
Seeker of Knowledge
Due to the act of Rao several thousand Kryptonians are taken to Warhammer Earth before the arrival of the Shamans just before Krypton's destruction. They are left on the planet without their powers, but the means to build a fortress and much of their technology. However, with the near destruction of their entire species they decide to swear off their technology or forming a Kryptonain societity due to the sheer stupidity the previous one caused. They merge into the local human tribes increasing local technology here or there, but not going full Kryptonian. Years later they are dead and their descendants the Shamans make the Newman 2.0 complete with Kryptonian powers. He does his own thing for a while then learns about Humanity's merge with Kryptonians and finds their very advanced technology. Things like Phantom Zone, FTL methods, and Their work on the grand unifed field theory. Around the year two thousand the average human has kryptonian abilities nearing Man of Steel levels Astartes and Primarch go much higher.

What would GEOM do with the huge advantage he's been given? Would he abuse the hell of the advanced technology in his war against the Chaos gods? Would he ever tell humanity about their Xeno heritage? Would he become more tolerant of Xenos in The beginning of his rule? Would Krypton's history inspire or depress him that a civilization so high could fall into isolationism. Could this mess with the Horus Heresy, delay it or stop it?
Negate everything? I don't really understand what you mean.

GEOM was, at his best, engaging in Roman kind of conquest where they come, they wreck your shit, tell you that you'll pay them taxes now and throw their culture and tech onto you while enslaving anyone who disagrees. It is not a bad deal when there are hordes of barbarians or legions of chaos and xeno around you, but you are still getting conquered and enslaved.

At his worst, GEOM was so many degrees worse than even worst conquerors of earth that it's not even funny. He considered himself always right and did not have a lot of patience for anyone who disagreed. There was a story in which Vulcan finds a planet where humans and Eldar manage to coexist. He blows the planet up because it is utterly incompatible with Imperium of Man, and Emperor agrees that this was the right choice. GEOM saw everyone as tools for his plans and ultimately expendable. Vulcan was the nicest among Primarchs, and he still placed IoM above millions of lives. For Emps, millions were a drop in a bucket.

Though all of this is moot, as what would actually happen here is that Humans would be even more Op than they were in canon, resulting in them getting out of Earth sooner, meaning earlier contact with Eldar Empire. DAoT humans and Eldar empire had some ambiguous relationship, but it ended when Humans fucked up their AI and it fucked up them. Here, it would happen sooner, giving Eldar thousands of years to mop up remains of the humanity.

Also, if Kryptonians have a genome compatible with human enough to have kids, they are at worst abhumans, not xeno.
Wouldn't that just make the GEOM Kal'El, and thus sort of negate everything about the GEOM?

Not Necessarily Kyptoninas were not always peaceful scientist guys living in technological utopia. Some Versions place their ancient past as xenophobic and warlike. I think they gave galactic conquest a decent try until they sequester themselves to a single system because of the head council.