Jaws (Alt! Power Taylor AU)

Chapter 1 New
Sitting on the dock, I watched the waves crash, Emma had begun to escalate with her actions, along with the other members of the terrible Trio. Normally they just made my life hard, nothing to harsh but still terrible, but lately, they have begun to get more aggressive in their-

"Hey Taylor! Crying over your mom still?"

Looking behind me, I saw them, Emma, Sophia, and little ol' Madison, the Trio that has made my life hell. I didn't speak, I didn't know how they found me, this dock requires nearly perfect parkour skills or a key to the connected warehouse to get to, but I new they came here to mess up my only comfort left in this cruel world. Standing up to leave, I felt myself suddenly pushed forward, falling into the water.

However, I had been wearing my backpack, and with it filled with the remains of an art project the Trio had destroyed, I was weighed down in the water, the small metal statue causing me to sink faster than I could swim. The shock of the action caused me to forget to hold my breath, and as I began to drown I could faintly hear the laughs of the Trio.

It wasn't fair

Why am I the one who has to die

Why won't Emma explain. I-I wish I was strong enough to get that answer.


Sophia was miffed, they had finally gotten rid of Hebert, letting her sink to the ocean's bottom, yet despite that, she felt unfulfilled, like she did something wrong or messed up. Shoving the feeling down, Sophia just smirked while Emma laughed at the fact that the weak little prey had finally died and won't hold her back anymore. Madison looked guilty, but she never really was all that into the whole plan.

Suddenly, Sophia's vision went black, and as she got her bearings straight, she realized what had happened, the Hebert brat had triggered, nearly knocking Sophia out.

Turning her head to where they pushed Taylor, Sophia was shocked to see a clawed blueish hand grip the edge of the dock, the flesh on the limb resembling shark skin. As the arm pulled itself up, the newly triggered girl revealed herself, her body structure had changed wildly, resembling the fit muscular body of a professional swimmer, with an hourglass figure that put Emma to shame.

Her head was distinctly human-like only with a muzzle similar to a shark and two fins this extended from beneath her hair, sharp teeth formed into a grin so terrifying, Sophia actually felt like she was the prey all along. Her skin was rough like shark-skin, and her clothes torn, revealing only a strained bra and panties left on the much, much larger body of the girl.

A long shark tail swayed behind Taylor, as all the water on her body began to collect around her hand before quickly forming into a sword made of ice. A low growl escaped Taylor's lips as Sophia began to fear for her life, the eyes Taylor had, those weren't the eyes of someone looking to spare her. Looking at Emma and Madison, Sophia noticed that both had fallen unconscious from shock.

As Sophia began to run, she instantly felt she needed to report this to the PRT, she didn't know why but she felt a vague sense that if she didn't she would end up regretting it later.

PRT Parahuman Log No. 273883
Current Designation: Atlantis
Description: Atlantis is a 6ft tall female teen with a large shark tail in her base form(See Changer Rating) and a 7ft tall Female Anthropomorphic Shark in her secondary form. She is capable of biting through steel in both forms and in both forms has sharp shark-like teeth and is completely Carnivorous as of her trigger event(See Addendum 1) She has been shown to be very polite when not show aggression(Note: Armsmaster's way of speaking is one example, he is now barred from interacting with Atlantis outside of patrol orders.) and has seemingly attached herself to Miss Militia, who was polite but stern when speaking to her. It is currently our belief that Atlantis is heavily Paranoid, and has severe trust issues, as only one [REDACTED] and Miss Militia have actually earned her trust.
Addendum 1: After standard PRT power testing, a meal was offered to Atlantis, who was shown to be able to consume meat, but when it came to plant matter, she said, "It doesn't taste good, I don't think I can eat this." This was further supported by an examination by Panacea, who explained that her body no longer can digest and metabolize most plant matter, with the exception of some sweet fruits.
Addendum 2: Shadow Stalker is to Never interact with Atlantis no matter what.
Threat Assessment:
Brute 5: Immune to most forms of arms fire and capable of lifting weights nearing the weight of most tanks, Biologically Immortal, will stop aging after 25, Regenerator on par with Miss Militia.
Mover 1: Extremely quick swimming speed, nearing 100 Mph.
Striker: Touch-based perfect hydrokinetic, capable of perfect control of any water she touches as well as manipulation of temperature of the water.
Changer 3: Capable of shifting from a normal Shark girl form to an anthropomorphic shark, this increases all abilities proportionally
Thinker 4: Perfect Memory, Instantly can use any weapon she picks up, Noctis Cape, minor bioelectric sense.
Master 1: Minor aura, induces fear in those with hostile intent, fear is strong enough to induce unconsciousness in non-parahumans, this aura also makes those with non-hostile intent like her more and those neutral to her ignore her more.
Stranger 1: See Master Rating.