Vote tally - Legacy of The Tenth Crusade - A Divergences of Darkness Nation Quest [Finished]

Scheduled vote count started by Fission Battery on Sep 28, 2022 at 4:03 AM, finished with 34 posts and 21 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Fission Battery
Legacy of The Tenth Crusade - A Divergences of Darkness Nation Quest [Finished]
Post #835
Post #868


  • [X] Plan Education Crisis Mode
    - [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
    - [X][DEF] Islamist Schools
    -[X][NAT] Foreign Private Schools
    -[X][LAN] Mandated Bilingualism.
    - [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
    - [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
    - [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
    - [X][CON] Marxist Internationalism with Arab Characteristics
    - [X][PRO] Public Libraries
    -[X][PRO] Rural Schools
    - [X][PRO] Expand Existing Schools
    [X] Hopefully not pissing off the Islamists
    [X] Hopefully not pissing off the Islamists
    - [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
    -[X][NAT] Foreign Private Schools
    -[X][LAN] Mandated Bilingualism.
    - [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
    - [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
    - [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
    -[X][CON] Arab Socialism
    -[X][PRO] Public Libraries. Costs 1 Mini-Bug. Build, fill, and staff public libraries in major towns and cities across the Nile Delta.
    -[X][PRO] Rural Schools. Costs 2 Mini-Bug. Devote specific attention towards rural communities outside of the major towns and cities. Will cover a significant portion of the population.
    [X] Towards a Brighter Future
    [X] Plan: Bang for our buck
    - [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
    - [X][DEF] Islamist Schools
    - [X][NAT] Copt Schools
    - [X][LAN] Optional Bilingualism
    - [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
    - [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
    - [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
    - [X][CON] Marxist Internationalism with Arab Characteristics
    - [X][PRO] Expand Existing Schools
    - [X][PRO] Agronomy College
    - [X][PRO] Public Libraries
    [X] Maintain Islamist Support to beat Crusader
    - [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
    -[X][NAT] Foreign Private Schools
    -[X][LAN] Mandated Bilingualism.
    - [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
    - [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
    - [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
    - [x][CON] Pan-Islamism
    -[X][PRO] Public Libraries. Costs 1 Mini-Bug. Build, fill, and staff public libraries in major towns and cities across the Nile Delta.
    -[X][PRO] Rural Schools. Costs 2 Mini-Bug. Devote specific attention towards rural communities outside of the major towns and cities. Will cover a significant portion of the population.
    [X] Plan: Bang for our buck
    - [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
    - [X][DEF] Islamist Schools
    - [X][NAT] Copt Schools
    - [X][LAN] Optional Bilingualism
    - [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
    - [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
    - [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
    - [X][CON] Marxist Internationalism with Arab Characteristics
    -[X][PRO] Rural Schools
    - [X][PRO] Agronomy College
    - [X][PRO] Public Libraries