King's Academy for the Prodigious

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It was a warm and sunny day. The birds were singing, kids were playing, and most importantly the...
Summer's End


The United States of America
It was a warm and sunny day. The birds were singing, kids were playing, and most importantly the adults were still working. It was a week before the new semester starts.

Somewhere in the vast world of Nexus, on a particular hill surrounded by a sea of trees, sat a building resembling a majestic castle with a banner proudly flapping on the gates. The golden letters embroidered onto the banner spelled out - King's Academy for the Prodigious. A school for adventurers.

This was not just any old adventurer school, however. It was one of the top 6 adventurer schools in the entire world. At sixth place, the Academy garnered a lofty reputation. Of course, certain expectations would come for being such a famous school.

And that was why the Headmaster, the eponymous Drac O. King was currently in his office, signing some important documents and papers pertaining to the future of the school. His large, bandaged hand swiftly moved from one paper to the next, sunglasses keenly focused on the mountain of papers on the desk. The tribal symbols and writings on his bandages quivered and shook in correspondence with his annoyance.

The mummified headmaster was having troubles with the roster. Not with the students, mind you. He already had figured on how to group all those brats together. Rather, the teachers were his concern.

For the first time in his years as an educator, he had never come across this particular issue. Which was surprising to say the least. Since, after all, he had been the first and only headmaster of King's Academy, for about two hundred years and running.

Really, this was a head scratcher. Honestly, if it weren't for that damned war a while back, this would never have happened. And the fact that some of his very own teachers got involved with it, didn't make this any better, even worse was that those idiots got the student body involved in it too!

They were just kids, dammit!


Looking at his right hand, his gaze settled down on a broken pen. Headmaster King sighed, and threw it gently into the nearby garbage bin, along with all the other broken writing utensils. Reaching into his drawer, he grabbed another pen. He silently lamented over how people don't make them like they used to.

Just as he was about to resume his work, a knock came from his door.

"Enter." King said, his deep and dignified voice tired from long nights of work sounded barely as authoritative as he would like it to.

The door gently pushed aside, a young suited man walked in with another stack of paperworks. Black, mid-parted hair lifted by a bandanna, framing a youthful, energetic face. Light gray eyes glanced over the room, taking a slight interest in the full garbage bin before settling on the paper-covered desk and the bandaged man in a pinstripe suit behind it.

"Sorry to say, sir, but you still have more paperworks to go through." The young man's jovial tone elicited a light chuckle out of the the mummified headmaster.

"That I do. Now, set them down over there in the corner, with the rest of them, young Amet." Signing his name onto yet another document, King tilted his head toward said corner.

The helpful young man nodded, walking over with a jaunty stride in his steps. Amet's eyes wandered over his boss's desk; his eyebrow lifted at a curious piece of document. Carefully putting down his stack onto the desk, the young assistant looked closely at that paper.

"Sir, have you not finalized the teacher roster yet? The semester starts next week." Amet casually said. Normally, anyone would watch their choice of words and tone around the large, muscular Headmaster. But Amet was a bit special. See, he wasn't just any assistant. He was the Assistant Headmaster. As an educator, King was clearly the superior one, but as a person who knew how to get things done, Amet's work ethic certainly impressed the Headmaster enough to allow such flippancy.

"Indeed, in all my years as headmaster of this fine institution, I have never encountered a problem like this one." King's sunglasses looked up, the man laid down his pen to the side. Stretching his arms above himself, fingers interlocking to break up the cramps. The symbols over his bandages ceased to stop in their shaking; King let out a breath, allowing himself this momentary relief.

"And that is?" The young man continued, walking in front of the desk to get a better look at the curious document.

As expected, it was a list of names. Not just the new students, but of the new teachers too.

"As you may have realized, that particular paper contains my current woe. You see, young Amet, I'm facing the particular issue of how to assign the homeroom teachers for the incoming freshmen." Headmaster King leaned back on his chair, hands coming down to his desk, fingers steepled over it.

