
I just started a Patreon!

5 Heroes chosen by a random omniscient being must go world to world to battle the forces of evil and undo the damage done by the forces of a dark evil being.​
I will be running a game where the players go through the jump chain cyoas one by one. This will primarily take place over discord with SV used for recruitment and note taking.
I am looking primarily for people willing to make a commitment I have had several games peter out when one or two players disappeared. I don't need a huge post nightly, but I need people to be able to post often enough to keep things moving steadily(at least something short every day or two).

Rules Changes:
After the first jump (pokemon) points will be earned by completing various tasks in the previous jumps.
The warehouse does not give 150 points for free instantly.
Disadvantages are subject to thematic approval.
You will be given discounts for fitting a theme.

Reddit List
SB Jumps
4Chan Jumps

Character sheet:

Physical Description/Picture:
Mental Description:
1-5 Word Core Concept:
Wholesome Power: (EG, Honesty, Kindness, Courage, Humor, Resilence)
Pokemon Point Expenditure:
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Name: The Sage
Age: 64
Gender: Male
Physical Description/Picture: http://pm1.narvii.com/6587/59775d3f1ad99ef6f30e90e9b0e06437faeb48aa_hq.jpg
Mental Description: A calm and warm hearted man, who through thought and love comes to his conclusions, rarely if ever acting in either hate or anger.
1-5 Word Core Concept: Love, Empathy, Thought.
Wholesome Power: Faith
Pokemon Point Expenditure:

Origin: Hermit (50)
Starter: Turtwig (Free)

Perks: 900
-Survival Training (Free)
-Pokeglot (300)
-Aura (600)

Items: 50
-Bicycle (50)
Name: Kawashiro Nitori
Age: ~23
Gender: Female
Rather shy, Nitori prefers to follow her inspiration to create in a secluded workshop rather than talking to people. Social situations are draining for her, and it's how she recharges.

She considers everyone to be a friend until proven otherwise, as an institutional matter. Put another way, she holds "people are friends" as an axiom, and follows it. If someone proves that right, she'll be a steady friend to them, reliable to be there come sun or storm.
Wholesome power: Curiosity
Core Concept: Kappa engineer, a candid friend.
Origin: Drop in (0 points) - None of the origins truly fit; Small town is closest, but misses on a lot of key points.
Starter: Porygon (200) - This is a close fit, I think.
Perks: (600 points)
- Savant (300) - Not quite a living computer, but Nitori enjoys an almost instinctive grasp of how things work.
- Technician (300) - The other side of the above.
Gear: 300 points:
- Laptop (100) - In the absence of a portable workshop, this is a priority.
- Hypervisor (200) - Information is key in battle. Probably will customize it for a holographic interface, though.
- Pokegear (Free) - A cell-phone alike? Should be useful.
- Pokedex (Free) - Some of these entries seem inaccurate. Time for many, many updates.
- 5 Pokeballs (Free) - I have no idea how these work.
- 3 Potions (Free) - Healing in a spray bottle? Useful.
- Hat (Free) - A green hat.
- Bag (Free) - More pockets!
- Note (0) - Expect me to make more Gear!
Flaws: 100 points
- Not sure what would make sense here, beyond that injuries would be out of character to accept willingly.

Yes, the above sheet is composed of blatant lies; I am not her. That said, it isn't inaccurate either. Rather, what you're looking at is the sheet for one of my muses - characters whom I have come to understand well enough that I can ask what they'd do in a given situation and get an answer distinct from my own answer, whom I look up to for better expressing a trait I consider positive - specifically the first such muse. Frankly, given an opportunity such as this one, to be someone better, I'm going to take it.

To put it another way, this is my method of coping with social anxiety, which lets me bypass the shyness that otherwise sees me stay out of social situations as much as possible. For the duration of the interaction, I act as though I were someone else, one of these muses. If you insist though, I would give you the sheet for Logos Askrson... who is technically another of these masking characters, though not one based on a fictional character, which I use for online interactions.
Name: Logos Askrson
Age: ~23
Gender: Female
Logos. From the theory of persuasion, the name refers to the Logical Argument, a style of argument born of evidence and consistency, tied heavily to Ethos as a vector to make the arguments heard, and more distantly to Pathos as a path to make people want to agree with them. Logos, as a being, is a creature of logic, and of knowledge.

