Jojo Bizzare Adventure: The Rise of Not-Be-King

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The Rise of Not-Be-King (ongoing)
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This is my first submission on this site so I want to add clarify things first. I'm not a native English speaker and I'm dyslexic so sorry about any errors that I didn't detect. That said I'm looking for betareader and proofreader. The submissions will be irregular, but I have many chapters planned ahead. I just need to sit and write them.

This thread will contain alternative modern history mixed with fantasy, mystery and horror. Other incoming threads will be in novel format. This thread is a foundation for them.

I hope you like my work! I'm looking for honest feedback.
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Scattered Reports: Broken Veil
Bloody end of the FSB raid on Sayylyk, a village overtaken by a mysterious "Bee-Cult" causes international backlash.

753 casualties among cultists and 186 casualties among FSB were reported after FSB raid on Sayylyk a small, isolated village of around 800 people in Yakutia that was reportedly overtaken by "Dvar Cult" headed by mysterious "Lord of Bees" identified by Russian police as Fydor Limonov a monk from local monastery, mystic and miracle-maker.

We spoke with one traumatized operator who took part in the raid. Yevgeniy (name changed) told us his own account of the raid.

"We had reports of cult activity in this village. So we went in: standard procedure arrest everyone, find the cult-leader and make sure he stays in the colonies for the rest of his days. The higher-ups didn't want to hear anything about deescalation tactics. I think they were visited by very bad people who show up when shit gets real bad.

And so we went in 2000 special forces operators no less. Everyone was equipped, trained and ready. We thought they would shit themselves and run when they saw us coming. But no. They had no fear of death, they moved with precision, with hive-like mentality, with the numbness of a zombie. We were fucking terrified.

We shot salvos at them and their mass shrugged it off. They stepped over their fallen like if they didn't exist and came at us with random weapons, with teeth, with bare fucking hands. I saw my guys being eaten by gangs of these... people. They were ripped into bloody pieces, consumed by this hive! But we prevailed and killed most of them. They couldn't overcome our firepower advantage. It was a bloodbath!

I don't know what made them act like this. I think Satan himself is behind it. There were no drugs in their systems! No flakka, no amphetamine, no nothing. I don't understand... I don't understand. All of my dreams are filled with these monsters ripping me apart while singing to join them. They had no souls! Something took away their souls! *He started crying at this point and refused to say anything more.*"

Villagers who recovered from their wounds showed no symptoms as described. Psychologists who care for them said that each of the survivors has "strong dissociation and memory loss". They speculate that this was an episode of mass trance-like dissociative state, perhaps sharing an explanation with The Dancing Plague of 1518. More research is required.

The newly appointed government of Vladimir Putin is facing protests, international backlash, and resignations. The head of FSB Nikolai Patrushev was replaced with Alexander Bortnikov by Putin himself as a damage control tactic. In his address to the nation he compared Dvar cultists and Sayylyk to Dangestani Rebels and the ongoing siege of Gimry which was met with even more backlash from the Russian population, many Arabic countries and the international community at large.

Among Muslim countries Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei the Supreme Leader of Iran condemned Putinist Russia as "Anti-Muslim Russia" and said that "There will be no joining CSTO, no weapon deals with Anti-Muslim Russia". He said that Dangestani and Chechen Rebels are "True and guided by Allah '' and "The Jihad for Islamic State of Dagestan and Chechnya is a worthy Jihad". Many experts say that Dangestani and Chechen Islamists can become a proxy of Iran in the near future and join the so-called "Axis of Resistance'' , a group of militias loyal to Teheran.

The European Court of Human rights condemned "excessive use of force during the raid" and called for "UN-led investigation" that is pending. Germany is halting plans for the North Stream 1 pipeline and many believe that they will consider American gas instead. American President George W. Bush condemned Russian state for "Sayylyk Massacre" and called for sanctions against Russia. This is an escalation of tense relations between USA and Russia that started with the Poland-American "Sky Shield" deal that the Russian government accuses of having "long-distance offensive capability".

It remains to be seen if the newly appointed nationalist president can remain in power or even if the Russian Federation can remain whole.

