mad (part one)
The year is now 1923, and between posting the last update and now, I have formulated a strategy after some investigative journalism to get rid of the Treaty of Versailles that limits shipbuilding, rack up the budget, and become Stronk German Reichsmarine with Fortschrittliche Deutsche Technologie. The strategy is devious. The strategy is cunning. It relies on striking the enemies of Germany with all her might, and to then rain down punches on their faces while they are down!
The target?
You know 'em. You hate 'em.
The Spaghettis. Oh how I hate your thieving and dishonourable ways.
This strategy, which I will call War Plan Pizza from now on, does somewhat rely on the game mechanics being a bit...borked. Namely, the treaty/war system. Now, normally, when you go to war all existing armament limitation treaties are immediately removed from play because the game assumes that every naval power - shocked by conflict breaking out - will now build to match the navy of the aggressor. But what if I told you, that this also applies to the Versailles Treaty?
Yes, by being a warmonger and deliberately pissing off your neighbours so much that they declare war upon you, you can just ignore the treaty your predecessor signed to end the Great War because he did just that several years ago
But at this point we need to be careful before unleashing the perfect storm on the Italians: They have six battleships, and Germany has none. The Italians have two battlecruisers, while Germany, again, has none. Though we have two heavy cruisers and six light cruisers, four of which are under construction, the Italians have three CA's and eleven CLs while mine are outdated as all hell: The only place where we outnumber them is in destroyers, and there only by one ship. At this point, before we go to war, the Reichsmarine has to be careful and expand her light and heavy forces first before engaging in conflict.
So, for now, War Plan Pizza is on halt, but the preparational phase of the plan can proceed. And finally, after about three years of mocking, my scientists finally unlock something of note.
An improved 2cm autocannon to complement the 3" and 4" DP cannons. I do think that a 3.7cm autocannon would be better, with the heavier shell and reach. Meanwhile, the USA offers to sell me a piece of tech that my minions have had trouble with since the very start of this campaign - I would be a fool to deny the opportunity to buy it right now!
Hahaha! If I am right, this also eliminates the 20% RoF penalty for guns smaller than 9" in secondary turrets: If that is true, then my future designs do not have to worry anymore about calibre size, because the turrets can actually fit and elevate the guns! Nice, thank you USA. I knew there was a reason I allied you. On the other side of the Pacific however, Japan continues to be stymied by the never-ending Rebellion in Kiautschou Bay. Three cheers to the rebels!
As we enter March, one of the agents of the Reichsmarine's Beobachtungsdienst happens to discover the specifications of the most modern British flying boat: The Westland Whirlwind. Manufactured by Westland as the name indicates, in comparison to my own aircraft - the Blohm & Voss BV 86 - it is only somewhat inferior: The same top speed, but a somewhat poorer range of about 17 nautical miles.
And as if it is a late Christmas, two years after my minions (re)discovered the art of chucking heavier-than-air aeroplanes off ships, they finally make a breakthrough in that area!
With this breakthrough, the dreams of a German carrier force come ever closer! After all, with this done I can just select one of the old, old Hertha-class heavy cruisers and convert them into proper light carriers for the Reichsmarine to gain experience in aerial flights from ships, get some torpedo-laden bombers going, and-
But of course. Sorry Graf, we still have some time to go until I can work on you and your smaller sisters - a shame, but with how things are...
As March becomes April, the Niobe is launched and commissioned. However, it is discovered that her high-pressure boilers and improvements in hull construction allowed her to reach a much higher speed than expected: The ship cuts through the waves at a swift 30 knots of speed, and with how the Nymphe and Medusa are looking, it seems that the entire class will reach the record set by Niobe! "The most modern German cruiser, I am Niobe! It is a pleasure to meet you, Admiral!"
But unfortunately, that is the only news of relevance, with only old destroyers being scrapped by the other powers and Italy constructing an airfield near the Austrian Alps. Tensions go up slightly with the Commies and the International Treaty has only one and a half years to go until it is done: I am praying for an extension right now so that the lead of the other world powers does not become astronomical and makes anything I do a feeble attempt at best.