Logos. The Word which gave rise to the universe. And from that root, language. Words have power, in that they form the basis for communication. Words are interesting, in that they bind concepts to themselves, forming a network of related concepts between platforms which may not perceive the world in the same way, and thereby forming a collective intelligence across mankind.

Askrson. Son of Askr, attested in the Prose Edda to be of the pair Askr and Embla, the first humans created by the Aesir. Adam would be more well known for this, but the intent is the same; a descendant of the common ancestor of all humanity. A calling of unity, of common cause for all mankind.

Logos Askrson is an emanation of these thoughts; together, she is my desire to make people understand that we're all not so different, and my desire to be able to communicate effectively. As an intermediary, it works fairly well.
Wholesome power: Curiosity
Core Concept: Logos
Origin: Drop in (0 points) - Hermit would be a good fit for social awkwardness. City life for technical proficiency. As is, all introduce conflicting elements that don't quite fit.
Starter: Porygon (200) - For me? This is the closest fit I know of.
Perks: (600 points)
- Savant (300) - Next to immortality and perfect mental health, this is third on the list for things that I want.
- Technician (300) - More focused on mechanics than programming, but still a good fit for me.
Gear: 300 points:
- Laptop (100) - A portable computer is pretty much indispensable.
- Hypervisor (200) - Information is key. This helps to acquire it.
Flaws: 100 points
- I'm fine with injuries, but the proposed character isn't, and I feel like they'd be narratively uninteresting. A zubat swarm or other ongoing annoyance would probably be a better fit.
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Name: Noelle Noble
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Mental Description: Kind hearted and helpful, but has self-esteem issues. Constantly feels like they have nothing to contribute. In many ways younger than their age.
Core Concept: How to help the best I can?
Wholesome Power: Kindness
Pokemon Point Expenditure:
Origin: Drop In (Free)
Starter: In Region, Common - Ralts (50CP)
- Mental Bond (150CP) - 'I won't let anyone hurt you, my friend.'
Advance Move (100CP) - Healing Pulse - 'None of my friends are going down, ever.'

Skills & Abilities:

  • Physical Fitness (100CP) - 'What I want to be.'
  • Combat Training (100CP) (50CP) - 'What I want to know.'
  • Free Running (100CP) - 'What I wish I knew. '
  • Savant (600CP) (300CP) - 'I'll be the greatest medic there ever was. Lets see fate fight against that.'
  • Collapsible Baton (50CP) - 'Stay the hell away from my friends!'
  • Medical Kit (50CP) - 'You'll live. You have my word.'
  • Rebreather (50CP) - 'Better to have it and not need it etc...'
  • Bag (Free Starter)
  • Pokegear (Free Starter)
  • Pokedex (Free Starter)
  • 5x Pokeball (Free Starter)
  • 3x Potion (Free Starter)
  • 1x Red Hat (wait what?) (Free Starter)
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Stage: Stage I Pokemon
  • Confusion
  • Teleport
  • Double Team
  • Heal Pulse
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Name: Matthew De Vette

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Physical Description/Picture: 6'2'', dark hair and eyes, rounder face with glasses. Has a new, slimmer build with a decent muscle mass. Still a little awkward in his new body.

Mental Description: A kind person who has a strong sense of Right and Wrong and a deep desire to make a difference and make a mark on the world, to be Remembered. Also wants to take care of and protect those close to him. He's still freaking out a little over being here, but trying to make the best of it.

1-5 Word Core Concept: Pragmatic, Honest, Logical, Opinionated, Just.

