Keepers of the Peace

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This alternate history novel follows the story of Emryc Ahlcain and his journey through the Clone Wars.
Chapter One: The Pirate Lord New
Chapter One: The Pirate Lord

The Sentinel drops from hyperspace, her hull vibrating with latent energy. Fakhira swells before us, a lush green orb set against the backdrop of unfamiliar stars. Even from orbit, the Force pulses with life, potential... and a lurking darkness. I adjust my robes, fingers brushing the cool metal of my lightsaber hilt. "Status report," I order, voice steady despite the tension coiling in my gut.

"Multiple contacts," Dorna calls out, her lekku twitching. "Three Interceptors, bulk freighters, and... a Kandosii-type dreadnought, sir."
I nod, absorbing the information. Our task force – the best the Republic could spare for this Wild Space incursion – suddenly feels inadequate. But these are elite crews, hand-picked and battle-tested.

"Tarim," I address my XO, a grizzled veteran with eyes that have seen too much of the galaxy's dark corners. "Our Foray elements?"

"In position, sir. Awaiting your command."

I close my eyes briefly, reaching out through the Force. I sense the razor-sharp focus of our crew, the predatory anticipation of Vuss's pirates. And beneath it all, the vibrant pulse of Fakhira itself.

"Here's our play," I announce, voice carrying across the bridge. "Thrantas, spearhead formation. We'll draw their fire. Forays, use that cover for precision strikes on their sensor arrays and shield generators."

As my officers relay the orders, the ship shudders violently. Alarms blare to life.

"Multiple impacts!" Dorna shouts. "Port side!"

"Hold steady," I command, infusing my words with a touch of Force suggestion. "Shields are holding. Return fire, target their lead fighters. Disrupt their formation."

Through the viewport, I watch sleek Aurek fighters swarm towards us. But I also catch glimpses of our Forays, using the chaos to slip past the pirate's front lines.

"Sir, incoming transmission," Tarim reports, his face grim in the pulsing emergency lights.

I straighten, centering myself. "On screen."

The main display flickers to life, revealing Corso Vuss. The Pirate Lord grins, all predatory confidence. "Well, well. What's this? Did the Republic finally decide to stick its nose where it doesn't belong?"

I meet his gaze, unflinching. "Corso Vuss. By the authority of the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Order, you are ordered to stand down and surrender your fleet."

Vuss's eyes narrow at the mention of the Jedi. "A lapdog with a laser sword," he sneers. "I've got a counter-proposal for you, Master Jedi. Turn your ships around and slink back to your precious Core. Wild Space and the Outer Rim doesn't need your kind of civilization."

Another impact rocks the ship. I hear the hiss of a ruptured coolant line, smell the acrid tang of ozone.

"And if we refuse?" I ask, already anticipating his response.

Vuss's grin widens, showing too many teeth. "Then I'll scatter what's left of your task force across a dozen systems. Wild Space is always hungry for new debris fields."

The transmission cuts out. I turn to face my crew, seeing determination hardening in their eyes.

"Sir?" Tarim asks, voice steady. "Your orders?"

I take a deep breath, anchoring myself in the Force. This isn't how I envisioned my first command in uncharted space. But here we are, facing overwhelming odds on the edge of known space.

For a moment, I see Fakhira again in my mind's eye. Those verdant valleys. That untamed beauty. All of it a stark contrast to the brutality Vuss has brought to bear. And I think: what would a true strategist do when cornered in unfamiliar territory?

A plan crystallizes. Audacious, perhaps reckless, but with a glimmer of potential.

"All power to forward shields," I command. "Helm, plot a direct course for the Kandosii's bridge. Weapons, clear our path of any fighter that dares to intercept. Tarim, signal the Forays. The moment we engage, they hit the dreadnought's engines with everything they've got."

Tarim's eyes widen in understanding. "A decapitation strike. In Wild Space, no less."

I nod, a grim smile touching my lips. "Vuss thinks he's dealing with a standard Republic patrol out of its depth. Let's show him how the Jedi adapt to new frontiers."

As the crew springs into action, I reach out through the Force once more. To my ships, my people, even to the distant echo of Fakhira itself.

Stand with me, I think. Today, we remind the lawless that even Wild Space isn't beyond the reach of justice.

The Sentinel surges forward, her engines howling defiance against the void. Fakhira's emerald sphere shrinks in our viewport as we charge towards Vuss's fleet. Proximity alarms shriek as enemy fighters swarm around us like angry insects.

