Lessons Learned (Fate/RWBY)

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Do you believe in Destiny?

A strange question, considering what the world has gone through...


I got lost so.....Where are we?
Do you believe in Destiny?

A strange question, considering what the world has gone through.

One day, peace reigned supreme, and within a single battle, the world was reminded just how fragile that peace it.

All on that field, on the plains of Camlann.

Hundreds of Grimm with nothing standing between them and thousands of innocent lives.

Nothing, except the greatest legends to ever grace the world of Remnant.

The General.

The Hound.

The Nightmare.

The Guardian.

The King.

The Knight.

The Sun.

The Fading Star.

The Hero.

The Dragonslayer.

And The Heart of the World.

Somehow, these men and woman fought off an army until reinforcements could arrive.

The attack reminded humanity of the threat of Grimm.

But these heroes reminded humanity that the Grimm were not invincible.

It was an achievement that would be spoken for generations, inspiring deeds and heroes alike.

However, legends of yesterday will be forgotten.

The world needs a new legend to inspire it.

But the real question is, are you going to be that legend?

Or will you guide it?

Are you....?

[] The Teacher
[] The Student

Well whatever you chose, I can't wait to see what happens.


So, this is the project that I've put way to much time thinking through.

For those of you who don't know, this is a retry at the Fate/RWBY Cross I did before.

Lessons Learned and Taught (Fate/RWBY)

Your first choice is simple, are you going to be the teacher or the student.

If you chose the teacher, you will be choosing from a cast of characters that, you guessed it, teach hunters as they go through Beacon.

The Student will put you in the shoes of the hunters who have the task of outshining the greatest heroes the world has ever seen. No pressure am I right?

This vote will be open for quite some time, so no rush.

If you're interested, a discord server has been prepared for discussion if you guys don't want to use the thread.


But anyway, lets get this party started shall we?
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Character Sheet
Name: Shirou Emiya
Age: 36
Occupation: Weapon Forging Professor (3rd year of Teaching), Former Vale Hunter, Former Mercenary

Sword: C
Bow: B
Dust Manipulation: A
Dust Magic: B

Agility: C
Dueling: A

Aura Control: B
Aura Level: C
Semblance Mastery: EX

Cooking: EX
Cleaning: A+
History: D
Geography: B
Grimm Knowledge: B
Strategy: B
Psychology: B
Weapon Forging: A

Politics: E
Social Skills: D

Personal Skills:

Abnormal Fighter (Force enemies to pass an additional agility check to avoid being hit, allows attacks to hit those who have an increased agility rank): How many people do you know who use a bow at close range, and swords at long range?

Cooking Legend (So long as time is given, no dish cannot be cooked): You have a hobby.

Counter Force (Rank up in all combat skills when acting in defense of ???, constantly drains aura if in use, locks certain options): You made a promise, one you intend to keep.

Guardian Knight (Rank up in all combat skills when protecting others): You wanted to be a hero, some say that you are.

Hero of Camlann (Massive authority and Reputation increase, increased Combat prowess, ???): You are one of the eleven that held the line at Camlann. To walk out of that battlefield is an achievement that only belongs those considered the greatest heroes on Remnant.

Hero Of Justice (Massive social decrease to those from both Atlas and Mistral, massive reputation increase): Just because you're correct… It doesn't mean you're right.

Sardonic (Rank down in social skills with those below 'Friend'): You speak your mind, most don't like hearing it though.

Silver Eyes (Capable of seeing far beyond the normal range of an average human, ???): You don't believe in fairy tales, but you can't say they haven't been useful.

Soul Master (Lessens the cost of all Aura related actions): You are among a privileged few who have discovered everything there is to know about yourself and your soul. Congratulations.


Nothing but the clothes on your back.

Structural Analysis - Tracing: Once, you only had the ability to see the components of any object you've touched. However, after years of practice, you've mastered the true power of your semblance.

Recreating any weapon you've seen, using nothing but Aura.

So long as you have aura, you can create any weapon you see, or have seen. Any special properties that come from that weapon, such as stored dust, are created as well within the copy. However, you have your limits.

To create a weapon on the level of Balmung, you must fundamentally understand the creation of the weapon. This requires both extended periods of time with the weapon, and tracing each individual part of the weapon. If these criteria are not met, you cannot trace the weapon.

The secondary effect of your semblance is turning your tracing on yourself. At an equivalent cost in aura, you can increase your strength and agility for a limited about of time.

Bladeworks: At massive aura cost, you can materialize every weapon you've ever understood into the space around you, transforming the battlefield into a sea of blades.
Coming Soon
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[X] The Teacher
There are plenty of quests where you attend Beacon. This series is the only one I know of that you are a teacher. Fate character choices are just a bonus.
[X] The Student

Better to grow, rather than get a pre-set mold.

Onwards, to victory!
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[X] The Teacher

I want to retry the premise of the old quest because of the originality of the premise. I want to see where this plotline goes and it hopefully doesn't lose me like the original quest did.
[X] The Teacher

I'm okay with both options, but one option lets us be awesome teachers in the form of Uncle Vlad or Broskander, and the other doesn't, so...