Vote tally - Knight of Wessex (A Written World Quest)

Scheduled vote count started by Alectai on Sep 30, 2024 at 7:44 PM, finished with 97 posts and 12 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Knight of Wessex (A Written World Quest)
Post #930
Post #1026


  • [X] Plan: Bird goes to Mass.
    -[X] [Bonus Focus Action] Acquire a bird companion.
    -[X] [Focus Action] Research the Wessex Adolescent Championship with the other squires.
    -[X] [Secondary Action] Go to Mass.
    -[X] [Chancellery] Slowing Down for the Commons
    -[X] Training and Zeal (21 Training, 92 Zeal)
    –[X] Spend 9 Training on mandated curriculum from Reinald (Hordebreaker 2 and two Rough Rotes)
    –[X] Spend 3/3 Training on Strandsense
    –[X] Spend 3/3 Training on Web Shape
    –[X] Spend 6/27 Training on Clever Deflection
    –[X] Spend 16/16 Zeal on Soma 6
    –[X] Spend 32/32 Zeal on Hama 6
    –[X] Spend 42/42 Zeal on advancing to the 5th Bead
    –[X] Leave 2 Zeal unspent
    [X] Plan: Expanding our Foundation
    -[X] [Bonus Focus Action] Acquire a bird companion.
    -[X] [Focus Action] Train and socialize with the other Squires.
    -[X] [Secondary Action] Research the Wessex Adolescent Championship
    -[X] [Chancellery] Slowing Down for the Commons
    -[X] Training and Zeal (21 Training, 92 Zeal)
    –[X] Spend 9 Training on mandated curriculum from Reinald (Hordebreaker 2 and two Rough Rotes)
    –[X] Spend 3/3 Training on Strandsense
    –[X] Spend 3/3 Training on Web Shape
    –[X] Spend 6/6 Training on Litany of Resolve
    –[X] Spend 16/16 Zeal on Soma 6
    –[X] Spend 32/32 Zeal on Hama 6
    –[X] Spend 42/42 Zeal on advancing to the 5th Bead
    –[X] Leave 2 Zeal unspent
    [X] Plan: Bird? Bird!
    -[X] [Bonus Focus Action] Acquire a bird companion.
    -[X] [Focus Action] Train and socialize with the other Squires.
    -[X] [Secondary Action] Research the Wessex Adolescent Championship
    -[X] [Chancellery] Slowing Down for the Commons
    -[X] Training and Zeal (21 Training, 92 Zeal)
    –[X] Spend 9 Training on mandated curriculum from Reinald (Hordebreaker 2 and two Rough Rotes)
    –[X] Spend 3/3 Training on Strandsense
    –[X] Spend 3/3 Training on Web Shape
    –[X] Spend 6/27 Training on Clever Deflection
    –[X] Spend 16/16 Zeal on Soma 6
    –[X] Spend 32/32 Zeal on Hama 6
    –[X] Spend 42/42 Zeal on advancing to the 5th Bead
    –[X] Leave 2 Zeal unspent