Legendary (Urban Fantasy Quest)

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The television continues to provide a source of light and noise for your otherwise silent...
The Start
The television continues to provide a source of light and noise for your otherwise silent apartment. It's the same story again, hundreds of channels and nothing interesting.

You decide to look at your clock to relieve your boredom. Its face reads 8:23 PM. You're still bored.

A sigh escapes you as the TV goes dark. Throwing the remote back onto the coffee table you can't even remember what program was so important in the first place. Perhaps an early night will do you some good. You might even be able to drift off before the couple downstairs start arguing again.
Passing your charging phone shows you the usual, no messages, texts or calls.

The bed creaks as you settle down, another day in the life of [] Name over. You wonder if tomorrow will be better.

[The world shifts]

It's strange. You're dreaming, odd in itself that you're aware of that fact, but what's most disconcerting is that this seems far more real than any moment of your life you remember. It just seems to fit, though you suppose dreams are meant to be like that. You've heard that dreams are meant to feel real when you're in them, but then again you've never actually had a dream before now. The few friends you've managed to make told you that you were a little strange, the
who never dreamed. Still, something is defiantly up here, beyond the fact your dreaming at all. As the images continue you finally realize what it is. For the first time you're not acting as society expects from you, trying to be normal, instead you're doing what feels Right...
[You can hear a voice]
[] You are resting with your head on your coils. Your belly is full, your hunger sated and you feel safe with the knowledge that you are…

-[] The King of your kind (Confirmed: Basilisk)
-[] The Greatest of your kind. (Confirmed: Jormungandr)
[It's faint, sometimes too faint to hear]
[] You are fighting, a challenger has come before you and needs to be crushed. Your scales protect you from harm while your teeth inflict it. Sensing weakness you go for the kill…

-[] With Fire (Confirmed: Dragon)
-[] With Venom (Confirmed: Wyvern)
[It's talking about something, '-u are honoured'…….. '-cess has dange']
[] You are sleeping. The comforting weight and darkness of your home surrounds you. Nothing else draws near, rightly fearing…

-[] Your scalding heat (Confirmed: Leviathan)
-[] Your lashing limbs (Confirmed: Kraken)
['-our sacrifice is n'…..'-e what we learn']
[] You are Strong. No one can question your raw power and any who try are crushed like ants beneath your feet. You are proud to be of the…

-[] Ice (Confirmed: Frost Giant)
-[] Stone (Confirmed: Rock Giant)
[The voice is familiar, you are sure of it. But you can't quite place it.]
[] You are arguing. Your life has never been your own, nor have you ever had a moment of solitude, for you are but one among…

-[] Hundreds (Confirmed: Hydra)
-[] Three (Conformed: Chimera)
[Its faint now, but you manage to pick out one more part]
[] You are watching. The world stretches below you and nothing escapes your eyes. Other beings, some formidable, inhabit this land with you, but you do not fear death…

-[] For you will never know it (Confirmed: Phoenix)
-[] For you are the one who deals it. (Confirmed: Roc)
['They will see you soon']
[] You are waiting.



Welcome to Legendary. The vote here will affect the outcome of the quest immensely, so pick well. Some are obvious, some less so. I encourage you to discuss things, and might reward successful guesses with confirmation (except the last one, that there is a mystery)
I'm still rather new at questing, and I now have two running, so updates might be a little sparse, but don't worry, @Kyrina will be ready to force me to write if need be.
Without further ado, let your legend begin.
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''Hurry up, they'll be here any minute''

The softly hissed words intrude into your sleep, bringing you back to the edge of consciousness.

''I'm working as fast as I can mistress, lock picking isn't my strong suit.''

A different voice this time, male, softly spoken but with a similar undercurrent of fear as the first.

Your eyes snap open as your weary mind finally puts the pieces together. Someone is trying to break into your house. You trip slightly on the sheets as you throw yourself out of the bed and into a stumbling run for the phone, still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. The hard concrete floor scrapes your feet badly and you have just a fraction of a second to remember that you don't have a concrete floor before you hear a sharp crack and red-white flashes across your eyes.

You clutch your head as you fall backwards from the support column. Sprawled across the floor, your eyes finally clear enough to see.

You aren't in your apartment anymore.

The room around you is exceptional in its emptiness. The floor and walls are bare concrete and support pillars dot the room. It reminds you a lot of a derelict building, though with the exception of a single grey bed sitting out of place in the corner. There are no windows, and two rather old looking wooden doors stand at both sides of the room, to your left and right. Light is provided by an old exposed lightbulb, hanging from the ceiling.

The cold feeling of panic starts to grip your mind before your attention is drawn back to the left door by the sound of a lock clicking.

You have no idea what's going on or what to do, but you need to make a decision now.