"Incoming fire!" Dorna shouts, her fingers dancing across her console. "Multiple torpedo locks!"

I plant my feet, drawing on the Force to maintain balance as the ship begins evasive maneuvers. "Point-defense systems, full spread. Don't let a single warhead through."

The space around us erupts in a dazzling light show as our laser batteries shred incoming projectiles. But for every torpedo we destroy, two more seem to take its place.

"Sir," Tarim calls out, his voice tight, "Foray elements reports they're pinned down by enemy fighters. They can't break through to the dreadnought."

I grimace. There goes our chance at taking out the Kandosii's engines. Time for a new strategy.

"Helm, adjust course," I order. "Bring us alongside the nearest Interceptor. Weapons, prepare for broadside engagement."

As the crew scrambles to comply, I reach out through the Force, sensing the ebb and flow of the battle. The pirates are confident, almost cocky. They think they have us outmatched. Good. We can use that.

The Sentinel banks hard, bringing us terrifyingly close to one of Vuss's frigates. I can almost make out individual figures through the enemy's viewports.

Her words are cut off as our ship rocks violently. Warning klaxons blare, and I smell the acrid stench of burning circuitry.

"Status report!" I demand, steadying myself against a console.

Tarim's face is grim as he responds. "Direct hit to our starboard engine. We're venting atmosphere in sections C through F. Damage control teams are responding, but..."

He doesn't need to finish the thought. We're in trouble.

I close my eyes, centering myself in the Force. I can feel the fear and determination of my crew, the predatory focus of Vuss's pirates. And underneath it all, the constant, pulsing life of Fakhira.

An idea forms. Crazy, perhaps suicidal, but it might be our only shot.

"Helm," I say, my voice calm despite the chaos around us. "Take us into Fakhira's atmosphere. Now."

Tarim's head snaps up. "Sir? With our damage--"

"I know the risks, Lieutenant," I cut him off. "But it's our best chance. The Kandosii's too big to follow us down. We'll force Vuss to commit his smaller ships if he wants to finish us off."

Understanding dawns in Tarim's eyes. "And even the playing field."

I nod, allowing a grim smile. "Exactly. Signal the Forays. Tell them to regroup and follow us in. We're taking this fight planetside."

The ship shudders as we hit the outer atmosphere, flames licking at our viewport. Behind us, I sense confusion and hesitation from the pirate fleet. Good. Let them second-guess themselves.

"All hands, brace for atmospheric entry," I call out. "And may the Force be with us all."

As the Sentinel plummets through Fakhira's atmosphere, I close my eyes, reaching deep into the Force. I extend my awareness through the ship's frame, feeling every stressed rivet, every straining bulkhead. With careful concentration, I begin to weave the Force around key structural points, creating an invisible web of energy.

"Hull integrity at 63% and falling!" Dorna's voice cuts through my focus.

I grit my teeth, sweat beading on my brow. This isn't like lifting rocks – it's a constant, dynamic struggle against gravitic forces far beyond normal comprehension. But I persist, channeling the Force to reinforce failing joints, to hold together separating panels.

The ship groans, metal shrieking in protest. But it holds.

"Brace for impact!" Tarim shouts.

The world becomes chaos. Despite my efforts, the landing is brutal. We skid across the plateau, carving a deep furrow in the alien soil. When we finally grind to a halt, I slump forward, momentarily drained.

As Dorna rattles off a litany of system failures, I turn to Tarim. "Get our people moving. I want naval security establishing a perimeter. And have the Special Tactics troopers prep for recon and possible guerrilla operations."

Tarim nods, already activating his comm. "What about a distress signal, sir?"

I pause, considering. "Do it, but keep it brief. Burst transmission, encrypted Republic channels only. We don't know who else might be listening out here."

As Tarim rushes to carry out my orders, I make my way through the Sentinel's ravaged interior. Emergency lighting flickers weakly, casting eerie shadows across buckled corridors. The acrid stench of burned circuitry mingles with the metallic tang of blood.

I pass crewmembers tending to the wounded, their faces etched with determination despite the chaos. In the mess hall, now a makeshift triage center, I glimpse medics working feverishly over prone forms. The ship's bones creak and settle around us.

Rounding a corner, I nearly stumble over a fallen ceiling panel. Sparks rain from exposed conduits, and the deck beneath my feet lists at an unnatural angle. Through a rent in the hull, I catch my first glimpse of Fakhira's alien landscape – a tantalizing promise of open air beyond our battered sanctuary.