With Niobe finished, I lay down the first of the aforementioned Deutschlands: Deutschland, the lead ship, will be followed by Admiral Graf Spee as soon as the budget allows for it.
May starts with a bang as the Hamburgers sell me a much-improved warhead for the destroyer-and-cruiserborne torpedoes I will be using for now and in the future for a modest price, which as I am part of an alliance with them, is a discount from the usual - now just to pray that this is not one of BuOrd's non-functioning prototypes that they pawned off to get some money back
And the good news continues! While the US-German technological deal goes through, the Medusa and Nymphe are launched at the same time, as predicted also reaching the same 30-knot top speed as set by Niobe, and becoming some of the few ship-classes other than destroyers that can reach a speed of 30 knots! Indeed, with this development, the Italian surface fleet - with the exception of some of her destroyers - can be outrun without any trouble at all! "Herr Admiral, I am the kreuzer Medusa." "And I am Nymphe!" ""It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance!""
This also frees up the budget for Admiral Graf Spee almost immediately, making only a month-long difference between the two Panzerschiffe between their laid-down dates and commissioning dates. This month truly has been one surprise after another for the Reichsmarine, but with how much things are looking up right now, I am waiting for the catch.
And there it is. My spies in the Soviet Union, after a convoluted set of operations to gain access to the Commissariat of Naval Construction, telegraph the designs of their newest battleship - the Dzerzhinsky, named after the revolutionary of the same name - and reveal just how much I need a ship larger than 12,000 tonnes and 11" cannons if the Soviets continue to cheat on the international treaties like this.
As the months pass by without issue, August reveals that a French agent has tried to worm his way into the Reichsmarine! With my fleet not being capable of contesting the French in any category except destroyers, this matter is handled with the discretion it needs.
IE, just a quick shot to the back of the skull and the spy being buried in a nondescript graveyard.
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The year 1923 - In which plans are made, money is gained, and the world gets mad (part two)
Meanwhile, September brings with it the national German elections to determine the 1924-1928 administration. The Sozialistisch-Demokratische Partei, the favoured media darling of the nation, is winning handily: Both at the ballot box and the opinion polls.
Admiral Raeder thus asks for a meeting with the Party leaders, and after several hours of talks and a humble dinner, manages to convince them to maintain the navy budget and slash that of the Army instead. It costs the Reichsmarine some prestige, but it is better than needing to cancel one of the Deutschlands at this moment of all times.
At the same time the Japanese have, unfortunately, prevailed against the Kiautschou Bay rebels and crushed them under the iron heel of Imperialism. News of the suppression after the long and bitter fighting contains reports of massacre after massacre, but the League of Nations is powerless to intervene.
Double fuck. War Plan Pizza requires the Italians to be my enemy, but the only options are Great Britain, the French, and the Soviets. I take the top option, because I cannot take on any of the options in particular.
Triple fuck. Unfortunately, that comment by the Admiral just pisses everyone on that list off, making my efforts to preserve peace a total failure. Meanwhile, the Soviets are also still busy with their gigantic naval rearmament programme after the Civil War, and it is making Berlin very antsy. Unfortunately, I have no way of countering them you bastards! At least this boost to the budget allows me to lay down a third Deutschland, Admiral Scheer, and a pair of destroyers: Jaguar and Löwe.
And after several months of nothing, my scientists unlock 'Above Water Torpedo Tubes on All Ships', so my heavy cruisers and capital ships can now also mount the 'equalizer of the seas' - Finally! Just need to make sure my ships do not do a Choukai and blow themselves to pieces, because to have that happen to a battleship would be...bad.
And so ends 1923 on a terrible note. Tensions with the Spaghetti's are down, up with the British and French, and the dirty Commies are officially in my self-imposed danger zone: The only positives are that the Japanese and Americans have their tension levels on zero, so if I get that Alliance event again, I would very much welcome a security arrangement with the Japanese to get some allies in the war against Soviets, or if I can get War Plan Pizza working again, the Italians.
With the expansion of the docks having ticked over I immediately buy another one, and await with bated breath what 1924 will bring the Reichsmarine. Only six more years of Versailles left to go - now to just hope that things do not burst into flame before everything is ready...