[X] Petriform Gas. It starts as a coughing, a wheezing, released from the warhead of a shell. Then the crystals embed themselves in lungs, in the bloodstream, in the muscles. Within hours, the growths emerge on your skin. Within days, the crystal is merging and clustering, eating the victim alive. Within weeks, the infection reaches their soul. There is no cure.
[X] Warweave.Pull your hair into a tight and intricate spiral weave which focuses the power of your null field to disrupt electronic attacks. +1INFOWAR (so long as Warweave is active).
[X] Swordsmachine: Masters of blade arts, Swordsmachines are instruments of death. Using their speed and arm-blades to slice apart the enemy frontline, they are trench-butchers. Swordsmachines are shock infantry, duelists, and blademasters.
[X] Egophage: Masters of electronic warfare, egophages adopt the trappings of pneumatic psychic powers for a cybernetic age. Manipulating light in order to attack enemies from ambush and range, Egophages are snipers, commandos, and assassins.
[X] Irontamer: Knights on machine-back, irontamers tame and control powerful sentient machines as war-mounts. Synchronicity between rider and machine can unlock ancient abilities and systems. Irontamers are scouts, lancers, and cataphracts.
[X] Combat Plugs. Grow your hair into woven braids ending in tied electronic jacks you can use to enhance your weaponry and machines. +1RHYTHMS (so long as Combat Plugs are active).
[X] Feral Machines.There are wonders of this planet that should not have survived the fall. Mad and corrupted, they hold a hatred for mankind and an appetite for organic flesh. And when the initial defenses fail, Koinon unveils its secret menagerie, and releases the worst nightmares of the dark age, things of chainsaw teeth and mimic-faces, on you.
[X] Petriform Gas.It starts as a coughing, a wheezing, released from a Koinon artillery shell. Then the crystals embed themselves in lungs, in the bloodstream, in the muscles. Within hours, the growths emerge on your skin. Within days, the crystal is fusing and clustering, eating the victim alive. Within weeks, the infection reaches their soul. There is no cure.
[X] War Wizards.The first time you see a pneumatic flick her wrist, and flay a self's rind off, you begin to learn that gods are real, and they are cruel. Koinon is a country ruled by pneumatics, and in their academies and alchemical workshops, they have made a science of cruelty. It is not enough that they kill you - they want you to scream, first.
[X] Helmet-Bob. Grow your hair into a thick and close-cut bob that protects your vital skull and strengthens your mind against suffering. +1 BIOMECHANICS (so long as Helmet-Bob is active).
[X] Battlebraid.Grow your hair into a long prehensile braid operating as a fifth limb. A vibro-knife is woven into its tip, and grants additional killing power.+1LIVING WEAPON (so long as Braid is active).
[X] Wallbreaker: Masters of demolition, wallbreakers are bulwarks which excel at assault under fire. Using their strength to dig underground straight through fortifications, they are the nemesis of any defense. Wallbreakers are engineers, sappers, and vanguards.