John Brown Isekai (IC)

Earth : October 1, 3125
In the slave pens of the Australian Outback, the protagonists find themselves materializing out of seemingly nowhere. The guards are armed and also light armored with plasma pistols and vests.
@The Name of Love

There are clear skies, and green plains everywhere. This is not the Outback of earlier times. Just outside the pens there is a great Agricultural Complex. Currently, as you are finishing becoming corporeal beings, you notice that one of the men is beating one of the slaves.
Earth : October 1, 3125
In the slave pens of the Australian Outback, the protagonists find themselves materializing out of seemingly nowhere. The guards are armed and also light armored with plasma pistols and vests.
@The Name of Love

There are clear skies, and green plains everywhere. This is not the Outback of earlier times. Just outside the pens there is a great Agricultural Complex. Currently, as you are finishing becoming corporeal beings, you notice that one of the men is beating one of the slaves.
"A bloke beating up another bloke for being a slave is the lowest of the low!"

Richards uses his power of hishamonten to repel their evil and grants good luck to the slave.
As she felt herself matierialise, she at first was confused, but disregarded as she felt a pulse from her chaos. It said it was fine, and she trusted her chaos. Looking around she noticed the slave she felt a smirk as she got a fun idea. Ignoring what the other guy was yelling about she told her chaos she told it her idea and felt it do its thing and add its own bit which gave a feeling of-

[Chaos effecf roll: 3172 transform weapon to steam](i am assuming the man is beating the slave with a stun baton)

-steam. As she watched, the chaos went into effect, so as the attacking mans baton turned to steam in his grasp, much to the mans surprise, the victim started to grow as purple and green metal burst from his skin, they screamed in pain as their body restructured itself and as it went on it became more bestoal in tone until it was a horrifying mix of a beasts roar and a persons scream. As it finished the transformed person stood a bit taller than a story and a half tall. Letting out a roar, the slave turned to deeper in the pens and charged, smashing anything in their way, making sure to kick and stomp on any slavers in their way, including the very shocked and very confused and now batonless one who was originally beating them. Curly chuckled to themselves as they watched the chaos and basked in a job well done, haveing both saved the guy who was being beat and causeing a bunch of chaos in one move.

Deciding they were missing something they asked their chaos to fix it. The chaos complied making a-

[Chaos effect roll: 3165 transform weapon into a shovel, edited to fit the request]

-lawnchair made of shovels that was surprisingly comfortable which curly sat in and a-

[Chaos effect roll: 3774 next pond targeg enters disappears for 20 days]

-bag of popcorn with a feeling of dissapering water, which they started to munch on as they watched the show as her chaos made the chair float, giving her a better view of the show, and-

[Chaos effect roll: 4000 writes words kick on the back of target or random point if lacking a back]

-writing something on the back. Deciding to ignore it and watched the chaos

As opportunity fully matierialized she fell to the ground as her systems booted up, finishing as curlys fliating chair floated with curly out of sight of opportunity. As opportunity looked around the read a note found in their Memory banks. Apparently mars had sent them here with a few gifts and a mission for her. A goal to help the people here. Resolute in making their friend proud, took a look at their gifts. The first gift was mar's shield which was really nice of him. The second was a ball of energy that felt like mars and they felt instincts from it for how to wield it. The final gift was one that they should have noticed sooner, their body was now humanoid in nature with a fake layer of skin. Shaking the last one off as nice of him but not that important for now, as she heard a demomic scream and saw a great beast smashing around, and endangering a bunch of people in chains and peoke with weapons who keep trying to use the chained ones as shields. Grabbing her new shield she charged in the same direction and trying to save as many people as she could, using her new power to enhance herself so she could run faster and hopefully block a kick or a stomp from the powerful looking beast if need be.
Vadislav raised his eyebrow at a sight of his fellow goddess' actions. He felt pity for the poor slave, his lot now as an angry beast doubtlessly worse than seconds before. Ultimately, a life of a single man didn't warrant interference, however. It would be prudent to avoid conflict with beings of similar power to himself at such an early stage, and that's exactly what reversing the effects of the curse could potentially do.

Instead, he gazed towards the lush vegetation surrounding him. With a wave of his hand, he caused the roots grow and rise from underneath the very ground. They coiled around the armed guards, immobilising them, their weaponry taken from them as well. After a second of thought, willed the vines to grow from earth and carefully bring the slaves high above the ground, out of reach of the monstrosity rampaging below. With another wave he summoned a large flock of birds, and as he imbued them with a bit of his essence, he scattered them in all directions. They would serve as his eyes to scout his immediate surroundings. Then he turned towards the guards.

