King Maker System
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Aybel, an analytical cynic at heart enters the crown realm of Alcazar, against his will.

Trapped, escape seems impossible. That is... until the Kingmaker, the Monarch of this domain, reveals that there is a way out - by becoming a Monarch himself.

Driven by one thing alone - the determination to honor a promise, he must join the group of crowned assassins tasked with the deaths of countless Rulers - The Regicide Order, and navigate a deadly game of thrones where the winner... takes all.

What's more, as he uncovers the secrets of the Monarch, his role may not be quite what he expected...
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Author's Note

[A/N: Hi, I'm excited to have finally reached this milestone - King Maker System will be entering its 'beta publishing' phase.

Reading this, you can look forward to a lot.

- First of all, grab your marshmallows, this will be a slow-burn... please don't be discouraged, give the first ten chapters a try.

- A game like system that revolves around kingship or rulers, as in the title.

- Our Mc has the opportunity to become a 'king'.

- Quite possibly the largest succession crisis in fiction.

- Expect questions. Loads of them. Answers will come as you keep reading.

- Fantastic Politics. From family clans to King-making Clans...

- World and Kingdom Building on varied settings, and Realms.

- Plot Twists and Cliffhangers. ;]

- Exciting and well choreographed combat.

- A system inspired by the unholy matrimony of Jujutsu kaisen/Shadow Slave and yes... Solo leveling, not forgetting the dash of Naruto.

- Did I mention questions?

- A varied cast of characters with their own voice, ambitions and regrets...

- Everything said and done by any character has meaning.

- Even with his 'cool headed' nature. Our Mc will be tested, and will lose a whole lot.

- And lastly, there will be cruelty, be it from the world or characters. Hence this warning: This novel contains graphic violence and cruelty. If you are sensitive to such content, please proceed with caution.

- Despite this, there will also be hope and happiness. :]

- Update's on Wednesday and Sunday.

- Right! Chapters named by songs, till I run out...

Anyway, enough babbling.

Welcome and thank you for taking out the time of day to read this! :]

Enjoy reading!]

Ps: Even if it's not up your alley, I hope you check in once in a while for your playlist. :]
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Chapter 0: Silence
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Marshmello - Silence Ft. Khalid]


"Here we go again... Empty. Void. A repetition of disappointment. A continuous cycle of expectation followed by letdowns. And yet another day of that... just another day in my life..."

Sighing heavily, his expression blank, Aybel calmly switched the alarm off.

With weary eyes hidden by round, black-rimmed glasses and a mismatch of tousled ash blonde and black hair, he sluggishly strolled to the kitchen.

Ah, breakfast... don't you just love how it has the power to turn a half-asleep zombie into a manageable member of society? ...Pure magic.

Sitting at the kitchen table, his younger sister bustled around whistling, as she prepared the first meal of the day - The aroma of burning bread wafting through the air...

How pleasant.

"Breakfast is served~" She carelessly slapped charred toast onto his plate.

"..." Aybel picked at his breakfast with a bleak expression.

"...Well done, Aria, and I mean it quite literally... Turning breakfast into a fire hazard, that is certainly a new way to keep our mornings interesting."

"Weeeell, you do always complain your life needs some excitement sometimes. So there." She grinned with evil satisfaction.

"Consider this my contribution."

"..." Aybel's lips twitched, almost as if they were smiling.

"Indeed, but I'd really prefer my toast not to be charcoal this morning."

"Ehh!? You want it to NOT be charcoal?" She mocked playfully.

"That is correct."

"Aw, fine." Pouting, Aria leaped onto the kitchen counter, swinging her legs childishly. "If you like it dull and boring, I guess I'll just stop toasting them altogether and just give you them as they are."

"That's not exactly wh-"

"So tired..." Cutting him off, she stretched her arms, then poured herself a cup of coffee.

Sipping her warm drink she switched topics. "So, did you finally finish reading Assault on Colossus?"

"Well, yes, but I found it interesting how the main character handled the finale of the story. By the way, may I ask why you drink coffee in the morning? Is it because you can't function without a cup of bitterness?"


Aria spat out her coffee, shocked by the sudden comment.

His question was innocent and straightforward, child like even.

Coughing and wiping her mouth, she laughed nervously. "Ahaha... very funny, it's just for the caffeine. It helps me stay awake."

"But isn't caffeine a stimulant? Shouldn't you be more alert and lively then?"

"Nevermind..." She muttered, gaze drifting to a picture on the wall.

"Just shut up and eat your breakfast."

Conceding, he took a bite of the charcoal-like toast, chewing thoughtfully: Hm? She seems annoyed, I wonder... did I say something wrong?

Yet, Aybel remained oblivious to her true emotions...


My everyday life is what most people would call bland... but far from normal.

As the final bell rang, Aria, detached from her surroundings weaved through the crowded hallway... in silence.

Why should I talk to anyone? It's not like they matter. None of them do...

I don't care if people bump into me, or if they ignore me, or even if some whisper behind my back... I have no friends, and I have no need for them.

I don't feel joy that it's the end of the day, I don't feel any excitement to go home. Not hope, not fear, when I think about it, I'm not sad either, I feel... well, nothing.

Scars traced their way across her body, forever hidden from her brother's understanding. And yet, numbness was her second skin.

Y'know... this world of ours is tiring, so predictable...

Her icy blue eyes, once full of life, were now a dull shade, hidden by dark circles.

It's almost like it's scripted. Hahaha~ think about it, every day, the same old routine, you go through the motions.

For me... sometimes, no one gives a second to think or breath. Every... day... is another chance for more pain, more humiliation and more misery.

Hah~ Depressing, isn't it? That's why I like to imagine a world different from ours.

Smiling faintly, she closed her eyes tracing her fingers along the lockers. Sure... I'm a bit delusional or an escapist, but everyone does it one way or the other...

Suddenly, she laughed to herself sarcastically. Or am I not entitled to feel like this? Is it so wrong of me to feel this way? Is it so wrong of me to wish things were different?

A world where I wasn't alone... a world that doesn't exist. It couldn't exist, right? Some perfect world that I'll never be a part of...

Her fingers moved to toy with the chain of her necklace.

There are people who are happy and have everything I wish I had, right? ...But that's just part of the beauty of wishing for things.

Well, I'll just move forward, anyway... one foot in front of the other, like a zombie trying to fit in, trying to pretend that I'm just like everyone else...

However, she didn't have to try so hard.

The sea of students seemed truly oblivious to her presence, shoving her aside as if she was air.

They never look at me, do they? I'm not even there, am I?

...Am I really that invisible?

"Hey, look who we have here..."

Eyes widened in sheer terror, Aria shuddered at the sound of the voice, regret coursing through her veins.

And then, almost like a switch, the numbness took over, her face became expressionless and her eyes turned dead.

Nina, a slender girl, with brown hair tied up in small twin buns, leading her usual group of friends, smirked as she playfully snuck up behind Aria, whispering in her ear:

"Aria Ito, the invisible girl~"

"What's up, freak?" Grabbing Aria's bag, Nina slammed it hard on her head as she walked by. "Hahahahaha~"

The cruel sound drew the attention of those in the hallway. But Aria just stared blankly at Nina, unfazed.

She hadn't even flinched when the bag crashed down on her head. Slowly, she picked it up with one hand and continued walking as if nothing had happened.


But Nina wasn't one to let her prey escape so easily.

With hands clasped behind her back, she trailed Aria from behind. "Wow. What, are you too afraid to talk, freak? Got nothing to say?"


Aria suddenly stumbled.

Seemingly unaffected by the sudden loss of balance caused by Nina's kick, she carried on with her robotic march, silent.

"That's what I thought. You don't have any balls to say anything. How pathetic."


"Can't believe they wasted a scholarship on a foreigner as useless as you, probably to save your family from embarrassment. Hahahaha~"

"But nah... Let's be real, you're probably just the result of a clerical error."

Her words had the desired effect, as laughter erupted from the group of two she led, accompanied by sly chuckles from bystanders.

"Hm? Hey, I don't like crowds. Let's get out of here."

Forcefully, she grabbed Aria's arm dragging her away from the hallway. "Come on, freak. Follow me~"

The crowd parted like the red sea as Aria allowed herself to be pulled into the bathroom by Nina, all the while her posse stood guard outside.

Not like Aria had any intention of escaping anyway.

Warily, Nina peeked the stalls one by one. "You must hate being in public spaces, huh? Me too."



Once her last check was complete, Nina tossed her bag to the floor, it slid against the wall with a small humming sound.

She swivelled around facing Aria. A satisfied, yet calm smile rested on her face.

"How convenient. No one's here~"

She kicked Aria in the gut.

The latter fell to the cold floor curling into a ball, clutching her torso. Despite the pain, she didn't cry for help or beg for mercy.

"So. Let's hear it, freak. What do you have to say to me?"


"Tch. Why don't you say something, you psycho bitch!?"


Aria winced as her head hit the door of a bathroom stall.

...You know, she's right. You could've said something instead of just staying quiet like that... Take action and fight back.

And there it was, one of the many voices she wrestled with constantly, but this one in particular was quite persistent...

The Voice egging her on, urging her to fight back.

Pointless... Aria responded with resignation.

May I ask why?

You'll never understand. But I don't need your understanding... I don't need your pity or kindness either. Life is a play, and I the puppet... playing the victim... till the very end...

The Voice was clearly disappointed by Aria's response.

At this rate, they won't stop. They never will.

Exactly. So why even bother? Besides... shouldn't we be grateful? It could be worse...

The Voice sighed, discontented.

Pathetic... But, you are right, I suppose it is indeed pointless.

And with that Aria's thoughts came to a halt.

Nina cupped Aria's face into her hands, getting uncomfortably close, looking into her eyes. "Just admit it. You know it's your fault I'm mean to you. You... Her... You're all bad, bad people!"

Aria averted her gaze, looking at herself in the mirror. Her expression was flat, disinterested.

"I want to hear you say it out loud, freak. Say it. Say that you're worthless. You're nothing. You're just scum on the bottom of society. Go on. Say it."


"Admit it, freak! " Losing her temper, she struck Aria once more.

"You're trash! You'll never be loved by anyone! You're pathetic! You're ugly! You're worthless! You're pathetic! You're useless! You're stupid! You're disgusting! You're worthless! You're useless! You're stupid! You're a joke! Your life will never get any better! This is who you are! Forever!"

With each insult hurled, she kicked Aria in the shoulder again and again.

Breathing heavily, Nina stepped on the battered girl's head, pinning her down to the floor.

"Do you like this!?" She screamed. "Do you like it when I hit you!?"

Aria was too weak to react anymore now.

Releasing her foot, the viper-tongued queen bee, stared at Aria with a dead serious look. "I'm not going to repeat myself. Admit that you're worthless. Tell me that I was right all along. Say it, now."

Swaying from side to side, Aria's vacant eyes slowly moved up to meet Nina's.

Her voice was low, empty, without anger or defiance as the words came out: "...I'm sorry, you were... you were right all along. I am just... I am just a waste of time and space. I won't be a burden anymore."

"So why haven't you jumped off a bridge yet?"

Aria froze, wide-eyed.


The question rang in her head over and over again. I hadn't... Because... I... didn't have the courage. But now...

A bleak smirk tugged at the corner of her lips.

It was as if a switch was flipped in her mind: Aria stood alone on the edge of an unknown bridge, the harsh lights of the wet city illuminated the space around her.

People walked by, some with friends and some alone. But they all ignored her presence.

She glanced down at the rushing river below. A sight that was strangely calming.

The thought of escape just a leap away.


No. That's not why...

Something caught the corner of her eye, causing her heart to ache in her chest.

Perched on a ledge jutting out from the side of the bridge, a blurry figure of a young boy stood.

Dressed in a school uniform, sporting half tinted glasses, the wind tousled his hair as he cast a disappointed gaze on her...

I'm... I'm sorry...

A wave of guilt washed over her.

No, she couldn't jump. Not yet. This boy, this connection she couldn't sever.

The one person that still kept her tethered to this world. Despite her sleepless nights she painted a picture of sweet dreams whenever he asked.

Unbeknownst to him nightmares snuck their way into her daily life... If he knew the truth... he'd never look at me the same way again. I don't want that.

Aria stared into the mirror. She was almost unrecognizable. It was hard to believe that this was the same person she saw in the mirror each morning.

This time a different Voice spoke through her reflection. One that always sent shivers down her spine: And he doesn't have to know, wear the mask... until the day you die...

Aria shuddered.

"Oh? Did that hit a nerve?" Witnessing the crack in Aria's demeanor, Nina grinned with satisfaction.

"No way... you're actually crying? Crying is for babies. Hahahaha~" Aria's mind had gone blank staring at her reflection through the puddle on the floor.

Is that... mine?

Silent tears left crystal trails down her cheeks. The subtle sound of the dripping faucet in the background became muffled as her mind drowned it out.

What have I ever done to her? What did I do to deserve this? Was I born evil? Am I just a terrible person? Do I deserve to die?

Her thoughts spiraled into a rapid mess, as her grip on reality began to loosen.

Did I do something wrong? Did I upset her somehow? Maybe I do deserve to die. But I can't recall ever doing anything to her. So why...? Why...!? Why does she hate me!!?

Suddenly, her breath caught in her throat realizing the last sentence escaped her lips. But Nina's laughter only grew louder.

"You breathe, Aria," she replied with a cold grin. "That's all it takes to despise you."

In that moment, something inside Aria snapped.


Aria's bag struck Nina, sending her crashing into the tiled floor.

The unhinged girl grit her teeth into a terrifying grin.

Mounting the defenseless queen bee, she slammed her fist into Nina's face. The impact was painful but satisfying to her.

Hands moving like a blur, she punched, clawed, scratched Nina with a ferocity that ignored her slender frame. An oddly cute yet terrifying sound escaped her lips.


Vision blurred, Aria collapsed to the floor, consciousness faded...

The other girl had grabbed her by the hair smashing her head right into a nearby basin.

Wiping her bloodied lip, the queen bee sluggishly rose to her feet.

"Haah... Haah... The hell? This little freak actually tried to fight back? ...I guess there's a first for everything. Anyway..."

"Don't you know women are talking here? You can come out now, you peeping creep..."

Nina looked in the direction of the chubby boy who suddenly emerged from a stall, hand in pocket.

"Ugh, I've seen better looking roadkill."

He looked away, embarrassed.

"What, you thought if you didn't move, the scary girl wouldn't see you?"


"Hold on." She grabbed him as he attempted to scurry away and pulled him closer.

"That girl over there." Nina glanced in Aria's direction. "Have some fun with her, and I mean really have fun with her."


"What are you waiting for?! Isn't that why you're here, perv? No one's gonna stop you..."

Pushing the boy, Nina stared at Aria once more. "Come on, freak. Rise and shine. Show the world that you're something other than a waste of space."

To Be Continued...
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Chapter 1: My Ordinary Life
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone]

It was a typical Tuesday afternoon.

During lunch break, the student council president was set to give an impromptu outgoing speech on behalf of the third years in front of the entire student body.

Respectfully, he lowered his head... before raising it with a big grin plastered all over his face.

Hopping on top of a table, he began: "I came here on this fine day hoping to have a meal, only to be asked to address the entire campus! Heh, heh... Well, there's only one person who deserves a special shoutout..."

Suddenly, he pulled out a spork from his jacket, raising it like a sword. "It is I, Takeru Shu, your president!"

"For three long years, I have NEVER been a model student, just your average cog in the machine! But somehow today, my adoring fans! I stand before you as a graduating student! So raise your recyclable milk cartons and toast to ME! For VENI! VIDI! MMM!!!"

Alas, before he could finish the iconic latin phrase, a bread roll flew right into his mouth.

"Sit the fuck down!"

...And in the midst of all this, Aybel was sat alone, sprawled out on a cafeteria table, sandwich untouched, regretting his decision.

I knew it. I knew something was off about today... To think this is my second time here in the past two years.

I should have listened to my instincts and stayed in class like always, if it meant I could've avoided... whatever just happened.

What truly surprises me though, is how he managed to maintain that persona of his for so long.

It really is hard to believe that this is one of the 'best' schools in the country.

I mean, the curriculum would be better used in a primary school.

Aybel sighed and pulled out a book from his bag.

I'd much rather read a novel. I may actually learn something that way.

He flipped through the pages, before settling on the table of contents.


Foreword................ Lost King of Nod.
Chapter 1................ Abandoned Coordinates.
Chapter 2................ Records of Archon and his Lineages.
Chapter 3................ King in Name, Slave at Heart.
Chapter 4............... The Faceless Kin-

Bing! Bong! Beng!

The school's PA system suddenly interrupted the noise in the cafeteria.

"Attention students, due to err... unforseen circumstances, attendance is now down by five students... hm...? Ah, correction, seven, two were expelled..."

"There has been an increase in student 'absenteeism' lately. Hah... The point is: If you value your place at this school, you WILL attend classes regularly. We encourage those that can to come back as soon as possible or risk expulsion. I hope you can all take this seriously as your futures depend on it. Thank you!"

They do take attendance seriously, I'll give them that.

Ignoring the exhausted principal, the chatter resumed as a group of friends carrying trays suddenly plopped down on Aybel's table.

"Hey, Yuri, we got two new transfer students in our class today."


"Looks like the school needs the money. But yeah, it's always nice seeing new faces."

"Oh? What new face looks nice, Akane?"

"E-EH!? U-Ummm, you know, I-I don't quite remember but-"

"So that's how it is? You're so obsessed that you can't even remember his name? It's okay though, I know. His name was Seto or something right? Akane has a crush on him~"

"WHAAA!? Really!?"


"I'll have to check him out then~"

"Wait! That's not-"

"SShhhh, perfect timing, he's heading this way."

Hmm... This is awkward.

Laying on the table, still reading, with eyes stuck on the words as if that's what he was doing, Aybel mused silently:

These three seem to be quite... 'preoccupied' with their own world...

I wonder how long it will be before they notice that someone else is sitting at this table?

Perhaps I should take this time to slip away... or would it be better to let them notice me here? That would surely encourage them to leave, right? Or maybe they won't even notice me.

He briefly gave a glance across the cafeteria.

To be honest, I am rather reluctant to leave this table. There aren't any other empty tables available either...

Well, in any case, I suppose there's no real reason to worry. These three seem plenty capable of entertaining me... and I've got time to kill until the bell rings anyway.

"Uwaahh! He's so hot~"

"He looks pretty nice, I guess..."

"Don't lie, you're so into him~ The way you blushed when he walked by..."

"No way, I-I didn't! That's not even who I-I, I'm not-"

"Hahahaha~ Your face is doing it again!"

"N-Nooooooo!!! DON'T LAUGH AT ME!"

Her emotional state is as obvious as a neon sign.

"Awww, you're all embarrassed. That's really cute~"

Being the object of her affection can't be easy... My condolences, for him.

"...Stop that... Y-You can't go around petting people's ears like they're dogs..."

"Alright, fine... but is he even single? I wonder if he already has a girlfriend."

If you're so eager to find out, why don't you just ask him directly?

"Doesn't matter, you should totally ask him out. You'd look so good together."

"Mhm. Mhm."

"Seriously, go for 'em. You just need to pick something that's really attractive, get him alone and-"

"Oh my god!"

"Confess! I was gonna say confess!"


Correct... her complete lack of shame.

"Ugh, so what if I meant the other thing. Amateur..."

"Mhm. Try it. That is, if you want him to fall for you~"

"...You guys are unbelievable. Why do I even bother hanging out with you..."

"Because you love us, dumbass~"

"That, and you have no other friends."

"Wrong! I... I do have friends. It's just that..."


"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. I don't really care..."

"You know, in the beginning I didn't think you'd fit in that well. You're weird... and not in a good way."

Hmm. Where have I heard that line before...

"But I can work with weird."

"Gee... Thanks."

"I'm kinda glad she became part of us though. She's so cute~"

"Oh, now I'm cute?"

"I could cuddle her all day!"

"You keep your hands to yourself, Miss! You're a menace to society!"

