Last of the Darkmoon's (Dark souls 3 Yorshka Quest)

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Last of the gods. Last of the darkmoon's. Yorshka is all that remains of Gwyn's legacy and she shall not be swept away and forgotten. Her family shall be avenged and her order rebuilt. The flames may be guttering out but the moon shines bright above
It is called Lothric, where the transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge. In venturing north, the pilgrims discover the truth of the old words: "The fire fades and the lords go without thrones." When the link of fire is threatened, the bell tolls, unearthing the old Lords of Cinder from their graves...Aldritch, Saint of the Deep... Farron's Undead Legion, the Abyss Watchers... And the reclusive lord of the Profaned Capital, Yhorm the Giant... Only, in truth... the Lords will abandon their thrones... And so it falls to the last of Gwyn's line to rekindle the great flame.

Gwyndolin opened his eyes with the force of a dying man. His breaths wracked his shattered ribs as the foul poison did it's work. How long had this been coming? How long had he not seen the serpent on his doorstep. His power had waned yes but surely it had not been so diminished?

Regardless Sulyvahn would pay for this. For it could be no other than that bastard priest. He who always was slinking and speaking words that edged to heresy. Gwyndolin should have struck him down the moment he showed his face at the gates of the valley. The god had been so careful over these long milenia. He had kept the fire burning. Kept the sinners away. Kept to his father's legacy. He alone had been loyal. Not Gwynevere though he held no ill will to her departure, not the forsaken brother may he never know rest, not Lloyd or anu of the other divine family. He had stayed. He had kept their people safe.

Despite the long and short years he had done all that was asked of him and more. And this was how he was repaid. It brought a sneer to his face.

He looked for the first time where he was. The antechamber to the base construct of his sister. Why here? Had the blades enlisted the princess guard for aid? How much work would have to be done to keep the lie after this? How many to die? Part of him wished it could be honest. But he knew it would bring ruin.

Craning his neck at the sound of...something foul, his eyes widened in true horror. Corpses surrounded him. Armored men and women, their faces twisted in agony from their deaths. He knew each and every one of their faces. He tried to rise. Willing his many serpentine legs he tried to rise to stand and see who had done it. To exact justice.

To see the face of the one who had slayed his most loyal servants. His band of brothers and sisters in secrets. His assassins.

His blade's of the darkmoon.

But his body did not move. A weak groan escaped his lips as a slight craning of his neck was all he accomplished. His many legs laid dormant. None of their heads making a sound.

A slight gasp of air reaches his ear and he glances to a corner. One of them still lived. Bleeding out and mauled but still alive. With as much power as he could manage he pushed himself forward and slammed his body to the floor. A thick black sludge covered the floor. His hands clawed at it to pull himself forward. Each one taking more effort than he had spent for many a long moon. Whatever poison had been used on him was potent. Most beings would be killed outright by it. Still it did not mean he would live.

Even now he felt the thick leadlike poison slipping toward his heart. It would kill him. It would just take longer. If the Blade still lived though then so would he. He would escape this slaughterhouse, heal himself using the miracles of his sister, and rally whatever forces were still loyal to him.

As he dragged himself across the ground he was given a greater sight of the massacre. These men and women had not been merely killed. Great chunks of them were missing. Bite marks on their body presented evidence of a jaw that was inhuman. He had a horrible thought on who could have done it.

Finally he clawed his way to his knight. "...My lord..." They whispered and Gwyndolin knew they had little time left. "...She is...s-safe." He whispers. Gwyndolin feels a tendril of frozen iron fall away from his heart. Yorshka... his final sister. An innocent child. Forgotten and ignored in a dreamless sleep until he found her. Younger sister of Priscilla and his last sibling. The frail girl was all he had left. He dreaded the thought of losing her. His nightmares were of her being trapped away like departed Priscilla. But now he knew of a worse nightmare. Her being here.

The thought of the now dead crossbreed though reminds him of why he showed mercy to the pontiff when he arrived. Some misplaced sense of family to the foul priest. Some thought of gaining back what father had stolen. What a mistake that had been.

"Save thine strength loyal blade. Thou have gone above thou duty." He says wishing he could find the strength to raise a dagger and free his servant from such pain.

The knight starts to speak again but the sound of bones shifting draws away their attention. A mass of black rubbery flesh rises as it opens a jaw resembling nothing natural. It presses itself to a death blade and crushes it with teeth the size of swords. A great and horrible crunch is heard and the black thing pulls away and turns to Gwyndolin.

It begins to approach.

With the last of his strength he presses himself against the pillar that the dying darkmoon lays on. Gasping for air he summons his bow and notches an arrow. It's the last thing he ever does.


