King of Monsters [Pacific Rim/Godzilla]

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Pacific Rim is owned by Legendary. Godzilla by Toho. One-shot.

Edit: Made some small changes...


Thinker of Ideas
Florida-Land of Madness and Sunshine
Pacific Rim is owned by Legendary. Godzilla by Toho. One-shot.

Edit: Made some small changes for film terminology and better flow.

"What do you mean Choi?" Stacker demanded as the control center erupted with confusion. It would be another eight minute's before Gypsy and Striker could intercept.

But had the technician just said what he had just said?

This wasn't possible...was it? A sense of bafflement and no small amount of shock filled the Marshall.

Yet they lived in a world of the impossible.

"Sir, the Category Five kaiju is being attacked by the unknown bogie! It's enormous, classification Category Five at least!" Choi finished in disbelief, his eye's widening.

Stacker stared at him for only an instant. "What? Get me a visual if you would!" Out over the sea, a drone's camera zoomed in.

The category five monster in question breached the surface, reeling back from the stunning blows into his side, and into the frothing water. Recovering, Typhoeus easily twisted in, his gigantic serpent like frame fluidly coiling back to face the new opponent, despite the large gouges and tears running through his bleeding flank.

He screamed, a thunderous roar splitting across the dark lightning streaked sky.

Several displays from the observing drones showed the sea in front of him beginning to violently roil as something rapidly neared the surface. Something massive.

" that?"

Pentacost had seen nightmares. He had fought them, and killed them.

But this...

"Oh my god." Newton murmured his eyes widening in wonder.

The sea was bulging as a vast dark mountain rose from it; lightning flickered across the sky as the hulking form letting out a low simmering roar that rose into a vast echoing scream of raw fury.

The new creature's eyes narrowed as he glared at his opponent. With a speed belaying his bulk, he charged.

Typhoeus's head erupting open into five jaws and spewing forth three arching jets of acid towards the onrushing foe. The onrushing foe screamed as the acid ate into dark scales and flesh, yet continued onwards, slamming into Typhoeus like a skyscraper sized freight train.

They ripping at each other with claws and teeth. With blazing speed, Typhoeus surged forward into his larger opponent, diving below and entangling his legs within his massive coils. He squeezed and they both went under in an explosion of spray.

The other monster roared, his fists raking and digging chunks of flesh out from the serpent, even as Typhoeus tore into his flesh with hundreds of venomous fangs, his constricting grip growing ever tighter--

Spikes along the monsters back began to glow with a rippling, screeching energy, boiling the seawater. Typhoeus uncoiled in pain, screaming as the energy tore into him.

They rose to the surface.

A clawed fist dove into Typhoeus's face, pulling him forward. The serpent bit again and again, hundreds of venomous fang's sinking into his opponent again, who simply pulled back and drove his other fist into his face with an enormous blow, and then another and another.

Typhoeus staggered under the onslaught, and writhed in the hold, struggling to avoid as it saw the gathering glow in the others gaping maw.

But he held on, and pulled face to face.

A beam of raw energy erupted. Typhoeus's head exploded into a vast plume of debris as the beam punched through, his corpse dropping into the sea.

The control center was silent as the King of Monsters stood and roared his triumph.

"That was...holy crap that pretty awesome." Newton said as the others turned to him.
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I think you can remove the "???". Most anyone who knows their Toho can identify Gojira just by what is written here :D