Reuters - 4th December 2006

American Police is investigating reports of missing Temple of Ways members. Another cult suicide? Or something more nefarious?

Families of more than a thousand missing persons are calling for aid from police. So far nothing has turned out. The search is conducted by police from all around the USA, volunteers and Speedwagon Foundation, Temples's long-time allies.

Temple of Ways was an organization dedicated to "learning all supernatural paths" and was officially headed by being known as "The Teacher". Despite being a center of old satanic panic it was a respectable organization with no links to fascism, but plenty of charitable projects. Expert on cults who was in the temple and wrote a book about it says that it does not check any conditions of the cult. What could be the cause of sudden disappearance?

Among the missing persons is billionaire Conrad Effinger the owner Effinger Mining Inc a oil-drilling corporation who rose through the ranks fairly recently. There were many allegations of him being connected to far-right and American nationalist circles yet no concrete evidence ever surfaced due to efforts of Effinger's lawyers. He is suspected to be the culprit by the American police and prosecutors of the case.

Speedwagon Report January 16 2007

Reports of the Hyperborean Cult headed by Dietrich Albicker spread fears of Occult Facism in Europe.

The member countries of the EU are investigating reports of crimes against humanity committed by the so-called Hyperborean Cult. An Interpol-led coalition of police forces and secret services are hunting the group down. However many policemen, military personnel and secret service members are Hyperboreans or affiliated with various far-right groups that support them. This casts a bad light on their supposed neutrality. The European Chapter of Speedwagon is helping in the search for the group and uprooting the Hyperborean collaborators members in the ranks of the coalition.

The general public hates Hyperborean Cult yet they can always recruit new members through their internet campaigns and far-right conventions. Their members are everywhere from state leaders to office workers. Their structure is decentralized, but hierarchical, wholly dedicated to Dietrich Albicker. Only Hyperboreans know what their final goal is, but we can speculate from their propaganda. They seek "Chaotic Technology" that will create "The Empire" meaning of which can be only guessed at.

In short, the Hyperborean Cult is a danger to public order. If you possess information about the group immediately call Interpol or your local police force.

The Guardian March 28 2007

Unprovoked aggression of Mexico against Guatemala starts a war!

Today a squad of Mexican troops crossed the border of Guatemala and committed the Darien Massacre. Darien was a small village on the Mexican-Guatemalan border. The Guatemalan military is in a state of full readiness and watches for other attacks. It is the largest standoff since the previous short-lasted hostilities.

One Mexican government official was spreading the narration that "Vampire Lords" controlled Mexican soldiers with "Flesh-Buds". Supposedly the massacre was committed in order to obtain blood and cause chaos that vampires can exploit to make their move for power. After saying he will soon bring the proof to light he disappeared. Guatemalan officials are saying that this is just a Mexican disinformation campaign that is supposed to cover the truth. They did not see any evidence of vampires or zombies on the site.

The Mexican government denies committing the massacre, yet evidence of Mexico's responsibility cannot be doubted as neutral investigators from the United Nations arrived at the scene and confirmed Guatemalan findings. The international community stands behind Guatemala. Some Republican hardliners in America are calling for military intervention in Mexico if the war gets out of hand. Yet this remains deeply unpopular.

Speedwagon Foundation and UN is trying to negotiate peace between two parties yet without much success. Nobody yet knows what the real reason for the attack is, but this new war has potential to be deadly.

Reuters May 3 2007

Shinzo Abe assassination sheds light on the "Black Dragon Cult" that runs Japan.

Shinzo Abe the PM of Japan was fatally shot at today's Liberal Democratic Party convention. Despite widespread mourning by other heads of states, many celebrate his death due to his far-right views and denial of the Japanese Empire's crimes. For example many Koreans celebrated on the streets remembering his views on "comfort women".

The killer, Miki Koji, was captured by bystanders and escorted into custody by Japanese police officers. The investigation revealed that Miki Koji blamed Black Dragon Cult for the disappearance of his mother that "bribed officers" refused to investigate.