You are Captain Yorshka of the Darkmoons. An order of brave heroic knights who smite sinners and protect your family against those that would harm it. Your brother had told you this many times, and while he had been more fond of telling of their anger and vengance you told those tales only becasue of his focus on them. But it has been some time since you have heard him tell you of their great deeds.

It has been quiet for so long.

The tower in which you dwell is a modest one. Even from your perch you see the great tower's of Anor Londo rise above you and caress the heavens. You remembered spending your youth in that treasured keep. A youth first without a name and then under the tutelage of your wise brother Gwyndolin. As the moon stares down on you you reflect that you are quite lonely. Brother Gwyndolin's blade had left you here and said the prince would come for you soon. You weren't sure how long it be until he came.

But you were one of his knights! A blade of the darkmoon, even if you couldn't lift a sword he had taught you spells and miracles. He had anointed you a member the day he named you. And... it seemed that he did trust you. He had named you Captain. The great book marking the members of the blade's said so! Captain Yorshka.

Yours was the only one left.

Adjusting your veils as the wind blows you stare up at the moon. You knew something was wrong. Brother Gwyndolin never left you alone long. He was a constant shadow. And as captain of the darkmoon's you were a lord in your own right.

Perhaps he was in danger! Surely that was why he had been gone so long. For nothing could possibly kill your brother. And it be a knight's duty to save him. Your duty since the rest of your company were dead. You tried not to think of it but there was only one way a name could be stricken from the tome showing how many blade's served.

Still if he was in danger you needed to get out of this tower first...

[ ] Search for a safe way to get to the ground from the interior of the tower.
[ ] Perhaps the ash covered sword would be useful?
[ ] Snow sometimes falls on the air. Maybe a way to fly from this tower is close by?


Hey all. This is a quest where you take control of the last darkmoon. Your goal is to rebuild the order and avenge your family. Death is a threat as you aren't an undead and though you a god you aren't exactly strong. You have little other than a few miracles and sorceries. It will be up to you if you want to train yourself to become a threat.

I'll post the character sheet in just a bit
[ ] Search for a safe way to get to the ground from the interior of the tower.
[ ] Perhaps the ash covered sword would be useful?
[ ] Snow sometimes falls on the air. Maybe a way to fly from this tower is close by?

Snow is a bad idea right now, it'll leave us trapped between Aldrich above, the Pontiff below as well as trying to dodge fire from the silver knights. The only thing I can think that might be useful that way is the tomb of the dark moon, but that's also possibly not a great idea.

The sword isn't a great idea since I don't particularly feel like binding a dragon divine hybrid to the cycle of fire (particularly as it is hopefully finally ending) is a good idea, but its probably a fairly certain way of getting out of here.

So drop down from the interior of the tower has my vote.

We'll be stuck in Irithil, but Yorshka is apparently worshipped by some of the slaves kept there in some capacity, her church doesn't seem too heavily trafficked, her spear isn't too far away and it gives us options on where to go, either making a break for the entrance or going down towards the prisons (assuming we're not given some other direction we can head in.)

[X] Search for a safe way to get to the ground from the interior of the tower.

though you a god you aren't exactly strong.
God-Dragon hybrid thing.

Yeah its funky stuff, particularly now at the end of the world, but hey now is the time for funky stuff more than ever.

Not really familiar with the lay out of Anor Londo, but it seems we need to be quick, so either the sword or flying?
Bad idea.

We're currently not too far from a station which raises and lowers a tower from the lower section to Anor Londo proper, the "flying" she's talking about is an invisible path to that station.

We go there we're either going to need to go up to Anor Londo proper, or down. Both ways mean negotiating an army of Silver Knights and either catching the notice of the Pontiff or the Devourer. The sword is probably the certain bet, but given that the Cycle of fire is in 100% emergency mode and was created by Gwyn's will I do not think its a good idea to poke it unless we absolutely have too.

Unless too many things have changed going down through the tower will drop us out in Yorshka's church in Irithil. Pontif Knights are dangerous, but not as bad as Silver Knights, and there's a path we can take that should let us avoid them. In theory we could climb out of the water ways to bypass the bridge entirely, or go down towards the prison and by extension the profaned capital or arch dragon peak.

Edit: Oh yeah and unless its been moved its close to Yorshka's prefered weapon, a spear that can send people to sleep.
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Snow is a bad idea right now, it'll leave us trapped between Aldrich above, the Pontiff below as well as trying to dodge fire from the silver knights. The only thing I can think that might be useful that way is the tomb of the dark moon, but that's also possibly not a great idea.

The sword isn't a great idea since I don't particularly feel like binding a dragon divine hybrid to the cycle of fire (particularly as it is hopefully finally ending) is a good idea, but its probably a fairly certain way of getting out of here.

So drop down from the interior of the tower has my vote.