"Awww, look at you getting all worked up. It's adorable~ How about we go shopping after school? We can go get you some pretty stuff~ Oooh, right! There's a costume party tomorrow evening, we'll go together! I could even look for some cosplay outfits that suit you at the store~ How 'bout a maid costume? Or a princess? Or maybe even a nurse outfit! Eeek! I'm so excited, this is gonna be amazing~!"

"I'm not your dress up doll, now get off me!"

"I swear, you both might as well just glue yourselves together. Hahahaha~"


"No! She's the clingy one!"

"So, wanna come kira?"

"Nah, I'll pass. I got some stuff to take care of."

"Oh? Well, we can just do it tomorrow."

"Wait, wait. We have exams remember? Not to mention homework..."


I see... one seems cheerful and somewhat studious. She's the kind of person who gets flustered easily, and her reactions are easy to predict. Though I sense she can be assertive when she wants to.

The other emits fake kindness, and beneath that appearance I feel that she probably keeps to herself a lot.

And the last... well, she's just ditzy.

They're all so different. It's actually quite amusing to see.

"You two are insufferable, but I'll help you study if you want."

"I'm good. I'm a pro at cramming."

That's... That's not something to say so proudly.

"Meh, I think I'll be fine too. I've been studying a bit, but physics would be a pain."

"Right? Mr. Tatsumi! That class is impossible to pass because of him! That's an automatic F for us."

"Speak for yourself..."


"I don't care if he fails us. I'll just y'know 'charm' him and he'll let me pass."

"I'm sure you will. What exactly are you going to do? Seduce him? Like that'll ever work."

"For you maybe not, but whatever. I'm not gonna let some stupid exam ruin my plans."

I suppose there will always be people like her at every school in the world...

"Hah~ Right. I forgot. You two are hopeless."

Hopeless is an understatement.

"Geez. You make it sound like we're complete idiots. Anyway, let's talk about something more interesting~ You know, I overheard the girls in my P.E. class talking about the Aria girl."

Hmm...? On the table, Aybel remained dead still at the mention of his sister's name.

It seems Aria has become a topic of gossip.

To Be Continued...
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Chapter 2: Why Do You Lie to Me
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Why Do You Lie To Me - Topic, A7S. FT. Lil Baby]

"You know, I overheard the girls in my P.E. class talking about the Aria girl."


On the table, Aybel remained dead still at the mention of his sister's name.

It seems Aria has become a topic of gossip.

"It's pretty brutal. But if you ask me, she kinda had it coming."

Although his expression didn't show it, but those words hit Aybel like a punch to the gut.

Brutal... What sort of monster would hurt her? And what exactly does she mean, 'she had it coming?'

"...It's so gross that people do that. Poor girl."

"Well, the person you should be telling that to is Aria. I personally don't give a damn."

"Kira, I don't think you're supposed to say stuff like that."


"What? I'm just spitting facts, my dude. I dunno the details but maybe she wanted it, maybe she did-"

"Hey! Don't bad mouth her when you only have half the story!"

Half the story... Hmm... There's always a lot of gossip going around this school. It's a fact that some people get jealous of others and spread rumours about them in order to ruin their reputation... I'll take this with a grain of salt.

Yet, as more of their heated conversation reached his ears, concern overtook his doubt.

Sluggishly, Aybel sat upright, contemplating their words. Aria's pain... I never would have thought...

He had always assumed she was happy, dealing with her school life effortlessly. Well, I guess it's because I've always seen her at her best.

A happy high school life...

I don't have much to compare it to, since I'm living mine as a complete loner. Aria's smart and athletic. What more else is there to want?


Maybe she got close to someone only to have them betray her... We both know how that feels like.

So it's perfectly understandable that she's terrified of it happening again... In fact, I figured that school was her escape. At least, that's what I hoped for.

Our paths seldom cross and we don't exactly have classes together since her's are in the first-year school building, quite far from where I spend most of my time in the second-year building.

...At times, it feels like we practically go to separate schools.

Such was the prestigious nature of the academy, as the only times they might come in contact were during lunch break in the cafeteria or at school events.

And just as well, Aria, like me, isn't so fond of the cafeteria. She also seems to not have any responsibilities at school as far as I'm aware. Even so... How could I have been so ignorant? Did I fail to see?

He was fairly certain he had kept an eye on her, at school and at home.

Shutting his eyes, Aybel briefly ran through his countless interactions with Aria, finally he came to a halt at their most recent conversation - this morning:

Well, it was a pretty routine morning. I woke up early and made the usual toast for myself and her. Aria left her room stretching and yawning widely, joining me at the table shortly after.

She was still a bit groggy from her sleep, but she still looked happy to see me judging from her poke on the cheek greeting.

We have this little ritual that we do every morning - I give Aria a book and she does the same.

We both read it through the course of the school day and then swap it out with a different book the next. Except...

I'm honestly not the fastest reader. I like to take my time with the things I'm reading.

That's why sometimes I don't always get around to swapping with Aria the same day. But we always make sure to do it whenever we can.

Today, I thought about picking up something from my non-fiction collection, but I couldn't think of anything good... So I just picked up a random manga called Demon Sanctuary and gave it to her instead.

For some reason, after looking up the synopsis online. She smirked at me. So I guess it was a good choice. Aria gave me something called A Game of Crowns by H.H.

Aybel pictured the pocket sized book currently laying on the table.

The front cover is pretty basic.

Just a drawing of a shattered black crown on a white background.

I haven't read it yet. Though, it looks like a fairly quick read.

Next, we talked about how we slept and Aria seemed to be in a really good mood.

But then, she suddenly asked me a surprising question.

Aria asked if I wanted to play a game with her after school tomorrow. I should have the free time on my hands, so I said yes.

Then as we ate, she made fun of me for my habit of adopting stray cats and speaking to them as if they were my closest confidants, and to be fair... I can see why it may seem strange to anyone...

But I don't quite find it odd, though. She also pointed out that we now apparently share my habit of speaking thoughts aloud without being aware of it...

Involuntarily Aybel paused. Weird... Is someone watching me...

"Oh..." He abruptly registered the fact that he blurted most of that out.

Eyes still shut, he gave an exaggerated sigh picturing all three girls, now staring at him wide-eyed, as they slowly rose to back away from the table...

And the list of reasons people consider me strange keeps growing... what a tedious flaw.

Anyway... she eventually switched to small talk, asking about my classes and any interesting happenings at school.

We didn't exchange any more words after that because, as usual, I had to leave and she still had to get ready to go to school herself...

But all that was a lie.

This entire morning, and god knows for how long. All, rehearsed, lies.

Every question, every word, her smile, eyes, mood... were all just a cover - an intelligent way to distract me from what she's really feeling.

If I were some stranger and this was about trying to fit in and be accepted, then it would be understandable, but that's not the case.

Its as though she's trying to play a role, she's the actress playing little sister and I... her humbled spectator.

She's always been good at hiding her true feelings, hasn't she? Scary good as a matter of fact. Aria... we might be more similar than we realize.

Looking back on it now, at some point in our earlier conversation, there was indeed a moment where I noticed something in her eyes.

For a millisecond... I saw the true Aria. Emptiness... and I subconsciously brushed it off, didn't I? Sure, it was gone as quickly as it appeared but - it was there.

What were you really feeling at that second...?

I see... there was more beneath the surface, after all. A depth to her I've never seen before...

Oddly enough, he suddenly recalled the famous words of a certain philosopher, however, pushing the thought aside he wondered:

But why would she go that far to act for me of all people? It doesn't make any sense. Unless I'm missing something...

She doesn't want anyone to see her suffering...? Afraid of being judged...? Rejected...?

Still... was I too naive with her? Possibly... I suppose I should have seen it sooner,
Aybel thought as he opened his eyes, gaze drifting to the untouched plate before him.

Hmm... perhaps, all this time, my assumptions were nothing more than me using her as a convenient scapegoat to bury my own baggage.

Reality had smacked him in the face like a well-aimed dodgeball. But he couldn't dwell on self-blame now.

Having reached a decision, Aybel pushed aside the sandwich plate. The cynic in him had given way to his brotherly instincts.

It's not like she asks for my help with anything. In that, she's very self-reliant. But sometimes, she won't speak up for herself, it's true. To think someone took advantage of that... Aybel's face darkened in grim determination.

An unforgivable crime... I may not be the most sociable person, nor do I form close relationships with others.

But Aria... you're different.

I WILL remove the irritant standing in the way of your safety... regardless of their nature or identity.

To Be Continued...
Chapter 3: Cross Me Pt. 1
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Ed Sheeran - Cross Me Ft. Chance The Rapper & PnB Rock. ]

"Hey Nina, I've been keeping an eye on you lately and I've noticed that we have a ton in common. I think we would make an awesome couple, and I'd love to get to know you better. So why don't we meet up after school at the library tomorrow so I can tell you all about myself? I'm looking forward to seeing you there."

After reading the letter, Nina glanced skeptically at the girls. "Alright, which one of you wrote this?"


"Come on, don't be shy~"


The school library was quiet, just as it was at nearly every hour of every day. The shelves were lined with a diverse selection of books, most of which were probably rarely if ever checked out.

Aside from the group of girls sat leisurely in a circle at one of the tables in the middle of the room, there was little to no activity to speak of within the space.

Looking at the letter with interest, a girl in a short pixie cut sighed.

"Isn't this the sixth letter this week? What the hell are you doing to these guys, Nina? It's not normal for them to be this down bad."

Leaning on her outstretched arm with a half-asleep expression on her face, another girl agreed. "Yeah, six a week is a bit much."

"That's the point. I haven't done anything... I'm as confused as you two are, honestly."

Seated on Nina's left, a girl wearing a pink bow chirped:

"It's probably that one guy, Nina-san! You know, the one from the letter you got on Valentine's Day. Maybe he's just really, REALLY persistent."

"Hah~ That's my theory as well, but whoever keeps sending me these letters, I'd really like to know who they are. It's starting to become a bit of a problem already..."

"Problem...? Nina-san gets all the decent boys, who ACTUALLY try to be romantic! Meanwhile, I'm just stuck over here with this annoying perv who never takes no for an answer! The creep chased me around yesterday! Where were you!? Why didn't you protect me, Nina-san!? I was terrified!"

She cried out smothering her cheek into Nina's.

"Ah, that? A certain someone tried to get me in trouble."


"But it didn't work. I had to spend an hour telling off the counselor, though. That wasn't fun... I guess I'll deal with them later..."

Curiosity piqued, the pixie cut girl placed her chin on her clasped fingers.

"A certain someone, you say. Who, do tell~" Her smug eyes twinkled expecting an answer.

"Hm? Ah, well. Don't worry about it."

Nina said unceremoniously as she went back to staring at the letter with a small frown on her face.


"Hah~ fine, I'm not that nosy anyway..."

Biting down on her thumb in thought, Nina argued: "Still, this is a change of pace compared to the usual 'love letters' I get. It's very straightforward and to the point too, almost... business like."

"Sounds like a charming guy."

"Is that supposed to be sarcasm...?"

"Nah, I mean it, at least this time he's not giving you some bullshit... Fwaah... lines, right?"

Nina looked at the red head with annoyance. "It's not the same guy. Can't you tell by the handwri- Ugh, you know what, why don't you just read it yourself."


"Meh, looks the same to me."

Nina let out a long and loud sigh. "Of course it does... Wake up!"

She gave the sleepy girl a light slap across the head. "Huh? Wh-What was that for?!"

"You can't read it with your eyes shut!"

Rubbing her eyes with her hand she sat upright, going through the letter.

"So, what do you think?"

"...I guess it's the same idea at the end of the day, though. They like you, simple as that. But then again... it could be a stalker. A super crazy one, too."

"I hope not..." Shuddering, Nina hugged her shoulders. "I'm dealing with enough crazy people in my life as it is..."


"Indeed, you are..."

Nina looked up as the others all turned their attention toward the voice.

"I see you received my message." The figure who just entered the library moments ago looked down at Nina.

"May I have permission to sit next to you?"

But before he even finished his sentence, with an unreadable blank expression the outsider pulled out an empty chair, spun it around and sat facing the backrest as he lazily crossed his arms on top of it, joining the circle of girls.

"Apologies for my tardiness and the letter being so painfully obvious... but while writing, I found it pointless to be 'sneaky' or 'subtle' since, as expected, you all still fell headfirst into a blatant trap."


"Exactly what I said... Trap."

Fearing the worst, the girls, all except Nina, exchanged nervous glances.

Standing quickly, the girl with the pink bow, slammed both her palms down on the table. "W-What kind of trap did you set up in this place!?"

The boy stared at her, amused.

"...Okaaaay... I'm just gonna... give you two some privacy then."

With a dismissive hand wave, Nina tried to defuse the situation. "First of all, Sarina, please calm down. No need to get all worked up on our own."

"I agree, you should listen to her..."

A moment of silence passed, then Sarina sighed.

"Fine..." Calming her nerves, she sat back down.

"You look like someone I know, though." She mumbled suspiciously at the boy.

The girls were all silent as they watched Nina.

Looking at the newcomer with folded arms and crossed legs, she smirked shaking her head.

"Pff... Turns out that saying is right... confidence is pretty damn hot, huh?"


"But don't get the wrong idea; it doesn't matter how much I'm enjoying this, if you lay a single finger on any one of us, I will END you without the slightest hesitation."

"...I see. You must think very highly of yourself. You... enjoy taking advantage of those who are weaker than you. You find pleasure in their fear and pain..."

His voice trailed, mind in thought, as he took his eyes off Nina, staring blankly at the bookshelves lining the corner.

"I don't blame you for doing what you do... the feeling of helplessness you see in their eyes when trying to fight someone who they can't win against. I understand-"

Suddenly, a book fell from a shelf startling the girls, drawing their attention. The book itself was a very old dusty one that he guessed hadn't been touched in quite some time.

"I... understand how it feels to take pleasure in the suffering of others." He continued.

"After all..." Taking a deep breath, he returned his gaze back to the group.

"That is exactly the reason why I'm here..."

Dead silence filled the room as Sarina tugged on Nina's cardigan.

"Nina-san, do something, he's creeping me out."

However, one of the other girls found the nerve to respond on her behalf: "Oh, for god's sake, who the hell are you, even?"

"Aaah, wait!" Sarina suddenly screamed. "I do know him! Because we live in the same area! We even take the same bus together sometimes!"


Self aware from the four pairs of eyes all fixed on her person, Sarina's face flushed red as she covered her mouth, asking in a quieter tone: "Ri-ight?"

"Correct, you ride the twenty eight and sit right up front every single day."

"E-eh?! Wait, what the--"

"Forgive me, I should have introduced myself first... I am Aria's brother."

The girls were stunned into silence...

Before the red head snickered. "Oh, really? Well, I guess you'll be happy to know that Aria's been doing really well in our care."

"And she's even found something interesting to do with her time~" The pixie cut chimed in.

"Yeah, she's learned how to enjoy herself so much... more than you could possibly imagine..."

"She's even become a lot more... Pfft... flexible than you'd think. Fufufufu... Bwahahahaha! I can't do this! Aria's brother!? Is that the best you can come up with!?"

Aybel looked at the both of them with an empty stare. "Enjoying the suffering, are you? You could almost be mistaken for humans..."

Nina finally spoke out: "Okay. I get it. We'll back off."


"But in return, I want you to amuse me."


"Was I not clear? I'm asking you to be my boyfriend, Aybel... or should I say girlfriend considering your looks~"

She giggled not expecting a positive answer.

However, Aybel calmly took a device out of his pocket and placed it at the center of the table.

He pressed play...

Nina's face paled instantly.

To Be Continued...
Last edited:
Chapter 4: Cross Me Pt. 2
[A/N: Ed Sheeran - Cross Me Ft. Chance The Rapper & PnB Rock. ]

"Okay. I get it. We'll back off."


"But in return, I want you to amuse me."


"Was I not clear? I'm asking you to be my boyfriend, Aybel... or should I say girlfriend considering your looks~"

She giggled not expecting a positive answer.

However, Aybel calmly took a device out of his pocket and placed it at the center of the table.

He pressed play...

Nina's face paled instantly.

"M- No..."

"No, no, no, no, no, NO!" Suddenly rushing to her feet, she jumped back knocking over her chair with eyes widened in horror, as each scene unfolded on the screen before her.

"You are a horrible, horrible human being!"

She pointed at the device, almost tripping over her feet in her effort to back away from Aybel. "How... How did you get that!?"

Confusion flickered on the faces of the others.

"I don't really have time to answer your questions. But I have one for you... Are you thoroughly amused?"


"Very well... How, you ask? There are many ways to achieve the same result - all roads lead to rome, after all... It doesn't matter how I got it. What matters now, is that I have it."

In reality, Aybel had purposefully laid out every detail up to this moment.

The plan was to report Nina to a school counselor...

I simply didn't want my involvement in this to be found out. So I needed someone to do that for me.

As for who that person was...

She seemed like a righteous person. Akane proved far more useful than I had given her credit for...

I'm aware that she's a classmate of Nina and they have had prior... disagreements. So I thought it would be a good idea to convince her to do it instead.


Nina Hatamoto is the daughter of Kumo Hatamoto, the owner of Hatamoto Group, a giant company that has close ties to both the school and the government. So there was no way that she would be punished.

But that didn't matter much anyway.

The real plan was to get my hands on Nina's phone information.

Nina is a very cautious and careful person. After barely half a school day of observing her behavior, it became crystal clear what her most important possession was - her phone.

Which, sadly, she kept under lock and key. I thought at the time it would be far too difficult to get her phone without raising her suspicion.

So I decided to create a situation that would force her to leave it unattended.

In her absence, I knew that the lock on her locker was the one with the simplest combination lock, so picking it was quite easy. Added to the fact that I have enough experience with picking locks, but that's a story for another day...

Judging by one look inside, Nina barely used the locker. There was a notepad with a pen and pencil, and a few other small items.

However, one strange item did catch my eye - a student ID card that belonged to Aria. I suppose she took it during one of their 'sessions.'

Swiping the phone, I scrolled through it for things of interest...

To be honest, I was relieved to discover that she didn't have a password or any form of security on her phone. But I guess it makes sense now...

Looking through the phone, it wasn't exactly hard to deduce why Aria had been so silent regarding her situation with Nina. In fact, it was quite obvious Nina always recorded their sessions together.

Anyway... I then installed a hidden tracking application of my design under an app that was already pre-installed by the phone.

As I finished installing the app, I slipped the letter into her locker. The app allowed me to track her location and activities in real-time.

But by far the best part was the ability to remotely activate her phone's camera to take a particular, short, video clip.

A boring chore, but one that ultimately paid off. She has her secrets, and now... so do I.

Deep in thought, acceptance danced within Nina's eyes. Seeing this, Aybel's expression was blank. But underneath... he wore the widest smile to ever grace his lips.

She immediately searched for any sign of mercy in his eyes. "Alright, fine, I'll back off, for real this time. Whatever it is you ask of me, it's yours... literally anything."


The way she bites her thumb... It's... strangely familiar. But It's quite rare to see her so nervous looking, isn't it? She looks pathetic, like a girl ready to be sold into slavery. Indeed. She is at my mercy...


"Absurd... you've mistaken me for someone who cares about your opinion."

She found no mercy...

Without thinking, Nina lunged for the phone and threw it across the room with all of her might.

Landing against a shelf it smashed into pieces, which in turn caused several books on the shelf to fall.

Thud! Thump! Thump! Thwack!

Aybel stared at the ruined device, almost disappointed. "...My property..."

The library fell silent, as it should be.
Dink-dink! Dink-dink! Dink-dink! Dink-dink!

The girls all flinched at the sudden ringing of their phones.

Tentatively, they all reached for their respective devices at the same time... Nina froze in absolute disbelief, not daring to follow suit.

"I'm impressed. That was perfectly timed, even for me."

She stared at Aybel almost like she couldn't comprehend what just happened.

Meanwhile, he could picture several students in different locations across the academy, each receiving the shocking notification.

Just like that... a young girls life was ruined. And she didn't even have a say in it...

Summoning the courage, the pixie cut girl lashed out: "Tha... That's unfair!!!"

Aybel's dead gaze shifted to her.