Wholesome Power: Empathetic

Pokemon Point Expenditure:
-Hermit (50 pts)
-Treecko (Free)
-Pokeglot (300pts)
-Physical Fitness (100pts)
-Freerunning (100pts)
-Survival Training (Free)
-Ranger (150pts)
-Thrust Pack (100pts)
-Collapsable Baton (50pts)
-Rebreather (50pts)
-Parachute (50pts)
-Wing Suit (50pts)
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Name: Shannon Scarlet
Age: 20
Gender: 'Other'
Physical Description/Picture:
Mental Description: Usually calm and caring but has episodes of anxiety. Tries to portray themselves as confident even though they are pretty shy. Wants to learn more about everything, in order to feel secure about themselves. Is an introvert and prefers to make a few close friends more than hanging in a crowd.
1-5 Word Core Concept: Longing for friends, bonds and knowledge.
Wholesome Power: Teamwork
Pokemon Point Expenditure:
Origin: Drop-In (Free)
Starter: (A) Pichu (Free)

Skills & Abilities:
  • Physical Fitness (100CP)
  • Savant (300CP)
  • Champ in the Making (300CP)

  • 50,000 PokeDollars (50CP)
  • HM Collection (50 CP)
  • Hypervisor (200 CP)
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Elaborate on the rules changes, please. What exactly counts as a theme? Are we using UDS, Three Free, or any other known and popular supplements? Do we pick the jump or do you? If you are picking the jump, what happens if the jump doesn't offer anything that fits with the theme of our Jumper?
Elaborate on the rules changes, please. What exactly counts as a theme? Are we using UDS, Three Free, or any other known and popular supplements? Do we pick the jump or do you? If you are picking the jump, what happens if the jump doesn't offer anything that fits with the theme of our Jumper?

Well, a theme can be pretty much anything.

We have a "Sage" and a "Martial artist" as two peoples themes at least one person wants to discover theme in the game.

Jumps will be picked by group consensus after the first two. I can't run a setting I know nothing about, nor do I want people forced to play in settings they dislike.
If there is nothing in theme for you that jump, just no discount that jump, the theme discount will be very minor, it will not be a big loss.
Character sheet:

sev en
Mental Description:
trusting and caring likes interesting solutions
1-5 Word Core Concept
: Lost child. Looking for purpose.
Wholesome Power:
Pokemon Point Expenditure:
Drop In (Free)
shiny (50cp)

Skills & Abilities:
  • Physical Fitness (100CP)
  • -Pokeglot (600pts)
  • 50,000 PokeDollars (50CP) - 'More useful than you might think.'
  • Thrust Pack (100CP) - 'YEAHHHHH!!!!!'
Name: Grant W. Drake
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Physical Description/Picture: A well-built, athletic man who looks ready for adventure, both in his pose and the way he dresses.
Mental Description: A man who longs for discovery and to learn of the wonders of the world; while still having to contend with answering the call to aid those in need that he meets through said discovery and exploration.
1-5 Word Core Concept: Heroic Explorer with a Savior Complex
Wholesome Power: Noble
Pokemon Point Expenditure:
Drop in (Free)
Rufflet (50 CP)

Skills & Abilities
Physical Fitness (100 CP)
Freerunning (100 CP)
Aura (600 CP)

Bag (Free Starter)
Pokegear (Free Starter)
Pokedex (Free Starter)
5*Pokeball (Free Starter)
3*Potion (Free Starter)
Red Hat (Free Starter)
Rebreather (50 CP)
3*Master Ball (100 CP)

Wedge Antillies [Rufflet]
Primary Move List: Peck-Leer-Fury Attack-Wing Attack
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Name: Kawashiro Nitori
Age: ~23
Gender: Female
Rather shy, Nitori prefers to follow her inspiration to create in a secluded workshop rather than talking to people. Social situations are draining for her, and it's how she recharges.