We'll be stuck in Irithil, but Yorshka is apparently worshipped by some of the slaves kept there in some capacity, her church doesn't seem too heavily trafficked, her spear isn't too far away and it gives us options on where to go, either making a break for the entrance or going down towards the prisons (assuming we're not given some other direction we can head in.)

[X] Search for a safe way to get to the ground from the interior of the tower.

God-Dragon hybrid thing.

Yeah its funky stuff, particularly now at the end of the world, but hey now is the time for funky stuff more than ever.

Bad idea.

We're currently not too far from a station which raises and lowers a tower from the lower section to Anor Londo proper, the "flying" she's talking about is an invisible path to that station.

We go there we're either going to need to go up to Anor Londo proper, or down. Both ways mean negotiating an army of Silver Knights and either catching the notice of the Pontiff or the Devourer. The sword is probably the certain bet, but given that the Cycle of fire is in 100% emergency mode and was created by Gwyn's will I do not think its a good idea to poke it unless we absolutely have too.

Unless too many things have changed going down through the tower will drop us out in Yorshka's church in Irithil. Pontif Knights are dangerous, but not as bad as Silver Knights, and there's a path we can take that should let us avoid them. In theory we could climb out of the water ways to bypass the bridge entirely, or go down towards the prison and by extension the profaned capital or arch dragon peak.
Based from your our goal escaping? Gwyndolin is doomed then? Would rather like a chance to save him.
It's the last thing he ever does.
Based from your our goal escaping? Gwyndolin is doomed then? Would rather like a chance to save him.

As far as I can tell he's already being eaten and even if he wasn't he's currently being attacked by Aldrich directly, one of the most powerful beings in the world at the moment, whose got an entire army between him and us with another army below.

We definitely do not have the ability to take on the Pontiff never mind Aldrich, depending on how @Snailslayer rates her we might not be strong enough to take on Silver Knights. Certainly in the future not right now.

Anyhow while escape is our short term goal, the long term one is fairly clearly stated.
Your goal is to rebuild the order and avenge your family.
To do that we have to escape, start growing our own power, gathering allies (though in the current age that's probably going to be next to impossible) and learning about the world.*

We are not undead, we do not benefit from being able to revive as long as our will holds, we try to fight Aldrich 1v1 Yorshka will be eaten. Given that Aldrich is likely to start dreaming about her or her sister sooner rather than later (he starts bringing out Priscilla's signature technique and you learn it from his soul where it says he dreamt of someone who is either one or another) we're likely to be on his kill list very soon.

With all that in mind, and the unkindled hopefully not far behind Aldrich our best move is to try and put distance between us, Aldrich and the Pontiff so we can become powerful enough to accomplish our objectives, since we're stated to not be all that strong yet.

*My long term goal is to ride out the end of the age that's coming, but that does depend on factors we don't know yet.

As far as I can tell he's already being eaten and even if he wasn't he's currently being attacked by Aldrich directly, one of the most powerful beings in the world at the moment, whose got an entire army between him and us with another army below.

We definitely do not have the ability to take on the Pontiff never mind Aldrich, depending on how @Snailslayer rates her we might not be strong enough to take on Silver Knights. Certainly in the future not right now.
She weird. On the one hand she is a crossbreed which is a threat to the very gods. On the other she looks so emaciated that it's impressive she can even stand up. With her spear she might be able to take out a silver knight if she uses the darkmoon blade blessing with it. But she's currently not a frontline fighter. And Gwyndolin is dead by now. He's been dead a while. Yorshka has been on the tower for a long time alone.
Anyhow, Yorshka's in an interesting position with a lot of options available to her.

She's apparently the sister of Priscilla, so she's in some way a hybrid of dragon and god. What that means in terms of inheriting their weaknesses is unclear,* but she should be capable of "occult" which ironically gods are weak too. However what that is exactly we don't know. There's a goddess (Velka) who has an item which does occult damage and its also associated with the Dark since the Dark Hand also does occult damage. However it vanishes after DS1 seemingly replaced by Dark infusions.

*presumably she's not weak to occult, and Priscilla doesn't seem to be weak to lightening.

Either way as an entirely unique inherent trait she seems to be the only one that has it.

She should also know the miracle of the Dark Moon that she teaches the player in game, (Dark Moonblade nice to have confirmation) as well as having the dark moonblade. The thing is Dark Moon blade is a miracle, but it deals magic damage (in fact its apparently so close to sorcery that Pontiff was able to fake doing the miracle with sorcery) and the Dark Moon Ring should let her use extra spells and miracles. To add to this she's probably got her chime, which is the best one in DS3. With Dragons seemingly having a thing for sorcery, but also being divine she's got quite a bit of potential in learning both.

This ironically leads back to dark, since all truly dark things, whether pyromancy, sorcery or incantation work best when intelligence and faith are high.

Course all of that can wait until she's no longer essentially 2D.