"Yes, that would explain why you have that list of names, sir. However, that still doesn't explain why you took so long." Amet said, cupping a hand over his chin.

Headmaster King leaned in over his steepled fingers, sunglasses staring directly into Amet's questioning eyes. The tribal markings over his bandages slowly shook in anticipation.

A second became two, two became three. The mummified man's mouth began to move.

"They're all equally inadequate." He answered.

"Oh." Amet replied. "No wonder these names looked familiar. You sure it was wise to hire them in the first place?"

"Of course!" King gently laid his hands flat on his desk, passions overflowing. "What with that war, and recent openings in our staff, we have to ensure that our students receive the best education we can possibly offer."

"Sir, that still doesn't explain why it had to be them." Amet countered.

"Young Amet, what's the mission goal of our academy?" The Headmaster countered back with a question.

"To pass down valuable life experiences to build a better future, sir." The young Assistant Headmaster solemnly answered with his back ramrod straight, hands to the side.

"Yes, and if it weren't for that, I wouldn't even hired you in the first place." King said. "Give them a chance, Amet."

"Oh. Of course." The young man turned to the side, he sheepishly coughed into his hand. "Fair point, sir."

"Anyways, I have already sorted the new freshmen into six groups. But I can't seem to decide on the homeroom teacher placement." King said, casually spinning his pen in the air.

"Why not work from the bottom, sir? You know, pick the most capable one of them to handle the most rowdy group of kids." Amet offered up his solution.

"Like I said, they're all equally inept. But you may be on to something... " King ceased to spin his pen, his bandaged face scrunched up in contemplation.

"Then, why not put their names in a jar and draw lot from it, sir? To pick the homeroom teacher for the worst group of freshman, and then work from there." The young Assistant Headmaster asked.

The strange writings over the Headmaster's bandages suddenly began to glow in a bright light.

"Great idea, my boy!" Headmaster King said, slamming his hand down on the desk. The pen flew straight up, right into the ceiling tile. And as for the important documents and papers, as expected, they scattered all over the room. Thankfully, his desk was in one piece.

"Don't worry, sir, I will help you clean up and get through those papers." Amet laughed lightly, as he reached into his back, gripping onto something that was definitely not there before - a clay jar. He grabbed a paper from the air as he handed the jar to his boss. "But let's get the homeroom teacher business sorted out first, sir."

"You know me so well." King smiled, accepting the young man's offer.

Nodding his head, Amet looked at the paper in his hand. Noticing that it was the list of new students and teachers, he reached behind his back and pulled out another thing that was definitely not there before. In an instant, Amet carefully sliced through the paper with godlike precision and accuracy, only cutting out the teacher's names in perfect rectangles. An ethereal knife disappeared in motes of light as he grabbed the six names out of the air.

"Here, sir." The Assistant Headmaster said, as he dropped the paper slips into the jar.

"Great job as always, young Amet." Said young man scratched the back of his neck at his boss's praise.

"Think nothing of it, sir."

The Headmaster let out a breath in amusement, before turning his head to the side and reaching his hand into the jar. His face made no indication whether his eyes were close or not, but they were definitely closed for this serious occasion.

The office grew still as he drew a slip.

The name of the newly assigned Class 4-F's homeroom teacher was…

[] TRM-1N8R, or as most people would call it - Tim. It was a droid found in one of the Dimensional Cracks' dumping sites. For some odd reasons, it liked making metaphors relating to the acts of killing and allusions to a 'machine utopia'. What a silly joker that tin can was. However, it was amazing at calculations and deciphering mathematical puzzles, so it was obviously going to be the new geometry teacher.

[] Neftafaro III. An undead necromancer, supposedly a warlord whose empire spanned across multiple worlds. He too was found in one of the Dimensional Cracks' dumping sites. So, take his claim with a grain of salt. However, his necromancy was quite powerful and daresay breath-taking, so he may had a point. Anyways, he's the new history teacher. He was quite grouchy when hired for the position.

