[X] [Rob] Trial: France has been in fear for much too long, the show trials have gone on for too long, what it needs is justice. So France shall receive it, Robespierre, once The Incorruptible and perhaps still is, shall be given trial, a free and fair trial. For the good of France and the Revolution.
[X] [Lackeys] Trial: Simply tossing them in prison or killing them shall be insufficient, they shall not die because of simple association as thousands already have, they shall be treated fairly as all Frenchmen should.
[X] [Napoleon] Talk: You shall speak to Napoleon with a clear mind and an open one. Perhaps he has manipulated you, perhaps he has not, you shall speak with him to understand his motivations and clear any misconceptions. (Continue with The Life of Brian.)
[X] [Rob] Imprisonment: Criminals are to be imprisoned, and Robespierre is no different. He shall be imprisoned by the state, to live and see the growth of the republic, without his influence. Keep your enemies close, as it were.
[X] [Rob] Service in the army as a private: So he wishes to serve France. So be it. Give him a uniform and a rank of private. He shall serve France as you do. His fate is in his own hands.
[X] [Rob] Execution: This man has caused so much pain. So much death. So much heartbreak against both the laws of man and nature. He will die for his crimes.
[X] [Lackeys] Imprisonment: France may still need them close to home... but they will not serve as free men. They will be imprisoned where we may keep an eye on them.
[X] [Napoleon] No: There is enough chaos and mistrust in the state as is. You will bide your time to meet him about this... unhappy dispute. (We return to Thérèse and the Army of the Rhine, and we see how the rest of the world is holding up.)
[X] [Napoleon] Yes: He used you. He had better come up with a damn good reason for you not to kill him. You have some stern words for him. (Continuing the Life of Brian.)
[X] [Napoleon] Talk: You shall speak to Napoleon with a clear mind and an open one. Perhaps he has manipulated you, perhaps he has not, you shall speak with him to understand his motivations and clear any misconceptions.