Finally reaching the emergency hatch, I pause to center myself before cycling it open. As the seal breaks, I'm hit by a wave of humid, pollen-laden air. It's almost oppressively thick, carrying scents both sweet and pungent. The contrast with the ship's recycled atmosphere is jarring.

Stepping onto Fakhira's soil, my boots sink slightly into loamy earth. The crash has carved a deep scar across the plateau, leaving a trail of twisted metal and scorched vegetation in our wake. Pieces of the Sentinel are strewn about – a section of wing here, a mangled sensor array there.

In the near distance, our naval security teams are already establishing a defensive perimeter, their shouts carrying on the heavy air. Further out, I spot the sleek forms of our Special Tactics troopers melting into the treeline, preparing for recon sweeps.

The sky above is a riot of color – blues and purples I've never seen before. But my attention is drawn to a series of growing pinpricks. The whine of approaching engines grows louder.

I ignite my lightsaber, its familiar hum oddly reassuring amidst so much that is strange and new. The blue blade casts an eerie glow across the alien landscape, throwing deep shadows behind the wreckage of our ship.

"Captain!" Tarim's voice cuts through the chaos. He jogs towards me, datapad in hand, face streaked with grime. "We've got incoming. Multiple dropships, at least two squadrons of fighters."

I nod, eyes still on the horizon. "Casualties?"

"Seventeen confirmed dead, sir. Another thirty-two injured, eight critical."

The numbers hit me like a physical blow, but I keep my face neutral. There'll be time to mourn later. If we survive.

"Get our turbolasers online," I order. "Even damaged, they might give Vuss's fighters pause. And I want our Tactics teams spread out. Guerrilla strikes only – hit and fade. We can't match them in a straight fight."

I reach out with the Force, trying to get a sense of what we're up against. The approaching hostiles radiate a predatory eagerness that turns my stomach. They think this will be easy. A simple mop-up operation.

I push the thought aside, refocusing on the immediate threat.

A high-pitched whine pierces the air. Vuss's lead fighters scream overhead, so low I can almost make out the pilots. They open fire, stitching the ground with blaster bolts.

"Take cover!" I shout, my lightsaber snapping up to intercept a stray shot. The blade flares brilliantly as it redirects the energy, sending it harmlessly into the sky.

The fighters' engines fade to a distant whine as they bank for another pass. I grip my lightsaber tighter, muscles tense, ready to move at a moment's notice. This isn't a training exercise or a peacekeeping mission. It's a brutal fight for survival on a world that doesn't care if we live or die.

I open a channel on my comlink. "All units, this is Ahlcain. Engage as planned. Strike hard, stay mobile, and watch each other's backs."

I don't bother with platitudes or rallying cries. These men and women know the odds we're facing.

The air fills with the screech of turbolasers as our remaining weapons open fire. Vuss's ships respond immediately, raining plasma and proton torpedoes onto our position. The ground shakes beneath my feet as explosions blossom across the plateau.

I sprint towards the nearest cover, deflecting what shots I can. But I'm just one Jedi, and there are too many bolts, too many enemies. I hear screams behind me – cries of pain, of fear, of rage. Not everyone made it to shelter.

Fakhira's peaceful landscape vanishes in smoke and fire. The acrid stench of burning vegetation mixes with the ozone tang of blaster fire, assaulting my senses. Through the haze, I catch glimpses of chaos – our troops scrambling for cover, return fire lancing up at the swooping fighters.

A nearby explosion showers me with dirt and debris. I blink grit from my eyes, ears ringing. To my left, a young ensign lies motionless, half-buried under a fallen tree. No time to check if he's breathing.

I dash between pockets of cover, lightsaber humming. A pirate dropship roars overhead, ramp already lowering. I see the first boots hit the ground, followed by the distinctive profile of heavily modified Mandalorian armor. Vuss's elite shock troops.

"Tarim!" I shout into my comlink, voice hoarse from the smoke. "We've got enemies on the north ridge!"

His reply is lost in a fresh barrage of laser fire. A bolt sears past my cheek, close enough that I smell singed hair. I pivot, saber flashing, and send the next shot back at the fighter that fired it. The ship wobbles, trailing smoke, but stays airborne.

Movement in my peripheral vision. One of our Tactics troopers emerges from the treeline, rocket launcher braced on his shoulder. The weapon's backblast flattens the strange, purple-tinged ferns behind him as the missile streaks skyward. A heartbeat later, one of Vuss's dropships explodes in a brilliant fireball.

