[X] This… plan of his. Why is he being so mysterious? Why is Master Windu's departure important. Master Bell, though, sometimes likes to be mysterious. Or at least… careful in one way, but not in others.
[X] Write-in: Master Bell himself. The war is hard on any sapient. How is he holding up? How are his anti-slavery plans proceeding with this all in mind?
[X] Nima's Mother. Master Bell hasn't ever told Nima any more about her, but perhaps now is the time to press a little more. Surely, even if Nima's never going to see her again, he could tell Nima more than that she's 'okay.'
[X] The war. He retook an entire system. What was it like, what did he do, how did it happen? Who was with him? It's hard, being so far away from it, listening in… so why not an up-close story.