That was my first thought, we're in the gog-matrix and Allison is not gonna like this.
Especially since:

1) She's seen the Matrix, I'm sure of it and
2) She knows that the whole lotus-eater false paradise thing is pretty much what Gog had in mind for Nukoku (I may be getting spelling wrong), and she's really not gonna like that.
I'm pretty sure she learned that lesson around the time she ripped off her limbs for the second time and told Jadis she was prepared to get hurt again if that's what it took.

Yeah, I don't see this lasting particularly long. Probably just long enough to Alison to have a conversation with her mental image of Cio.
I'm pretty sure she learned that lesson around the time she ripped off her limbs for the second time and told Jadis she was prepared to get hurt again if that's what it took.

Yeah I was gonna say, this looks an awful lot like that whole thing all over again. I dunno, I suspect a twist at some point. :/
I expect if this doesn't tear off into an entirely weird mind battle tangent with Gog that this is mostly going to be a 'get closure having a final conversation with the image of your loved one thing'
Gotta say I was afraid we would have had an extended dream sequence or something but I'm glad Allison's reaction was a genuine "lol, lmao" instead.
Honestly, truly honestly, this line alone makes up for the ripping off prosthetics scene to me.
That scene was somewhat uncomfortable for how it was such a strange and horrible thing to do, but here Allison owns up to that reality in a way when once again faced with that same situation.
I.... really like that she is kind to the illusion.

Like... she knows it isn't real.
She knows its just another one of gog agog's games....
but she's still like "Sorry I can't stay, see you around, mine is the path of mutilation"
People in here talking like that's the end of Gog's mindgames; I think that's a bit optimistic. Who knows how many inception layers might be at work here.
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Here's a fun thought:

It's just Allison, Cio, and Gog Ago in the scene, and we just transitioned out of a scene with just Allison, Gog Agog, and Nukoku. The latter of whom vocally wanted to be exactly here and now. Especially given this is a world where the point of divergence is that they never went on the vault heist that dredged up Yabalcoath and so put Cio in her darkest moments.

I'll give decent odds that this Cio isn't an illusion at all, because she is Nukoku. Who, one way or another, came in straight after Allison. Maybe eating another worm, or maybe devil skin warrior shenanegains, given that she was reaching out to Allison in the transition.
People in here talking like that's the end of Gog's mindgames; I think that's a bit optimistic. Who knows how many inception layers might be at work here.
You're right that this isn't the end of it, I'm sure, but it's noteworthy that Allison is straightforwardly, uncomplicatedly resolved. She very simply wants to cut her way out of this, and her goal is either to get Gog on-side or to somehow defeat and break Gog and take her power. Not sure which.

This is a very refreshing contrast to the way the Jadis arc played out, with Allison being psychologically broken and very literally self-destructive, and with Jadis having this rather annoying (both in- and out-of-character) trait of omniscience that makes her an authority with the author insisting "no no, she is objectively correct about everything she says" even as the core of what she says is just Nihilism 101.
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Yeah- Gog's form of knowledge is far more INTERESTING.
It's... kind of omniscience?
At least, its like vast vast super experience.

It's kind of Nihilism?
But like, this isn't magical icebolt to the face Nihilism, this is EARNED Nihilism. Nihilism from EXPERIENCE, and also Nihilism along the lines of "All this shit is boring. I am looking forward to a change. Can you provide that?"
It's *interactive* Nihilism.
Bluntly put, Gog is Cool.

Gog is cool as fuck, and... I do really like her roll in the story here. Both as the fun joke antagonist early, and also as the terrifying elderitch abomination that she is, here at the end of time, here at the end of the world.
You're right that this isn't the end of it, I'm sure, but it's noteworthy that Allison is straightforwardly, uncomplicatedly resolved. She very simply wants to cut her way out of this, and her goal is either to get Gog on-side or to somehow defeat and break Gog and take her power. Not sure which.

This is a very refreshing contrast to the way the Jadis arc played out, with Allison being psychologically broken and very literally self-destructive, and with Jadis having this rather annoying (both in- and out-of-character) trait of omniscience that makes her an authority with the author insisting "no no, she is objectively correct about everything she says" even as the core of what she says is just Nihilism 101.
I don't think that extends to her opinions about the cosmos, just the facts