A cheer goes up from our lines, quickly drowned out by the intensifying battle. I allow myself the briefest moment of grim satisfaction before refocusing. One small victory won't turn the tide.

As I close the distance, I reach out with the Force. I sense the determination of our people, the predatory focus of the pirates, and something else – a faint ripple of... anticipation? Unease prickles at the back of my neck. What am I missing?

A scream of tortured metal cuts through the din of battle. I whirl towards the sound, my eyes widening at the sight. The Sentinel, already broken from our crash landing, is starting to collapse under its own weight. The uneven ground beneath it is giving way, causing the ship to list dangerously to one side.

Stress fractures spider-web across what's left of the bridge viewport. Panels buckle and pop, raining debris onto the scorched earth below. The groaning of overstressed durasteel grows louder.

"Everyone, clear the ship!" I bellow, voice amplified by the Force. "Move, now!"

Crew members who had been using the wreckage for cover begin to scramble out, some helping wounded comrades. I see Tarim near the main breach, waving people clear with frantic gestures. The ground trembles beneath my feet as part of the hull tears free, crashing down mere meters from our makeshift defensive line.

I crouch behind the twisted remains of a sensor array, lightsaber humming as I deflect a barrage of blaster fire. Twenty meters to my right, a handful of naval security personnel return fire from behind a makeshift barricade, their shots wild and desperate.

"Move, move!" I hear Tarim shouting over the din. Crew members stream from the ship's gaping wounds, some limping, others dragging injured comrades. A young technician stumbles, and I reach out with the Force, pulling her to safety just as a section of hull plating crashes down where she'd been standing.

I extend my awareness through the Force, feeling the vibrations in the ground as the Sentinel shifts. The ground beneath her is giving way, torn up by our violent landing and now unable to support the cruiser's fractured mass. She's going to topple, and soon.

A volley of blaster bolts forces me to refocus. My lightsaber flashes, sending superheated plasma careening back towards Vuss's troops. One finds its mark, and a pirate falls with a scream cut short.

"Sir!" A voice to my left. It's Sergeant Koda, one of our few remaining medics. She's pinned down behind the crumpled remnants of a shuttle wing, her med-pack clutched tight against her chest. "There are still people trapped in the medbay! We need more time!"

I grit my teeth, mind racing. The ship groans again, hull plates shrieking as they tear free. We're out of time.

That's when I see him. Vuss, striding through the smoke like some armored colossus, heavy repeating blaster at the ready.

"Well, Jedi," he calls out, voice distorted by his helmet's vocoder. "Shall we dance?"

I rise from my cover, saber held high. Behind me, the Sentinel shudders, ready to collapse at any moment. Ahead of me, a pirate lord and his army. And caught in between, my people, desperate and outnumbered.

There's no time for hesitation. I plant my feet, left hand thrust out towards the failing ship. The Force flows through me, an invisible lifeline between my palm and the groaning hull. Every muscle in my body tenses as I take on the impossible weight.

Vuss opens fire. His heavy repeater spits a torrent of plasma bolts, each one capable of vaporizing flesh. My lightsaber becomes a blur of blue energy as I struggle to deflect the onslaught one-handed. The heat from near-misses sears my skin, my robes smoldering in places.

"Run!" I roar at the crew still scrambling from the Sentinel's wreckage. Sweat pours down my face, stinging my eyes. Each second feels like an eternity.

A stray bolt catches me in the shoulder. Pain explodes through my body, but I grit my teeth and maintain my focus. The ship wavers, metal screaming as it threatens to give way entirely.

Through the Force, I sense the terror of those still trapped inside. The desperation of the medics trying to free the wounded. The grim determination of Tarim as he coordinates the evacuation.

Vuss laughs, the sound distorted by his helmet. "Impressive, Jedi. But how long can you keep this up?"

He's right. My arms are shaking, muscles burning from the strain. But I can't let go. Not yet. Not while there are still lives at stake.

A support beam snaps inside the ship with a sound like a cannon shot. The entire hull lurches, and for a heart-stopping moment, I think it's all over. But somehow, through sheer will and the grace of the Force, I hold on.

"Clear!" Tarim's voice crackles over the comlink. "We got the last ones out!"

Relief floods through me, quickly replaced by a new urgency. I release my hold on the ship and dive to the side, narrowly avoiding being crushed as the Sentinel finally gives up her fight against gravity. The impact shakes the ground, sending up a massive cloud of dust and debris.

