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Exactly what the title says.
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The man with the mind of steel in the city of steel. (FSN/Reckoners)
My main language is not English, so there will be a lot of mistakes.



The first thought that invaded EMIYA's mind upon awakening was that he was alive. Well as alive as a spirit can be. His affiliated gray eyes surveyed his surroundings, trying to find a clue as to where he was while at the same time his mind pondered the possibilities of what had happened.

He did not remember being summoned to fight in the grail war, otherwise the information would have been implanted in his mind. The possibility that Alaya had summoned him to eliminate a possible threat to humanity was also out of question, if that had been the case then he would be aware of the situation and the threat to eliminate and would not have woken up lying on the cold ground of a dark place.

Knowing that he wouldn't get any answers unless he looked for it himself, EMIYA got up off the ground leaning on his hands, felt with his palms the smooth and cold surface he was laying on, a quick glance after his eyes adjusted to The darkness let his know it was steel, EMIYA looked around only to realice that all the floor and walls around him were made of steel, some of the walls seemed to be incomplete or partially destroyed, revealing the cables in the inside. Later he could see what appeared to be a corridor that eventually divided into 2 different paths.

He quickly concluded that he should be inside some building, however that still left the mystery about the reason behind his invocation and where exactly he was.

He wasted no time in getting up off the ground and walking carefully down the hall, keeping his guard up in case someone or something came around the corner and decided to attack him. EMIYA idly noticed the lack of lights in the corridor, but now that he was looking more closely, this place did not look like a corridor, it was too big to be one, big enough that a large number of people will pass through it without any difficulty.

Another thing that he noticed was the obvious and heavy silence that was in the place, it was obvious that there was no person near his location or at least on the floor where he was.

When he reached the bottom and was not attacked by any creature, he was forced to choose which way to go, but considering that he did not even know where the exit was, he ended up choosing the right corridor, if it turned out that the exit was not in that place then he would simply retrace his steps and continue down the other hall.

However, it only took a few dozen steps before EMIYA ran into another problem.

There were more roads.

His brow furrowed even more, but he decided to continue walking in a straight line, less chance of getting lost. However for every dozen steps EMIYA took, more corridors crossed her path. The large size they were and the continuous shape in which they appeared reminded him of the streets of a city, the facilities, if they can be called that, that EMIYA walked through seemed more like a maze than anything else, even when he decided to retrace his steps and continue on the left side with the slight hope of maybe finding a way out, he only ended up finding dozens more corridors to walk through, corridors that only seemed to lead to the same place or more corridors to follow .

EMIYA sighed with resignation, he was going to be walking for a long time.


Finally after what seemed like hours of walking through the seemingly abandoned facility, but could not have been more than just thirty minutes, EMIYA had found what appeared to be stairs leading upward. He decided to go up, there were probably stairs leading further down as well, but he didn't want to try looking for them only to end up walking in circles.

The change between one floor and another was immediately apparent, it was not as big a change as the way this particular floor was built, the destruction that there was or the number of corridors that seemed to be, because without a doubt there would be as many corridors as on the previous floor.

No, the change was that the upper floor was lit, it wasn't much, just a few lights flashing here and there, but it was enough to let EMIYA know that he had taken the right path and that the exit should be close.

Of course his thinking was proven wrong when once again after more than half an hour all he could find were more confusing corridors and stairs leading upwards.

The bastard who built this place was very fond of mazes.

EMIYA had no idea how long he ended up wandering through the steel maze, accompanied only by the sound of his footsteps echoing through the place. During that time EMIYA thought about the possibilities behind his invocation and about the fate that this place must have had to be so desolate and destroyed, he had found several places that seemed to be rooms, however the only thing he found inside was garbage, some furniture in poor condition and on rare occasions a corpse or two.

That had revealed that these facilities served mainly as housing for other people before something happened and the place was abandoned, however EMIYA had not seen traces of a fight anywhere, it actually seemed that the facilities had not been finished and because of that they had been abandoned, which would explain the absence of people in the place and the cables torn from some walls.

Tap, Tap, Tap.

EMIYA moved.

For the first time since he had awakened, he heard the sound of footsteps that were not his. He made sure to move as quickly and quietly as possible in the direction of the footsteps, mentally preparing to trace Kanshou and Byakuya in case of need. Of course the corridors only served to expand the sound of footsteps and make it difficult to track their location, yet EMIYA was able to find his way without much difficulty.

However he was a bit disappointed by what he saw.