Do you

[] Stay still

[] Hide

[] Run through the other door

[] Call out

[] Write in.
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The storm of confused thoughts in your head clear as you decide on a course of action. You have clearly been abducted and taken to this place, so the best thing to do is get the hell out of here.

With your mind made up you waste no time is sprinting for the other door, which thankfully is unlocked. You are able to duck inside and slam it shut behind you just as you hear the outer door open. You're shaking slightly with adrenaline as you press your back to the door, hoping to buy some time.

Quickly glancing around the room reveals that it's slightly less desolate than the last, a pile of rotting wood that might have once been some chairs or table lays in the middle of the floor. You think it could still perhaps have a plank strong enough to wedge under the door handle, if you could get it quickly enough. A single window occupies the opposite wall, glass cobwebbed in cracks, making it impossible to make out anything beyond from your position. Another door stands to your right, but before you can decide on a course of action you are interrupted by a low voice, seemingly inches from your ear. You freeze. A slight shiver runs down your spine as you realize the stranger, possibly the one who abducted you, is less than a foot away, separated only by an unlocked, slightly rotten door. How did she cross the room so fast, and without making any noise?

'Be quiet you idiot.' The voice wavers slightly, 'if they hear us we're both dead.' Its the voice from before, the woman. She seems scared.

What on earth is going on here?

[] Stay quiet, you are terrified and confused and have no idea what to do, perhaps taking her advice is the smartest option

[] Run to the next door, whatever is going on, you don't want a part of it. Time to leave.

[] Write in
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The Storm (Alternate title: Elf)
The sound begins a few seconds after you fall silent. It starts quietly, sounding distant like a gale outside a window. You realise quickly, however, that the sound isn't coming from outside but rather from below, in what must be the lower stories of the building.

The distant whistling of the wind soon changes, becoming more akin to the howling of a hurricane, and growling less distant by the second. The door you're leaning on begins to vibrate, the floor joining in shortly after. Dust is shaken loose from the ceiling, coating your hair and pyjama top, and causing you to blink rapidly after some works its way into your eyes. You still remain silent, remembering the undercurrent of fear in the strange woman's words, and the 'They' she spoke of.

The whole building is shaking now, forcing you to crouch to maintain your balance. The howls have become screams, almost deafening in volume. You slap your hands over your ears as you curl up by the door and hope to God that it would just stop!

And just like that, it does.

The room is coated in a thin layer of white dust, as if it had just been snowing. A small amount is blown into the air as a light gust freezing wind enters from the now completely broken window. You start shivering for a different reason now, as you realise that not only are you stranded in a strange place with strange people and strange events, but you are also only wearing your pyjamas, and its bloody freezing. Wonderful, your day can't possibly get any worse.

A voice from behind reminds you that you aren't alone.

''Hello? Did you make it through all right? I'm going to open the door if that's ok with you.'' Its the woman again, she's still whispering slightly, though she seems to catch herself and ends on a more normal volume.

You hesitate. Should you trust this person? So far they haven't done anything to you, and you don't think they were the one to kidnap you, after all you remember the other one have to lock pick the door. The strange storm comes to the forefront of your thoughts, if it was a storm of course. It sounded very much like screaming at the end there and you're sure it was inside the building. You don't know what could make that sort of noise or cause the entire building to shake, but there's a good chance that you don't want to find out.

You make your decision. The woman's advice seemed good or at least didn't hurt you and you really need to get some answers. You call out, trying to keep a steady voice.

''I-its fine.'' Damn it, you must be more shaken than you thought.

The first thing you see as the door opens is the woman. She's dressed…oddly. Blue robes (or at least you think robes, you've never actually seen anyone wear them outside of fantasy TV shows) cover up most of her, leaving the ends of her arms and her face exposed. Nearly all the skin visible however is covered by extensive blue tattoos, something tribal in design you think. Lots of swirls. She looks in her early twenties, around the same age as you, maybe a little older.

Behind her is the man you heard. He's dressed more normally, in a t-shirt and trousers. He's also crouched on the floor and coughing up blood. You're worried, surely that can't be healthy? But before you can comment or act he recovers and regains his feet.

''Sorry about that Mistress, I should be alright now.'' His voice is pleasant in a way you can't quite describe, it feels like silk. As he stands you get a better look at him. You almost lose your breath, firstly because he is incredibly attractive; high cheek bones, beautiful hair. You're starting to feel a bit jealous actually. Secondly because of the long pointed ears and faintly glowing eyes.

He's an elf.

''Now I'm sure you're very confused.'' The woman is talking to you.

You continue to stare blankly at her. The man is an elf.

'Don't worry, it's perfectly normal for a newly awakened mage to suffer some memory loss. Though what you were doing out here in this dump I have no idea' She keeps speaking, but you have a few problems paying attention because there's a bloody elf right there!