I roll to my feet, lightsaber at the ready. My left arm hangs limp, the muscles spent from the herculean effort. As the dust settles, I see Vuss standing before me, his armor scratched and dented but still intimidating. Around him, more pirates emerge from the haze, their weapons trained on my position.

The pirates tighten their circle, blasters humming with charged energy. I'm surrounded, outnumbered, and exhausted.

I take a ragged breath, tasting blood and ozone. My body screams for rest, but I push the pain aside. There's only one play left.

"Tarim," I say into my comlink, voice hoarse. "Take everyone and head for the hills to the east. There's a ravine that should provide cover."

"Sir, we can't just—"

"That's an order, Lieutenant," I cut him off. "Get our people out of the line of fire. Go. Now."

I sense his hesitation, the weight of the moment hanging between us. But he's a good soldier. He knows what's at stake.

"It's been an honor, Captain," Tarim says finally, his voice tight with emotion.

I allow myself a grim smile. "Likewise. May the Force be with you all."

I switch off the comlink and face Vuss and his advancing troops. My lightsaber hums, a steady counterpoint to my racing heart. The blue blade casts an eerie glow across the scarred battlefield, throwing long shadows behind the pirates surrounding me.

Vuss takes a step forward, the servos in his armored suit whining softly. "No more tricks up your sleeve, Jedi?"

I settle into a defensive stance, drawing what strength I can from the Force. The familiar warmth flows through me, dulling the pain and sharpening my senses. I can hear the soft rustling of the alien vegetation in the breeze, smell the ozone from discharged blasters mingling with Fakhira's strange, sweet air.

"Why don't you come closer and find out?" I reply, my voice steadier than I feel.

Vuss chuckles, a harsh sound through his helmet's vocoder. He nods to his men, and they begin to spread out, seeking better firing positions. I track their movements, my saber held high. The air grows thick with tension, like the moment before a lightning strike.

As I prepare to meet whatever comes next, I take one last look at the world around me. Fakhira's purple-tinged sky stretches overhead, wisps of strange clouds drifting serenely. The twisted wreckage of the Sentinel looms behind me. In the distance, I hear the faint sounds of my crew retreating – boots on soil, hushed voices, the occasional pained groan of the wounded. A small victory, at least.

I center myself in the Force. My muscles ache, my left arm still hangs uselessly at my side, but my resolve is unshaken.

Vuss raises his heavy repeater. I can see his finger tightening on the trigger, the minute adjustments of his troops as they prepare to open fire. The world narrows to this moment. I can almost feel the tension in the air, like a rubber band stretched to its breaking point.

I remain in my defensive stance, the familiar warmth of the Force flowing through me, dulling the pain and sharpening my senses.

"Last chance, Jedi," Vuss growls. "Surrender, and I might just let your crew live."

I don't dignify his lie with a response. Instead, I deepen my connection to the Force, feeling the ebb and flow of energy around me. The vibrations of the pirates' nervous systems, the residual heat from their blasters, the subtle shifts in the air as they adjust their stances.

Time slows. I see Vuss's armored finger complete its squeeze on the trigger. The muzzle of his heavy repeater flares.

I move.

My lightsaber blurs into a shield of blue energy as I deflect the first volley of blaster bolts. The impacts send shockwaves up my arm, but I grit my teeth and maintain my stance. Sweat stings my eyes as I weave a tapestry of light, each movement precise, each deflection calculated.

A bolt slips past my defense, searing across my thigh. Another grazes my shoulder. The pain is distant, muted by adrenaline and the Force, but it only sharpens my focus.

I push forward, my blade a constant whirl of motion. Two pirates fall, their blasters cleaved in half before they can react. A third loses his arm at the elbow. Their screams are lost in the chaos of battle.

Vuss bellows orders, trying to coordinate his men, but I've sown confusion in their ranks. I use it to my advantage, ducking and weaving between them, my saber finding weak points in their armor.

My body protests with every movement, injuries mounting, but I push through the pain. The Force flows through me, guiding my actions, lending me strength I didn't know I had.

Suddenly, Vuss is before me, his heavy repeater swinging like a club. I duck under the blow, feeling the wind of its passage ruffle my hair. In one fluid motion, I bring my saber up, slicing through the weapon's barrel.

Vuss roars in frustration, discarding the useless gun. He charges, armor-enhanced fists swinging. I dodge the first blow, but the second catches me in the ribs. Something cracks, and I stumble back, gasping.

But in his eagerness, Vuss has overextended. I seize the moment, calling upon the last reserves of my strength. My lightsaber flashes out, finding the weak spot in his knee joint.

