Ford Prefect

What is Project Zohar?
The Hague
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As of 1 September, The Phantom Pain will be released. This thread will be opened for those who will be purchasing, and wish to discuss, MGSV. As such, be warned that this thread will contain unmarked spoilers.

However, please refrain from discussing material that was leaked ahead of time, so that those of us who have so far remained unspoiled can actually discuss the game without having to put thirty or forty hours into it. Apart from that small courtesy, you are otherwise free to discuss the game as you will. Now go, and let the legend come back to life!

- I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will always be with you. -
It's september 1st here in Malaysia, and I thought the steam launch was supposed to be at midnight September 1st for New Zealand? :V Even if it's still following the time of 12pm EST 31st August that should still be now. :/
I'm really disappointed that I won't actually have time to sit down and play this until sometime in November or December due to my current course load.

I can only hope that I'll be able to avoid spoilers for that long.

I hope that Zero actually makes an appearance in the game. I'm sick and tired of him just being akin to this unknowable boogeyman.
It's september 1st here in Malaysia, and I thought the steam launch was supposed to be at midnight September 1st for New Zealand? :V Even if it's still following the time of 12pm EST 31st August that should still be now. :/
They changed it to Midnight EST September 1st.

Kinda super salty about it since I was relying on the NZ time release so I could download the game in time to play it on the 1st in the first place. :/

Though it did lead to me finding this countdown site, maybe the phantom cigar button will work this time!

"Function unavailable."

Damnit. :(
They changed it to Midnight EST September 1st.

Kinda super salty about it since I was relying on the NZ time release so I could download the game in time to play it on the 1st in the first place. :/

Though it did lead to me finding this countdown site, maybe the phantom cigar button will work this time!

"Function unavailable."

Damnit. :(
Yeah I too am feeling some salt in me now. *sigh* Steam is acting funny though - Midnight EST September 1st should be 7 hours from now, but Steam is telling me I have 20 hours to go before the game unlocks. Unless it's a regional thing. :/

Hopefully switching between Japanese and English audio will be easier!
How much control do you think you have over the design of your FOBs?

Like, is it possible to put all your cargo where you want it to be and make the entire thing a sniper's shooting gallery from a single vantage point?

Edit: Also, they implied predator prey interaction with the animals in the field.

It would be super cool if they're actually ecosystems, and you could kill or fulton out enough prey animals to make the local predators so starved they start attacking people/enemies in the area, or that you actually had to make semi-intact ecosystems on your preserve FOBs or they'd eventually depopulate in various fashions.
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hmmmmm, to buy or not to buy.
on the one hand, its probably hideo kojimas last metal gear game, and as a metal gear game in general its probably going to be highly enjoyable for at least one reason.
on the other hand, micro transactions (i tend to refuse to support any company whatsoever if they include those in a game)
hmmmmm, to buy or not to buy.
on the one hand, its probably hideo kojimas last metal gear game, and as a metal gear game in general its probably going to be highly enjoyable for at least one reason.
on the other hand, micro transactions (i tend to refuse to support any company whatsoever if they include those in a game)
Problem with micro-transactions is that they're usually implemented poorly. Dead Space 3 for example (I bought the other two after getting Dead Space 1 for free on Origin) has an optional micro-transaction system. If you put the scavanger bot in the 'green' zones, you'll get ration coupons. These coupons can be then traded in for various resource and equipment packs. It's rather easy to get the most expensive pack in the game at least once if you continuously hunt for these 'green' zones.
Re: microtransactions

You get one FOB for free in a region of your choice. More FOBs past that, as far as I know, require payment (MB coins) to be used.

Other than that, the feature hasn't been made live yet so how exactly MB coins works beyond that (or if they even work beyond that) is still ????????

This is fucking happening.

Oh my shit I'm restarting the game because this shit is fucking happening.

Create a character is a thing...

Edit: Wait, the character creation was that involved and it was just a troll?
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So I'm a few hours in.

So I've played up to A Hero's Way, which you might remember from E3 2015, as well as a couple of Side Ops. I'm only really scratching the surface at this stage, but I'm really liking it so far. The controls are really tight and cleverly distributed around the controller, so you can easily mange multi-tasking, like sprinting and calling for D. Horse or holding a dude up and talking to him. Speaking of, I had a cute moment where I forgot Snake no longer speaks Russian so I tried holding a soldier up and telling him to get down, only for him to say in nervous, broken English 'I don't understand.'

The prologue is great. I think some people think it might be slow, but I think it's really deliberately and expertly paced to show Snake's agonising recovery and the way the tension and danger mounts. It's seriously one of the better horror games I've played. It's also one of the few tutorials where I've actually died.
So I'm going to take a wild guess, but this might be obvious:
Still in tutorial, but I'm going to guess that Ishmael is either some kind of hallucination/alternate personality of Big Boss... or it's Solidus.
So I'm going to take a wild guess, but this might be obvious:
Still in tutorial, but I'm going to guess that Ishmael is either some kind of hallucination/alternate personality of Big Boss... or it's Solidus.
From a certain point of view, you're not wrong.
Shit gets absolutely real in mission six. This is genuinely a pretty decent horror game.

Puppy DD is also ludicrously adorable.
For all of those who are still playing it, if you complete all of the missions, you will get the surprise of your life from these series. I've seen it on youtube and I won't spoil it (unless you want me to PM it to you or put it in a spoiler tag).
You know, the fear and mystique of the Skull Unit was kind of marred when I was able to pull a Joseph Joestar and just sprint away from them like a douchebag at the end of mission 6. For weird zombie things that could keep up with a galloping D-Horse they sure did have trouble chasing down a man on foot burdened by a rocket launcher.

Really even though the Skulls are butt-vincible and basically walking death sentences it's far too easy to escape their aggro zones and get off scott-free. I wanted to be scared of them but it's just not working out.

And to return to the tutorial for a moment, it sure was kind of funny to see Big Boss go from being barely able to crawl to sprinting around and getting into gunfights complete with Reflex Mode in the span of an hour. Still not quite at B.J. Blazkowicz levels of not giving a shit about muscle atrophy but he's in a solid second place.

But I guess at least it broke up the tedium of watching the gas-mask brigade executing everyone over and over and over while staunchly remaining too thick to look under beds. And that time they opened fire down a hallway from both ends with assault rifles and somehow miraculously managed not to hit Big Boss, Ishmael or each other but still mowed down nameless civvies by the droves was pretty funny too.

And while I'm in a bitching mood, I wish Pequod would hurry the fuck up with the chopper because I am sick of having to plonk my ass down in that rustbucket every five minutes to get where I need to go.
The release of the game along with Mad Max here in the Philippines will be delayed because of customs.
And while I'm in a bitching mood, I wish Pequod would hurry the fuck up with the chopper because I am sick of having to plonk my ass down in that rustbucket every five minutes to get where I need to go.

Buy a better helicopter then, cheapskate!

Speaking of buying things, I've got a few platforms for Mother Base now and it's just bewilderingly massive. It is also full of mystery. When you unlock the medical platform, make sure to explore it thoroughly. I started this post while I was chilling in the ACC and it finished construction so I had a snoop around, and I'm still reeling.