I continue to think that in K6BD's universe, not having a battle plan is a strength. Caring about winning or losing is bad, and punished by the narrative. Allison is navigating very carefully between two polls, and to touch either one, to lose the heart of the paradox, would be ruinous.

Plan A: If Allison tries as hard as possible, in a consequentialist manner, she is Incubus or Old Maya. She can gather power, gather allies, play the wheel's game as hard as possible. Just be the very best possible Demiurge.

Problems with plan A:
1: Jaggonath has never lost. Plan A is his plan, and he's better at it than you. His victory is, Thanos-style, overdetermined.
2: Metattron will reset the universe when the demiurge war ends.
3: As her friends asked her, plaintively, who will save them from her, if she wins? As she asked in the Jadis Rescue scene...what does she do to Jaggonath's followers? How does 'be a better Jaggonath' end the problem of Jaggonath.

Plan B: If Allison doesn't try, she is Meti or Gog-Ciel. Just bake bread or fuck imaginary lesbians till the world ends. Allison can step off of the Pain Machine at any time. Jadis was perhaps the most straightforward incarnation of this temptation, but it keeps on coming up.

Problems with plan B:
1: Even if you don't care about demiurge war / politics, it cares about you. The price of leaving power to the power hungry is they grind your face in the dust.
2: Allison's nature, call it compassion or whatever you like, doesn't actually allow her to be happy while she knows that evil is triumphing. The notion of pursuing hedonism is, itself, ahedonic for her.

Allison is trying to answer Maya's paradox. She has to win the fight without being the sort of person who cares about winning fights. She needs to triumph not, essentially, as a process but as a sort of a side effect of being a triumpher. The whole thing is really delicate and complicated.

My best guess at the 'path of mutilation', aside from just an aesthetic, is that she is paring herself away. When she beats Jaggonath there won't be enough left of her to rule the multiverse, or for the people to elect as emperor instead of the statesmen they ought to be ruled by. She intends a self sacrificing victory, because striving for that is what makes her happy now.

Note: I think this is her present thinking, I don't think this is where she will end up. I think Abaddon is planning another intervention style plot twist where her friends make it clear that this would not be acceptable.
Allizoss is a very interesting appearance in this, cause wasn't the entire pitch that this is the first time Allison got picked to take the key?
So, random notes: just realizing that Gog's speech bubble on the previous page is NOT green.
Probably a typo? Kind of weird.

Also: I am confused. We have a memort of Allison-Zoss with the armour and everything, but also Gog seemed *surprised* to see Alison. Gog explicitly stated "This is new. You are not like the previous heirs" so.... how does that work?
If Gog never went to earth (because Allison's earth is closed), then how come we have memories of Lawyer Alison.

All of this is very pretty and thematic, but like... I can't (yet) tell if any of it makes sense, or if it is JUST pretty themeary.
GOG has said it is new.

GOG may be lying.
We also have Jaggernoth saying "This is new, I haven't fought you before".
Now Jaggers admits that his memory is not perfect, so there is the possibility of unreliable narrator on his part, but.... it would be *odd* as a narrative move to have multiple independent characters co-oberate some important story fact, and then pull out the rug with a "nah-ah! Just kidding"
Yeah. Besides, it's hard to tell whether Old!Allison is an Allison from a past cycle who was keyholder, or is some kind of mental projection of Allison in this cycle who's battered and wrinkled and of course still bearing those mutilations because on some level that's her self-concept right now.

Or whether something even wilder is going on.

Like, outwardly Allison is still a fairly young woman, but at this point it would utterly fail to surprise me if her truest inner self-concept was this grumpy old bat who looks as old as, say, Meti.
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it's also possible Old Lady Allison is just a future possibility, 'cause time is only a vague suggestion to sovereignty
Allison also says "not her [Gog's] memory", which makes it seem pretty clear that this probably isn't something being pulled up in the Gogtrix™?
I'm thinking those are Alisons that got eaten by Gog in the previous cycles where she wasn't the key holder and where Gog was the big shot who was eating the universe. Everyone who got eaten by Gog is part of her, and we know that Gog keeps her memory across cycles. So if you dig deep enough, you could probably find the residual memories of a lot of people inside our favorite worm.
... that chapter comment is a fate/stay reference, isn't it. Does that mean we get magical girl pretty alison next page?
Do you think the body that Gog uses as the Keyholder just spends all its time perched on that one spire, brooding?

...Does she have to use just the one body? I was under the impression that keys were fairly conceptual, and could be in multiple places at once with a relatively minor application of Royalty...