Vuss crashes to the ground with a bellow of pain and rage. Before he can recover, I'm on him, my blade hovering inches from his throat, the heat of it searing the paint on his helmet.

"Stand down!" I shout to the remaining pirates, my voice hoarse but commanding. "Or your leader dies here and now."

There's a moment of tense silence, broken only by the hum of my lightsaber and Vuss's labored breathing. Then, slowly, blasters begin to lower.

"Cowards!" Vuss spits. "Shoot him! Shoot—"

His words are cut off as I press the saber closer, the blade starting to melt through his armor.

Suddenly, the air is filled with the sharp cracks of precision blaster fire. I watch in amazement as the remaining pirates fall, taken down by shots so accurate they could only come from one source.

From the treeline, figures in camouflaged armor emerge. Our Special Tactics troopers, led by Sergeant Koda. They must have doubled back when they realized I wasn't behind them.

"Area secure, sir," Koda reports, her voice tight with concern as she takes in my battered state. "Are you alright?"

I manage a weak nod, the adrenaline starting to fade, leaving behind a wave of pain and exhaustion. "I've been better, Sergeant. But I'll live." I look down at Vuss, still pinned beneath my saber. "And it seems we've caught ourselves a pirate lord."

As the troopers move in to secure Vuss and the surviving pirates, I finally allow myself to lower my lightsaber. The blade retracts with a hiss, and suddenly the world around me starts to spin. My vision blurs, the adrenaline that's been keeping me upright rapidly fading.

I try to take a step, but my legs feel like they're made of jelly. I sway dangerously, my breath coming in ragged gasps. The pain I've been suppressing hits me all at once – my ribs, my shoulder, the burn on my thigh. It's overwhelming.

"Colonel!" I hear Sergeant Koda's voice, but it sounds distant, muffled.

I open my mouth to respond, but no words come out. The ground seems to tilt beneath me. I see the Special Tactics troopers rushing towards me, their faces etched with concern.

But they're too far. My knees buckle, and I feel myself falling. The last thing I'm aware of is the sensation of armored arms catching me before I hit the ground. Then, mercifully, darkness takes me.

I drift in and out of consciousness, awareness coming in fragmented bursts. Rustling fabric. Hushed voices. The scent of bacta mingling with an unfamiliar, sweet-pungent aroma.

Pain pulses through my body in dull waves, occasionally spiking into sharp clarity before receding again. I try to move, but my limbs feel leaden. My tongue is a useless weight in my mouth.

Gradually, the periods of lucidity lengthen. I become aware of rough fabric beneath me, the texture of bandages against my skin. The air is heavy and warm, carrying strange scents I can't place.

When I finally manage to open my eyes, it's to a blurry haze of green and brown. I blink slowly, shapes gradually coming into focus. Above me, patches of purple sky peek through what looks like a canopy of leaves and... is that camouflage netting?

"He's awake," a voice says nearby. Footsteps approach, crunching on what sounds like gravel or dry leaves. A face swims into view – Sergeant Koda, her features drawn with exhaustion.

"Colonel," she says, her usual gruff tone softened. "Good to have you back with us, sir."

I try to speak, but only manage a dry rasp. Koda quickly brings something to my lips – a canteen, I realize, as cool water trickles into my mouth. I drink gratefully, the liquid soothing my parched throat.

"What..." I begin, my voice still rough. "Where are we?"

Koda's expression tightens almost imperceptibly. "We're still on Fakhira, sir. Found a defensible position after the battle. Been here about twelve hours."

Battle. The word triggers a flood of fragmented memories. The crash. Blaster fire. Vuss's looming figure. My lightsaber...

"Vuss?" I manage to croak out.

"Secured," Koda replies, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. "The rest of his gang pulled back after you took him down."

"Rest, sir," Koda's voice seems to come from far away. "We'll need you when ex-fil arrives."

As consciousness fades, my last coherent thought is of the alien sky above. Purple and strange, yet somehow beautiful. The image blurs, melding with fevered dreams and fragmented memories.

I'm not sure how long I drift in this haze before something jolts me back to awareness. A sound? A disturbance in the Force? My eyes snap open, heart racing.

The canopy above has darkened, Fakhira's alien twilight painting everything in deep purples and blues. Shadows dance across the camouflage netting, cast by flickering lights I can't quite see.

I try to sit up, biting back a groan as pain lances through my side. Every muscle protests the movement, but I manage to prop myself up on one elbow.