The tattooed woman notices your wondering attentions and looks over at the elf! as well. ''Oh don't worry about Fade, he's just a little tired from casting the spell that hid us. He's very capable, I wouldn't have bought him otherwise''

'Bought', 'Mistress'. Oh wonderful, he's a slave elf. Who does magic. That makes it so much clearer.

The woman's gaze turns speculative as she turns back to face you, her cloak (of course she has a cloak, she's probably a wizard or something) making a swishing noise as she does so. ''We need to get moving soon, but I have some time to answer a few questions, and you can stay the day with us if you want.''

You lack of responses so far seems to finally register with her and she leans a bit closer, looking into your eyes. ''Are you ok? You seem a bit pale. What's your name?''



What do?

[] Write in (any questions for her and how much you're willing to reveal to her)
Questions (Alternate title: Elf Redux)
You take a deep breath and prepare to explain your situation in a clear and concise manner then hopefully get some answers about what's happening here.

''Last night everything was normal I was just watching television and decided I'd go to bed early then had a really weird dream where I was flying and thought that I might be immortal, maybe. Then I woke up in this really weird building and hit my head on a pillar, not on purpose but because I had something in my eye you see. Then you started trying to get in the door so I thought you were a kidnapper and had to get out of there really quickly so I ran into the other room but then you told me to be quiet and I was but the storm was really scary and what the fuck is going on here!?'' You gasp as you refill your lungs with much needed oxygen.

That…wasn't quite what you were aiming for. The situation must be getting to you. The expression on the woman's face is somewhere between bemusement and panic as she tries to understand the verbal avalanche you just hit her with.

In the end she just shakes her head and lets out a thoughtful noise.

''Waking up confused and in a strange place is normal, believe it or not, every mage goes through an awakening. But they don't normally remember the night before, and I have no idea about the dream or why you seem to have been moved.''

Mage, oh god she thinks you're a mage. There's and elf and she's a mage. You could deceive yourself and decide your dreaming or you've been drugged but you know different. This is real, the dream was real. The feeling of rightness that came with the dream hasn't left. But still, your acceptance of this reality doesn't mean you're going to let it get away with everything crazy.

''Ok'' you point to the elf, named Fade apparently. ''Elf''

Fade looks at you properly for the first time, seemingly in shock. He briefly glances to either side as if you could be pointing to some other elf, perhaps behind him.

''Elf'' you repeat. You are going to get some explanation dammit. ''Why is there an elf?''

The tattooed woman's expression hardens slightly.

''Do you have something against elves? I understand you're confused but he did just save our lives, yo-'' Oh god that's not what you meant. You quickly interrupt her before the misunderstanding can go any further.

''No no no no, I have nothing against elves. I just want to know why they exist! Wait, no that came out wrong as well! I mean where I come from there's no elves or magic or weird storms or anything. Honestly I need some of whatever the hell you people are taking, because it's clearly the only way to deal with what's going on here.''

The woman and Fade exchange a glance and turn back to you.

''Your clearly very disorientated and confused right now. How about we get you some food and a bed. We can work out what to do tomorrow. Sound good?'' Her tone of voice is similar to what you'd use to comfort a lost and confused child. Annoyingly, it actually does reassure you slightly.

With the reminder the weariness that's been with you since you awoke finally catches up with you. The sudden awakening and consequent panic has left you wanting nothing more than a bed to rest in. You're not sure if you should trust these people, but it doesn't seem as if you have much choice. You can't stay here and going out alone into a strange place seems like a bad idea. Yes, for now you will follow, at least until other options open up.

''Yes, a bed sounds great. Thanks. Nice tattoos by the way.''

The woman looks taken aback for a moment before starting to lead you to the door.

''Oh, well, um, thank you. Look, if you can't remember elves or magic then this is one of the most traumatic awakenings I've seen in a long time. It's going to take an hour or so to get back home so feel free to ask any more questions.'' She gives you a look of sympathy ''I remember my own time, I felt like I was lost in a whole new world for a while. Being able to talk to someone helps, trust me.''

She starts opening the door before stopping and twirling around again. ''oh, forgive me I completely forgot to tell you my name. I'm Sparks, and this is Fade''

Fade gives you a nod, a slight smile on his face.

''Nice to meet you'' He turns back to the woman, Sparks. ''I don't want to rush you Mistress, but we really must go now if we are to return home before sunrise''

With that you are hurried out of the door and into a hallway of similar condition to the rest of the building you've seen. Sparks is taking the lead and heading for a staircase leading down.


[] Ask some questions
-[] You never did explain to me why there are elves
-[] What do you mean my awakening?
-[] Where are we?
-[] What was that storm thing?
-[] You mentioned sunrise, why do we need to be back before it?
-[] Write in.

[] Just follow them
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