"Do not speak."

Just as she was about to, she held her tongue, biting down immediately. "Ngh!"

It would be very easy for me to expose this little group, but I've decided that it's not worth it, after all...

Aybel rose from his seat. On instinct, Nina fell to the floor scuttling away, wide-eyed.

...I have a strict policy of not paying attention to mediocrity.

Slowly, he moved closer, walking past her frozen herd with utter disregard.

"Wait... stop... why are you..."

Sarina's words caught in her throat, unable to form a coherent sentence as they all helplessly watched.

Nina's life may be ruined...

Aybel's eyes never left her face as if moving in for the kill.

But that doesn't satisfy me...

A look of raw panic spread on her face as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Revenge may be a dish best served cold...

A sudden, primal scream of pure fear ripped through the air.

But right now...

"HELP! SOMEONE! PLEASE!" She crawled away from Aybel, trying her hardest to get away from him.

It's best to be ruthless and efficient...

Nina suddenly bumped into a bookshelf, stopping dead in her tracks.

That way...

A children's book fell into her lap, opened to a page that read: "Chapter 5: Believe in yourself! You can be whoever you want to be!"

She'll be completely broken.

Aybel stared down at her with an emotionless expression.

Just like she shattered Aria.

Nina threw the book at him, but he easily swatted it away without flinching.

Crouching, he reached out, taking hold of her chin, gently lifting her head up bringing their faces to eye level.

"To think you're quite appealing to look at when you're frightened..."

Aybel's eyes didn't hold anger, but rather a profound sorrow, for both his sister and herself.

"I don't mind if you run off crying. The door is open, so feel free to use it, but..." A damage about to be done that would leave scars...

"Before you run away, I'd like you all to do one last thing..."

He slowly released her chin standing up straight.


To Be Continued...
Chapter 5: If I Died
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Jessie Murph - If I Died Last Night]


Arriving home that day, Aybel was finally ready to confront Aria about the situation.

However, as he loosened his tie, opening the front door, he came face to face with an image that would forever leave its imprint on his young mind...

Broken glass scattered across the carpet...

Overturned and shredded furniture...

Piles of broken wood...

A smashed television...

But the worst thing of all...


Large pools of it, everywhere.

In puddles on the carpet, dripping from the ceiling, smeared on the walls, splattered on whatever was left of the furniture.

It was as if someone had been brutally murdered... And for a single second, just for a fleeting moment... Aybel felt his heart stop.

Slowly, he stepped further into the apartment, walking over to his room wondering what state it was in...


The door pushed open.

Aybel found his room in not much of a better shape than the rest of the apartment.

It was full of bloodstains and glass shards from the broken window, impossible to move around without stepping on something sharp.

His bookshelf, surprisingly untouched, but the dresser was toppled over onto the floor and his triple arch bed was on its side.

And then, he saw it.

On the wall where his bed used to be - a message written in blood...

Aria's signature scribbles...

"Dear brother," the message read.

"Why the stunned face? You're home now, too! We can finally spend time together like we used to, right? Right?! Anyway, forgive me but I didn't have any paint, so my blood has to do. My favorite game, you see... it's called Cut and Seek. Get it, Hide and Seek, 'Cut and Seek.' Clever, right...!?"

"How it works, you wonder? It's simple really..."

"First, I cut open my skin to leave behind a trail of bloody clues that will lead you directly to me."

"That's it... See? Simple."

"Will you succeed in finding me before I die? Or am I already dead...?"

"It's all up to you brother~
- Love your dearest little sister, Aria.

Aybel stared at the wall in silence before letting out a heavy sigh as he took in the sight of the destroyed room.

...Here I am... riding the high of my own little thrill seeker adventure, only to be rudely slapped in the face with this pitiful sight...

A game...

At the time, I truly had no idea why Aria asked me about the game. I thought it was a little random, but I didn't think too much about it. I was just... genuinely happy to spend time with her.

Picking up a piece of a ruined deer jigsaw puzzle, he held it up in front of him.

"So much time and effort..." He muttered aloud. "Just last night, I completed this one hundred and five piece puzzle... And now, it's useless..."

He sighed once more, disappointed.

Figures, it's not like I thought we'd be playing a board game or anything. She's clearly not right in the head. I know that...

In a way, it makes me wonder if she was already planning on committing suicide by that point. Or perhaps it was even before that...

Is this her way of wanting to spend a little time with me before she kills herself... her final legacy to me...?

A game of life and death… how reckless of you.

Very well, Aria. A game I never wanted to play, but one I most certainly will not lose.

Returning to the hallway, Aybel took note of the several blood trails snaking their way and zigzagging across various rooms.

As disturbing as it is, fortunately, Aria has been generous enough with her clues.

Even so, this is going to be much harder than I thought... there are plenty of rooms, closets and places where she could hide.

She's making me work for it. So many twists and turns... it's almost impossible to tell where she could be...


Aybel wrinkled his nose, balancing his glasses on the tip.

Stale blood. It's quite nauseating.

He walked through the hallway, very calmly.

Going by the darker color, the blood in my bedroom is the most dried... the first room she bled in.

While walking, he avoided stepping on the bloodstains.

The blood here is starting to dry too...

Tracing a finger along the wall, he inspected the blood on it carefully.

This particular trail is still fairly fresh though.

He looked at the bright trail of blood. It zigzagged from the walls to the floor leading to a room at the end of the hall.

The bathroom...

So that's where she's hiding. Hmm... When I think carefully about it, she could simply be hiding in her own room just as well.

No... I don't have time to debate. Aria's not so simple minded that she would do something like that.

I'll have to be quick about this, she might already be dead by now...

Following the blood trail, Aybel arrived at the entrance of the room. He took a deep breath, ready to witness a gruesome sight...

Upon entering, he noticed several bloody knives sticking out of the wall. But what immediately caught his eye - the hand sticking out of the huge pool of blood that filled the bathtub...

Pinned to the bathtub by a knife, was a small piece of paper. Aybel reached out and detached it.

There was a short message written on it in Aria's handwriting:

"You found me! Good job, you win!"

To Be Continued...
Chapter 6: Cut and Seek
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack - Nightcore - Hide And Seek]

Aybel swiped a finger across the blood pool in the bathtub. Pinching his fingers together, he tried to gauge its consistency.

I'm not sure how long Aria's body has been in the bathroom, but it's definitely been a while...

The blood must have been quite fresh when she first bled in here, but now it's all dried up and thick like tar.

And yet... it's strange how the blood on the knives are still fresh while the blood in the bathtub is already old and sticky. Almost like there are two different types of blood present here...

It's hard to say what this could mean. Maybe the fresh blood belongs to someone other than Aria...

An intruder, perhaps?

Or it's possible the blood in the bathtub...

Slowly, Aybel rolled up the sleeve of his shirt.

Is just not human blood.

He plunged his arm into the pool of dark red liquid almost instantly plucking out the mutilated corpse of a cat...

"Isn't that right, Eris...?"

Aybel observed the silent corpse... I know Aria killed my beloved stray, and yet somehow... I can't bring myself to care.

But I have no idea where she could have found enough animal blood to fill up a tub though. Not to speak of the mannequin hand.

Tossing the cat back into the tub, he held on to the piece of paper for a moment before tossing it in as well.

Aybel watched as it sank below the surface of the blood, its words gradually becoming obscured until it finally disappeared completely.

Aria seems to be enjoying this sick little game of hers. But if I don't find her soon she might lose too much blood and die...

Seriously, this time...

Now, just where could she be? Hands in pockets, Aybel surveyed the bathroom in detail.

The first thing he noticed - The floor and walls were almost completely clean.

Meaning there's no trail to follow.

Except for the bloody knives stuck in the wall and the bathtub filled with blood, the entire room was practically spotless.

Well, here we go back to square one then. Unless...

The bathroom door was slightly ajar. Carefully, Aybel examined the knob. Scattered across the surface of the wood were brightly colored red stains.

I see... Instead of leaving a steady trail of blood, she left small drops of it... This means she's somewhere else in the apartment right now.

It truly is like playing a game of hide and seek. Albeit with someone who is constantly changing their hiding place.

But it also means, she's using some sort of cloth to prevent herself from bleeding out.

Aybel stared at the bloodied door knob once more. Even I would be hard pressed to track her down using only this as a clue...

His lips twitched. What a devious puzzle... I'm impressed, Aria.

Searching the bathroom for more bloodstains, Aybel found tiny drops on the sink, the mirror, and on the towels hanging on the rack.

There were also a few random drops on the floor.

...I find this very unpleasant.
She's trying to confuse me...

The most curious part though is the small bloodstain on the ceiling. As if she simply threw the blood at it... But I know better than to think that...

There are only two ways Aria could have left the bathroom, and that's through the door...

Looking up at the other possible escape route, he noticed the small bloodstain on its roof.

...Or up the ventilation shaft.

A fake-out... She's not one to leave obvious clues for me to follow. But she would suspect I would think that, wouldn't she...?

It's settled then.

To get to the air shaft, Aybel climbed up on the sink.

There was a circular grill covering the opening. It looked securely fixed in place, but he managed to pry it off with a little effort.

It was a tight fit, but with his small frame, Aybel was able to squeeze through comfortably.

After a few minutes of crawling through the duct, he saw a dim light in the distance.

Slowly, he removed the vent cover placing it off to the side as he quietly stepped out into a room.

Moving around the room, Aybel inspected it thoroughly.

The bare bulb...

He flickered it on and off a few times.

The childish drawing framed to the wall...

He gazed at the earth in palm artwork.

The vintage leather chair...

He checked for signs that Aria might have sat in it.

And the pile of books...

Aybel read through the titles on the spines.

It's all exactly as I remember it... Father's study.

While looking at the books, he noticed the recurring works of an author. I see... So that's where she got it from. It seems father was a big fan.

Finally, he took a close look at the desk, checking to see if there were any stains on the surface.


From top to bottom, he quickly removed the drawers and examined the contents one at a time.

The first item of note he came across was a collection of antique maps with continents and islands shown in unique ways. Which he guessed dated back to the 1800s considering his family's history of cartography.

They were stacked away in one of the drawers, along with a broken compass, its needle twitching and spinning unpredictably.

In another drawer at the bottom, he found a bloodied bandage.

It's fresh, and... pretty disgusting.

Looking at the bandage, something suddenly caught his attention - A well crafted panel made from a layer of wood that blended in with the rest of the desk.

Weird... How didn't I notice this before?

Cautiously sliding the panel out of the way, it revealed a hidden drawer. To be fair, this is almost impossible to find unless you know what you're looking for.

Pulling open the drawer, Aybel peered inside. His eyes widened in mild surprise at what he saw.


Immediately, Aybel rushed to the direction of the loud noise - the hallway. Looking down, he saw a broken vase on the floor. He crouched down to pick up a blood soaked shard.

Smashed to pieces... Aria deliberately broke the vase to lure me...

Or I can imagine her clumsily slipping on her own blood and knocking it over... She's 'cute' like that, at times...

Either way, it was an accident that just happened to get my attention.

There were two new fresh trails of blood that crossed each other like an "X" on the floor next to the broken vase.

The first trail came from Aria's room and headed towards his parents bedroom. The other trail of blood going from the bathroom to Aybel's own room.

Glancing around for other signs of Aria, he discovered there was nothing else for him to find.

Looking closely at the trail of blood leading to his parents room he noticed something: Isn't the blood a little bit too bright in color? And too, what's the word... liquid looking? Point being, it doesn't look like real blood.

Reaching down, he touched a drop of the blood with a finger. Right, it's definitely not blood. It smells more like...

He brought the splatter on his finger up to his nose... Ketchup.

Really? That's what Aria was trying to do? After all that, she just goes back into her room?

Aybel exhaled deeply. That sounds very much like her to be honest... always full of surprises. She's probably going to stay in there until she's certain that I've left...

Following the ketchup trail to Aria's room, he couldn't help but admire her plan.

Clever girl... She slipped up, in every literal sense, and left a sloppy ketchup trail. She knew that I might follow the trail that I saw, so in a hurry, Aria tried to send me off in the wrong direction by leaving a trail of real blood.

However, since the ketchup trail leads away from Aria's room... It's quite obvious to guess where she is.

Still, for an on the fly plan, that was pretty smart. Aria is really good at coming up with this kind of twisted logic, isn't she?

She might be even smarter than I gave her credit for. Even though I have her all figured out, it's clear I still have a lot more to learn about her...

Cautiously, Aybel opened the door and peeked inside.

The room was almost completely dark, with just a faint glow coming from the moonlight outside reflecting off of the walls.

Despite it being hard to see, he quickly took stock of the surroundings:

A decorated mini fridge toppled on it's side, it's extension cord snaking across the middle of the room...

Clothes strewn across the floor...

An empty ketchup bottle sat on the dresser, cap off...

Drawers yanked open and their contents flung out haphazardly...

An alarm clock, broken and permanently stuck on:

Sheets, tangled and torn, pillows tossed aside...

An oval-shaped tiara mirror, its glass shattered into a hundred pieces...

Bookshelf neatly organized in alphabetized order...

Dark red smears marking the otherwise porcelain floor tiles...

And then, his gaze drifted to the figure at the center of it all.

Aria's bloodied body.

Still wearing her school uniform, her face and body were covered with bruises and cuts.

She looked incredibly pale and sick, almost on the brink of death, but... there was still some life in her.

Hands behind her back as if she were hiding something, she stared at her brother with bright blue eyes, a smile spreading across her face.

"Aren't you gonna say hi to your sister, brother?"

Aybel slowly stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

To Be Continued...

[A/N: Hi, thank you for giving this novel the time of day! See you on Sunday. ;) ]
Chapter 7: Bleeding Out
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack - Imagine Dragons - Bleeding Out]

Life has taught me to expect the worst in people. I've always been prepared for disappointment and betrayal, even with Aria, that's just how I've been conditioned.

Despite this, I've always had a very little feeling of faith in Aria.

It's like a small fire inside of me, burning brightly, and that fire has always kept the darkness away.

But even so, now, that fire is flickering dangerously close to being extinguished.

Somehow... being face to face with her now feels different. This is the first time I've ever seen Aria like this.

Someone who's truly important to me.

Someone whom I've chosen to believe in.

Someone who I never expected would betray me. And yet...

All we have is each other... or so I thought.

This familiar feeling in my chest... I hate it.

As Aybel observed her bloodied figure, his heart sank and only one word came to mind: "Traitor."

"Is that all you have to say? You don't look that surprised, though. Are you disappointed in me? Are you thinking that I'm nothing but a liar, a manipulative brat?"

Aria cocked her head to the side, her lengthy hair fell to the side as she did so. "Why don't you come closer and take a good look at your sister, hm?"

The blood on her marred white uniform dripped onto the floor.


"No? Well... alright then. Can't say I blame you." She shrugged.

"You know, I'm sorry for what I did, but I'm also happy about it. Now that you're finally looking at the real me, I have a lot of things to say. It's about time you and I had an honest conversation with each other." A wide smile stretched across her face.

"See... I knew all along that you would figure out the trail was fake. I expected that you'd follow it to my room."

"After all, you always knew what I was up to, didn't you, brother? You always knew what I was going to do before I even did it... You know me so, so well..." As she said that Aria gave him a bittersweet smile.


"That fact has always made me feel so special, having you know every move I make. So, what do you think, Aybel?" She mocked.

"I wanna hear it from you. Do you understand why I'm doing this? Do you understand why I wanted to make my dear brother come searching for me? Or did it still go over your head?"


What exactly do I say here? I don't know how to respond... I understand what you're going through right now? No, that's a lie, I don't understand.

What I very much understand is that this is not a situation that can be solved with my usual 'logic.'

"Still quiet, huh?"

"...Say, that day..." Aria's eyes slowly drifted from her brother's. "Do you remember everything I told you?"


She smirked, scoffing at his silence. "Obviously you don't."

Aria suddenly sighed. "Don't worry though, I'm not so naive anymore to expect you to have everything completely figured out. You're not me after all, so I don't expect you to think the same way I do."

She stared blankly at her brother with an equally emotionless gaze. "Truth is, I don't like you, Aybel, and I don't like this stupid world anymore."

"...I see..." Aybel said feeling compelled to break his silence. "You've finally lost it - your innocence. You've learned some hard lessons... Now you see the world the way I do; for what it truly is..."

"Once you open your eyes to the true nature of the world, you start seeing it everywhere. Everything becomes tainted and corrupted. The worst part is, you can never unlearn what you have seen. It will always be there in the back of your mind..."

His eyes twinkled in sadness. "A grave mistake..."

"Nuh-uh, I'm still the same stubborn, stupid Aria that you know and love. But..." Aria paused as if considering her brother's words.

"Let's just say you're right... I used to think that you were my one reason for living but sometimes I wonder... am I yours?"

Aybel's only response was a heavy silence that matched the dark mood within the room.

"I thought that I had someone who would always be there for me, no matter what. Now I don't know what to think. Tell me Aybel, do you even care if." Her voice broke slightly. "...If I die? You weren't particularly in any hurry to find me."


With surprising speed, Aria pulled a knife from behind her back, pressing the blade directly against her own throat.

Aybel stared back at her... unfazed.

She slowly lowered the weapon gripping it tightly, seething as she lashed out: "That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about! You didn't even flinch! You look at me like you don't care about me at all."

"You're always so guarded, even with me, and it's making me sick. I'm your sister, but you still treat me like some freaking stranger!"

Aria raised the blade once more. "I know you don't care right now, but in a few seconds, maybe you'll finally feel something for me."

He didn't know what to say.


"You care?" Tears began to stream down her face as she let out a choked sob: "...Then make it stop, Aybel."

Aria dropped her head, a thick strand of pale blonde hair hid her face from her brother's view.

The knife fell from her hands, clattering to the floor, as she slowly collapsed.

"Please... make it stop..."

She struggled for breath, her entire body shaking.

"I-I can't take it anymore... stop... stop..."

Her hands trembled as they clutched her hair, almost ripping it out.


Aybel's eyes widened. The sudden scream had caught him off guard.

He remained where he stood, staring down at her in indifference as she cried.

Of course... she's unaware I've closed that chapter. Even if I did tell her, I can't be completely sure of how she'd react. I need to be careful of how I talk to her. But there isn't much I can do right now without risking more harm. Still, I feel responsible for her current state.


"No. Don't bother pretending like you care. We're done talking. I should know better than to cry by now. I'll do what I need to do."

Wiping her tears with her sleeve, Aria slowly rose to her feet. She kicked the knife on the floor across the room, sending it sliding towards Aybel.

Simultaneously, she pulled another knife from the pocket of her uniform and pointed it at her brother.

A wild look rested in her eyes. "What are you waiting for, brother, hm? Pick up the knife. Pick it up, now."

Without objection, Aybel calmly stepped forward, his fingers curled tightly around the handle of the blade as he grabbed it.

Aria slowly advanced, knife trained on him.

"We're gonna play another game. But this time it's different. I want you to watch me die..."

To Be Continued...
Chapter 8: Sucker for Pain
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack - Logic & Ty Dolla $ign ft X Ambassadors - Sucker for Pain]

Aria slowly advanced, knife trained on him.

"We're gonna play another game. But this time it's different. I want you to watch me die..."

"Well, that's a bit harsh."

"Let's call it... hm..." She stopped just a few feet away, thinking for a moment. Aybel watched her in amusement not daring to make a move.

After a few more seconds of deliberation, Aria nodded slowly: "Copycut... yeah, that sounds good."

She announced proudly: "The copycut game!"

She seems satisfied with her naming skills.

"Very well, what are the rules?" Aybel asked.

"This time, you're going to learn what happens when you're the one holding the knife, brother~"

Aria held up her arm, the sleeve of her uniform rolled up as the blade of the knife slowly moved closer and closer to her skin. Her eyes were fixed on her brother, daring him to step forward.

"The rules are simple: I cut myself. You cut yourself, too."

A wicked grin spread across her face as she slowly drove the blade deeper into her skin, watching as the blood trickled down her arm.

"See, it's that easy. You just have to... copy me."