[] Yao Ling. A young man who fought in the War of Reckoning, the war that recently concluded and involved some of the teachers and students of King's Academy for the Prodigious. He was hailed as the Hero of Reckoning for defeating the ring leaders behind the conflict. Known for his hotblooded personality, he was definitely a bigger-than-life figure. Despite his astonishing swordplay that rivaled even the current Seven Heroes of Nexus, he applied to the Academy as an art teacher.

[] Maeve Morgan. A cursed woman found crawling through ancient ruins and Monster-infested dungeons. Wherever she went, trails of Monster corpses followed. The common cause of death seemed to be a fist-shaped imprint. From head to toe, the fragile, sickly woman was covered in eldritch black tattoos. She was hired as a physical education teacher, specializing in melee combat. She is strangely quite energetic.

[] Maximillien de Gounod. A mage who was found guilty on numerous criminal charges, one of them being negligent disposal of dangerous test subjects. He was sentenced to indefinite imprisonment, because the authority at that time did not have the means to execute him. Sealed within a tree for over a century, the newly freed mage was scooped up by Headmaster King for unknown reasons. He was assigned to be the new alchemy teacher.

[] Gigiluluga Xantha Telephyskal Zelotsusaka Belingula. A mouthful of a name, most people called "her" Gigi. A creature that insists that it is a normal female organism. A creature that resembles a Monster more than any other weird life-forms found on Nexus. The Headmaster suspected the she came from another dimension, but there wasn't any records of her coming through the Dimensional Cracks. She negotiated with the Headmaster to attain her biology teacher position. Do not stare directly at her for too long.


Welcome, one and all to King's Academy for the Prodigious! This will be my second quest, and technically first one alone. That one is a bit of a long story.

Anyways, that aside, let me get to the juicy part - the mechanics.

School Rules
  1. No dice in general. As you can probably tell, all these teachers are very unique and capable individuals. So, I'm probably going to eyeball on what they can do by going through their traits and abilities.

  2. No write-ins, unless I ask for them.

  3. Speaking of write-ins, they will usually show up in high stake situations, so do take care on how you write them.

  4. For the most part, this quest will be freeform.

  5. Have fun! And don't forget to call out on my shit should something really shitty happen, and don't be afraid to point out what's wrong with this quest either!

Teacher Qualifications

Headmaster King had strange hiring practices. He preferred to recruit unique individuals who piqued his interest. All for the sake of finding all kinds of experience to be imparted to his students.

So, of course, you - the teacher, just like your colleagues - are a particularly Talented individual. Talents are more of an abstract concept. They denote the character's general traits and abilities. And as a teacher of King's Academy for the Prodigious, you are practically oozing with valuable experiences.

As long as I can internalize what they mean exactly to that character, I will apply them to the situation. Anyways, Talents won't be revealed until you pick a character. The short bios should give you guys some hints as to what each teachers might have, even if some are very vague.

A Guide to Students' Health and Happiness

The only mechanic that this quest will follow pertains to the students of Class 4-F. It's called Class Prep Level. It denotes the level of readiness the Class has, and how well they can handle obstacles thrown their way. I,e. midterms, school projects, school dances, combat tests, monster attacks, etc. It is your job as teacher to bring out the best in your students and hopefully max it out by the end of their fourth year.

Class Prep Level will act as a modifier on a 1d100. It will determine the degree of failure or success for the class as a whole.

Class 4-F currently has the Class Prep Level of 0.

Raising Class Prep Level is your job. They are going to be tiered by an increment of 10, meaning that the first 10 levels of Class Prep Level will have the same XP requirement, 11-20 will have the same, 21-30, etc. Except for level 0, it's special. You get the idea. However, getting something like level 10 to level 11 requires a special method to level it up. You will know it when you see it.

