[X] The Black-Red Lightning, the arcs of power that erupted when she was pushed to her limits, the energy that fuels the Giant-Killing Blow, and perhaps more, if you could figure out how to call it on command… (Provides a new Idea to develop an unexplored aspect of your Bloodline)
[X] A pile of trinkets, silver, and other minor treasures. While possessing no real power in its own right, there is enough of it for Audrey to have a certain degree of wealth in her own right–extremely important as she rises through the ranks in the future. Provides 2 Wealth.
[X] Death-Warding Horn: The first of Audrey's foes had a piece of magic horn sewn into the collar of his hood. This treasure will ward off the first blow that would take his head, and then be destroyed. She was fortunate in that it was only damaged by her hasty blow, and might still be put to use again. (Gain a Death-Warding Talisman that may save you from death, once)