[X] The farm. It's pretty out of the way, but it looks relatively normal and peaceful - perfect place to find some people to question. And who knows, maybe whoever lives there is having trouble with the Heartless? You'll feel a lot better about asking questions if it comes after fending off creatures of darkness.
[X] The marshes. It'll be quite a trek and getting lost is a distinct possibility, but you can't shake the feeling something worth looking at lurks in that mist. Although equally you get the feeling whatever's in that mist isn't for the faint of heart. You might need to steel yourself for this.
[X] The farm. It's pretty out of the way, but it looks relatively normal and peaceful - perfect place to find some people to question. And who knows, maybe whoever lives there is having trouble with the Heartless? You'll feel a lot better about asking questions if it comes after fending off creatures of darkness.