A girl ripping cables from a steel wall, by her height seemed to be entering her adolescence, wearing what appeared to be a long green summer dress with white sneakers. Her long brown hair was tied into a ponytail and her childish face was adorned with a few freckles on her cheeks.

As if she had felt EMIYA's presence, the girl turned her head in his direction.

While finding a girl in these abandoned facilities was not what EMIYA expected, he couldn't deny that it was actually a favorable outcome for him, he just had to ask her exactly where he was and how to get out of here without sounding too suspicious or looking threatening, an easy job if he had to say so.

"Kyaaaa! Epic!" The girl screamed in English in fear as she abandoned what she was doing and ran in the opposite direction from EMIYA as fast as her little legs could carry her.

Well that was rude.

Now EMIYA had no idea why the girl had run away from him, and to be honest under normal circumstances he would have simply ignored her and continued on his way. Yet he really wanted to get out of this labyrinth and the only person who probably knew the way out was fleeing in terror from him.

Therefore he was forced to pursue the prepuber girl.

EMIYA really hoped Rin would never find out about this.

It was not difficult to reach her and hold her in one of her arms, EMIYA's speed far exceeded that of any human in the modern world and even magus. A prepubescent girl had no chance to escape.

"No! Let go of me! I don't want to die!"

Now that's a curious choice of words.

"Relax girl, I'm not going to hurt you." EMIYA tried to reassure her with those words, but instead of giving in she increased her escape attempts.

"You're lying! Mrs. Sophia has always told me that Epics are liars who like to kill people!"

Again that word 'Epics', EMIYA did not know its meaning but it seemed to be used to refer to a certain group or organization that was in charge of killing people. But that brought to the table the question of why he was mistaken for one of them.

"I assure you, I am not one of those 'Epics' you fear."

"You lie! Only an Epic would dress that gaudy!" She furiously pointed at his clothes.

One of EMIYA's eyebrows arched, he quickly looked at his clothes, it is true that it is not something that a normal person would wear, in reality he would not go out with his current clothes on the street because it would attract too much attention and so It seemed these 'Epics' could dress in a similar way to him, which would explain the girl's fear of him.

Looks like he's going to have to find a wardrobe change. But for now he has to deal with a scandalous girl.


Reassuring the girl was difficult, EMIYA was already almost giving up to get her help and continue looking for the way out on his own, but finally the girl had given in and listened, although fear and caution were still present along with skepticism about his declaration of not being an Epic.

Now both of them were walking towards the exit of the steel labyrinth, with the girl keeping a safe distance from EMIYA, it was clear that she did not trust him and that she would prefer to be anywhere else.

EMIYA couldn't help but notice the ease with which the girl moved through the corridors, even when some of the places they passed were absolutely dark she moved through them without problems, she probably lived down here or maybe she enjoyed loot the few things that were left.

"So what's your name? It would be awkward to call you a girl all the time." He tried to start a conversation, hopefully she could relax a bit and answer some of his questions.

"Sara." She said curtly. "What is yours Epic?"

"I already told you I'm not an Epic, and you can call me Archer."

Sara turned her head to look at him, her brown eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"That's the kind of name an Epic would have."

EMIYA sighed in exasperation. "Do they have such strange names?"

"Yes." She responded as she turned right and continued walking, all without taking her eyes off him. "Like NightWielder or Fortuity."

So they used nicknames to identify themselves, it was useful to know. Although that also means that he should use his real name to avoid trouble.

"I see. In that case call me EMIYA."

"That also sounds like the name of an Epic."

EMIYA huffed, of course it would sound like the name of an Epic to her.

"So Sara, do you know where we are? I got lost while wandering around the facility."

Sara looked at him in confusion. "Facilities? You mean the catacombs?"

"Catacombs?" EMIYA asked in confusion. This place was nothing like a catacomb.

Sara turned her gaze to the front. "That's what Shopia calls them. She says it's because they're underground and it's so easy to get lost if you go too deep."

"That doesn't explain why this whole place seems to have rooms and is made of steel."

"That's because of Steelheart, Duh." Sara said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Everyone at NewCago knows that SteelHeart turned the underground city to steel, even the incomplete parts, how can you not know that-" Sara suddenly fell silent and turned to look at him slowly with a look of panic on her face.

EMIYA was confused by this action, but he was not going to waste the opportunity to analyze the information she had given him. He had never heard of a place called NewCago, which is strange considering that he had been to various parts of the world during his 2 lives. If this city 'NewCago' was a place built by magus it would explain what Sara had said about 'turning the underground city to steel'. Although he did not know of any magus capable of turning an entire city to steel.

"You are not from NewCago." It was a statement.