She considers everyone to be a friend until proven otherwise, as an institutional matter. Put another way, she holds "people are friends" as an axiom, and follows it. If someone proves that right, she'll be a steady friend to them, reliable to be there come sun or storm.
Wholesome power: Curiosity
Core Concept: Kappa engineer, a candid friend.
Origin: Drop in (0 points) - None of the origins truly fit; Small town is closest, but misses on a lot of key points.
Starter: Porygon (200) - This is a close fit, I think.
Perks: (600 points)
- Savant (300) - Not quite a living computer, but Nitori enjoys an almost instinctive grasp of how things work.
- Technician (300) - The other side of the above.
Gear: 300 points:
- Laptop (100) - In the absence of a portable workshop, this is a priority.
- Hypervisor (200) - Information is key in battle. Probably will customize it for a holographic interface, though.
- Note (0) - Expect me to make more Gear!
Flaws: 100 points
- Not sure what would make sense here, beyond that injuries would be out of character to accept willingly.

Yes, the above sheet is composed of blatant lies; I am not her. That said, it isn't inaccurate either. Rather, what you're looking at is the sheet for one of my muses - characters whom I have come to understand well enough that I can ask what they'd do in a given situation and get an answer distinct from my own answer, whom I look up to for better expressing a trait I consider positive - specifically the first such muse. Frankly, given an opportunity such as this one, to be someone better, I'm going to take it.

To put it another way, this is my method of coping with social anxiety, which lets me bypass the shyness that otherwise sees me stay out of social situations as much as possible. For the duration of the interaction, I act as though I were someone else, one of these muses. If you insist though, I would give you the sheet for Logos Askrson... who is technically another of these masking characters, though not one based on a fictional character, which I use for online interactions.
Name: Logos Askrson
Age: ~23
Gender: Female
Logos. From the theory of persuasion, the name refers to the Logical Argument, a style of argument born of evidence and consistency, tied heavily to Ethos as a vector to make the arguments heard, and more distantly to Pathos as a path to make people want to agree with them. Logos, as a being, is a creature of logic, and of knowledge.

Logos. The Word which gave rise to the universe. And from that root, language. Words have power, in that they form the basis for communication. Words are interesting, in that they bind concepts to themselves, forming a network of related concepts between platforms which may not perceive the world in the same way, and thereby forming a collective intelligence across mankind.

Askrson. Son of Askr, attested in the Prose Edda to be of the pair Askr and Embla, the first humans created by the Aesir. Adam would be more well known for this, but the intent is the same; a descendant of the common ancestor of all humanity. A calling of unity, of common cause for all mankind.

Logos Askrson is an emanation of these thoughts; together, she is my desire to make people understand that we're all not so different, and my desire to be able to communicate effectively. As an intermediary, it works fairly well.
Wholesome power: Curiosity
Core Concept: Logos
Origin: Drop in (0 points) - Hermit would be a good fit for social awkwardness. City life for technical proficiency. As is, all introduce conflicting elements that don't quite fit.
Starter: Porygon (200) - For me? This is the closest fit I know of.
Perks: (600 points)
- Savant (300) - Next to immortality and perfect mental health, this is third on the list for things that I want.
- Technician (300) - More focused on mechanics than programming, but still a good fit for me.
Gear: 300 points:
- Laptop (100) - A portable computer is pretty much indispensable.
- Hypervisor (200) - Information is key. This helps to acquire it.
Flaws: 100 points
- I'm fine with injuries, but the proposed character isn't, and I feel like they'd be narratively uninteresting. A zubat swarm or other ongoing annoyance would probably be a better fit.
I have all the time and multiversal adventures are far and any the greatest thing in the world, but Jumpchains are a completely new concept to me. I can create a character if you want, I think I understand the 1,000 Point system at least, but I don't know anything else about JCs. If you'd prefer experienced people, thats fine. :)


Name: Noelle Noble
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Mental Description: Kind hearted and helpful, but has self-esteem issues. Constantly feels like they have nothing to contribute. In many ways younger than their age.
Core Concept: How to help the best I can?
Wholesome Power: Kindness
Pokemon Point Expenditure:
Origin: Drop In (Free)
Starter: In Region, Common - Ralts (50CP)
- Mental Bond (150CP) - 'I won't let anyone hurt you, my friend.'
Advance Move (100CP) - Healing Pulse - 'None of my friends are going down, ever.'