"Hmm... But what if I don't?" Aybel stepped closer, his face stone cold. "I could just stop you myself."

Aria took a step backwards, then another their shadows danced together in the dark, connecting perfectly. She twirled around with a sly grin on her face.

"Go on..." Raising the blade to her throat, she stared him in the eyes.

"Is that what you want? Do you want me to die so quick? You think I won't do it? Do you honestly believe I wouldn't push this knife into my own neck right now if you move one more inch?" She smiled bitterly. "I have nothing left to lose, after all."

I see... There's no doubt she's serious about this.

"That's right, brother. No matter what you do, I WIN." Aria proclaimed, her smile slowly turning into a crazed grin.

"So, why don't you just sit back, share some scars with your dear sister, and watch her slowly bleed to death~?"

"...You certainly don't make it easy for me, Aria." Aybel sighed. "Alright, let's get this over with..."

He slowly extended his arm, sharp and decisive, he made his first cut.

As the blood dripped down his arm, staining his uniform, he watched her reaction, his expression neutral.

Aria's eyes were wide with surprise. "You... You cut yourself for me...? I honestly expected a trap, with you I can never be sure..."

Tapping her blade on her chin, she let out a short, harsh laugh. "So, brother. You're still willing to delay my death? Or is it just because I forced you?"


Sighing deeply, Aria waved the knife around. "There's no point in trying to save me anymore, you know."

Shoulders slumped, she clutched the knife in both hands. "I know it'll be hard, but please try not to be sad. Just think of it as me going away, somewhere far away, far from here..." Aria looked down for a moment, almost sad...

Her lips curled into a hateful sneer as she raised her head. "Just. Like. Mom..."

Aybel winced at the mention of their mother.

"Mom might've been the reason why I was born..." Aria smiled gleefully as she spun, bringing the blade to her skin once again. "You, on the other hand, are the reason I'm gonna die here today."


Her skin cut like butter.

"But don't worry. Like I said, I'll be going to a better place. And you'll be left here all alone."

"Don't sound so smug. You're not going anywhere... not while I'm still alive." With one quick stroke, Aybel cut himself in the same spot where Aria slashed her own skin.

Silent, Aria dragged the blade across her skin, this time drawing a small cut on her arm.

With a big smile, she raised her arm, holding it up for Aybel to see. "ERIS!"

She stared at her caricature of the cat as if it were a work of art.

"It's beautiful..." Aria mockingly wiped a tear drop off her eye. "Really, I never knew I could do something like this."

"You've certainly improved since that crappy drawing, Aria." Aybel said calmly, dragging his own blade across his skin.

"But, I doubt anyone would want to see your artwork... since it's not as good as mine." He stared at his own creation.

Meanwhile, Aria was motionless still holding her knife tightly. She looked at her brother's wound in deep thought.

The mocking tone of her voice suddenly disappeared, instead replaced by something more genuine as she spoke:

"You know... Mom always compared me to that stupid stray, so I hated it... But you loved it, didn't you?"


Aria's eyes widened in realization.

"I see now... You really don't care about that cat, do you...? You're way worse than I thoug-"

Suddenly she staggered, a flash of pain crossing her face.

"Ah?" Laughing to herself softly she gave her brother a wide grin. "The pain... It's spreading."

Struggling to keep her eyes open, her breathing slowed becoming more and more shallow.

"Before... haa... Before I die, there's something I want to tell you..." Aria whispered in a hushed tone. "Listen closely, okay?"

She tried to speak again, but the words were barely intelligible:

"Mnnnmmhhnm... sorry... I'm... star... no wait... gimme a sec... I'm... so... sorry, brother. I'm so, so so sorry..."

She's lost herself.

Aybel tried approaching but Aria flinched raising her blade unsteadily, ready to slash her throat at any moment.

"S-Stay back!"

I suppose there is still some clarity left in her.

With a heavy sigh Aybel complied, mimicking her actions.

"You're right about one thing. I truly don't care about the cat. However..."

He drew blood.

"I refuse to let you die. I won't allow that light to be extinguished."

The puddle of blood beneath Aria grew larger and larger with each passing second as she staggered around, her words slurring.

"L-Light? What are you even talking about? And what..." Her body slowly fell forward, but at the last second she caught herself.

"What is that look you're giving me? You're, you're looking at me like I'm some kind of sad pet. I don't like that, stop looking at me. I... I already said I'm sorry... sorry..."

Eyes glazed over again, she lowered her head, hair hanging down like a curtain as she rambled incoherently.

"Aria... listen to me," Aybel commanded. But Aria's grip only tightened on the handle of the blade.

Just as she was about to draw the razor-thin edge across her pale neck, Aybel, seemingly unfazed, calmly spoke: "Those people... will never hurt you again."

At first, Aria became silent... her arm trembling mid-air.

It seems I've grabbed her attention.

Encouraged by this he continued: "I've dealt with them."

Aria's response was a mere whisper, barely audible: "And...? What if they come back for me?"

"I won't let them lay a finger on you," he assured her.

"I'll be there by your side..."

The words carried the weight of his eternal devotion.


Slowly, she lifted her head, her large innocent eyes widened and locked with his, searching for any sign of truth in his words...

Without blinking, Aybel threw his knife at her. A spray of blood rained across the room.

To Be Continued...
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Chapter 9: Here With Me
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack - Here With Me, Marshmello Feat. CHVRCHES]

"I'll be there by your side..." The words carried the weight of his eternal devotion.


Slowly, Aria lifted her head, her large innocent eyes widened and locked with his, searching for any sign of truth in his words...

Without blinking, Aybel threw his knife at her. A spray of blood rained across the room...

His knife had grazed her finger forcing her to drop hers.


Both knives clattered to the floor, landing just within reach of the refrigerator.

Immediately, he stepped down on the nearby switch.

The knives flew towards the door, embedding themselves in a sunflower magnet.

The room was silent... the only sound being the gentle hum of the refrigerator.

Aria stood frozen, in shock.

How lucky of me, one error and she could've lost a finger, or worse...

Risky, but it was worth it.

The magnet on Aria's fridge is surprisingly strong. Unfortunately, I found this out the hard way.

I remember I once borrowed a stack of paper from her, and when I returned one of the books she had lent me back at her room, out of nowhere, from a considerable distance, I lost a paper clip to its clutches.

It was like how people in movies describe the scene where magnetic objects are attracted to each other and move quickly, except this time, it was actually real.

It was also funny because I recall that the book was Homer's Odyssey, which she really liked around that time, to the point of bothering me just to read it.

Anyway, I had an idea of how that might work for me.

Then I needed to distract her to get close enough to its extension board, and the best way to do that was to just tell her what she needed to hear.

All this before Aria can retrieve the knife. But with a bleeding finger I doubt she can pull it out now, not to mention getting past me...

Finally, Aria moved to slowly lean against the nearest wall for support, her arm covered her eyes as tears began to well up.

A sudden laughter echoed through the air. "It's funny how even in the face of death, I can't even keep my cool."

She held up her trembling hand, staring at the cut on her finger. It wasn't deep enough to bleed very much, but it still hurt.

"That was very smart of you, brother. I really am an idiot." There was a sense of awe that she wasn't able to hide.

"It's like I'm being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn." She turned to face him. "As always, I can't win against you, can I?"

"Indeed, but let me be clear about this: I didn't do it for you, and I'm certainly not 'saving' you either... simply because I can't."

"Then why did you do it?"


"Damn it... I hate you..." Tears began to well up in Aria's eyes once again.

"Why do you have to be so selfish?"

The tears finally gave way, falling down her face like raindrops as she tackled Aybel, her arms wrapping around his neck as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Aria's face softened as she stared into his eyes.

"You know... You're an idiot..." A faint smile grew across her lips. "You're the most irritating selfish idiot in the entire world."

"And you're really starting to get on my nerves..."


"So you're not going to apologize?"

"For what???"

Aybel didn't respond, his expression completely blank.

"Oh, right... I'm sorry," she whispered softly, burying her face into his shoulder. "I'm sorry for everything I said. And I'm sorry for killing Eris..." She rushed the last part.

Aybel sighed as his arms wrapped around her frail frame. Her skin was cold and clammy, the wounds glistening in the faint moonlight.

Stupid moron... stay with me, don't leave me here alone...

Aria leaned back clinging tightly as she brushed her cheek against his forehead. "No matter what, as long as I have you, I'll be okay."

"It didn't look that way a few moments ago..."

"Geez. That was in the past, let it go already."

"It was literally two minutes ago..."

"Besides who do you think I am!? I'm not that much of a spineless idiot to roll over and die like a dog!"

"I would repeat myself but this is getting tiresome."

Her cuts... they're deep, at this rate she'll still bleed out in front of me.

"Then let's make a promise."

"I don't have the time for that." Mustering every ounce of strength he broke free from their embrace.



"I'll be back in a minute." As he turned to leave, his knee suddenly felt weak.

He looked down only to find Aria hanging on tightly to his leg.

"Please... don't abandon me... I'll be good... I'll be good this time... I promise I won't cause any problems anymore..."

What is this? She's like a leech.

He tried to rip her off, but it was far easier said than done. Giving up, he sighed.

"Do you still not believe me? Like I said before, that's not even an option for me. You know I meant it... We need to take care of your injuries. I can't just ignore it. Can you stand?"

Letting go of his leg, she tried to but her knees only gave out.

"Figures." Aybel let out another sigh. "You've lost too much blood. It's a miracle you can even move."

"Then just pick me up already. I don't weigh that much, I'm not gonna crush you to death or anything."

"Aria, you're in no position to bargain here. Besides, that's just too risky for me. Even the slightest touch around some of your wounds might reopen them."

"Not to mention the total bloody mess you made of the place, any wrong step could risk your life. In your condition, you really should not be moving around at all. Alright? I'm going now."

"No!" Aria grabbed his arm yanking him back with a surprising strength. "I'm serious. I want you to promise me that you'll never abandon me, and I'll do the same."

She stared at him not backing down. Aybel crouched to look at Aria.

"...What exactly are you so afraid of? You know, you can be incredibly irrational at times." He flicked her forehead.

"Ow!! What the hell was that for!?"

But... I understand. She needs to trust me. And I need to trust her...

"Alright, you have my word." He replied sincerely.

"Fist bump!" She suggested, extending her fist.

A meaningless gesture, but...


They bumped fists.

"Now, pinky swear because I said so." She smiled raising her bloodied pinky finger.

"Isn't this becoming excessive?"

Aria raised a brow.

"Huh? Is it because no one makes you pinky swear anymore?" Pouting, she crossed her arms. "You're such an old man sometimes."

"We are literally only a year apart in age."

"Come on, just do it...! It's not like you're gonna lose the finger. And if you don't pinky swear, then it's not official!" She whined with balled fists, sulking like a toddler.

Aybel let out a slow breath. "Fine... I suppose it won't do any harm."

Aria beamed as he hooked his pinky finger with hers. "And now, for the final one!"

Her smile faded and her voice took a grim undertone. "Cross your heart and hope to die."

"That's... a rather grave promise."

"Exactly!" She beamed even brighter this time then her grim tone returned, her gaze serious.

"Now, do it. Promise me and cross your heart and hope to die that no matter what happens, no matter how much I hate you, no matter how much I hate myself, I won't die alone. I want you to be there, by my side... until the very end."

A second passed then two, Aybel stared at her in silence.

"...Very well, Aria."

Without batting an eye he rose to full length crossing his arms over his chest. "I promise on my life and I cross my heart and hope to die if I ever abandon you..."

He looked down at Aria, who stared up at him with wide eyes. "Do you have anything more to add?"

Her face broke out into a wide grin. "Nope! That's my big brother! I knew I could trust you!"

"Then it's settled," he replied. "You promise me that you'll never abandon me."

"Oh, don't worry." She waved him off. "I know you won't break your promises. That's why I can take it as the real deal. And you have my word too. I..." Suddenly her voice trailed off.

"...I don't care about what people say. I don't mind anything as long as you are with me... So, no matter what happens, we'll always be here for each other, okay?"

Aria stared deeply into her brother's eyes.


And with that, like a wedding procession, both siblings gave their vows...

Adjusting his sleeves, Aybel grabbed both knives then scanned the messy room. His eyes lingered on an oddly shaped shadow in the corner.

"...I'll be back soon with the first aid kit." He said turning his attention back to Aria who nodded vigorously, her trust in her older brother evident in her eyes.

But Aybel wasn't fooled.


He could see through her theatrics as clear as day.

Her eyes...

They said it all... The damage was done.

You really are a good liar.

He glanced back before leaving, I won't be gone long, just hang in there, Aria.


Aybel walked briskly through the poorly lit hallway.

They hold so much weight, yet are often broken without much of a second thought...

The sound of splashing blood echoed in his ears as he stepped through the puddles on the floor.

Merely words, easily manipulated, lost in the winds of change...

He glanced at the closed doors lining the corridor, each one hiding its own secrets.

People make them with good intentions, but when circumstances change, they can be discarded as easily as a piece of paper.

Meeting the kitchen in disarray, he opened a small wooden cabinet, and examined the contents inside.

Aria expects me to be there for her, to hold her hand whenever she falters...

His eyes fell on a neatly organized first aid kit.

...But can I always be there?

Ah, how ironic...

The kit represented a physical remedy for her injuries, while the promises they made were the emotional remedy she needed.

He grabbed it closing the cabinet, but as he turned to leave his gaze fell on the knives in his hand.

Their blades were still dripped with blood...

He raised them up to eye level, staring at his own reflection.The disjointed image reflected back at him was a blank face...

Eyes running along the silver blades, they settled on the reflection of a photograph hanging on the wall, untouched by the carnage that surrounded him...

Attention drawn, he dropped both knives on the counter.

For a reason unbeknownst to him, Aria always seemed fond of that photograph.

...He didn't share her fondness for it.

In the photo, a family of four draped in colorful and bright kimonos posed for the camera in a lantern-lit garden. Pink petals showered the ground below them.

A man wearing glasses with a neatly trimmed blonde beard that matched his hair, and a woman with straight black hair stood on either side of a child.

The man's arm was wrapped lovingly around the woman's waist as she leaned into him.

A smiling boy stood in the middle, his arms widely flung around his younger sister's shoulders.

And the little girl, the crown jewel of the family, looked up, wide-eyed, at her elder brother with awe.

Aybel reached out and picked up the photograph.
Their smiles were brilliant.

It was beautiful.

It was a picture of sheer happiness frozen in time.

It was...


A promise broken.

The foolish belief in them.

A reminder of our misplaced loyalty.

With a detached coldness, he stared at the picture, the family's smiles began to fade. Their joy slowly replaced by terror.

At a very tender age he lost his father.

Despite the recurring headaches, fading memories and the amount of therapy they had been through, one particular memory of that day was forever burned into his mind, seared into his very soul.

He could still hear his mother's desperate screams as she frantically tried to wake his father.

He could still see the bloody handprint on the window sill, as gore coated everything in a crimson color.

He could still remember the bloodied knife in his hand, the cold draft he felt as Aria clung to his arm, her small frame trembling uncontrollably.

And he would never forget the sight of his father lying slumped over in his seat. His corpse still and lifeless, eyes forever trained on Aria.

It was in that moment Aybel found himself reevaluating his stance on life.

A loss that would irreversibly alter the course of their lives.

Days became months, and then a year later his mother made a decision that would further taint his view of the world.

With tears in her eyes, she left them behind, for a world that seemed foreign to the young mind.

Like a dagger to the heart, the abandonment extinguished any light of hope he had left.

In that suspended moment she walked out the door, the realization dawned on him; he was now the sole protector of Aria.

Aybel held the photo tightly in his hand, looking at Aria's smiling face. Part of him wondered if her love for the picture was merely a part of her act.

No... despite everything, she truly does love this picture. He decided, taking the photo with him as he made his way back to the room where Aria waited.

Hope springs eternal, they say... But I've long since learned that's a load of crap.

Approaching the door, he slowed his pace, his mind contemplating every possible outcome and scenario that lay beyond that door...

Hope, is a relentless lie that dances around us, teasing us with endless possibilities.

However, opening the door, he couldn't have possibly hoped to predict what he found.

And just when you start to let your guard down...

Instead of stepping into Aria's familiar bedroom, the universe had played a cruel prank on him.

It pulls back the curtain to reveal its ugly truth.

Aybel found himself... falling.

To Be Continued...

[A/N: And so begins this epic Yandere journey. Legend has it that Aybel was deemed too savage for his world, hence, he was taken! To a world befitting of his savagery...

Anyway, as the Prologue draws to a close, I'd like to thank you all for following this work thus far.

This arc is an extremely pivotal point in the story where much of the groundwork was laid for what is to come.

While I don't want to spoil anything, I think it's fair to say that you'll have a hard time guessing what's going to happen the next chapter.

Please consider sharing your thoughts and feedback on the story so far, it goes a really long way. :]

Also, for those who haven't please consider watching this thread to stay up to date on the next chapters release.

Finally, I really do hope you've enjoyed the journey so far and are looking forward to continuing. Thank you very much for reading!
- Sino]
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Chapter 10: Hey Brother
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Avicii - Hey Brother]

This situation is rather odd, as I am sure that I walked into Aria's room and yet somehow... I'm falling...

How did I end up here?

Counting the seconds go by, Aybel had asked himself this question an hour ago and he still hadn't found the answer.

I'll admit, it was indeed surprising when I fell, it felt like I was... translucent before solidifying, but there's no reason to be surprised now. I know life has a way of throwing such curveballs, but I must confess, this is one hell of a curveball.

An hour feels like an eternity... Is there even a ground waiting for me?

Straining his eyes, he tried to make out any details in his surroundings once again, but the darkness offered no answers aside from the wind screaming in his ears.

I see... still just me and my mind in a vast sea of nothingness. At first, I wondered if this was some kind of magic trick, but there's no way for me to know for certain. And I don't believe in that stuff anyway.

Maybe I ate a bad mushroom and this is just something in my mind, a fantasy created by my own imagination. But I can't recall eating anything of that nature.

I even briefly considered the silly idea of pinching myself but alas, this is not a dream...

This is something else entirely. This... is death. No, something beyond the concept of death.

Aybel closed his eyes, his mind running through countless possible end results to his drop:

A. I could fall forever, and I would never reach the ground... What a terrifying prospect.

B. Let's say there is a ground, would I land on something soft, like a cushion or a mattress? Or would I fall into a pool? A moat? A pile of leaves? No... that's just cartoonish thinking.

C. Maybe I'll land on something hard, like concrete or asphalt? Then that would mean death.

No matter how I look at it, this fall isn't going to end well.

The most likely outcome is simply that I would hit the ground hard and break every bone in my body.

Or maybe I can find a solution mid fall.

However, nothing came to mind. For the first time in a long while in his young life, Aybel was completely blank...

Intriguing, isn't it? Right now, I am at the mercy of forces beyond my comprehension...

A bleak and weary smile tugged on his lips as a strange sense of regret and uncertainty creeped into his thoughts. Not because I'm afraid of death, no, the fear of death has no power over me.

However, Aria...

I wonder, is she safe...? I promised her I would be back soon. Now it seems we're both liar's... My absence and or imminent death could easily tear her apart. Perhaps she's already done something irreversible...

Aybel tightened his grip on the first aid kit.

Call it blind faith but I refuse to believe that. She could just as well be somewhere in this darkness. If that's the case, there has to be something I can do. Just how deep does this void go?

He glanced down at the abyss below, then up at the endless night above only to hear a mysterious figure rapidly approaching.


Another person?

With flailing arms and legs, the stranger came crashing into him, causing him to lose his grip on the first aid kit.

He watched in silent dismay as its white form sunk into the darkness below...

Fantastic, just what I needed.

Despite the sudden presence, It was a matter of pure instinct to Aybel. Before he even processed what was happening, he had already tucked the family photo into his sweater vest, hidden away from view.

An item dear to Aria, enough reason not to lose it. Aybel turned his attention back to the mysterious person.

"Falling forever! Isn't it thrilling? Ah..." The stranger's attention was suddenly drawn to the rapidly fading kit. "Sorry about that."

Aybel sighed.