1-10 Needs 10 EXP (Garbage)
11-20 Needs 20 EXP (Lower Than Dirt)
21-30 Needs 40 EXP (Dirt)
31-40 Needs 50 EXP (Incompetent)
41-50 Needs 160 EXP (Getting There)
51-60 Needs 320 EXP (Competent)
61-70 Needs 640 EXP (On the High Road)
71-80 Needs 1280 EXP (Respected)
81-90 Needs 2560 EXP (Successful)
91-100 Needs 5120 EXP (Great Teacher [Insert Name Here])

To earn EXP, you have to be a good teacher and properly teach the class. EXP is earned at the end of each school week, outside of special circumstances. How you go about doing your job will affect the amount of EXP you will earn. The Class Prep Level reflects your ability as a teacher, the reason why it's 0 is because all the player character choices are all equally inept as teachers. Normally, these people wouldn't be hired without some extenuating circumstances, but those circumstances are currently at played. In any case, both students and teacher will sink or swim together.

Of course, at the end of each term (2 terms per semester, 8 weeks per term), Headmaster King will grade you accordingly. This is how Achievements and Titles are earned. They're cosmetic, but they're nice and shiny. Some rewards are tangible and will have an effect on the progress of this quest. Those will be kept secret until you unlock them.

This should be obvious, but sometimes you will hit a stumbling block when you work on leveling Class Prep Level. Usually, you will need to identify the problem student and work out their issues. But occasionally, certain Events must be accomplished before you can raise your Class Prep Level. Those will either show up when you are particularly close to a certain Class Prep Level or happen as a result of how you handle certain tasks.

Student-Teacher relationship is important. Your working relationship is also important. Actually, relationship in general is important. So, there will be a tab calls the Social Web where I will keep track of who's who and why are they important.

Anyways, I'm really new to this sort of stuff, so a lot of this are subject to change.
Whenever I learn how to use Accordian, spoilers for background
Things I couldn't put in the first update.

Probably going to be use to keep track of background information.

A world full of magic and wonders, some may say that it is a little too wonderful. See, Nexus occupies the unique niche of occupying a space full of overlapping alternate realities and different dimensions. Sometimes cracks will appear, and things will inevitably leak out. The high amount of magical energy and diverse life-forms are a result of these cracks. A Nexus of a million possibilities, that is the very essence of this world.

Literal cracks within realities. Because of the unique space that Nexus occupied, things tend to not hold as well as they should. And that includes the metaphorical walls that separate all these realities and dimensions from one another. Somewhere in the distant past, someone decided that these walls should come down, and so they did. This action resulted in the first Dimensional Crack appearing. Many more appeared as time goes on. It was a problem that no one had an answer to. Currently, every single Dimensional Cracks are constantly monitored, and anything that passed through are recorded. Designated zones where things of otherworldly origins gathered and stored are set up around these Cracks. They are commonly known as 'dumping sites'.

Essentially glorified mercenaries. There wasn't really any difference between the two until the creation of Adventurer Schools. Nowadays, adventurers are considered heroes, individuals who acquired the strength and power to shape the world.

Many animals and plants on Nexus developed in a unique and fascinating manner. Monsters are no exception. At times they may resembled the normal fauna and flora, but there is one thing that separates them from others. Monsters are heavily ingrained with magic. In fact, their molecular structures are encoded with magic. So, when a magic radar goes off, usually that means that there is a Monster nearby.

Every once in a while, certain individuals became noted for their abilities around the world. These extremely powerful and influential are hailed as the Seven Heroes of Nexus. They numbered seven mainly due to the number being associated with good fortune and blessing. The strength of the current generation of Seven Heroes are noted to be on par with the first.

A war that recently concluded. It all started when an assassin took the life of an important political figure from the Angelic and Most Holy Nation of Paradise. At the time, no one knew the motive or what organization the assassin belonged to, but the damage was done. And Paradise sought vengeance, they lashed out on the most likely suspect, a rival kingdom they never got along with. One thing led to another, and the whole continent was consumed in the flame of war.

