[X] Middle nobility – Ah, the cream of the crop if I do say so myself! Forget about those puffed up aristocratic bastards, this is where true power lies! The relatively wealthy nobles waged a brutal political war with the magnates for generations. So far, their collective vote balances that of the rich, yet it probably won't be long untill that changes. For the worse I mean. It also means that you still have social standing among your peers and some money to back it up. Since the best Polish cavalry is made up mostly of wealthy landowners, you are not as poor with a weapon as those dandies raised in palaces.
[X] Magnate– So, just like I thought! You were born to a powerful and afluent noble family with considerable influence. Mayhaps even inherited a title of nobility yourself? Do be careful of using it around, though. Aristocratic titles are forbidden by law, since technically all nobles are equal, the sole exception being made for old Ruthenian princely families. Besides, you have a full purse, standing in courts that know your pedigree and considerable social skills, so what's the use for a title anyway? True, fighting and outdoors might be a bit problematic, but that's the highborn today, the valour of their great ancestors all but a memory.
[X] Poor pleb – Don't tell me you're not even of noble birth?! Why the Hell am I wasting my bloody time with a lowlife! Oh, you were just joking? Really? Haha! Got me there, I'll tell you! Believe me, any peasant or other unfortunate scrub pretending to be a noble has one foot in the grave already! For impersonating a nobleman you hang, sir! Maybe even get tortured for good measure! These whelps have the social skills of a mule and you can smell their stench from far away! Not only that, most are hardly a match for a good noble, who's trained from birth to wield a weapon! Their only saving grace are the survival skills they had to employ to get to this point, many of them quite dishonourable for a noble. Did you know, that a nobleman by the name of Walerian Nekada Trepka wrote na interesting 800-page book called Liber generationis plebeanorum or Liber Chamorum for short, that is The Book of Plebeian Families or The Book of Boors describing nobles and their relatives who, according to him, have a false claim to nobility? A juicy read indeed!