Oblivious to the danger, the stranger hummed a random lullaby and assumed a relaxed posture in the air.

"Ah, what a beautiful display of gravity. It's like I'm flying without having to use wings. To be thrown headlong into the great unknown! How blessed are we to experience such an extravagant entry into this realm, hm?"


Why did he use that particular word to describe where we are falling? Was it just a figure of speech?

On a side note, they clearly like the idea of falling through this void. I'm not sure what to make of that, it's not like I'm afraid either.

Trying to start up a conversation with Aybel, the stranger casually struck a pose mid air asking:

"Lost your way too, huh? ...You seem like a fascinating individual, like you have everything under control, unlike me. But, I suppose you forgot who you are too, right?"

Aybel was somewhat caught off guard by the bluntness of the last question.

"No, I haven't lost my identity... I know exactly who I am, and nothing will ever make me forget that fact."

In the darkness, the stranger seemed to nod.

"Ah, of course, a logical thing to say. But, hear me out... don't you think that's a bit bold of you, my friend? I'm fairly certain I must've thought the same thing, yet here I am, hahahaha~~"

"You mean you really don't know who you are?"

"I'm afraid not, so don't ask me anything about myself... Well to be precise, I genuinely don't remember most things, I guess I'll be relying on you to fill me in on them. But enough about me... Mind lending me your memories since I've apparently misplaced mine?"

Through the darkness, Aybel could sense a mischievous grin from the stranger.

Is this some kind of poorly done trick? They do realize I wasn't born yesterday, right? Of course I'm not going to just 'lend them my memories.' Hmm... On a second thought.

"...I'd be willing to share my memories with you, but only on one condition... And that is that you share your memories with me in equal measure."

"We'll know the same amount about ourselves. No secrets, no lying. If you agree to that, then I'll tell you whatever you want to know about me." Aybel said firmly.

There was a long silence in the air, as if the stranger was considering the offer.

I'm sure they have some doubts about my offer: 'Is he really going to keep his word?' I could say the same for them: Do they really have something to trade with me, or are they just lying...? But there's only one way to find out.

"Ah, I see..." The stranger finally let out a sharp laugh, nodding eagerly as if everything were suddenly clear to them.

"I suppose that's a fair trade, my friend! Let's do it! I'll share my memories with you, and you share yours with me. Now, how do you propose we accomplish that since I don't remember anything, hm?"

"I have no idea." Aybel's response was blunt.

"That's your job to figure out. Whenever you do get your memories back, I'll share mine."

"...How shrewd of you. It's a shame really, but I understand, some things are meant to remain hidden~ We have a deal then! However..."

"Since we're both lost souls here, could you at least grace me with your name?" The stranger asked politely.

Hesitating for a moment, Aybel contemplated: Well, if I don't provide my name, then they'll become even more curious.

"Very well, you may call me Aybel. It's not much, but I believe it's enough for now," he said managing a curt nod mid air.

"Aybel, huh? Hmm..." The stranger smiled and nodded. "A pleasure to meet you."

That pause...

"Now, who are you?"

"...Ugh," they suddenly sighed rubbing their chin, deep in thought.

"I know I had a name, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it was... hold on..."

"Hmm... Aha!" Suddenly snapping their fingers in an epiphany they exclaimed: "I could be Caine! Let's become Caine and Aybel!"


"What? Why!? And so bluntly too..." they pouted.

"I'm not sure if you understand the weight and history behind those names. It's not exactly a pleasant ending, you know?"

"Well, let's not focus on that. I promise not to kill you..." Their mouth curled into a devilish smirk. "...Today."

Today? Actually... Never mind. I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that. He's quite the jester.

The stranger began to rotate like a spinning top in midair as he spoke.

"How'd you like this little trick of mine? It's called the deathroll. Hahahaha~ Now, where were we? Ah yes..." He then turned his attention back to Aybel.

"I won't kill you... unless, of course, your mysterious stoicism starts to wear off and you suddenly start expressing emotions like a normal person would! Hahaha~!" The stranger laughed at his own joke as he continued to spin around.

"Is that so?" Aybel let out a wry smile at his words.

What is this guy trying to do? Is he playing some kind of game or something? I mean, I don't usually express my emotions, but that's just the way I am.

I'd have to not be myself for that to happen, after all, it's not something I can turn on and off at will.

But, I understand...

He's just trying to read me. I'm not that complex though. You'd get to know me within a few weeks of hanging around me. But for him figure that out with a single conversation... interesting.

"You really are one of a kind, aren't you? Fine, I'll play along... Caine. Just remember, don't push it too far. Our temporary 'alliance' has its limits, and roles can always reverse..."

"Ah, why so serious all the time?"

Surprisingly, Caine halted his rotation performing an exaggerated bow mid air. "Oh, Aybel, my long-lost brother! Let's try and rewrite our namesake, shall we?"

Slightly adjusting his body, Aybel raised an eyebrow. "Is that it? So we're pretending to be brothers now?"

"Fufufu... hahahahaha~!" Caine held his belly laughing loudly, clearly enjoying making Aybel uncomfortable.

"I see. It certainly isn't the first time I've had to feign a relationship with someone. However... I can assure you, we are most definitely not brothers."

"Secondly, I suppose your offer could be interesting if we escape this 'Realm' in the first place."

"Right, right... well, look at that." Caine wiped his tears as he casually pointed below...

Aybel glanced down, following Caine's finger with his eyes.

And for the first time since he'd been whisked away, a small crack appeared in Aybel's stoic demeanor.

To Be Continued...
Chapter 11: Light Em Up Pt. 1
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark]

A faint, golden light...

It was the first sign of any source of illumination since their eternity long descent.

"Seems like our luck is turning around, dear brother."

"Indeed." Aybel replied conflicted.

"Hmm... What is it?" Caine asked, seeing his new acquaintance stare off into the space below.


"The light? I've been searching for a source ever since we started this never-ending fall... On the other hand, it's not like we can see the darkness even with this tiny speck of light, now can we?"

"No... we can't. But still..."

How did I not notice this sooner?

Aybel sighed realizing he had been staring at Caine for long enough to forget about their dark surroundings.

Of course it had been there for a while. Maybe we're falling closer to the center of this Realm.

Turning to face Caine who was falling only a few meters away. As if he hadn't just witnessed some great revelation, Aybel stared blankly at the boy.

It was strange, almost like his vague features had become a bit clearer now.

Definitely taller, dressed in all black, he wore a baggy hoodie and slim-fitted jeans with a pair of sneakers.

He was incredibly lean and more masculine than Aybel yet with similar soft features and a disheveled white hair that seemed to completely cover his eyes.

But what stood out to Aybel the most was the black studded earrings he wore, and what appeared to be a tattoo of a compass rose on the back of his right hand.

Meanwhile, the boy in question spun around, this time in a laid back position, his mouth turned up with an apparent permanent grin slapped across his face.

...His flippant attitude and playful demeanor irritates me. But I have to admire his sense of self-confidence. He's certainly worth keeping around for entertainment.

Then again, his unpredictable nature means that I always have to be on my guard when talking to him... How bothersome. He's also incredibly stubborn, annoying even.

But there's something else about him that's difficult to read... Underneath that messy hair, what exactly is he hiding?

However, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the light slowly increasing in intensity, below him.

Aybel could now make out some details in the gloom that were previously hidden.

Surrounded by an unimaginably wide expanse of space, the two boys plummeted through the air.

The wind howling in their ears, threatening to rip away their clothes.

My, my. This place truly is endless... how can something so vast exist?

Slowly, shapes began to appear in the darkness surrounding him.

Vague structures made of a glossy, white material dominated the skyline, stretching till infinity.

The size of each structure, akin to pillars, dwarfed the tallest skyscraper of any city he'd ever seen.

The faint golden light casted ominous looking shadows on them.

What a strange place this is. Amazing... The sheer scale of it all.

Staring at the towering structures beside him, Aybel thought to himself.

Whoever created these pillars must've been incredibly powerful in order to build something like this.

I think it's fair to assume that we're inside some sort of enormous structure now. But surely, there's more to it than just being some giant, empty space...

Despite being in the midst of all this, the faint light from below, it was hard not to be drawn to it.

As his eyes shifted back to the source of light, although it was difficult to see from the distance, he noticed something different: The light, it's coming from that massive... chandelier?

Indeed it was, seemingly suspended in mid-air, with crystal chains that extended from its base: a luxurious pulsing chandelier.

But how is it floating...?

Soon after, the light rescinded, coating everywhere in darkness once more.


Aybel continued to stare at the source of light as it began to pulse slowly, bathing their immediate surroundings in a renewed, warm glow.

Strange... he mused. It's like someone turned up its brightness, all of a sudden.

"Oh?" Caine, suddenly interested, sat up, staring hard at the light.

"You're right~ It does seem brighter. But that's not possible, is it? Unless..."

We're... No, that's too ridiculous... But there's no mistaking it. I guess in this situation, it's probably a good idea to keep an open mind. Alright.

"Caine, listen closely."

Unaware he had previously thought aloud, with a bend of his finger Aybel gestured at the other boy.

"The light pulses brightly for a few seconds, then fades off for a few more." He began.

"Mhm, like a heartbeat."

"That's... an uncomfortable yet oddly accurate comparison."

"Makes you wonder if this place is alive somehow, huh."

"...I would rather not 'wonder' that. Anyway... as you can see, the light is pulsing again." Aybel pointed at the large ornament floating in the darkness below.

"I think our distance to it is what's affecting the intensity of its light."

"Hmm..." The taller boy rubbed his chin. "That does make some sense. After all, it's not like anything changed on our end."

"Right. We were pretty far away from the light at the start. And as we fall closer to it, it becomes brighter. So that explains why the light was non-existent before..."

"Interesting... But now that we know this, I guess we can take advantage of it, right, right??" Caine chirped, his face filled with a childlike excitement.

Aybel cringed back. "I swear, for someone as old as you, it's like I'm talking to a..." His voice fell off.

I see... She's guilty of that too.

"A what?" Caine asked, cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"You really do have a simple mind in there, don't you?"

"A simple mind?"

"Well, don't bother. But yeah, I suppose we can, theoretically, only if we can control our fall."

"Fascinating..." Caine nodded in approval. "Although, I do wonder how exactly we're supposed to do that in here."

"By using the air currents within the pillars..."


"You see those cracks and holes in the pillars?" Aybel pointed at an opening in the wall of one of the pillars.

"They're letting out some sort of upward draft." Earlier, he had noticed this while falling.

"So if we can control this draft, then we can use it to guide ourselves to the chandelier."

"Ah, I see. That could work... We just need to find a way to create enough drag."

"Exactly, maybe we can use a piece of our clothes..."

"Hmm... That's a creative solution, I like it..." But suddenly Caine sighed, almost disappointed.

"Alas, It seems we are not just mere free fallers then... Very well. It's your call, brother. I'm game if you say go." He responded, looking at Aybel expectantly.

"I mean, I don't think it's impossible."

It IS technically a viable option. And it's not like I have a choice. This is our best chance of not dying.

However, that doesn't mean there aren't certain aspects of this idea that I find less than appealing.

"Alright. Let's do it then."

Aybel decided, slowly removing his jacket while Caine took a moment to think about the idea again, then suddenly a malicious gleam appeared in his eye.

"Or... we could just take it all off!"

Halting in his tracks, a blank look appeared on Aybel's face as he turned back to Caine.

"Come again?"

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not serious," Caine, waved his hands dismissively in the air.

"As I thought. I am most certainly not getting naked in front of you."

Caine began to laugh at his response, which quickly turned into a coughing fit as his amusement became uncontrollable.

Aybel could see him struggling to catch his breath, but he was still able to mutter some words in between gulps of air.

"I... was only... joking..." He managed to say, his face turning red from the effort of laughing.

Fully recovered from his laughing fit, Caine placed his hands on his hips then he let out a sigh.

"Well, then... I suppose I'm not getting naked, either."

Is it just me or is he disappointed?

"Yeah, let's stick with the original plan." Aybel said cautiously.

"Anyway. I think I know how we can do this now. If we sync how we move with the pulses of the chandelier. We can use it as our guide. The time period between pulses is approximately... ten seconds."

Caine nodded along with his explanation. "Mm... during the period the chandelier doesn't pulsate, we'll be in complete darkness..."

"I'm aware of that. That's why we'll need to rely on our memory of the chandelier's position while it's dark."

"Mm, so what you're saying is that you're going to try and memorize every last detail of this place?"

"If possible, then yes. And as we get closer to the chandelier, the light will get brighter and brighter, making it more difficult to see. So we also have to be careful not to get blinded."

"Amazing... so, it's our literal ally and enemy, our beacon of hope!"


"As I was saying, if there is indeed a ground beneath all this... One wrong move, and we're both dead. Do you understand?"

"Well said. I think we know enough now," Caine looked at Aybel that wide grin never leaving his face. "Shall we try?"

"Just don't lose your bearings while we're in between pulses. When the light intensity reaches its peak, that's our cue to jump towards the chains..."

"Ah! One last question! How do you suppose we 'jump' towards the chains?"


"Hm?" The other boy responded while looking at Aybel with a confident smile.

"Have you ever played leapfrog?"

"Leap what?"

To Be Continued...
Chapter 12: Light Em Up Pt. 2
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark]


With the wind roaring in his ears, Aybel clung to his makeshift parachute - his jacket.

His gaze shifted to his right, where he could spot Caine holding on to his own makeshift parachute - his hoodie.

A wave of cold air hit his face as the draft picked up, making it even more difficult to see the amnesiac.

Aybel sighed focusing straight ahead as he clutched the cloth in his hands even tighter.

"Hey, Aybel, you alright? You haven't said anything in a while, and that tends to be a bad sign. Did something happen while I was looking away?" Caine asked, his voice cutting through the air.

He's worried about me. Interesting... But the truth is, we're both in the same boat. Nobody has an advantage here.

"I'm fine. Just focus on holding on."

I suppose it's always nice to have someone looking out for you. But it feels a little strange knowing I definitely wouldn't do the same for him.

He should know this by now. I haven't exactly paid much attention to his own struggles.

"Well, since you didn't ask, my arms are growing numb from being stretched out for so long, but aside from that I'm A-OK! For now..."

"Why would I ask? Are you scared?"

"Tsk, you're too quick to jump to that conclusion, dear brother. Of course I'm not scared. I'm just annoyed. Why is this damn wind so powerful?"

Irritated, Caine kicked at the air as if trying to fight it, but his movements proved only futile.

He's right though, the wind is certainly not helping matters, and I can't really fault him for being annoyed. But, it's also our saving grace. And it hasn't ripped my jacket from my grip yet, so I consider that a plus.

As the next pulse of light illuminated the space, Aybel barked out a command:

"The western pillars."

Sensing this, they both tilted their bodies swaying in the air.

With the light still shining for just a few more seconds, Aybel took a good look around the area, making sure that they were both heading in a good direction.

Thankfully, my earlier assumption was correct, we're on track.


Hmm? A smartphone?

Aybel glanced over at Caine to see if he'd heard the sudden sound as well, but with furrowed brows and eyes following a path, he still seemed focused on guiding himself with the air currents.

"Hey, Caine, do you have anything in your pockets?"

That was what Aybel tried to say, but the sound was instantly swallowed up by the gale-force winds.

Huh. That's a weird sound. I couldn't quite place it, maybe it was coming from some distant location. It sounds familiar though.

I was even about to reach for my own phone, until I remembered my hands were busy and I don't plan to die from making an amateur move like that to only find out I don't have my phone on me.

Refocusing on the task at hand, Aybel felt another pulse of light growing from the chandelier, sending warmth across his chest as it got closer and closer to their location.

He looked back at Caine.

He's still hanging on, but the fabric is beginning to stretch. I'm not doing so much better, am I?

Aybel glanced over at his own makeshift parachute, making sure it was still secure, but one look at his hands made him worry.

Crap, my knuckles... they're starting to pale from a lack of circulation.

Shifting his hold on the cloth, Aybel tried to get a better grip.

This is harder to maintain than I thought it would be. Fortunately... we're close enough now that the wind is only a minor annoyance. However...

Squinting at the light from the chandelier which was now right in front of them, Aybel found it hard to see anything, let alone make out Caine and his hoodie.

"Heavens below! Have mercy! I'm BLIND!"

At least I can hear him, needless to say, he's doing fine.

"Brother, please... We must act now!"

"Alright, alright. Calm down. I can barely hear you over your wailing."

Aybel let go of his jacket, looking beside him only to see his companion clutching his own fabric to his chest like a security blanket.

"...Are you scared?"

"I'm not scared of anything! Well, aside from the dark, the wind, and the chandelier that is quickly approaching my face. What kind of question even is that?! You really think I'd admit it if I actually was?"

"Good point."

"Yes, yes. I'm not a coward." Caine said as he calmed his breath. "Okay, brother, let's give this another go. Who jumps? You or me?"

Aybel's mind wandered to a couple of minutes ago:


"Have you ever played leapfrog?"

"Leap what?"

"Well it's just a name, what it actually is is a game. A leapfrog is basically something like this: One person crouches down and the other person uses them as a springboard to jump over them, and then they switch places."

"I see... I don't think I've ever played leap frog before, it sounds fun! Alright. So we'll need to jump on each other. Hmm..." Caine paused to give the idea some extra thought.

"...But I see one problem in what you're talking about: If we're going to use each other as stepping stones, that means that one of us is bound to be left behind on the first jump..."

"Indeed. You're right. One of us is bound to be left behind... But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. That person can simply hang on for some time and eventually be grabbed by the other when they pass by."

"Aha~ But if one of us is stepping on the other, then who will be stepping on whom?" Caine asked with a grin.

Aybel shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea. For now, let's get on with it and work out the details later."


A matter that requires trust... Aybel thought to himself, quietly observing Caine as he wiggled and squirmed, fighting against the stretchy fabric of his hoodie.

"Damn, how did I get this on in the first place?? Brother... I can feel your mocking gaze upon me~"

"You can go ahead," said Aybel.

"Huh?" Caine remarked just as the cloth surrendered, and his head popped out. "Wait... you're not going to jump?"

"Certainly not."

In the air, Aybel quickly spun around, flipping himself over so that he now lay on his back, facing Caine.

"Hmm... but wouldn't you be the better one to step on me as you have a rather lighter build?"

"Of course, I would like to take the lead if I can. But..." Aybel glanced at the chandelier, it was getting closer with each passing second.

"...I don't see the point in arguing about this. Like I said before, we have limited options here and you already seem agile enough as it is."

"...Very well then, I won't hold you up." he replied, taking a deep breath as he grabbed Aybel's outstretched arms, planting his feet firmly on the boy's chest.

Aybel could feel the increasing weight on his ribs as he steadied himself.

Nearing the final stretch, the chandelier's light began to dim into darkness, signaling the start of another pulse.

"Alright… here comes the hard part!" Caine called out, ready to jump. "Brother, on your mark."

"...Mark," Aybel responded in turn.

"I'm coming, Chandelier of the Devil!"

With explosive speed, Aybel gripped Caine's hands, planted his own feet on Caine's chest, and flipped himself upside down.

In a matter of seconds, Aybel found himself now facing the chandelier below as the light reached its apex.


He felt a sudden jolt from behind...

Looking back he saw Caine clinging to his ankle, grinning that infamous grin of his.

His eyes opened wider as he realized what the amnesiac was about to do.

To Be Continued...
Chapter 13: Light Em Up Pt. 3
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark]

"Heeheehee~ Annoying little brother!"


Aybel tried to kick Caine off, but with a vicious tug, Caine yanked him back launching himself towards the chandelier instead.

The wind buffeted against Aybel, throwing him off balance and into turbulence.

Unintentionally, his body twisted mid-air, executing a series of clumsy back flips. All the while Caine soared like a hunting bird, laughing maniacally as his hand stretched to its limit.

Fingertips grazing the golden chain. Unfortunately...

The chain slipped through his grasp, and the darkness returned, bringing with it a haunting silence...

Meanwhile, Aybel's freefall was cut short by a sudden burst of wind that struck his back bringing him back on course. With a blank face he stared at the position of the chandelier.