Investigation by Speedwagon Foundation and Interpol revealed troubling findings. Black Dragon Cult is a far-right organization described as "ultranationalist, pan-asianist and shōwa-restorationists". Many LDP politicians are its members indeed the party itself might have been founded by one of its former members Nobusuke Kishi known as "The Demon of Shōwa" for his role in ruling Manchukuo. He is Shinzo Abe's maternal grandfather and many things point out that the Japanese PM also might have been of Black Dragon's members.

Founded in 1901 and reformed in 1950 Black Dragon Cult slowly infiltrated the Japanese military, police, organized crime and business. Their goal is restoration of the old Japanese Empire , however there might also be an occult side to their fascism. They are supposedly in contact with "Black Dragon of Chaos". Many people point to similarities and cooperation with Hyperborean Cult. Is there a possibility of another axis forming? It remains to be seen.

Speedwagon Raport August 23 2007

Western powers are worried about the looming prospect of Russian civil war. Would Russian nuclear assets be safeguarded by the UN?

After many months of protests brutally cracked down by Russian Security Forces a "blue" faction has emerged. It is known as such due to that white-blue-white flag. Coming mainly from urbanized centers their ideology includes democratization and liberalization of Russia and normalization with the west. The west is supplying weapons to the group and helping in training their militia named "National Republican Army". Some experts view this as a major escalation.

Directly opposed to them there are whites. Whites are staunch defenders of the current regime and brand blues as "western traitors". White faction appears to be strongest right now, but its popular support was badly hurt by Sayylyk Massacre. Their views range from right-wing to far-right.

After a long hiatus nationalist faction is making a comeback. Many ethnicities were colonized and conquered by the Russian Empire: Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens… Now they struggle for their own states. In the case of the Chechens they are fighting for their own Islamic State. In the case of Tatars their independence movement is more reformist and republican. They are all branded as "terrorists" by the government.

Russian Communists are divided into two factions. So called "Right Communists" and "Left Communists". The former support the current Russian Federation and seek to reform it by peaceful means. They are criticized for their acceptance of the current Russian government. Left Communists on the other hand are a diverse group ranging from maoist guerrillas in the countryside to libertarian marxists who seem to be united only by their opposition to the Russian Federation. Left-Communist tendency tends to work with Blues and Blacks.

Anarchists or blacks seem to have taken the role of the most radical leftist faction in Russian politics. Autonomus Action focuses on direct action like rail sabotage, propaganda, helping in protests against the current government and participation indigenous movements. They oppose any states and so they come in conflict with white and blue forces. They are not that popular, yet they have potential to win the war if their rhetoric resonates with the population.

The most strange and dangerous player, however, is the Dvar Cult. It seems that Fyodor Limonov somehow got away from Salyyk alive and hid in the most remote regions of Russia rebuilding his influence by kidnapping tourists and somehow capturing whole villages. Dvar Cultists fight with everyone equally. The process of "zombification" of Dvar members is not currently understood. New theories suggest they might be given drugs like Haitian zombies. Speedwagon Foundation and FSB are hellbent on destroying the group, but they are elusive.

In case of total collapse of the Russian Federation the UN wants to send coalition forces in order to safeguard Russian nuclear assets as agreed with the Russian government. Nobody wants rogue actors with access to weapons that might threaten the whole world.

The New York Times December 25 2007

Transcription from a viral video spreading through the internet. Speedwagon foundation internet crawlers are trying to contain it without much success.

The camera image was unclear, distorted. They saw a cinema, full of people. Then there was screaming and otherworldly shrieks. Demons, sneering shadow things, killed hundreds in seconds, their bodies turning to nothing. Masked cultists in black robes opened fire and some of them started claiming bodies for their debased purposes. The images changed rapidly. The image of Conrad Effinger sitting on a dark throne surrounded by the same masked cultists, a chaotic sigil, an image of carnage, verse from The Book Of Chaos, a text saying "Embrace Chaos". It ended with the emblem of Order of Black Flame and their unholy anthem that used demonic voices as a refrain.

August 8 2008

The veil is broken. The gates of hell are loose.