[x] The Halls of Healing: Anakin is there, which means that Ayguin and Ahsoka are as well, and along with them, Scout is hanging around. On top of that, Bariss Offee has gotten back from another mission, a brutal one, on yet another planet filled with guerillas, and seems stressed and unhappy.
[x] The Training Grounds: Elize made an offer, and Scout certainly is training as hard as she can to try to be ready for the tournament. As well, there are plenty of people who are there all the time: Aydan, Katarina. It's a popular place to be… and certainly, Nima could use more work on her new lightsaber style, even if she is slowly getting better.
[X] The Archives. She'll always do a bit of research for the paper, but perhaps she should spend more time there. Certainly, Cho and Hannah are spending plenty of time there, and on top of that… there's information in the Archives. Jayne's been seen skulking around, looking up information about Coruscant. Playing tourist with images, with pictures. If they have all that, could Nima find out where her mother lives? Even if she's not… yet ready to do anything.
[X] The Clones Corner: As it's now called by Initiates, it's where Lark and the others are living, and they were very nice… and part of some sort of plan of Master Bell's. It's said that they're currently actually talking with the "Grey Paladins" and considering other matters, perhaps it's time to pay them a visit or three.
[X] The Retirement Hall: It's been a while since she's stopped by for more than a story or two. Perhaps she should talk more fully with them. None of them have seen war… but they have all sorts of experience.