Beyond that though Priscilla's in an interesting position in the world itself. One defined by a cycle that is (hopefully) coming to an end, but one she may feel obligated to try and intervene in.

She's both outside of it due to her duel natures, but for some reason connected to the age that's coming in many ways, while also not really knowing anything about the age. She seems to have been left in the dark about the Darkmoons nature as assassins, reciting their miracles without really knowing what's going on, doesn't know Gwyn would likely murder her on the spot if he'd ever met her, and in general, only seems to have been given a very vague impression of what's going on in the world right now.

mmm...its going to be a fine balance to dance, since her goals of vengeance and rebuilding the order in many ways require her to run directly counterbalance to the things Gwyndoline might have wished for.

As it stands though the world is barely alive as is and while in theory the age of fire can keep burning until we get to where you meet I really fucking hope that does not happen.

She weird. On the one hand she is a crossbreed which is a threat to the very gods.
At least Gwyn thought so, but he's a dick head so I don't listen to him :p

Still, in theory we can take a silver knight...with a spear we currently do not have. Well if we want that spear the fastest route I can think of is down.

And yeah. I imagine Aldrich is slowly digesting him/recovering from what I imagine was a fight with Smough.

mmm...I'll go back and reread some things.
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Character sheet
Yorshka Captain of the Darkmoon Blade's character sheet:

Vigor: 20
Attunement: 10
Endurance: 3
Vitality: 2
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 3
Intelligence: 30
Faith: 30
Luck: 1

Spells and miracles known:
TBD by vote later
Dark moonblade

Yorshka's Chime

Darkmoon Blades: Currently Extinct
Darkmoon Ring

Gwyndolin: Dead
Darkmoon's: Extinct
Smough: ?
Followers and slaves who worship in her Church: In hiding.
Vigor: 20
Attunement: 10
Endurance: 3
Vitality: 2
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 3
Intelligence: 30
Faith: 30
Luck: 1

That's quite a stat block.

To summarise this she's got fairly good casting stats, has wretch level of FP and attunement slots, and has about as much physical substance as air.

A character in-game could not have stats that low in any of them, the lowest a PC can have at the very start of the game is six with the warrior having only six attunement.

I imagine her vigor is only that high thanks to divinity/draconic heritage, which helps explain how she's still alive. Her stats are appropriate for someone who has been sitting in the freezing cold, wearing extremely thin cloths miles up in the air with no food.

The stat which is the odd one out is luck, cause luck is an odd duck stat in general in DS3. It might be that low to reflect how she's been dealt a pretty shitty hand by fate (and make no mistake being raised in the position she has isn't really that great of an advantage over all), or it might reflect her lack of hollowing. Since luck is the stat that scales with hollow weapons, bleed weapons (which is connected to hollowing as well) and being hollow and using a hollow weapon actually boosts her luck. Since she's not hollow, nor possesses the capacity to go hollow it might reflect that.

Anyway I still think that going down is our best bet, but its certainly risky with her physical abilities. That said its the path to her spear and to these guys
Followers and slaves who worship in her Church: In hiding.
So its still got my vote.
[X] Perhaps the ash covered sword would be useful?

A somewhat unpredictable option, but we'll see what happens.
[X] Search for a safe way to get to the ground from the interior of the tower.

Yeah sure, this is an interesting premise.
And so it falls to the last of Gwyn's line to rekindle the great flame.
:thonk:Well that's certainly an opinion, however it is rather counterproductive to our goals.

The thought of the now dead crossbreed though reminds him of why he showed mercy to the pontiff when he arrived. Some misplaced sense of family to the foul priest. Some thought of gaining back what father had stolen.
mmm...makes sense.

I wonder if a certain red hood would recognise her?

Forgotten and ignored in a dreamless sleep until he found her.
Similar to what happened to Fillianore? Then the question is who put her to sleep.

Anyway, @Snailslayer
1. What does Yorshka know of the world outside of Anor Londo? Does she know about places like Lothric and would expect them to be allies, is she aware of the cycle of flame and that its basically in emergency mode, or does she basically just know Gwyndoline's stories?
2. Is it safe to assume that she's essentially mid-late teens, accounting for extended life spans stretching certain things out.
Similar to what happened to Fillianore? Then the question is who put her to sleep.

Anyway, @Snailslayer
1. What does Yorshka know of the world outside of Anor Londo? Does she know about places like Lothric and would expect them to be allies, is she aware of the cycle of flame and that its basically in emergency mode, or does she basically just know Gwyndoline's stories?
2. Is it safe to assume that she's essentially mid-late teens, accounting for extended life spans stretching certain things out.
She has limited knowledge. She has a general knowledge of neighboring kingdoms and allies as well as historic enemies and heroes. She doesn't know that the fire is on emergency mode.

Yes just very naïve and isolated.