Our shelter is larger than I'd first thought – some kind of prefab structure, hastily erected. Medical equipment hums softly nearby. To my left, I can make out other cots, some occupied by still forms. The air is thick with the mingled scents of bacta, sweat, and some cloying alien pollen.

"Easy, sir," a voice whispers. I turn to see a young medic – Ensign Tarim, I think – materializing out of the shadows. "You shouldn't be moving yet."

"What's happening?" I rasp, my throat still dry despite the earlier water.

Tarim's face is a mask of forced calm, but I can sense his underlying tension. "Perimeter sensors picked up movement about ten minutes ago. Sergeant Koda took a team to investigate."

As if summoned by her name, I hear Koda's voice from outside, terse and urgent. "...coming in hot! Get the wounded ready to move!"

The camp erupts into controlled chaos. Medics rush to prep patients, equipment is hastily packed. I struggle to swing my legs off the cot, ignoring Tarim's protests.

"Sir, please, you're in no condition to—"

His words are cut off by the unmistakable whine of blaster fire. Close. Too close.

Adrenaline surges through me, momentarily dulling the pain. "My lightsaber," I demand. "Where is it?"

Tarim hesitates for a split second before retrieving the weapon from a nearby crate. The familiar weight in my hand is reassuring, grounding.

I stand, swaying slightly but remaining upright through sheer force of will. The Force flows through me, not erasing the pain but making it manageable, sharpening my senses.

"Sir," Tarim begins, but his words are cut short by a sudden explosion of blaster fire just outside our shelter.

Ignoring the protest of my battered body, I lunge for the entrance, lightsaber igniting with a familiar snap-hiss. The scene that greets me is chaos.

Our makeshift camp is already overrun. Pirates weave between the hastily erected structures, exchanging fire with our outnumbered defenders. The air is thick with smoke and the acrid smell of ozone.

To my left, I spot three of our Special Tactics troopers pinned down behind a stack of supply crates. To my right, the sickening sight of a pirate standing over a fallen crew member – Specialist Jenna, I realize with a jolt. The young communications officer's eyes are wide with terror as the pirate levels his blaster at her head.

Something dark and cold unfurls in my chest. Without conscious thought, I reach out through the Force. I feel the pirate's throat beneath my invisible grip, sense his sudden panic.

The sickening crack of vertebrae snapping cuts through the din of battle. The pirate crumples, his blaster clattering uselessly to the ground. Jenna scrambles away, her face a mask of shock and relief.

For a moment, I'm stunned by what I've done. It's not the Jedi way. But we're far from the Temple now, and I can't bring myself to regret saving Jenna's life.

There's no time to dwell on it. I sprint towards the pinned-down troopers, my lightsaber a blur of blue energy as I deflect incoming fire.

"On me!" I shout as I reach them, my voice hoarse but carrying the unmistakable tone of command. "We push to the medical tent. Move!"

The troopers respond instantly, falling in behind me as we charge forward. My blade carves through the air, sending blaster bolts careening back at our attackers. Two pirates fall before we reach the tent's entrance.

Inside, Tarim and the other medics are struggling to evacuate the wounded. "Thirty seconds!" Tarim yells, his face streaked with sweat and grime.

I nod grimly, turning back to face the oncoming pirates. "Hold this position," I order the troopers. "Nothing gets through."

The next moments are a blur of light and sound. My lightsaber moves almost of its own accord, guided by the Force. I feel every impact in my bones, each near-miss searing my skin. But we hold.

Just as my strength begins to falter, Tarim's voice rings out. "Clear! Fall back to the caves!"

I allow myself a fleeting moment of relief before the grim reality crashes back. We're still outnumbered, still trapped on this alien world. And I can feel my reserves of strength ebbing away with each passing second.

"Move!" I shout, gesturing for the troopers to lead the way. I take up the rear, my lightsaber a constant blur of motion as I deflect the barrage of blaster fire covering our retreat.

The cave mouth looms ahead, a dark maw in the purple-tinged twilight of Fakhira. Phosphorescent plants cast an eerie glow across our path, their light reflecting off the sweat-slicked faces of my people as they run.

I feel every step in my battered body, each impact sending jolts of pain through my ribs. The sound of pursuit grows closer - boots crunching on alien soil, the whine of blasters charging.

We plunge into the cave's darkness. The sudden change in light leaves me momentarily blind, relying on the Force to guide my steps. The air grows thick and damp, carrying the musty scent of earth and something else - a metallic tang I can't quite place.

"Watch your footing!" Koda's voice echoes from up ahead. "Ground's uneven!"