...That moron... After all that showmanship he put on, only to miss the chain completely.

And then, it happened.


Discarding its ten second rule, in a sudden burst of brilliance, the chandelier emitted an absolute blinding light.

He did it. Aybel thought as he heard the familiar laugh, squinting against the sharp light. The idiot actually pulled it off.

The chandelier was beginning to grow larger as he fell fast towards it.

Crap... is an understatement. The light stopped its pulsing once Caine touched the chandelier. If I want to survive this, I have to get rid of it, somehow.

But his thoughts were quickly derailed as he felt a sudden burst of momentum sending him plummeting downwards.

Opening his eyes for a split second, Aybel saw the chandelier now mere inches from his face.

As if guided by fortune, his hand awkwardly shot out brushing against cold metal.


His fingers wrapped around the chain halting his fall in an abrupt, jarring manner.

And for a very brief moment, Aybel's eyes widened as pain shot through his muscles - they screamed against the force of gravity.

But, ignoring the lingering pain, Aybel's blank face returned.

The light from the chandelier was still blinding, but his eyes had slowly started to adjust.

Now hanging upside down, with an ever-grinning face, Caine stared at Aybel, oblivious to the literal gravity of their situation.

Observation... that is a word that has been the foundation of my entire life thus far.

Your expression. The way you moved. The words that you speak. They're all a part of who you truly are.

It's only by paying attention, by really watching someone closely, that you can hope to understand the kind of person they really are.

But eyes... eyes are especially a valuable thing for someone like me...

Eyes, I've always thought, were the quickest window to a man's soul, allowing people to see your deepest desires, fears, truths and even lies...

Yet, as he stared into Caine's eyes for the first time, in the middle of this dare-devil stunt, he noticed something that felt... off.

Two dark, soulless voids betrayed the wide grin on his face, as void of life as the void that lay beneath them. A dim violet light seemed to glow within them, always hidden behind a shroud of disheveled hair.

Underneath his eyes, a clear sign of exhaustion lingered in the form of dark circles.

Something is definitely wrong here. Thought Aybel, as he looked into the pitch-black voids.

Eyes that lacked the traces of humanity he had come to expect from others. There was no excitement or fear inside them, only emptiness.

...And he couldn't shake off a sense of familiarity.

"Good job, brother! My luck must've rubbed off on you."

Aybel stared blankly back at him for what felt like an eternity.

"Ah, what's wrong? No clever comebacks for this situation?"

"Indeed. No comment." He replied with utter indifference, staring directly into Caine's grin. "Well, I do have one actually: Pull me up. My arm is killing me."

"And why exactly would I do that? I'm sure you must be feeling quite silly right about now."

"I'd tell you that you did well too, but I'll be honest and say that all you've done is manage to get yourself stranded up there. I can't see how this is much of a win for you either."

Caine's smile faded. "Hmm...True." But it quickly returned. "Nonetheless, I'm proud of you for trying that little trick earlier. But next time, make sure you pick the right target~"

"What're you on about? It just happened to be that I chose someone I wouldn't feel a sliver of regret over."

"I see... So how will you have it then, brother? How do you want me to end this little performance of ours?"

"I'll leave that decision entirely up to you. As for me, I can't make any promises that I won't give you the same treatment next time. If you don't like that, then throw me into the abyss right now."

"Hahahahaha~ You truly are irredeemable, aren't you!?"

Aybel sighed wearily at Caine's words. "Honestly, it matters little to me how you want to interpret what I did. You must've sensed it by now. You and I both know the kind of person that I truly am."

"There's no need to continue this ridiculous back and forth. We've already wasted more than enough time as it is. It's your choice. So once again: Pull me up. My arm is killing me."

There was a moment of silence as Caine stared at Aybel with a look of amusement in his eyes. "Fascinating..."

And with that anticlimactic response, the taller boy obliged.


With his feet now back on something solid. Aybel slowly stretched his arms savoring the moment of peace after the wild events that had just taken place.

From here, he could see several pillars rising up from the void towards the distant sky, their tops disappearing into the darkness. Looking too far, all he could see was pitch black.

A light breeze was now swirling through the air, gently blowing past him as he turned to face Caine.

"So are you sure about this? Have you thought it through to its conclusion yet? Or are you still trying to figure out what to do with me?"

"Ah, well..." Caine let out a quiet chuckle as he scratched the back of his head. "You don't exactly make it easy for me."

Stepping towards the edge of the chandelier, he stared out at the darkness below.

"Truth be told though," he continued, his smile slowly fading. "I was actually really surprised by you during all of this."

"It was something I never imagined I would feel, not since... well, since I can't quite recall. I've had my suspicions about you... but this feeling is even more than I ever expected."

"...You must think I'm an absolute fool if you really want me to believe that my little act bothered you to the extent of actually hurting you."

"Alright, alright, you don't need to be so rude about it, Mr. "I have no qualms jumping another person in mid-air!""

With a heavy sigh, Caine turned his gaze away from the fall and towards Aybel. "You must be very popular with the ladies with that sharp tongue of yours. But I have to give you credit, you are the smartest person I know."

"Thank you for the compliment. But I still have a lot to learn."

"No no. I mean, you are literally the smartest person I know... because you are the only person I know."

"I really want to meet new people that are not you."


Letting his head wander up facing the sky, Caine stared at the blank canvas above, as if lost in some sort of deep thought.

Their surroundings grew strangely quiet...

Breaking the silence, his words giving off a slight echo, he asked: "Now, I wonder. What's next...?"

As if in mock reply to the innocent question - The heavens opened forth.

To Be Continued...
Chapter 14: Heartless Pt. 1
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: The Weeknd - Heartless]

Three words: A deafening roar.

Looking up, the duo rooted to their spot on the chandelier, unfazed, witnessed a breathtaking scene.

What a strange sight, hundreds... thousands... perhaps, millions...

Aybel couldn't decide how many bodies tumbled through the air.

This really seems like something out of some half-assed comedy sketch. All it needs is the laugh track.

As if on cue, Caine let out a small laugh as he slowly lowered his head, staring down at the people falling past them.

"Brother, it seems that the heavens have answered your prayers, huh?"

Horrified screams of terror reverberated through the vast chamber.

Casting a sidelong glance, Aybel silently questioned: Is he simply entertained by this circus show, like I am? Or does he not feel any actual empathy for their lives?

Involuntarily, he sighed. Well, I can't say I'm any different on that either...

"This is definitely not the kind of situation I had in mind when I said I wanted to meet some new people."

Aybel watched as an endless stream of bodies fell recklessly in all directions.

To think that all of these people are now in the same boat... is honestly a pleasant feeling.

Although there was one thing that he couldn't help but worry about.

"Just the way in the heck does something like this even happen? You don't happen to know, do you?" Aybel glanced at Caine.

"Heh, good question." The taller boy shrugged his shoulders as he met Aybel's gaze. "Not a clue. I'm just about as surprised as you are."

Aybel let his eyes drift back towards the heavens above. "If there just so happens to be a god up there, he has a horrible sense of humor."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk I'd watch my words if I were you. You can never truly tell just what the fuck a god is capable of... But I'd certainly love to have some words with him. Not that I'd expect anything to come of it, but at least I could make it clear just how much I appreciate all of this! Hahahaha~"

Caine laughed in delight staring up as the heavens continued to rain down terrified people from above.

It was then, suddenly, the chandelier lurched violently, almost toppling them over...

Someone had desperately grabbed onto it, begging for help as the chandelier swayed dangerously...

"Help! Please!"

Scooting closer to the edge of the chandelier. Aybel glanced down at the poor person.

Well, this is quite the development. A man, mid-thirties perhaps? His expression, that of one who is afraid. I can see why he's so worked up. He's afraid of death.


Hmm, he seems like a decent guy. Definitely better than I am, for sure. I don't think I can blame him for acting so desperate.

I technically understand how frightening it is to be in his shoe's right now.

Going by his worn-out dress clothes and exhausted look, he must have been on his way to or from work today. He obviously has no idea what's going on.

"Hey kid! Help me up, please!" The man's eyes looked up towards Aybel.

Ignoring the cry, Aybel wrinkled his nose adjusting his glasses.

If I had to guess though, from the faint smell of coffee on his breath, I'd say he was probably off to work.

The scent of ink also suggests he could be a writer or at the very least someone who deals with paperwork.

Halting his analysis for a moment, Aybel watched as the trembling man changed tactics, desperately pleading with Caine instead.

"Please! Spare me!! Please, please let me on. Look, I don't want to die here! I don't know what's happening, and I don't understand what I've done to deserve this! Can you please at least give me a hand, please?"

The chandelier continued to sway precariously.

"Wow, someone's shitting his pants." Caine snickered while crossing his arms on his chest. "Well, to be fair, this entire situation is already so absurd that I'm honestly not even sure what would make it any crazier. Hahahaha~"

A wicked grin slowly formed across his face as he continued to stare at the man.

"Give you a hand? That's very naive of you, mister." Without hesitation, he kicked the man's hand.


But, ever so determined, the man held on for dear life. "Could one of you just please be reasonable people!?"

Indifferent to the person's pleas, Aybel watched the scene unfold without uttering a single word.

"You're quite persistent, aren't you?"

Caine's smile faded...


With an uncaring kick to the face from Caine, just like the rest, the young man plummeted into the abyss below.


The chandelier stabilized once again...

As if nothing happened, Caine's blissful smile returned. "Farewell, my dear friend!" He yelled in the man's direction.

"Isn't this entertaining, Aybel? They're like ants..." He giggled excitedly.

"...Are you really so heartless? Do you not feel bad about what you just did?" Aybel finally spoke up, his face expressionless.

"Heartless?! Heh, that's a little rich coming from you. You might want to take a good long look in the mirror, brother. Who was it that tried to ditch me when it was convenient for them?"

"When you put it that way, I can't deny my own guilt in all this. Still... Aren't you being a bit... too cruel, especially considering we were in the same position moments ago."

"Ah, but you see," Caine beamed raising a finger, as if giving a lecture.

"You and I both know why that had to happen. Don't pretend to underestimate the weight of the chandelier, dear brother. From my analysis, we can only afford to support one more person, precisely between the weight category of 41 kilograms to 59 kilograms."

"And unfortunately, that poor fella," he stated casually gesturing below, "exceeded the weight limit."

"It's all a matter of numbers, and of course, survival of the fittest... quite literally."

Aybel remained silent for a moment staring into the dark abyss below.

Hmm... is a life really not worthy if they are only weighing a few kilograms more than the limit? That's an interesting question to ponder... nonetheless, he's right.

The Chandelier itself isn't too large, like a round coffee table. But instead of wood, it's made out of some kind of metallic material that's able to support a relatively large amount of weight.

It doesn't seem fair that we should have to be the judge of who might live or die. But as cruel as it is, it's our only choice. Otherwise, we would be dragged down into the abyss along with him.

"Fair." Aybel conceded. "Your reasoning is sound then."

"Why, thank you." Caine grinned satisfied.

They were two sides of the same coin, favoring logic over sentiment.

Perhaps, him even more so than myself...

With absolute indifference, unaffected by the desperate pleas of help surrounding them, Aybel calmly stepped towards the edge of the chandelier.

Leaning forward, he looked down at the falling masses, observing their different reactions: "Fear, confusion, panic, desperation, hopelessness..."

Most cried... while others prayed to a god to save them, as they all fell recklessly towards an unknown fate...

"Every single person's fate, hanging in the balance. We're no different from any of these people... Life is indeed fragile."

"So, where do you think they're all going?" Aybel asked, turning his attention towards Caine. "I mean, there must be a reason behind this organized hell."

"Hm, now isn't that the million dollar question," Caine hummed placing a hand on his chin as he stared up above.

"It could be that we all share a sin with each other, and that this is our judgment... or it could just be that someone simply thought this would be entertaining to watch. Who knows?"

"Either way, you're taking the fun out of this..."


A playful smile suddenly formed on Caine's face as he turned to Aybel.

"So why don't we play a game instead?"

To Be Continued...
Chapter 15: Heartless Pt. 2
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: The Weeknd - Heartless]

"I have no interest in playing games."

Aybel's response was flat, eyes still searching the crowd.

"Ouch, as blunt as ever... but you know..." Caine's voice trailed. "In a situation like this, it can be quite tempting to guess what these poor souls were up to before they, well, meet their maker."

"And who knows... Playing this game might trigger some forgotten memories for me."

"Besides, why not imagine the lives of others when I can no longer remember my own? It's not like we have anything better to do until we find our way out of here..."

"Plus!" He suddenly perked up. "It's an absolute fun way to pass the time. So, how about it?"

"I fail to see how this game would be of any help. But..." Reluctantly, Aybel sighed. "If it amuses you, I suppose I can play along."

Caine Clapped. "Excellent! Let's call it: Caine's Extraordinary Backstory Riddles! Falling Down Edition!"

"What a horrendous name."

"The Sins of Our Past?"

"Slightly better - make it quick."

"Ah! But before that, prizes! Whoever gets the closest gets to..." Caine paused for a moment, grinning mischievously as he tried to think of a reward.

"...To pick something from the person who loses, and they'll have to give it to you without complaining. How's that?"

"That doesn't sound very fair to me. You have nothing of value that I want."

"Is that right? Now, just where did I put it..." Caine muttered to himself as he searched through all of his pockets, turning the empty holes inside out.

"Ah, there it is!"

Finally, he pulled out a small notebook from his back pocket and flipped through the pages, then he held the notebook up triumphantly in front of Aybel.

"My only possession!"

Interest piqued, Aybel glanced at the notebook. Inwardly he couldn't help but smirk. What in the world does he have in there?

"Okay, and just what exactly is so important about that book?"

"That's a personal matter, you see." Caine replied casually.

"Alright. Of course, if you don't want to show me what's in there, that's perfectly fine as well. I don't plan to burst your bubble by saying this, but: I don't really care about that prize."

"Even if I did, there's no way for us to know for certain whether or not we would be correct with our guesses."

"Now, now, now. That's half the fun, don't you think? Besides... I have a feeling we'll know." He gave Aybel a wide smirk. "So, why don't we start off simple, hm?"

Caine stared thoughtfully at the falling masses. "How about..."

"Her! The one screaming her head off in absolute terror..." He smiled at Aybel.


Aybel gave an unimpressed sideways glance. "You'll have to be more specific."

"Hm...? Ah, of course. There..." He pointed above. "The middle aged woman with the flower print shirt."

Casually slipping his hands into his pockets, Aybel stared at the hysterical woman, eyes following her as she fell straight into the abyss below.

"From the way it's smeared on her hands and clothes, I can tell she was working with flour. My guess is that she was baking."

"Bread or pastry?"

"A fruit pie running late on delivery."

"Aha~ What kind? And how do you figure she wasn't just baking for her family?"

"Well, for starters, I don't think she has one. Though the way she's dressed does make her look like a housewife. A divorced one at that."

"How can you tell she's divorced?" Caine questioned Aybel's claim.

"It might be hard to notice, but there's a tan line where a ring used to be on her middle finger."

Adding onto his statement, he continued: "The bags under her eyes could mean she probably woke up at an ungodly hour to fill in orders. Not to mention the bubble wrap she's holding being pretty much a dead give away."

"And strawberry pie because, either those red stains on her fingers are blood or... strawberry syrup."

"Hmm..." Caine tilted his head. "Impressive. Very plausible, in fact."

"Plus, you're right about the whole divorced housewife thing."

He paused for a moment. Then he sighed, disappointed. "You know, if she were baking chicken fingers, I'd have been more interested. I'm more of a fingers guy myself."

Aybel glanced at him. Is this guy serious?

But then, Caine chuckled. "Still, what a shame no one's going to taste that pie. Okay, next up is my turn."

"...Red shirt. Pink nail polish." A flat reply from Aybel.

"Ah, this should be an interesting one." Caine rubbed both his palms as he spoke. "She reeks of self-destruction~! Okay, let's see..."

Stroking his chin, he began, his words slow and methodical: "Late twenties to early forties... fresh tattoo on her wrist... red highlights in her hair... Nicotine stain on her fingers, she's a smoke fiend - no question, maybe there's an addiction at play - Could be a trauma... or a toxic relationship?"

"Water spots on her clothes imply a recent contact with water, and her damp hair... On her appearance alone, I highly doubt she was swimming... In addition, her messy hair means that she was probably in a rush..."

"Alright, got it!~" He snapped his fingers turning to look at Aybel with a smirk.

"She got out of the shower getting ready for an outing... or perhaps a secret rendezvous with a mystery Ex~"

Genuinely impressed Aybel gave a weak nod of approval. However, his heart wasn't in it. As they played, he kept a watchful eye, searching every face...

"Ahhh~ So satisfying! It's like putting together a puzzle without using the picture."

"Now... This gentleman with the nice looking scar on his face seems interesting..." Caine suggested, his finger landing on a middle aged man who frantically tried to find something, anything to grab to stop his fall.

Aybel studied the man's panicky flailing body, before he became nothing more than a tiny, barely visible speck.

"There's soil stuck under his nails... Probably tending to his garden."

"Interesting, go on," Caine urged. Remaining completely still, Aybel obliged.

"His outfit doesn't look fresh. In fact, it seems like he already sweated in it. That means he already did his gardening, which would explain the dirt under his nails."

"Seeing how he has a slight hunch, it's a safe bet to think he does it every day... The worn-down leather shoes also speak volumes about the amount of time he spends in the dirt."

"His slight tan on one side means he probably enjoyed his routine near a window... maybe in an indoor garden. And finally, the scar on his face..."

Taking a hand out of his pockets, Aybel traced along his right cheek.

"That's quite the nasty scar. Clearly aged over time too, I'm guessing several months old. From its shape I'm assuming the scar is a reminder of how dangerous his hobby is-"

"I see... but what caused the scar?" Caine interrupted.

"Well, I figure if he was holding pruning shears above his face to prune a high branch, and accidentally slipped, the sharp blades could have easily left their mark like that on his face... It's just a hunch, but I think he was less experienced back then."

"Hmm, disappointing... I suppose not everyone has a dramatic backstory... ah, but she does!"

Caine gestured to a very young looking lady dressed in a white wedding gown, hair flowing in the wind as tear-stains ruined her make up.

"I guess the younger the bride the more dramatic the story, and this little miss clearly didn't get her happy ending... shame... you'd think she was going to heaven with that dress, but she really is just going down... down... down...~"

In a blink of an eye she vanished into the depths below.

"Oh well, on to the next."

As time ticked by, someone random would occasionally collide with the chandelier, threatening their balance as they took turns piecing together a psychological profile of sorts.

Caine's guesses ranged from a politician caught pants down, right in the act, to a freeloader taken mid fridge raid.

Aybel, on the other hand, focused mostly on his search. However, out of the blue, in the midst of their dark amusement, Caine slyly asked:

"Have you noticed yet...?" His voice trailed off, a smirk forming on his face.

Now accustomed to his innate nature for catching people off guard, Aybel stated matter-of-factly:

"I did, actually. A while ago..."

"You did? You're so focused on figuring out everyone's appearance, I was afraid you'd miss the little tidbit~"

Aybel stared out into the darkness.

With every passing second, more figures seemed to plummet toward the abyss. "They're falling in an age related pattern." He stated bluntly.

"The older ones fell first and apparently followed by a younger generation, then another."

"It's as if someone is starting at the top and working their way down... That, or it really is just a pure coincidence."

Caine smiled and nodded in acknowledgement. "Very good... very perceptive. Ahhh, don't you just love to see it. The passing of time mirrored even in this mess. Quite fascinating..."

"In any case, this is getting boring. I say we find something more fun to do. So, shall we conclude our game with a final round?" He asked looking over to Aybel, but the other boy was already lost in his thoughts:

An order like this couldn't simply be by chance; or if it is, then the odds of it happening must be astronomical.

It's... too specific to be a coincidence, and I don't like that one bit. It creates a lot of questions.

The first of which being: What exactly is the reason for this pattern? I wouldn't be surprised if there is a correlation between age and the reason why all this is happening.