Skills & Abilities:

  • Physical Fitness (100CP) - 'What I want to be.'
  • Combat Training (100CP) - 'What I want to know.'
  • Free Running (100CP) - 'What I wish I knew. '
  • Champ in the Making (300CP) - 'Maybe this time I won't **** things up?'
  • Collapsible Baton (50CP) - 'Stay the hell away from my friends!'
  • Medical Kit (50CP) - 'You'll live. You have my word.'
Name: Matthew De Vette

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Physical Description/Picture: 6'2'', dark hair and eyes, rounder face with glasses. Has a new, slimmer build with a decent muscle mass. Still a little awkward in his new body.

Mental Description: A kind person who has a strong sense of Right and Wrong and a deep desire to make a difference and make a mark on the world, to be Remembered. Also wants to take care of and protect those close to him. He's still freaking out a little over being here, but trying to make the best of it.

1-5 Word Core Concept: Pragmatic, Honest, Logical, Opinionated, Just.

Wholesome Power: Caring

Pokemon Point Expenditure:
-Hermit (50 pts)
-Treecko (Free)
-Pokeglot (300pts)
-Physical Fitness (100pts)
-Freerunning (100pts)
-Survival Training (Free)
-Ranger (150pts)
-Thrust Pack (100pts)
-Collapsable Baton (50pts)
-Rebreather (50pts)
-Parachute (50pts)
-Wing Suit (50pts)

While I don't expect to get in, there is an optimal first-build jump for Pokemon, and none of y'all are doing it.

Name: William O'Shima
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Physical Description/Picture: A short, broad-shouldered man, with brown hair and beard. Wears glasses.
Mental Description: Outgoing, because he is scared of being alone. A person of contradictions and paradoxes, floating on top of a bottomless well of curiosity.
1-5 Word Core Concept: Archmage-in-the-making
Wholesome Power: Empathic
Pokemon Point Expenditure:
Starter: Fennekin
Survival Training [100]
Psionics [600]
Savant [300]

3x Master Balls [100]
Motorcycle [100]

Silenced [-100]
Crippled [-100]

Yes, this isn't it either, because I like psionics and the physical perks are all overshadowed by Body Mod anyway. We are getting Body Mod, right?
Name: Shannon Scarlet
Age: 20
Gender: 'Other'
Physical Description/Picture:
Mental Description: Usually calm and caring but has episodes of anxiety. Tries to portray themselves as confident even though they are pretty shy. Wants to learn more about everything, in order to feel secure about themselves. Is an introvert and prefers to make a few close friends more than hanging in a crowd.
1-5 Word Core Concept: Longing for friends, bonds and knowledge.
Wholesome Power: Teamwork
Pokemon Point Expenditure:
Origin: Drop-In (Free)
Starter: (A) Pichu (Free)

Skills & Abilities:
  • Physical Fitness (100CP)
  • Savant (300CP)
  • Champ in the Making (300CP)

  • 50,000 PokeDollars (50CP)
  • HM Collection (50 CP)
  • Hypervisor (200 CP)

And we have our fourth
Name: Grant W. Drake
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Physical Description/Picture: A well-built, athletic man who looks ready for adventure, both in his pose and the way he dresses.
Mental Description: A man who longs for discovery and to learn of the wonders of the world; while still having to contend with answering the call to aid those in need that he meets through said discovery and exploration.
1-5 Word Core Concept: Heroic Explorer with a Savior Complex
Wholesome Power: Noble
Pokemon Point Expenditure:
Drop in (Free)
Rufflet (50 CP)

Skills & Abilities
Physical Fitness (100 CP)
Freerunning (100 CP)
Aura (600 CP)

Bag (Free Starter)
Pokegear (Free Starter)
Pokedex (Free Starter)
5*Pokeball (Free Starter)
3*Potion (Free Starter)
Red Hat (Free Starter)
Rebreather (50 CP)
3*Master Ball (100 CP)

We have the 5th