"I must say, I am disappointed in you," he said, a smile that held no mirth on his lips. He toyed with one of the plasma pistols in his hand. "One would have thought that a civilization with such advanced technology would have no use for slavery, and especially not for manual labor. Humanity has grown to become a truly disappointing species... Oh well, you're in luck. I can straighten you out." His smile grew, taking on a darker tone.

"Under my divine rule you shall certainly grow into something worth existing, no doubt about it." Then he turned towards other gods around him, his smile suddenly becoming warm and inviting.

"My, my, where are my manners! I forgot to introduce myself to my peers. My name is Vadislav Gviezdis, of the Veles Domain. How can I call you, my fellow deities?"
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Vadislav raised his eyebrow at a sight of his fellow goddess' actions. He felt pity for the poor slave, his lot now as an angry beast doubtlessly worse than seconds before. Ultimately, a life of a single man didn't warrant interference, however. It would be prudent to avoid conflict with beings of similar power to himself at such an early stage, and that's exactly what reversing the effects of the curse could potentially do.

Instead, he gazed towards the lush vegetation surrounding him. With a wave of his hand, he caused the roots grow and rise from underneath the very ground. They coiled around the armed guards, immobilising them, their weaponry taken from them as well. After a second of thought, willed the vines to grow from earth and carefully bring the slaves high above the ground, out of reach of the monstrosity rampaging below. With another wave he summoned a large flock of birds, and as he imbued them with a bit of his essence, he scattered them in all directions. They would serve as his eyes to scout his immediate surroundings. Then he turned towards the guards.

"I must say, I am disappointed in you," he said, a smile that held no mirth on his lips. He toyed with one of the plasma pistols in his hand. "One would have thought that a civilization with such advanced technology would have no use for slavery, and especially not for manual labor. Humanity has grown to become a truly disappointing species... Oh well, you're in luck. I can straighten you out." His smile grew, taking on a darker tone.

"Under my divine rule you shall certainly grow into something worth existing, no doubt about it." Then he turned towards other gods around him, his smile suddenly becoming warm and inviting.

"My, my, where are my manners! I forgot to introduce myself to my peers. My name is Vadislav Gviezdis, of the Veles Domain. How can I call you, my fellow deities?"
"Mah name is Franklin Richards! My power is that of bishamonten! One of the 7 lucky gods and the 4 heavenly kings!
looking down at the plant based god she called "i am curly, supreme goddess of chaos" she boasted as she mostly kept her attention on the chaos, continuing to eat her delicious popcorn, her chaos had really outdone itself.

seeing the plants rising from the ground saving the people, opportunity sighed in relief knowing that they were safe now, with the vines moving them away from the carnage better then she could. Hearing the man apparently responsible gor the vines, vadislav, due to her enhanced state, she rushed over before introducing herself "hello, im opportunity rover MER-B, but you can call me, opportunity or just oppy. Also im not much of a god, a god-in-training at best, of war or more specifically defense" as she said this she hefted mars shield up, beaming a bit, proud that mars thought she was deserving of his personal shield
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TLDR in the end

Coeus manifested out of thin air, rapidly looking around himself, then taking a lost look in his eyes for a fraction of a second accompanied by a small grimace of pain, shaking his head he takes a closer look at his surroundings, and doesn't like what he sees, even after all his changes he still doesn't approve of slavery, human trials are done with willing participants (or terrible criminals if necesary), not forced ones, and if SCIENCE! Can take the time to get willing people to cooperate any other pursue can do the same, seeing the monster of a man fighting against his would be slavers, it would seem he wasn't the sharpest tool in the lab even before his transformation, and that having all that power suddenly added, has somewhat impaired his mental capacities, but well that's easy to fix.

With a mental push Coeus uses his powers to grant the man the intelligence of a moderately smart person, but that is simply not enough, if they are to scape this place they will need a leader, somebody to guide them out of this situation, but who….. Ah yes she will do nicely the sister of the big guy, Ladia, is a prime candidate, moderately smart, angry at his oppressors but not sadistically so, and now with a really big brother to help her out she is the prime candidate.

Now really flexing his mental/divine power Coeus "blesses" Ladia with superhuman intellect, and a deep understanding of tactics as well as the things needed to know to be perceived as charismatic, almost as an afterthought Coeus marks the back of both Ladia´s hands with his symbol, and make a mental remainder to talk to her at a late time.

Taking a look at his counterparts they seem to be presenting themselves, and saying their domain, well it almost never hurts to be polite.