Despite Headmaster King's aversion to politics, several faculty members and students got involved. Because of their actions, the staff members were fired and blacklisted by King himself. The offending students were placed in rehabilitation and suspended for a semester.
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Teacher's Profile
Alias: Gigiluluga Xantha Telephyskal Zelotsusaka Belingula, Gigi
Gender: Female?


Fleshcraft: The arts of manipulating flesh is one that you know quite well. Unfortunately, however, your taste and mortals' don't exactly match up. You really don't see the appeal of their aesthetic, and for some odd reasons they tend to avert their eyes from yours. Nonetheless, you can mold and build flesh in any fashion you desire, as long you have the resources to do so. However, large scale modification does cause some discomfort.

Aura of Terror: People are instinctively terrified of you, for some reason. Sure, your sense of aesthetic is dramatically different from those of this plane. The weak-willed tend to outright run away, screaming in panic. But thankfully, the students and faculty members of King's Academy have enough strong enough will to withstand your presence. You really are fortunate to teach here.

Beyond the Boundary: You exist in the deep, deep pockets of the Dimensional Cracks. Well, your Greater Self does. Currently, the you that descended upon Nexus is an Interactive Terminal. An avatar of sort if you will. Your true nature as a being that exists beyond the boundary however does come up every now and then. For starters, you have to shed much of yourself to be on this world.

Meatpuppet: Your Interactive Terminal is interchangeable. You have a core that contains your will and identity. So long as that core is not destroyed, you can craft a new Interactive Terminal.
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Student Roster
Larissa Abelgor: Boring girl with no hobbies
Zarr Azba: ???
Lloyd Boltrun: Plays sports
Luluka Botoda: ???
Selam Brown: Friends with Kei, Ro'Weinn, and Itomo
Shanna Celik: ???
Narshian Deen: Thinks he is perfect
Dominic Derent: Plays card game, friend(?) with Eachtar
Zeke Ekkel: Scrawny boy who cower behind Tycho, has eyes that can see "many things"
Ro'Weinn Forsix: Friends with Kei, Itomo, and Selam
Akemi Hayashi: An idol, from the group Stardew Valley Drop
Yu Jianyi: Chubby kid who cower behind Tycho, "lightning-fast bombardment"
Eachtar Luzien: Plays card game, friend(?) with Dominic
Zon Maddem: Gets angry easily, likes to resolve thing with violence, claims that Tycho did something to him, red marks on his hand
Tycho Makaveli: Smiles a lot, acts very friendly, did something to Zon, claims to be a victim too
Biggsby Mason: Boy with weapon magazine, helpful with math
Kei Nye: Glasses boy, friends with Ro'Weinn, Itomo, and Selam, is Steffina's boyfriend
Sammy N'Zoul: "Cherry High School Life"
Charlotte Orlando: Cold, piercing glare
Catala Ogurah Danic Randangian: Over the top girl who stood on your desk
Sasha Smalls: Hovers over Biggsby, practices archery
Steffina St. Kazimir: Has pointy fangs, is Kei's girlfriend
Itomo Yamazaki: Friends with Kei, Ro'Weinn, and Selam
Aodinia Yoyorio: Mousy girl who cower behind Tycho, "Awawawa", has supportive magic abilities
Una Yuuyu: ???
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[x] Neftafaro III

An undead necromancer, supposedly a warlord whose empire spanned across multiple worlds. He too was found in one of the Dimensional Cracks' dumping sites. So, take his claim with a grain of salt. However, his necromancy was quite powerful and daresay breath-taking, so he may had a point. Anyways, he's the new history teacher. He was quite grouchy when hired for the position.

I can't resist these kinds of puns.
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[x] Maeve Morgan. A cursed woman found crawling through ancient ruins and Monster-infested dungeons. Wherever she went, trails of Monster corpses followed. The common cause of death seemed to be a fist-shaped imprint. From head to toe, the fragile, sickly woman was covered in eldritch black tattoos. She was hired as a physical education teacher, specializing in melee combat. She is strangely quite energetic.
[x] Gigiluluga Xantha Telephyskal Zelotsusaka Belingula.