"Not." EMIYA really had no reason to deny it, not when she had already realized it.

Swallowing nervously she continued speaking. "You… are you here to declare war on SteelHeart?" For some reason Sara sounded much more nervous than before when she said those words.

And more questions kept popping up. He really hated being so blind.

"Look Sara, I was being honest with you when I told you that I am not an Epic and I don't know any of the terms you speak of." EMIYA decided to be honest, seeing how pale Sara had become he decided that this is probably the best course of action. "I have never heard of a place called NewCago or a man called SteelHeart, I am just a foreigner who came to this place by accident. I don't mean to harm you or declare war on this SteelHeart."

Done, he said it, he was as honest as could be and now EMIYA just hoped that Sara would believe his words.

"You are telling the truth?" She asked with less fear than before.

"I am."

The silence lasted for a while longer, Sara's brown eyes looked directly into EMIYA's affiliated gray eyes, fear was still present in them, but little by little it was disappearing.

"OK I'll trust you."

EMIYA smiled. "Thank you, even though I'm still confused by some of the things you told me, could you clarify my doubts?"

Sara seemed to hesitate for a moment before finally agreeing.

It seemed like EMIYA would finally get some answers.


The way people saw it did not go unnoticed, the looks of disbelief and fear were everywhere, after hearing Sara's explanation about what an Epic was, EMIYA was able to understand why she and all the people who were currently observing him acted in such a way.

Epics, people with powers who abuse those without power.

No one knows how or why, but 12 years ago an object called Calamity appeared in the sky emitting a strange radiation that spread throughout the world, not long after people began to manifest supernatural powers, super strength, intangibility, precognition, etc. It didn't take long for some of them to start using the powers obtained for their own benefit. The most powerful Epics of them, like the ruler of NewCago, SteelHeart, were the ones who ended up destroying today's society and conquering the world.

To say that EMIYA was shocked was an understatement, if everything Sara said was true then the modern world had been destroyed and conquered by people who gained superpowers overnight.

"We are about to reach the exit." Sara's upbeat voice snapped EMIYA out of his thoughts.

Looking ahead EMIYA could see what appeared to be stairs leading out. It didn't take them long to out.

The first thing EMIYA noticed was that even though Sara told him that it was around 3PM, the sky was completely dark. She had said something about a certain NightWielder being responsible. The second thing he noticed was that both the ground he walked on and the surrounding buildings were made of steel.

And the third and most important thing was the huge star with a strange aspect similar to a sun that hung in the sky and that without a doubt did not belong to this world.

"Hey Sara, what is that?"

Sara tilted her head curiously at what EMIYA was pointing at. She then frowned before answering. "Well obviously that's Calamity."

EMIYA processed Sara's response for a few seconds before looking back at the huge star that stood out from the darkness.

"I really don't know what's going on here, but Zelretch blamed you for this."


So the original idea was to have Accelerator or Minato as the protagonist, but then I thought why not EMIYA? he's less OP than the 2 of them so he should have more trouble dealing with Epics like SteelHeart or Calamity.

I also had the idea of Taylor landing on NewCago (since I hate that name, Chicago Nova sounds better) and having to once again deal with another Cosmic Entity. Or David in Brockton Bay or MHA murdering villains.

Maybe I'll write those ideas down at some point, or someone took them and made a fanfic, whichever comes first.
Hat-and-Clogs (Bleach/Lyrical Nanoha SI) 01
My main language is not English, so expect grammar, gender and other errors.

I am nervous, something very understandable considering the situation I find myself in and all the problems that I had just caused less than 3 hours ago and although I had already apologized and promised that it would not happen again, the crew of this Spaceship? Dimensional ship? They didn't seem to trust my word very much.

Not that I can blame them considering I was about to kill everyone on the ship just because I got scared.

But they still hadn't thrown me into… whatever was out there, I hesitate to call it space because I had a brief glimpse out one of the windows and I'm pretty sure space wasn't purple with black voids that seemed bottomless. So either they had decided to take a leap of faith and trust that I wouldn't kill them by accident, or they were thinking of a way to get me off the ship before I accidentally kill them all.

I couldn't even blame them for considering the second possibility, I would probably think the same if there was a person capable of killing me without lifting a finger.

I'd still be more comfortable if they hadn't decided to lock me up alone in an interrogation room, a rather cozy interrogation room I must say, but an interrogation room nonetheless.

There were some potted plants placed in the corners, a very large silver metal table in the middle of the room and some surprisingly comfortable chairs, the fresh air from the ventilation was also quite pleasant and helped my body not to sweat due to nerves. The person in charge of escorting me here had even brought a glass of water and some cookies for me to taste.

