[X] Have Tara and Ashoka activate Force Defense to add to defense.

Also, turns out the Jedi Rab a secret prison that held the captured CIS commanders and Dark Side force users that the Jedi captured during the Clone Wars.

Nice catch. This actually gives me an idea for another mission.
[X] Tara and Ashoka activate Knight Speed to tear into the ranks after they are done deflecting. You'll have automatic damage because their Lightsabers are out of commission.

I'll roll the 2d20.
KnightDisciple threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Lightning Defense 2d20 Total: 12
5 5 7 7
There's just too much lightning for Tara and
Ashoka to deflect. Even Obi-Wan and Mace would be hard-pressed to fend off such an assault. Both Tara and Ashoka are knocked down, the lightning calcified their bones.

Tara and Ashoka are out of commission for two turns. Both are severely injured.

[X] Have Mara Force Push both back so they don't take any further damage. Dagger Team is pulling out combat knives and seems to be prepared for melee combat. Let them do so. Kyle even pulls out his Lightsaber, although he hasn't really trained much on it.

[X] Daggers continue peppering the Inquisitors with their rifles and grenades. There's no fear of deflection since the EMP Grenade thrown by Marcus knocked out their own Lightsabers.

[X] Withdraw completely, lighting up the Sith with Flash-bangs and Concussion Grenades to get Tara and Ashoka stabilized.

[X] Write-in
[X] Withdraw completely, lighting up the Sith with Flash-bangs and Concussion Grenades to get Tara and Ashoka stabilized.
[X] Withdraw completely, lighting up the Sith with Flash-bangs and Concussion Grenades to get Tara and Ashoka stabilized.
And so, The Daggers withdraw, Tara and Ashoka in tow. The Inquisitors seemed to have joined the melee back in the hangar bay, but ran into a trap, as Jaylana and her Commandos destroyed them.

What do? Tara and Ashoka are healed, they'll need some time in Bacta tanks after this mission and maybe some surgery.

[X] You sense a dark presence on the bridge. Advance and defeat it.

[X] Move to cut off power to the engines and life support.

[X] Write-in
[X] Engines and life support

Dagger Team moved with the quickness towards the engine deck. Two stormtroopers guarding the doors were easily dispatched, and you see maintainers frantically attempting to repair the damage done by the bomber squadrons.

The sense of dread and darkness caught up to you, however...because High Inquisitor Jerec is waiting on the other side of the guardrail. He says nothing. He ignites his lightsaber and charges.

[X] Tara, Ashoka and Mara attempt to Force Push him back. 3d20s required.

[X] Take the offensive. Tara jumps behind Jerec and pulls out her Lightdagger while Ashoka and Mara ignite their Lightsabers and strike at him. Meanwhile Dagger Team secures the rest of the engine deck.

[X] Everyone strikes. Lightsabers and Grenades batter the High Inquisitor.

[X] Write-in

(Sorry for the delay guys, had some personal stuff to take care of this week)
[X] Take the offensive. Tara jumps behind Jerec and pulls out her Lightdagger while Ashoka and Mara ignite their Lightsabers and strike at him. Meanwhile Dagger Team secures the rest of the engine deck.
[X] Take the offensive. Tara jumps behind Jerec and pulls out her Lightdagger while Ashoka and Mara ignite their Lightsabers and strike at him. Meanwhile Dagger Team secures the rest of the engine deck.
[X] Take the offensive

Now I need a 1d30 and two 2d16s.

Also, I completely spaced it out from the start; Ashoka is a Jar'Kai duelist. Meaning she uses two lightsabers. I'll fix that after this mission.
[X] Take the offensive

Now I need a 1d30 and two 2d16s.

Also, I completely spaced it out from the start; Ashoka is a Jar'Kai duelist. Meaning she uses two lightsabers. I'll fix that after this mission.