As if to punctuate her warning, I hear a cry and a thud. Someone's fallen. I reach out with the Force, sensing Specialist Jenna sprawled on the rocky floor, her ankle twisted.

Without breaking stride, I lift her with the Force, propelling her forward to the waiting arms of a trooper. There's no time for gentleness - I feel her pain spike as she lands, but better a bruise than capture.

The cave narrows, forcing us into single file. It's a tactical nightmare, but it might just save us. The pirates will have to come at us one at a time.

"Set up a choke point!" I order, my voice bouncing off the damp walls. "Koda, take point. I'll hold the rear."

As the troopers scramble to establish a defensive position, I turn to face our pursuers. The first pirate rounds the corner, blaster raised. My lightsaber flashes, sending his shot back into his chest. He falls with a cry that echoes through the cavern.

More follow. I deflect, dodge, strike. Each movement is agony, but I push through it. I have to. The lives of everyone behind me depend on it.

A stray bolt grazes my shoulder, the smell of burned flesh mixing with the cave's dank air. I grit my teeth, using the pain to fuel my focus.

In a lull between attacks, I become aware of a faint humming. It's coming from the cave walls, I realize. Veins of some strange, crystalline material pulse with an inner light, responding to the energy of my lightsaber.

"Sir!" Tarim's voice cuts through my concentration. "We've got wounded stabilized, but we need to move deeper in!"

I nod, not taking my eyes off the cave entrance. "Start falling back. I'll cover—"

My words are cut short as a thermal detonator arcs through the air. Time seems to slow. I reach out with the Force, trying to push it back, but exhaustion has dulled my reflexes.

The explosion rocks the cavern. Rock and shrapnel fill the air. I'm thrown backwards, my head cracking against the cave wall. The world spins, sound becoming muffled and distant.

Through blurred vision, I see my squad retreating deeper into the cave, their figures growing smaller in the gloom. The pirates are advancing, their boots crunching on loose stones as they close in. I'm caught on the wrong side, cut off from the others.

I try to stand but my body won't respond. The taste of copper fills my mouth, and I realize I'm bleeding. The cave air, thick with dust and the acrid smell of explosives, burns in my lungs.

In that moment of desperation, I feel the Force surging within me, responding to my need. With the last vestiges of my strength, I reach out to the cave itself.

I feel the structure of the rock, the weak points, the faults running through the stone. With a guttural cry that tears at my raw throat, I pull.

The effect is instantaneous. A deafening crack splits the air as the cave ceiling begins to collapse. Massive chunks of rock rain down between me and the retreating squad, sealing off their escape route. I catch a final glimpse of Sergeant Koda's face, a mix of shock and confusion, before the wall of stone cuts us off completely.

The rumbling subsides, leaving an eerie silence punctuated only by the groans of the injured and the settling of loose stones. Dust hangs thick in the air, making each breath a struggle. I try to move, but my body feels impossibly heavy, pinned by exhaustion and pain.

Through half-lidded eyes, I see the pirate forces regrouping. Some tend to their wounded, while others cautiously approach my position, blasters trained on me. Their faces are a mix of wariness and grudging respect.

My lightsaber lies just out of reach, its metal hilt glinting in the dim light filtering through cracks in the newly formed barrier. So close, yet impossibly far in my current state.

I can sense my squad on the other side of the rock fall – their confusion, their fear. But they're alive. For now, that has to be enough.

The edges of my vision blur, darkness encroaching. A cough rattles through me, tasting of blood and dust. The irony of the situation hits me then, not with laughter, but with a deep, aching weariness that settles into my bones.

Here I am, a Jedi, trapped with the very pirates we came to stop. The mission, the duty, the ideals - they all seem so distant now, crushed under tons of alien rock. I wonder, briefly, what the Council would make of this. Their prized peacekeeper, now at the mercy of criminals on a world far beyond their reach.

My fingers twitch, seeking the familiar comfort of my lightsaber. It's futile. Even if I could reach it, what then? I can barely keep my eyes open, let alone fight.

The pirate standing over me comes into focus for a moment. His face is a map of scars, eyes hard with a life lived on the edge of civilized space. There's no malice there, just a cold calculation. Weighing the value of a captured Jedi against the cost of keeping me alive.

As consciousness finally slips away, my last thought isn't of peace or duty or the Force. It's of the strange, purple sky of Fakhira, now hidden behind layers of rock. A sky I might never see again.

Then, the darkness swallows me, and I know no more.