I mean, they're all just average citizens from all walks of life; from young to old, fat to thin, rich to poor, and all sorts of different races and backgrounds. What could it possibly accomplish?

Out of pure curiosity though, are the older generations more willing to accept their fate? Hmm... Well, they didn't seem like it.

However, the biggest question I have is: This seems like a deliberate 'intervention' of sorts... But why? And more importantly, by whom? Unless... perhaps, just perhaps... it's the act of a supernatural god...

Snap! Snap! Snap!

"Hey! Hey! Wake up! It's my turn to play! You can't leave me hanging!" Loud finger snaps from Caine stopped his wandering thoughts for a few seconds.

Though Aybel remained stoic on the surface, deep down, for some reason, looking at Caine now, like a yellow flashing sign, his instincts screamed: CAUTION!

"This game of speculation may amuse you, but it doesn't change our current situation..."

Caine sighed with a touch of sadness. "You're right, as always... Alas, if you're unwilling to continue, I still have one last deduction to make. As for my final turn..."

He looked at Aybel with an innocent smile on his face.

"I'll do you..."

To Be Continued...
Chapter 16: Poker Face
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Lady Gaga - Poker Face]

"So that's what you were after, I see..."

The light from the chandelier casted an ominous hue across the taller boy's face.

"Can you blame me?" He smirked at Aybel, challenging him.

"After all, it's human nature to pursue things that excite our interest. And right now, finding out exactly what you were doing before being sent here is what excites me."

"So... we could take the easy way; tell me, what was it? What have you done that you believe is worthy of this punishment?"

"Punishment?" Aybel muttered, as he tried to wrap his head around Caine's words. "You're assuming I did something wrong before ending up here? That I deserve this?"

"Yes, I am!" Caine yelled throwing his arms up in the air. Slowly circling around the chandelier, he questioned: "Do you honestly think that this is just some kind of elaborate prank or mistake?"

"Besides, what other reason would any of us have to get sent here other than being sent for punishment? There's nothing to gain from this experience, so what's the point?" He shrugged stopping in front of Aybel.

Well, that's a unique theory. I mean, I'm not exactly a saint...

Sure, I've done some horrible things that ideally should keep me up at night. But as far as I know, in my entire life I haven't actually done anything that constitutes being thrown out of a high rise by an ethereal hand in the sky.

I've never really even bothered anyone, much less done anything bad enough to deserve this kind of punishment.

I'm just a somewhat normal kid with a somewhat normal life. That's it.

"You have absolutely no idea... do you?"

Caine let out a sigh. "Well, it is only natural for those who've been sent to hell to try to run away from their sins. Fine then, the hard way it is... I'll try to guess what you were doing~"

"First off, I have to confess, Aybel, your choice of attire is brilliant," Caine began, rubbing his chin.

"The white uniform, so pure and clean, yet sullied by those innocent blood stains... Well, it's not uncommon for doctors to get their hands dirty. But for a high schooler..."

"An interesting contradiction, wouldn't you agree? So much so that it's left blood on the collar too, which means it had to be from a really bad injury..."

"You're right." Accepting his words, Aybel maintained eye contact.

"The cut on my neck is from an accident." He grabbed at his neck, pulling the collar to the side a bit as he does. A long thin cut on his collarbone became visible.

"So it was a neck injury after all!"


"Hmm..." Caine leaned closer to the wound, trying to get a better look.

"The location of that cut is odd though. A neck... How and why? Why the neck of all places? Well, maybe it's from some kind of accident. Perhaps you were cooking and the knife slipped. A kitchen knife wound."

"But if that's what happened, why is your uniform so messy? You see, something tells me this wasn't just any ordinary accident."

Caine's smile suddenly widened as if a thought just occurred to him. "Unless, of course, you killed someone..."

"That would definitely be a more plausible reason. After all, murder tends to leave quite a mess... It would also explain the different blood stains. Yes," Caine nodded to himself as if the story was all coming together.

"Now we're getting somewhere... So tell me, Aybel... who did you kill? Did they surprise you with a knife and leave that wound on your neck?"

Aybel gave a weak smile, his poker face hadn't changed a bit. "Are you sure you haven't seen the answer written down somewhere? Well, yes, I did murder someone."

"Ha!" The amnesiac chuckled for a few seconds. Then his expression shifted, and he was dead serious all of a sudden. "Like I actually believe for one second that you killed anyone."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. There's no use lying, Aybel~ It's futile."

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you the truth. Just know that there's a lot about me that even I can't explain. And no, what I was doing wasn't nearly as sinister or interesting as all that. Like you said, a kitchen knife wound. I needed to stop the bleeding, hence the first aid kit."

"Ah, yes. The first aid kit." Nodding his head, it was clear Caine found a new angle for his interrogation.

"Even if all the blood stains did come from that injury, any normal person would have simply gone to get stitches at a hospital. Why on earth would someone try to stop the bleeding themselves only for it to get that bad?"

Aybel shrugged. "It was nighttime. The clinics were too busy treating emergencies."

"Heh." Wagging his finger, Caine remarked: "That's a pretty reasonable answer. There really isn't anything to refute. It does, however, leave a question in mind: What were you doing anyway that resulted in the knife cutting your neck?" He asked.

"After dinner, I was washing up the kitchen when I slipped and fell on the knife." Aybel responded, as simply as if he was talking to his mother.

"Hmm..." Caine stroked his chin as he got into 'think mode' yet again. "I'm still not so sure... the only other option I see is that it was inflicted by someone else."

"But, now... Who would be mad enough to attack a kind and innocent boy like you in such a way, hm?" The corners of his mouth turned up in a sly smirk.
"Was it a stalker?" His smirk deepened.

"A jealous ex-girlfriend..." He pressed, stepping closer.

"Perhaps a girl's father who didn't want this boy stealing their daughter's heart..." Caine froze.

"Yeah, I don't buy it." He shrugged.

"What a dull, drab world it would be if the answers were that obvious. You know what I think? That wound of yours is way too superficial." Lifting his hand, Caine placed a finger on his own collarbone.

"Ah hah. It's right below the artery too, which means it was a half-assed attempt to injure you. Even I can tell there's no malice in that cut at all. If the intent was to kill you, instead of a little nick like that, they'd slash the tendons in your neck-"


He made a violent cutting gesture under Aybel's neck, then he looked at him, a cheeky smirk on his face.

"You didn't flinch."

"Not even close. It would take way more than that to move me."

Caine laughed out loud before his expression grew serious.

"But the question still remains... why would someone go to such lengths to injure someone as gentle as you?" He pondered aloud staring at the crowded sky.

"Hmm... If the intent was to do it on yourself though... You wouldn't want to die or be left with permanent damage." He turned his head to look at Aybel, as if sizing him up.

"You're definitely not an idiot. Therefore, this was almost certainly done by yourself. So, now the question is: Why would you do something like that? You don't strike me as the suicidal type."

"Is that so?"

"It's more than clear that what you did wasn't out of self-hatred. Maybe... you were forced to... right? You had no choice. Is that it?" He asked, a twinkle in his barely visible eyes as he spoke.

Aybel looked up at the torrent of falling people, searching for something to say. After a moment of consideration, he trained his eyes back onto Caine, his face neutral.

"Is that the kind of answer you want from me? Would it satisfy you enough to allow you to rest peacefully at night? If that's what you are looking for... then yes. You're right."

Caine heaved a sigh. "Well, I'm no expert in self-harm, but I just doubt anyone would actually do that to themselves willingly."

Oh, if you only knew... Thought Aybel.

"But maybe it's the truth after all. Whatever the case, there's a lot more to this story."

"Hmm..." Caine crossed his arms, thinking for a minute as he examined Aybel's white garb once more.

"It seems odd to have that much dried blood from only a minor injury. Okay, let's say you were bleeding as much as a cow to fill half the ocean, which I doubt, you shouldn't even be alive, or at the very least you should be pretty damn close to death."

"Unless, however," he leaned in closer to Aybel. "This blood isn't necessarily your own..."

"If that's the case, and you weren't attacked," he paused, considering his next words. "Then who did you want to patch up, Aybel? Was it a friend? A family member...?"

Suddenly, his attention landed on something hidden beneath Aybel's vest... A wide grin slowly grew on his face.

"That photograph you're hiding... it's a picture of happiness... Isn't it?"


To Be Continued...

[A/N: Hi everyone. Caine is quite the character, isn't he? Seriously though, I have fun with their dialogue every time. Anyway, I am grateful for your continued support. Thanks for reading!]
Chapter 17: Enemy Pt. 1
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Tommee Profitt, Sam Tinnesz & Beacon Light - Enemy]

Aybel remained silent, his body stiff as a statue, neither confirming nor denying what Caine said.

He simply stared straight at the amnesiac, his eyes blank, as though he had just been told something so outrageous it would be foolish to take it seriously.

He got all that from just my outfit and some first aid kit?

This guy is surprisingly, really perceptive. His observational skills are truly amazing.

So much so that he's getting warmer, and it's... unsettling.

There's no way in that darkness he would've been able to guess what kind of picture it is, so...

"What makes you say that the picture is one of happiness?"

Caine shrugged playfully. "Call it the voices in my head, or a hunch..."

"I see, a hunch..."

"Well, well, it seems you truly are a person of mystery, Aybel. Ah, but rest assured... I won't press any further."

Surprisingly, he backed off spreading both his arms. "After all, even if I were to deduce your past actions, it wouldn't change our current predicament, now would it?"

"Indeed, our priority should be finding a way out of here. Speculating about my past won't serve any purpose. However, I'm curious about yours..."

Sensing an opportunity for a reversal, Aybel slowly walked over to his companion questioning:

"You're a clever person and are clearly well-educated, yet you claim to have a terrible memory. You were pretty quick to analyze me based on almost nothing. So, tell me... What else do you know about me? Of course, aside from my name and school uniform."

Brushing his hair to the side, Caine looked down at Aybel so he could lock eyes with him.

"Is that what you'd like to focus on next, then? Well, the answer to that is simple."

He shrugged.

"Nothing else."

Aybel continued to stare at Caine, as if he were looking straight through him.

"Alright, this is a bit of a stretch, but from what I've noticed, you tend to talk about anything and have an opinion about everything."

He stepped closer, running his hand through the amnesiac's hair.

"Your hair is all unkempt and loose as if you just got out of bed. In fact, everything about you reeks of laziness. You don't even seem to care what people think about you; you just let everything go as it is."

"Though it's clear that under that facade, you watch for every little detail but hide it with banter. In fact, you're doing it right now."

Caine smiled at Aybel's observation.

"Hehe... You're smart. I can always appreciate someone who can read people. And yes, I'm watching you like a hawk."

"Why...? I know, like me, you are no 'ordinary' person." Aybel said.

"Based on the way you observe things and the ease you move around, it's clear you had some sort of 'unique' experience in life that set you apart from ordinary people. Tell me about it, Caine."

"Eh??" Face contorting into a look of confusion and alarm, the taller boy took a step back raising his arms in defense.

"Don't you think you're being a bit too serious about this now? I mean, I can't possibly be bad enough to warrant all of this suspicion."

"You think so? How could you have lost your memories, Caine? This..."

Aybel gestured to the falling masses.

"Is not a small event, so you need to have something to back up your claim."


A faint breeze tousled Caine's unruly hair as his exposed eyes widened momentarily.

Surprise mixed with understanding passed over his face, but not long after, his composure returned.

"Ha-ha-ha~ You definitely are a fascinating individual, dear brother..."

Genuine interest coating his words as he smiled.

"But that's right. I don't remember who I am or how I ended up here. Like you, I only know I'm here for some reason that I can't remember at the moment. If you don't believe me, then what do you want to know about me, Aybel? Ask and I shall answer!" Caine exclaimed.

"Your hands."

"Hm? What about them?"

"Your hands have calluses on all fingers, including the tips of the middle finger and the pinky. They're faint but definitely there."

"I don't think you'd get such calluses just doing any normal activity. In fact, they look like the kind you'd get from doing something else. Not to even speak of that tattoo."

"I'm afraid I'm just as much in the dark about all that as you."

"Alright, that notebook you carry - how exactly does it tie into your past?"

"Ha! You'll have to earn it first. Any more questions?"

"No. I won't bother. We should focus on getting out of this place."

"I agree. Let's save the deliberation of my memories for another time."

I've always had a sixth sense about people.

"So, shall we call it a draw, brother?"

I can tell when someone has a hidden agenda, even if they smile to my face.

"...Very well. It seems we have more in common than I expected..."

And he most certainly has one.

He's too unpredictable... an unknown variable and a potential threat, and it'll be foolish of me to trust him.

I have no idea who he is or what his true intentions are, but no matter what he says, I do not believe him.

If anything, I believe this supposed 'lost memories' are some sort of act to gain my trust, but... my trust isn't something that can be won, not anymore...

The red flags are all too clear. It appears we must sever ties sooner than I expected. The only thing left to decide is when... and how to do it...

In the meantime, I need a plan. A way to get out of this situation, and sadly...
Aybel sighed internally. He might turn out to be an advantage for this.

On this chandelier, their fates were intertwined. He needed to play along, for now.

Regardless, his primary goal stayed the same, everything else coming second.

Turning his attention to the blackened sky, Aybel pondered:

If things keep going the way they are, and the pattern continues, the Third Wave will include teenagers. And naturally, there's a good chance she would be a part of it...

Meanwhile, Caine, carefree and completely unaware of Aybel's inner turmoil, marveled at the sky:

"I wonder just how long this will go on for... if my timing is correct then it looks like another Wave is upon us. it's as though it's following the progression of human life. The middle-aged first, now we're at the Second Wave - the young adults, and next teenagers."

Their goals may be separate but his thoughts perfectly mirrored Aybel's understanding of the pattern.

"Hmm... I guess we both fall into the next pool, right brother?" He looked over at Aybel.

"I suppose we do."

"Just how old are you anyway?"

"Why'd you think you need to know?"

"Fair, fair. I won't pry~"

And so they stood silently, looking up at the endless sea of people falling.

After a few more moments of silence, a slow smile spread its way across Caine's face.

"It won't be long now~"

With a trace of lightning flashing in the sky, the chandelier lurched, signaling the arrival of the Third Wave...

As bodies from the previous Wave continued to fall, the transition into the next was absolutely seamless.

Like a hawk, Aybel braced himself, taking a calm step forward.

Come forth... Aria.

To Be Continued...
Last edited:
Chapter 18: Enemy Pt. 2
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: Tommee Profitt, Sam Tinnesz & Beacon Light - Enemy]

Like a hawk, Aybel braced himself, taking a calm step forward, his eyes darted through the falling masses...

This is quite the ordeal - finding one person in a crowd of hundreds of thousands...

As he thought that, a set of bodies collided with the chandelier.

Crap. It's just like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except that it's more like finding a haystack in a field of haystacks.

Unlike before, the sheer amount of faces and panic in this Wave made it practically impossible to make out a single person.

Almost as if the Wave was challenging his observational prowess.

It's already hard enough to tell under this dim light. Now, the crowd is so packed that even if I do spot her, she could still slip right past me in a second.

Focusing solely on her face, he quickly discarded the faces that didn't match. Crossing them out mentally, like he was crossing off names on a list.

Aria, if you're in that crowd, show yourself. Don't make me search for you like this...

Despite his internal distress, Aybel's face remained still like stone. He continued to scan the various falling bodies that rushed past him over the brink.

If she is indeed in this Wave, then I really cannot afford any distractions.

"I've been thinking..." Caine suddenly began, taking his hands out of his hoodie pockets.

Speak of the devil... I'm just going to ignore him for now.

"Hey! I heard that!" Caine yelled. "Don't just stand there like a statue and ignore me!" He waved his arms in front of Aybel, trying to get a reaction out of him.

Without sparing the other boy a glance, Aybel asked: "Are you just trying to make needless conversation?"

"Needless...? My, my, Aybel. Are YOU trying to make light of my intelligence?"

"Ah, so you're serious, then? Alright, I'll bite. You have one minute."

"I'm sorry if my chatter bothers you, but, yes. I am quite serious. What I was trying to say: if our peers are falling as we speak... then there must be a meaning behind the order of the waves."

"I suppose, like I said before; you could think of it as a metaphor for the stages of life. Or maybe..." Caine's voice trailed, deep in thought.

"It shows their importance in this grand scheme. If you think of it that way..." He paused a bit, considering. "Then I wonder, what does that say about the two of us...?"

"That you have quite the large ego on you." Aybel replied dismissively.

"Ha! Is that what you think, brother? I'll take that as a compliment, you bet!"

"If that's how you want to see it, fine by me."

"Indeed. Why, my ego is so large it's almost inhuman. I'm practically the king of pride!" Caine proclaimed smugly.

"And you know what, is that such a horrible thing? Besides," he gave Aybel a nudge on the shoulder. "You're not half bad yourself. Although, I do admit-"

Caine suddenly cut off mid sentence as something... someone, caught his eye.

"Ah? Would you look at that..." Beneath his messy hair, his eyes lit up.

"Someone was born with the genes of god... Hey, Aybel." He tugged the high schooler's sleeve, like a child pestering their parent.

"A beauty falling from heaven~" Caine pointed to the sky, a smile on his face.

"Is that so..."

Aybel barely glanced at the falling girl, uninterested.

She was short, dressed in a billowing black high school uniform with a red ribbon.

Strands of her golden hair whipped furiously in the wind as she tossed around carelessly as if she had no purpose.

"Of course, there's the whole falling-to-her-death thing going on, still, just look at her~"

Aybel glanced at Caine, who continued to ogle her with a shameless grin.

"Have some dignity at least. And frankly, she doesn't look like anything of much."

"Your vision is off, dear brother~"

"Well, I don't care what you do anyway."

As long as you don't stop me from finding her before time runs out.

Aybel gave the girl one last glance before returning his gaze back to the waves of falling bodies.

She looks somewhat familiar. Like some kind of TV celebrity. Though, she really is different from the rest of the people falling here. Almost as if she's accepted her fate.

His thoughts were interrupted by Caine's sudden words of agreement: "Indeed, falling without a shred of complaint..." He said, bewitched. "How utterly fascinating..."

Determined and with an evil grin, he turned to face Aybel, suddenly making a serious suggestion.

"Why don't we spoil that for her?"

"We'll bring her aboard floaty. Ruin her expectations, and make her our third member!" Caine spoke excitedly as his eyes lit up with amusement.

"I'm confident we can support her, even better... she's heading right for us. And it seems like she's a little closer to you, anyway. So, all you have to do is reach out and grab her. I'm sure she'll be grateful!" He declared nonchalantly, a grin plastered on his face as he watched the girl fall ever closer.


He's trying to ruin my plan...

Aybel gave Caine a sharp, warning glance.

"What do you mean by 'grab her'? You seem to be getting ahead of yourself, Caine. We are not on the same page."

"Hm? We aren't?" The amnesiac's wide grin slowly faded away in confusion. "I just figured since the two of us are here together, we're on the same team, right?"

With his concentration now broken, Aybel turned to face his companion.

"And that's exactly my point. It's not about your own self-interest but our own mutual benefit."

"Hmm..." Hands planted on hips, Caine tapped his feet restlessly. "This is awkward. Haven't you been paying attention, brother? I've already made up my mind here. After all, there's nothing to lose, right?"

"I am not in the mood for this right now." Aybel replied dismissively turning away from Caine. "She should handle her own fate."

"Well, I disagree. We must save her. There's something about her. I can tell."

"Alright." Aybel spun back around to face him. "So I'm guessing she's pretty important to you in terms of your memories, then?"

The amnesiac wore a baffled expression. "What are you talking about? I don't know who she is."

Why is he so interested in a girl we don't know? Aybel was not fond of this side of Caine. "I'm starting to think you've lost all the brain cells you used to have."

"Trust me on this."


"Huh? What was that?"

"I said 'No' to you, Caine."

"Ha! You sound pretty confident throwing around that word, brother." He grinned, looking as comfortable as ever.

Suddenly, Caine's demeanor took a quick left turn as he leaned into Aybel, his face mere inches away from his.