I wasn't sure how much of it was true hospitality and how much was just a way to make sure I stayed calm to keep the entire ship and crew from going to shit, but as long as no one was trying to put a bullet in my head, throw me off the ship, or put me on a lab bench then I wouldn't complain.

I couldn't help but wonder where they had taken my "staff", although calling it mine may not be correct, but after reviewing recent events and irrefutable evidence there was no doubt that this "staff" now belonged to me. Perhaps they had locked it up somewhere to prevent me from having access to it, or perhaps they discovered that the "staff" wasn't really that and now they were analyzing or experimenting with it, her, to learn more about me.

Either option was understandable, but I really would rather they weren't doing the latter, I didn't have any kind of attachment to that "staff" but I'd be stupid not to worry about what as of now was basically my main method of defense in case I had to fight to defend myself. Also if it hadn't been for my new Zanpakuto most likely everyone on this ship would be dead by now.

Then I remembered how the nurses who were taking care of me remained motionless on the floor and seemed to be about to pass away just because I got scared and released a little of his power, of my power.

I couldn't help but wince when a feeling of guilt and shame rose in my chest, all the members of this ship had every right to distrust me and even confiscate my staff, they had only rescued me without expecting anything in return and I responded to that kindness by almost killing them all.

Were the nurses okay? Had someone died? I hoped not, I've never killed someone and I don't plan to ever, but if someone had really died due to my actions, even if it wasn't intentional on my part then… I wasn't sure what I'd do, cry probably, maybe even go into shock, I would definitely allow myself to be arrested, murder even if it wasn't intentional should still have some kind of punishment.

Although I wasn't sure what kind of sentence I would get for manslaughter I had no choice but to grit my teeth and accept. But I was getting ahead of myself, I still didn't know if someone had died and thinking about the worst possible scenario wouldn't help me to stay calm, I could only wait for someone to finally come to talk to me to ask if someone died.

I really hoped not.

I decided to think about other things, like the fact that I was now in another universe. The dimensional/spaceship already made it pretty obvious that I wasn't in my world, or dimension, but it was easy enough to figure out that I'm not in my universe (Multiverse?) anymore when I realized how animated this reality looked.

Have you ever watched Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? Do you remember that scene where Strange and Chavez escape from Scarlet Witch by traveling through a dozen universes in an instant? In one of those universes everything was made of paint, in another it seemed to break into small cubes and in another everything looked like western cartoon style animation.

Well this is exactly the last case, it only replaces western cartoon with Japanese anime.

The few people I'd seen so far looked exactly like they'd been created by a Japanese animator, exotic colored hair and outlandish hairstyles, gigantic eyes, body proportions you'd never see in a person from my universe. And not only them, everything around me from the walls to the floor, the plants and the furniture, nothing seemed "real".

If I looked at them from a different angle I could even see shadows that were drawn on some parts of their bodies or how their noses disappeared, it was weird as shit.

And although I hadn't had a chance to see my reflection yet, I could easily see the rest of my body and say for sure that I now looked like them too. I only hoped that my body was still mine and that whoever was responsible for throwing me into this universe hadn't given me someone else's body.

Still I decided not to think too much about it, there were some more important things to worry about like for example inventing an explanation for why I was floating in space and how I was still alive. Besides explaining how I almost killed everyone on this ship without lifting a finger.

The second thing was easy to explain but I still needed to decide if I should tell the whole truth, I didn't know if something similar to Reiatsu existed in this universe and revealing a power system that probably doesn't exist in this universe sounded like a bad idea, but there was no way to hide it when the first thing I did when I woke up was almost kill everyone with my Reiatsu. Although considering the panic the entire crew went into after my little scare I doubted they had any records of anything like Reiatsu.

Explain how I had ended up in the… Dimensional Sea? I think that's what they called it, it would be a bit more difficult, but I already had something in mind! I just needed to fine tune a few details and prepare answers to all the questions that will no doubt be thrown at me. It might not be a perfect plan but it was definitely better than saying I came from a different universe with a different art style.

Now if only the people on the other side of the room would stop watching me through the cameras and decide to come and talk to me then I would be grateful. It was a bit hard to tell the exact number of people on the ship, weak as they were I could still feel their presence (souls?) It was a bit strange but not as strange as being thrown into another universe, so instead of wondering how I could sense other people I decided to find out if I had any range limits.

Apparently not, or maybe the ship was too small but I doubted it considering that I counted around 100 people, maybe there were more but I got bored of counting.

Then the door was opened.