EDIT 2: At least I can do something right.
KnightDisciple threw 1 30-faced dice. Reason: First roll 1d30 Total: 1
1 1
KnightDisciple threw 2 16-faced dice. Reason: 2nd roll 2d16 Total: 18
8 8 10 10
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Tara misses her strike, but manages to kick Jerec in the back on her way down, and he stumbles. Mara's strike is blocked but Ashoka manages to penetrate Jerec's armor and stabs into his rotator cuff.

Jerec himself managed to get a slash in at Mara's fibula. She's currently down.

Meanwhile your Daggers have secured the engine deck preventing any repairs. The Revenant Justice is immobile. It'll take weeks to repair the damage done to the hyperdrive.
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Supporting characters/Party members:

Ashoka Tano, Level 7 Jedi Sentinel/Level 5 Jedi Guardian/ Level 2 Jedi Investigator

Strength: 12
Dexterity: 16
Con: 12
Intelligence: 16
Charisma: 14
Wisdom: 16

HP: 185
Force Points: 260


Improved Flurry: Double attack rolls per turn. No penalty to hit rolls.

Master Body Hardening: -4 to all incoming damage rolls.

Mastermind: +15 bonus to all hacking, salvaging, reverse engineering, and general investigation rolls.

Clone Wars Veteran: +10 to rolls concerning Alliance Marines troop movements, ground battles, etc.

The responsibility of a Mentor: Tara Skywalker gets a bonus 200 EXP during missions that Ashoka assists with.

Story: Upon hearing of the Rise of the Empire, Ashoka immediately set course for Tattooine and met Obi-Wan, who fell into a state of deep depression.

It was her, the Padawan of his Padawan, who convinced him not to give up hope.

Mara Jade

Level 9 Jedi Sentinel


Strength: 10
Dexterity: 16
Intelligence: 16
Charisma: 8
Wisdom: 12


Improved Critical Strike: Critical Strike range expanded to 18-20.

Body Hardening: -4 to damage rolls.

Improved reflexes: -3 to all incoming hit rolls. On ranged and physical hit rolls.

The love of a Mother: All force powers are 4 points cheaper when Sakoya Jade and Mara Jade are supporting characters.

Force Powers:

Force Speed: 30 Force Point cost. Can double up on strikes and attack turns. 2d14 instead of 1d14 for physical strikes.

Force Pull: 25 Force Point cost. Can pull an enemy towards her for a stun lasting up to 20s turns. 1d10 damage upon successful roll.

Weapons: Lightsaber, purple, 1d14 damage.

Lightdagger, purple. 1d10 damage. If behind enemy, 3d10 damage.

Marcus Darklighter

Level 4 Soldier/Level 6 Sniper:

SP (Skill Powers): 100

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 12
Constution: 14
Intelligence: 10
Charisma: 16
Wisdom: 8


Marksman: +2 to hit rolls when using all ranged weapons, kinetic or laser-based, to hit rolls.

Grenadier: Has a penchant and a love for grenades. 20 Skill Points per 'lob', can choose between EMP, Flash-bangs and Fragmentation grenades.

Sniper: Has an additional +2 hit roll when using a sniper rifle. Stacks with Marksman.

Legendary potential: As Marcus progresses, he gains 200 EXP per mission while teamed with either Boba Fett or Tara Skywalker.

Skill Powers:

Sniper Wolf: 40 skill points. Adds 10 automatic damage to a roll and extends critical strike range to 17-20.

Lobber: +5 to damage rolls when successfully throwing a grenade at a target. 15 skill points.


S16A8 Medium Blaster Rifle: 2d9 damage, adds all feats and Dex modifiers to hit rolls.

S50 Designated Marksman Rifle: 1d18 damage, +2 to hit rolls.

It's important to watch this. To be fair I haven't been doing it myself. Be aware of what your support characters are capable of.
Sorry to say, but I've lost my muse on Legion.

I have a better idea for a quest that'll be up later today.