[X] A Printing Press Covenant, to spread the word of God far and wide beyond the boundaries of the temple [Institution Added: Black Sheep Covenant, which will allow far more rapid spread and outreach of the sect].
[X] The Serenaphim Exhibit. At Yatoni Temple, ONE DAY ONLY, COME and SEE the most spectacular fossilized remnants of the lizardly TYRANT ANGELS of yesteryear, found with the greatest advances in natural theology and fieldwork, with special words by Elder Kardon Hadi of the Low Priest Chamber! THESE ARE THE BONES HIDDEN BY GOD!
[X] Grand Parade. At Karogen Academy, observe the most HOLY parade of the White-Gold and Pale Horse Standard, hosted by the DASHING Elder and Komandir Akabar Morsi! HUSBANDS BEWARE! MARCHING BAND, POLO, and THE MOST GRAND CANNON-BLASTS IN ALL OF VASPUKARAN! Come and be deafened, or save your ears and lose your SOUL!
[X] The Carnival of Pillars. At the Park of the Pillars, BOTH PARENTS AND CHILDREN WELCOME, a delightful carnival to RAISE THE SPIRIT and EASE THE SOUL hosted by the Elder Tessel Tori High Priestess and Abbess Superior of the Order Marina. FOOD AND GAMES FOR ALL, PUPPET SHOWS and a MENAGERIE OF BEASTS! Admission free for all souls!
[X] A stockpile of concealed firearms, to protect disciples from danger whilst they do their holy work [Institution added: Six-Shin Shooters, armed sect disciples ready for a Nachivan street fight].
[X] Elder support and daycare, to support the young and old of the sect and pave a way for the world to come [Institution Added: Home of Mitzvat, which will increase fervor by reinforcing the sect's commitment to its past and future].
[X] A refurbished and beautified Temple, to sanctify the Mekdash and elevate the souls of its congregants [Institution added: Mekdash HaKhofshim, which greatly strengthens discipline by reinforcing the traditions of the sect].