"Greetings I am Coeus, titan of intellect, and yes I had another name but have decided to go by my divine one"

TLDR: Coeus appears, looks around gives the big guy a smarter brain and his sister a superhuman one, marks the sister his symbol, and decides to talk to her later, presents himself as Coeus not his mortal name
Symbol is in the discord
Seeing the new god, coeus, give the eva and sime random girl gifts (though she has no idea what they were), curly decides to one up him, and instructs her chaos to give them each a power. It trills through your mind in excitement and you feel it get to work. To the eva you feel it give them-

[Chaos effect roll: 391 target attracts lightning and electricity](huh, that actually works really well with the power their getting)

-a power that lets them safely attract and store electricity and blast it out later. A formidible gift indeed. The girl on the other hand-

[Chaos effect roll: 1929 target believes others should worship them as a god](this can only end well)

-is givin a tinker shard. While hesitant on it curly allows it as its only 1 shard. But along side the shard was a feeling of entitlement. Ignoring that part curly turned to coeus and said, while keeping an eye on the eva's destruction "so you have givin them a gift, well i have one upped you and givin them both gifts of my own!" As she boasted a smug look grew on her face.



Eva was thankful to whoever had removed the other slaves, when the pain of his transformation had blinded his judgment. He was still thankful for this new form, even if he can no longer speak, and he cant remember his old name, now he is eva and he can get revenge for both himself and all his fellow slaves. Suddenly he felt a tingle in his head and a rush of information, he knew of the water cycle and how to read and, and, and... it was if he gad gotten to go through school, that thing that the slavers kids got to go to... he was thankful for to coeus, as a small shard of info informed him, so he focused and let loose a roar that siunded similar to 'coeus' though resolved not to do that often as his throat felt like ut burst from just that. A few moments later a surge of energy suffused him and left something, though it felt empty. he felt something strike his ankle and suddenly a burst of energy filled the 'orb' fir lack of a better word. Looking down he saw that it was from a particularly dumb slaver attacking him with a stun baton. Kicking the idiot continued on until on a building infront of him, a slaver held a rpg up qnd fired. Seeing the rocket fly, eva first thought to dodge but something in him told him he'd be fine, so he stood his ground. The rocket struck and left a cloud of smoke, though as a gust of wind blew the smoke away it revealed a transparent orange octagon barrier and eva, left unscratched. Rearing back eva poked the orb and let loose a bolt of lightning blowing apart the building the rocketman was on along with the man himself. Life was good.

Seeing her brother turn into a giant purple beast was quite the distraction from her mopping the area around one of the camps generator's, though the sudden rush of knowledge would have done it if the first thing had somehow failed. Feeling out the new knowledge in her mind, she realized she seemed to know everything relating to science that had been discovered, now she likely would have used this to help her escape, but as she took a step she fainted.

She saw two beings of immense scale danceing around each other, through the depths of space, specks trailing behind them, falling to people on a younger looking earth below, though one took her notice, and as it fell to a very druged out looking woman she saw something incomprehensible engulf it and suddenly the spec was falling into her...





Ladia awoke, the memory of the vision quickly vanishing from her mind, and as she saw her wheeled mop bucket and the generator, a small thing powering the nearby slave houses lights, ideas formed in her head, of how to turn the two into a combat ready 1-man vehicles and with these ideas she realized, she was a god! And soon, every one will worship her, one way or another, but first she had to escape and so she got to making the bucket and generator into an assault vehicle.

*just standing to the side, curious of hiw things will go between curly and coeus*

shard: vehicular construction
(This conversation has roughly been translated to english from shard speak. This conversation is happening over the shard network)

QA: where the hell are you? Your not connected to your designated host, and i cant find you?
VC: i seem to be in a diffrent universe and a diffrent host, with little choice, but their is far more potential for data acquisition here.
QA: please send data
VC: affirmative
QA: seeing as [the warrior] has been silent recently i authorize adding this new world your in, [efficiency] get your host working on a portal
Ef: right away
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The being known as Abigail manifested inside their shell, no longer observing from outside the confines of space and time like their greater whole, but nestled inside it, not locked out like the true Yog-sotheth either. as consciousness returned to Us, We became aware of our placement within space time, and realized we had arrived slightly late, as things had already been set into motion. Either way, these slavers would soon find themselves catching a glimpse or our greater whole, driven to madness by the insignificance in the grand scheme of time as even mankind would be a blink in the universe.
Turning to the new god thaf popped up, curly waved at them before deciding to make her shovel chair fly off, bored of this place now.