"See, you're being difficult for no real reason and my suspicions are nagging at the back of my mind - You have a plan of your own; so, why don't you tell me what's going through your head? What are you so worried about?"

Aybel's expression turned cold, as his eyes drilled right through Caine's skull.

"I refuse to allow you to bring someone else aboard this chandelier without my approval. If you go against my word, I'll throw myself off this chandelier and take you along with me, understand?"

Caine smiled a crazy grin.

"In that case, if you're this serious about it, then just do it. Don't think, act! It's our funeral! Your call, brother!"

He spread his arms out wide.

"What's it going to be!?"

To Be Continued...
Chapter 19: Last One Standing Pt. 1
[A/N: Chapter song recommendation: Last One Standing Ft. Polo G, Mozzy, & Eminem]

This guy is the literal definition of a loose end. If left unchecked, he'll definitely become the bane of my existence. I need to cut the source at the root if I'm to accomplish anything here.

I didn't expect him to be particularly mature, but I was hoping he would be more helpful. What a pain in the ass.

Aybel sighed. "Fine. Even if I don't trust you, I won't take any rash action. I'll deal with you in my own way and in my own time. For now, we have more urgent matters... Like her..."

He turned back, glancing up again at the girl as she approached their location.

"Hehe." Caine smiled. "I knew it. I knew you wouldn't let her fall. But you know, you had me scared for a second there." He placed a hand on his chest as he heaved a sigh of relief.

"As much as I love to brag, I'm not stupid. I don't want to die just to prove a point."

"Shut up, idiot. I'm glad you realize I'm not one to be trifled with, though."

Caine joined Aybel at the edge of the chandelier, staring at the girl together. Crossing his arms behind his head, he watched her fall closer to them.

"Ahhh... Just look at those mysterious eyes of hers." With a casual grin and a carefree attitude, he waved at her. "Why, hello there, Miss! Mind if we interrupt your fall for a moment!?"

Startled, the girl swung head towards the sudden voice.

She raised a skeptical brow at the amnesiac before silently returning to her previously unbothered pace, closing her eyes and turning her head towards the sky.

What a strange girl...

"I hope you're taking notes, brother!"

"Indeed, I am..."

"Well then, let's not keep the fair lady waiting." Caine said bending his knees, preparing to jump, but then he stopped for a second, turning to look at Aybel. His face full of confidence as he smiled smugly.

"I'm sure you know what to do, brother."

Needing no further communication Aybel understood his role.

He looked down at the chandelier for the first time in a while, blood spattered across its surface and staining the once-elegant object.

"How bothersome." Aybel murmured, his thoughts not on the fact that the blood belonged to those who had collided with the object, but rather: "Now I have to watch my step."

He calmly walked to the opposite end of the chandelier, then went down on all fours.

The plan, simple enough, was for Caine to jump and catch the girl.

Meanwhile, Aybel would be stationed on the chandelier ready to counterbalance any sudden movements from their landing.

Counting down with a smile on his face, Caine readied himself: "Five, four, three, two, one, and..."

On the count of one, Caine rose with an arrogant yet nonchalant grace, leaping from the floating platform, effortlessly plucking her slender form out of the air and into his arms.

The height on that jump... Is he even human?

Without giving up his grip, he landed hard on the chandelier with one knee.


The landing impact caused the entire platform to lurch with a loud CREAAAAKKK!

But Aybel held on tightly to the metal with both hands, as his rather weak muscles tried their very best to balance the weight.

With the girl now safe, he rose to his feet joining them at the center, while Caine carefully released her from his princess carry, placing her down on the glowing ornament...

She dusted off herself in silence, patting down every spec of dust.

Meanwhile Caine smiled at Aybel, looking pleased with the outcome of their stunt.

And then, with a blank stare that could rival Aybel's, she gazed at them, her frosty grey eyes shifting between both boys.

She was quiet, and just when Aybel started to think that she had no intention of speaking... She finally said:

"Fine, you've saved me. Well done and all that... But, could you kindly explain how this helps me specifically?"

The two boys both exchanged glances.

"My, do you have a sharp tongue..."

Taking the lead, Caine stroked his chin as he took a few steps closer to her, a slight breeze causing her hair to flutter.

"Well, I must admit... I was half hoping that you'd start crying and wailing like one of those poor little maidens in distress and then I could comfort you and have you fall head over heels for me... Would've certainly made things easier. But, oh well." He waved his hand in the air dismissively.

"That's not how it's gonna go down, it seems... Don't get me wrong though. I'm not disappointed in the slightest. If anything, I'm overjoyed by how difficult this is going to be~" He looked at her with a small smirk on his face.

"That's not my problem. It's a very simple question. So?"

Caine sighed. "Alas we couldn't possibly stand idly by while such a beautiful girl like yourself hurtled towards her doom."

"...So this is how this goes. You think you have 'saved' me from death and now it is my duty to thank you both for your kindness..." Her eyes shifted to Aybel for a moment, but once again she spoke, directing her words squarely at Caine. "Is that it?"

Leaning in, the amnesiac brought his face close, then he pushed his hair aside looking at her with gentle eyes.

"A little gratitude won't hurt, you know~ You'd have been just another stain on this chandelier by now otherwise." He smiled, eyes darting to the ornament for a split second.

She stared back at Caine with an indifferent look. "Don't look so smug. You took away my choice. You took it upon yourselves to force me on this... this floating thing?" Her hands moved with little energy as she gestured towards the chandelier.

"Bah!" Caine straightened up, his shadow creeping across the chandelier.

"We just saved your life, for crying out loud. I say, you owe us at least a smile or two." He cheerfully poked the corners of his lips up, forming a wide grin.

"Do I look like I care. You should focus your concern on someone who really needs it. I don't need saving..." Her face fell into a solemn expression.

"And I definitely didn't ask for it. Dying here won't make an ounce of difference... You two should really learn not to meddle with the lives of others."

"Is that so...?"

Aybel stepped forward breaking his silence. Her gaze shot up, momentarily taken aback by the sound of his voice.

The atmosphere became tense.

To Be Continued...
Chapter 20: Last One Standing Pt. 2
[A/N: Chapter song recommendation: Last One Standing Ft. Polo G, Mozzy, & Eminem]

As the girl continued to rant about how she didn't ask to be saved, Aybel looked at the two for a while, thinking about something:

...As expected, she didn't want to be saved. That's why I figured things would go this way. I suppose I've had more than enough experience dealing with a particular girl like her...

"Dying here won't make an ounce of difference... You two should really learn not to meddle with the lives of others."

Reaching into his pockets, Aybel approached her. "Is that so...? You seem to want to die so badly. Perhaps I should kick you off now."

Caine's smile slowly faded away. He seemed dumbfounded by the words he just heard. "H-Hold on now."

Though he was quick to pick himself back up, giving a sharp look towards Aybel. "Just what the hell are you trying to pull?"

Without taking his eyes off her, Aybel replied: "Her desire was to accept her fate, and we took that from her... It would be best to rectify our mistake."

The blond haired girl looked at him, almost like she was trying to size him up before offering a half-hearted smile in acknowledgement.

"I'll rather walk."

"Can you both hear yourselves? Don't you see how ridiculous this all is!?"

Turning her back on both boys. Her face hadn't changed, it was still expressionless.

"Finally, someone with common sense." She muttered.

"Excuse you?" Caine replied, face turning into a scowl.

Amused, Aybel stared at her without so much as blinking.

Now at the edge of the platform the girl sighed. She glanced down towards the abyss.

Caine froze in disbelief. "...You're not going to actually jump, are you?"

"Mind you're own business." She replied nonchalantly, not even turning to look at him.

"It's quite funny how you think I gave you the option of walking." Aybel said, taking a few steps closer to her.


Turning around to face him, she had been met with a vicious kick to the backside.

Calmly, Aybel looked over the side of the floating platform watching her fall.

He could see the shock, and pain, in her wide open eyes as they met his.

Without knowing what hit her, she disappeared alongside the torrent of bodies into the darkness beneath.

And then, there were two...

"Are you insane!?"

With an angry scowl, Caine rushed forward, grabbing Aybel by the collar. "You can't just go around kicking a lady like that!"

Aybel was absolutely bewildered. "Why not? It's the right thing to do, isn't it?" He asked calmly, unfazed by Caine's grip on his shirt while facing him with his hands in his pockets.

"Right thing to... Did mother forget to teach you manners!?" Caine yelled, his strong grip causing Aybel's body to jerk backwards.

I've never seen him quite this angry before... I know I'm acting dumb. But I'm curious, what does he have to say?

"Calm down, I'm just fixing our earlier mistake. It's only fair, right?"

"Oh, please. Stop with that crap. She was obviously bluffing! The girl had a death wish! You were supposed to call her out on her bluff, why the hell would you actually grant it for her!?"

"Bluffing...?" Aybel tried to process the word before giving a simple shrug. "I don't understand that."

"What? Of course she was bluffing! Use your damn head! For all we know, you just killed her you psychopath!" Caine screamed, his hand beginning to clench even tighter at the fabric of Aybel's shirt.

Aybel didn't appreciate that.

His sharp gaze locked into Caine's. His eyes cold, and emotionless as ever. No remorse of what he had done whatsoever.

"She's not dead... Yet. But to be honest, I couldn't care less if she was. I did exactly as I said I would do. If anything, I'd say it was quite benevolent of me."

Caine scoffed. "Don't joke around... We're on board a floating chandelier in the middle of a bloody death storm. And you're just like, 'well, I simply helped her along.' For crying out loud, where's your tact?"

Why don't you stop with these stupid and useless questions. Aybel wanted to say, but he held back, prepared to give an answer:

"About that... we do have a tendency to be - for the lack of a better word... callous. Just like the man you kicked off earlier. You showed no ounce of remorse... It seems hypocritical now, doesn't it?"

Caine's reply was instant.

"What hypocrisy? The difference is that I'm perfectly aware of the gravity of my actions. I have no moral qualms about kicking someone off just because they don't meet my standards."

"I see, well, that is exactly the kind of hypocrisy I was referring to... Remember the brief moment of empathy you showed for the lady in the wedding gown? I kept thinking: 'how was he capable of it'. But now, seeing your willingness to save this random girl, it all makes sense... your standards along with your empathy seems particularly... selective."

With a sudden jerk, Caine yanked Aybel closer, their faces inches apart.

He balled his empty fist.

The two stared at each other.

To Be Continued...
Chapter 21: Last One Standing Pt. 3

[A/N: Chapter song recommendation: Last One Standing Ft. Polo G, Mozzy, & Eminem]

Caine balled his empty fist.

The two stared at each other.

Just when it seemed they were about to throw hands, he let go of Aybel's collar.

Letting out a deep sigh, Caine placed a hand on his face with the palm covering his mouth as he let out a nervous laughter.

It was almost hilarious...

He was barely able to contain himself from cackling like a maniac. Barely...

"Hahahaha~ Bwhahahahaha~! Now that's what I call taking out the trash!" He yelled suddenly, clapping his hands together. "Bravo, brother. Bravo! Two birds with one stone! Hahahaha~"

But as suddenly as it began, his laughter tapered off, leaving behind an uncomfortable silence as he stared at Aybel.

"You sly devil..." Caine's lips slowly curled into a big smile. "You want me to go after her, don't you~?"

Aybel glanced over the edge of the platform. "If that's what you desire, Caine, then by all means go ahead. I won't stop you..."

"You know..." Caine spoke softly. "That was a beautiful kick, brother."

"You did exactly what I was hoping you would."

The sight of Aybel looking over the edge of the platform was more than enough to send a shiver down his spine.

A shiver of ecstasy.

"Oh, you make life so much more exciting!" He declared laughing once more to the sky, as if the thought of him getting to chase after someone was just too delicious to pass up.

He followed his words with a wild grin directed at Aybel.

"I guess it's about time we go our separate ways. Tsk, what a shame..."

Without a second thought, Caine turned his back on Aybel. "Oh--And about that whole empathy thing..."

"What about it?"

"I may not be the only one with a selective empathy, brother..." The amnesiac looked over his shoulders to give Aybel a wink.

"What are you trying to insinuate?"

Alas, before Aybel could receive an answer, with no hesitation, Caine confidently jumped off the chandelier.

"See you soon, brother~!" He shouted with his signature grin, fading into the abyss.

And then, there was one...

Aybel stood there on the platform alone.


He's just as impulsive and unpredictable as ever. I really don't understand his fascination with her. I suppose it's possible that he's thinking with his lower half.

After ensuring that Caine was no longer within his view, Aybel turned around and let out a small sigh.

With him gone, I can finally focus.

Regardless of Caine's usefulness, a line was crossed the moment his search was hindered.

A small smile started to form on Aybel's lips at the sight of the empty platform, but then, a gust of wind shook the platform, snapping him out of his reverie. His head whirled around, searching for the source.

Caine? He couldn't help but wonder as he looked over the side of the platform once again.

And then he saw it.

His blood froze.

...From the depths of the abyss, like glowing headlights, two massive reptilian pupils stared him down...

To Be Continued...
Chapter 22: Glow In The Dark New
[A/N: Chapter Soundtrack: Glow In The Dark - Smash Into Pieces]

Aybel was at a loss for words.

"What... in the name of god am I seeing...?"

A second passed, then two, and three, whatever it was - stared right through his soul.

"Is it... sentient? Should I be afraid?"

Afraid or not, the sight sent a sharp shiver down his spine.

"No way is that real... but still, why is my heart racing?"

He had become accustomed to the sight of people falling from the sky, but Aybel was not yet used to seeing something like this.

"No, it's just my imagination. I need to find her quickly..."

Managing to tear his gaze away, Aybel took a step back from the edge, but before he knew it...

He stumbled back in surprise...

A small body fell from the sky, landing hard just in front of him.

"You've got to be kidding me."

The girl lay on the ornament, her body limp, her long, straight black hair covering her face. She was a cute girl, but that wasn't important to Aybel.

"Would you look at that... This place is just full of surprises."

Aybel walked over to the girl's side and nudged her with his foot.

The girl was completely limp. Her eyes were closed, and she wasn't moving an inch.

...He had to fight back the sudden desire to slap her awake.

But then again, if she's dead, I could just kick her right off the-

Aybel's train of thought was interrupted by the sudden sound of a cough that escaped her lips.

Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, and she looked up at him wearily, her irises bright red.

She's fine. I might as well just leave her there. No point in being needlessly cruel. Aybel thought, turning his back on the girl and looking up at the sky.


His eyes narrowed as he searched around for her, trying to get a better look for her body in a sea of falling people that all looked alike.

Briefly, he turned his head around to give those red eyes one last look. She continued to lie on the ornament, trying not to make a noise despite her heavy breaths.

She winced once then her expression changed to a sly smile as she looked up at Aybel.

Seems like she's in quite a bit of pain and she's trying to hide it too. From the look of her night wear, I bet she was asleep.

"You must have quite a lot of questions, I imagine."

His eyes wandered back to the sky as he let out a sigh.

So... whatever that thing is made its own entrance. And this girl is pretty much on life support... What a day I'm having.

Crap... This is bad. With Caine being a pain in the ass I guess I really underestimated how much time it would take to deal with that blonde girl.

There's no telling how many bodies had already fallen by now. This isn't good at all.

In a way, I wish I hadn't taken so much time arguing with the bastard to help that girl. Maybe we could've figured out something sooner and I could've already been done with this, I would've had a clean shot to get on with my search.

But I suppose nothing worthwhile in life comes easily...

The high schooler questioned staring at the falling masses, but there was just no denying it.

What is this...

They don't seem to be slowing down at all... In fact, they're multiplying with each passing second.

Indeed, their sheer number soon obliterated any form of personal space the chandelier had.

Heads jerked and bones snapped violently with every impact as people, in a sudden panic, desperately aimed for the floating ornament, alert to the danger beneath him.

Aybel felt the chandelier sway back and forth, causing his feet to slip and slide with each change in direction.

Meanwhile, the ruby eyed girl rolled forward, grabbing the edge of the platform as hard as she could, clinging on for dear life.

A girl with confetti in her hair managed to get a hold on the opposite edge of the platform causing it to wobble violently, her nails scratched furiously at the metal.

Skrrrrrritch! Skrrrrrritch! Skrrrrrritch!

But it was no use. She fell right into the abyss.

And then, everything went pitch black.


Aybel lost sight of the falling bodies but he could still hear their nightmarish cries.

He blinked once and his vision was restored.

Lowering his head and staring at his feet, an air of solemnity suddenly enveloped his face, as if a profound realization had dawned on him.

Just at the center of the chandelier, a thin crack ran down its body.


Its light blinked, spluttered and blinked again, creating creepy shadows on the carnage below.

I refuse...

For the last time ever... its light flickered out. With its light gone, its floating mechanism failed...


The chandelier began to plummet uncontrollably towards the abyss.

Time lingered as Aybel felt the sensation of weightlessness envelop him.

Sparing a sharp glance at the abyss below, the intimidating glowing slits of the beast held it's gaze, its body motionless, as if awaiting his arrival.

He let out a bitter laugh as the irony of the situation bled into his mind.

This was the universe's gentle reminder, that even those who appear invincible... can still fall.

To Be Continued...
Chapter 23: Way Down We go New
[A/N: Chapter soundtrack: KALEO - Way Down We Go]

In a way, this is typical of my existence now, isn't it? Everything seems to stay the same... hope quickly turns to disappointment...

Can't say I'm surprised, it isn't new. Right, I've long ago accepted this as an indisputable fact.

...That crack though... Why did it take me that long to notice? That's the question here.

Yeah, it was small, but a crack wouldn't be so subtle, and yet, it didn't get my attention until then. Why...?

Aybel looked up at the darkened sky, mind trying to piece together the puzzle.

Meanwhile, his peers were in a panic, and rightly so.

Hmm... I at least should've noticed the first signs...

He suddenly found himself staring at the flailing shadows cast on the massive pillars.

The shape of the shadows...

A look of realization flashed across his face as he connected the dots.

I see... That must be it.

So that's why the bastard didn't move.

Looking back on it now, Caine's shadow covered it up perfectly. The crack must have started to form while he was blocking it.

If only I'd looked down at my feet while I was standing on the center.

The sight before him was nothing short of a living hell, yet he mused on:

It all makes sense why he was so confident... It was inevitable from that moment. He even managed to keep me away from the center long enough till he could jump off.

He probably didn't care about the girl either, but thought it would be funny to see what happens. That bastard...

What a clever bastard...

And I suppose it didn't exactly help that I was too busy trying to get rid of the both of them, to even notice it.

Aybel heaved a loud sigh.

I'll have to remember this experience to avoid another mistake like this in the future.

Around him, every single person wore the look of utter horror...

At least there's something I can be grateful for: I'm not falling alone.

Terrified shouts for help filled the air.

But is there a worse way to die than surrounded by a bunch of screaming fodder?

The waves of his hair danced in the violent winds.

You know... never in a million years did I think I'd utter these words, however: I'm really starting to miss the peace and quiet of a boring classroom...

He continued to stare at the sky only to see the darkness getting darker.

I mean, I wouldn't mind taking some mind boggling exam right about now.

It was as if the world was falling apart, and he was right there in the very center of it.

I suppose it could be worse. But it is indeed terrifying, this moment could very well be the last thing I ever experience.

Aybel's eyes fell in regret.

"...Odd... how certain thoughts tend to stick to the mind..." He muttered aloud as he mused.

"...The universe itself seems to have a grudge against me..."

"Yeah... I can't shake this thought that keeps resurfacing."

The falling masses struggled mid-air, in a desperate yet futile attempt to dodge the undeniable crash course with the beast below now labeled destiny.


I refuse to accept this unfair destiny.

I refuse to be like them, following the path laid out by fate, unable to do anything...

Unable to change anything.

The distance between him and the bright slits of the mysterious entity rapidly closed by the second.

I truthfully don't care about failing and all of that, but because she is involved... Failure here and now is unthinkable.

Its patient, terrifying gaze, vaguely illuminating their vast surroundings.

A way to survive. If there isn't one...

With a sharp turn he surveyed his surroundings.

Then I'll create it myself...

A sparkle in the distance suddenly caught his attention.

To Be Continued...