Shoggoth powers go?
Please tell me she is really pretty!!
Character appearance won't be revealed until due time. Last time I put artworks in character selection, people went for the art rather than the characters themselves. So, I'm kinda miffed about that.

I can't resist these kinds of puns.
Find all the puns and earn a sense of pride and accomplishment!
I can't believe you went with this fucking name

I can't fucking believe it
I can't resist the naming scheme.
[X] Maeve Morgan. A cursed woman found crawling through ancient ruins and Monster-infested dungeons. Wherever she went, trails of Monster corpses followed. The common cause of death seemed to be a fist-shaped imprint. From head to toe, the fragile, sickly woman was covered in eldritch black tattoos. She was hired as a physical education teacher, specializing in melee combat. She is strangely quite energetic.

I was torn between this and Yao, but eventually female Demifiend won out.
[x] Maximillien de Gounod. A mage who was found guilty on numerous criminal charges, one of them being negligent disposal of dangerous test subjects. He was sentenced to indefinite imprisonment, because the authority at that time did not have the means to execute him. Sealed within a tree for over a century, the newly freed mage was scooped up by Headmaster King for unknown reasons. He was assigned to be the new alchemy teacher.
[x] Maeve Morgan. A cursed woman found crawling through ancient ruins and Monster-infested dungeons. Wherever she went, trails of Monster corpses followed. The common cause of death seemed to be a fist-shaped imprint. From head to toe, the fragile, sickly woman was covered in eldritch black tattoos. She was hired as a physical education teacher, specializing in melee combat. She is strangely quite energetic.
[x] TRM-1N8R, or as most people would call it - Tim. It was a droid found in one of the Dimensional Cracks' dumping sites. For some odd reasons, it liked making metaphors relating to the acts of killing and allusions to a 'machine utopia'. What a silly joker that tin can was. However, it was amazing at calculations and deciphering mathematical puzzles, so it was obviously going to be the new geometry teacher.
[X] Maeve Morgan. A cursed woman found crawling through ancient ruins and Monster-infested dungeons. Wherever she went, trails of Monster corpses followed. The common cause of death seemed to be a fist-shaped imprint. From head to toe, the fragile, sickly woman was covered in eldritch black tattoos. She was hired as a physical education teacher, specializing in melee combat. She is strangely quite energetic.
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[X] Gigiluluga Xantha Telephyskal Zelotsusaka Belingula. A mouthful of a name, most people called "her" Gigi. A creature that insists that it is a normal female organism. A creature that resembles a Monster more than any other weird life-forms found on Nexus. The Headmaster suspected the she came from another dimension, but there wasn't any records of her coming through the Dimensional Cracks. She negotiated with the Headmaster to attain her biology teacher position. Do not stare directly at her for too long.
This is probably the first time I've loved all of the options in a vote equally. You've really sold me on all of them. I hope we get to hear from them come competition time!

Such tough competition!
[X] Gigiluluga Xantha Telephyskal Zelotsusaka Belingula
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[X] Maeve Morgan. A cursed woman found crawling through ancient ruins and Monster-infested dungeons. Wherever she went, trails of Monster corpses followed. The common cause of death seemed to be a fist-shaped imprint. From head to toe, the fragile, sickly woman was covered in eldritch black tattoos. She was hired as a physical education teacher, specializing in melee combat. She is strangely quite energetic.
[X] Yao Ling. A young man who fought in the War of Reckoning, the war that recently concluded and involved some of the teachers and students of King's Academy for the Prodigious. He was hailed as the Hero of Reckoning for defeating the ring leaders behind the conflict. Known for his hotblooded personality, he was definitely a bigger-than-life figure. Despite his astonishing swordplay that rivaled even the current Seven Heroes of Nexus, he applied to the Academy as an art teacher.
[X] Yao Ling

Don't let your dreams be dreams Ling. Although all these options look pretty decent. Say, isn't that necromancer from an entirely different dimension? No wonder he's under qualified.