I couldn't help but straighten up and stare when a woman with long blonde hair and a…Uniform? Her clothing was too strange to be a uniform. Why was she wearing a cape? Was that part of the uniform? More importantly, what the hell was she carrying in her hands? It looked like a really advanced and elegant mechanical staff, although it had a strange shape at the tip that reminded me of an axe.

The red alarms in my head went off. She wasn't here to execute me, was she? I was hoping not or else I would have to release my Reiatsu but this time for justified reasons.

"Sorry for the delay, but my companions and I were discussing who would be best suited to talk to you." The woman spoke with a surprisingly soft voice, there was a small smile on her face when she said that, kindness or embarrassment I didn't know, still I didn't let my guard down and prepared myself for the worst.

Although now that I looked at her more carefully she seemed strangely familiar.

I nodded. "Ah, okay, not that I can blame you guys for being cautious after…you know." I couldn't help but squirm a bit in my place when I remembered the nurses who were crushed by my Reiatsu. "Sorry again, I shouldn't have panicked… Is everyone alright? No one died? No one died, right?"

The smile on her face disappeared and she looked at me confused for a moment before speaking. "No, no one did, we are all just a little tired and sore but nothing serious." Oh, that was a relief. "Because you thought someone had died?"

I was silent while I considered how to answer that question. "It's complicated, but what I did…um, releasing my Reiatsu, may cause other people to die due to the pressure…I guess. Sorry, I'm not very good at explaining this kind of thing." It had been years since I had read the Bleach manga or watched the anime so I had forgotten a lot of details.

I could see how she frowned worryingly and tilted her head a bit... Then a thought crossed my mind, was she talking to someone? Most likely she was, although I wondered how she was doing it.

"That's worrying, but you said you could control this…Reiatsu?"

I nodded. "I just got scared, it won't happen again I promise."

Her red eyes looked directly into mine before nodding with a kind smile. "In that case it's fine, some crew members are still worried, especially Captain Chrono but if you say it won't happen again then I'll believe you."

That was good? I was a little taken aback by how easily she believed me and a part of me found it suspicious, but the so…honest way in which she said that almost made me believe that she really did trust me.

The blonde haired woman began to approach the table probably to sit down and begin the interrogation, the feeling that I had seen her somewhere before grew stronger and stronger but I ignored her in favor of looking at the… weapon in her hands, although she had been kind and understanding up until now I didn't want to risk being attacked by surprise, the technology I'd seen so far suggested that that staff/axe probably had some functions beyond just slashing and hit. Maybe shoot a laser beam? That was worrying because I didn't know if my body had also gained the same level of resistance as a Shinigami.

The blonde woman took a seat and she finally caught my gaze.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I suppose Bardiche makes you uncomfortable?"

I frowned at that word. "Bardiche?"

A fond look came over her face as she turned to look at the weapon in her hands. "Yes, that is the name of my Device."

"[Greetings]" The weapon in her hand spoke.

"...Your...Device just spoke?"

She nodded her head. "Is this the first time you've seen an Intelligent Device? I guess your world doesn't have something similar."

I thought carefully how to respond to that, but the feeling that I had seen this woman somewhere had already become impossible to ignore, Dimensional Sea, Intelligent Device, a girl with blonde hair and red eyes that I now know I've seen somewhere before.

"We don't have Intelligent Devices, but we do have something similar, though they usually can't talk to people other than their owners." I kept looking at Bardiche. "Hey, I don't think we have introduced ourselves yet." I shifted my gaze towards her and extended my hand. "I'm Konami, nice to meet you."

Konami wasn't my real name but I didn't know if there was some kind of voodoo magic here or something like that, maybe I'm being paranoid but I wasn't going to risk it, especially in an anime world that I now know I've seen before.

The blonde woman blinked before an embarrassed look crossed her face. "You're right, we've all been so busy recovering from what happened that we forgot to ask your name." She extended her gloved hand and waved back. "I am Fate Testarossa Harlaown, I am currently working under the command of Captain Chrono, and I will be the one to conduct your interrogation."

"Fate Testarossa." I couldn't help but repeat the name when something finally clicked in my mind and I remembered why she seemed so familiar. "That's a good name."

Fate smiled. "Thanks. Is it okay if we start with a few simple questions? There are a few things we need to know about you in order to help you."

I tried my best smile, but I didn't need a mirror to know what had gone terribly wrong. "Sure, I'll try to answer the best I can."

The moment I most expected and at the same time feared arrived. Looking on
the bright side now I'm pretty sure they won't throw me off the ship or put a bullet in my head.

I hope.