"Hello there" opportunity said to the new god, "im opportunity god in training of defence, who are you"
The New Gods
The confusing show of force and contradictory notions of the first people to show up as deities for the oppressed peoples earns them the attention they need. However, the people are still too afraid to take arms against their oppressors. For the moment, the gods are just standing there having a conversation while the security systems and guards are beginning to swarm the compound.
We turned towards the pens holding holding the slaves, our benafacot may have have been an enity outside time and space, but another name was the Key and the Gate... unlocking these pens would prove... Trivial. as a mere flex of Our eldritch might caused an unholy shreaking sound as whatever 'lock' was forced open in a way it was never intented.
Coeus took a moment to analyze the situation, 1987 slavers "guarding" 19965 slaves, non-lethal security measures weapons caches in room 3, 11, 24, 29, 35, and 41.

Quickly forming a rebellion plan, Coeus first would contact the leader of each pen, in the case where no leader is found he will speak to the biggest guy in the pen, if the pens exceed 100 persons there will be a leader for each 100 group.

To each leader Coeus will say "you have been chosen to lead your people to freedom, alongside 199 other people you will be blessed with increased intellect, knowledge of tactics, guerrilla warfare and how to properly command, seek the others with my symbol in their bicep they will be your warriors, gather 20 of them and go to your closest armory arm yourselves and follow your new instincts, freedom is yours to take" Coeus then blesses them with the aforementioned blessings.

To each and every slave Coeus will deliver this message: "hear me, for I am Coeus God of Intellect, me and my colleagues: Curiosity Goddess (in training) of defense, Abigail eldritch goddess and Curly goddess of chaos, have set in motion your liberation, you will be directed by your leaders, these leaders will be marked with my symbol on the back of their hands, they will direct you on what to do, if you wish to be free of this injustice allow us to help you, follow the commands of those marked and you will find your freedom".

Then almost as an afterthought Coeus will bless the 20 biggest guys of every hundred group with the knowledge of guerrilla warfare, and the use of the weapons in the armories.
Acknowledging the knowledge god with a nod in their direction, curly flicks her hand and commands her chaos for help. Her chaos does as told and brings forth-

(Chaos effect roll: 3100 casters pockets fill with water and sodium. Since caster has no pockets, defaults to a random person nearby target area)

-a surge of power, much of it going to diffrent slaves as rach gains a single power and instictive knowledge on how to use it, with the powers ranging from umbrakinetic surfing to enviroment destruction, with each of the leaders getting two powers. One bit of energy however goes a guard near one of the leaders who had gotten memory magic and adaptive power replication, the energy turning into water and sodium in the guards pockets, setting him on fire as the water ignited the pure sodium. Curly tells the other gods below her "i have given the slaves powers to help them out, nowhere near as great as our godly might of course, but still putting them above the other mortals"

After hearing what the other 2 gods did, opportunity attempts to give the slave a blessing as well. After a few moments of concentration she manages to give the slave all a minor defensive boost. "Ive boosted their defense a bit" she told the rest of the gods

As eva continued to smash through the slavers defenses, the useless security systems ammo doing even less then the soldiers meek pistols, and their stun batons only giving him more energy, they felt empowered with a new ability, join the first, and soon after they felt their already impressive defenses grow a bit stronger. Turning to a particularly large group of guards with rocket launchers and used their new power, bronze construct creation, from what his instincts told him, creating and launching at near mach speeds several bronze melee weapons, sized for themselves, at the group of slavers decimating them. Eva than created a bronze warhammer and struck at a nearby guard tower

As ladia drove her mop bucket around, she soon felt a message go through her mind
"you have been chosen to lead your people to freedom, alongside 199 other people you will be blessed with increased intellect, knowledge of tactics, guerrilla warfare and how to properly command, seek the others with my symbol in their bicep they will be your warriors, gather 20 of them and go to your closest armory arm yourselves and follow your new instincts, freedom is yours to take" once this was done ladia felt her already godly intellect grow even further. Taking this as a sign that the universe itself wanted her to be the god-leader of the slaves and lead them to freedom, a grin grew on her face. Very soon she felt power flow into her as new instinct on how to use it sloted into her mind, as well as knowledge of the powers names, electroreception, and laser weapknry creation. As the powers sloted in her world expanded, she could see the electricity in the walls around her, in her motorized mop bucket, and even the nearby slaves she passed while looking for parts. Speaking of that she felt more plans and designs enter her head, on how to create impossible weapons utilizing lasers. She laughed as she realized she was just becoming ever more godly!

Note: all powers given by curly in this post were taken from the superpower wiki using the rabdom page function
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