[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine.There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.
[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart. You bear inner self to the world, and let its suffering wash through the tumbler of your heart. You are honest and sincere to the point it frightens others. You will be honest even when it hurts others, even when your sincere heart's turned black. You are selfish in your selflessness - it feeds you.
[X] Defiant Jazz - Selected Hits of Malodious Funk, Monadic Monk and Cuberunning Corpocriminal. The attached description reads: "The coolest cat on the supercontinent at his best. Terror to Mr. Morow and his police-robots, lover to all the rest of good humanity. Saving souls and stacking gold one snappy riff at a time."
[X] AXIOM: Masquerade Waltz. Your social acumen is reflected by your ability to play your role - to control your emotions, to understand cues, to appear the person others want you to be. This is not a cynical or cunning ploy - it is a performance you believe yourself. There is nothing behind the mask - you live, and love, in the masquerade.
[X] Sky Shanties - Delta-V and Back Again in 80 Days - Chants of the Servonauts of the Eternity's Repose. The attached description reads: "In the peril of the cubesat run, these boys n' girls still know how to sing their guts and gears out. Fly with the bravest souls on this planet through the defense grid and right out to the void."
[X] AXIOM: The Common Mind.Find unity between sentient beings in the aspects they share. The search for purpose, love, fulfillment. There is a vision of a united and peaceful Illuminata which machine, hylic, pneumatic, all reach for. In a single vision, in the completion of a great work - we might rebuild paradise.
[X] Gemrock - Life on Terra? Tracts by Heliodor, Shapeshifting Saint of Tetras and founding Deva of Sunny Order. The attached description reads: "The Cult classic worshipped by millions, arranged in the most groovy and psychedelic album order. Ascend to another cosmic plane and rock out with the best of them, the shapechanger."
-[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart. You bear inner self to the world, and let its suffering wash through the tumbler of your heart. You are honest and sincere to the point it frightens others. You will be honest even when it hurts others, even when your sincere heart's turned black. You are selfish in your selflessness - it feeds you.
-[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine.There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.
-[X]Gemrock - Life on Terra? Tracts by Heliodor, Shapeshifting Saint of Tetras and founding Deva of Sunny Order. The attached description reads: "The Cult classic worshipped by millions, arranged in the most groovy and psychedelic album order. Ascend to another cosmic plane and rock out with the best of them, the shapechanger."