IWIW Stella Women’s Academy

My brother, @BlackAeronaut kinda made me do this.

I seemed entertaining, so I did it.

The only thing I knew for sure was that BB Guns and rich little girls are involved.

It has some nice music.

Did I just get trolled into watching a Magical Girl Anime? :wtf:

Ok, that's gotta be-

a dream. Wow, the "It was all a Dream" Trope happened pretty fast.

Then again, she might still be dreaming.

I have never seen a building so pink.

This makes me want to photoshop a bug flying into her mouth.

I really should.

Soon she starts to day dream on a path with sakura trees, thanking her parents for what I assume is paying her way here.

It looks to me like she got a Scholarship. Well, I guess we will find out soon. She thinks that she can finally change who she is....

If only it were so easy.

But sooner, we have our first random encounter!

She is speechless, not knowing the answer to the new girls question.

Seriously, if she never get's over it I will be shocked.

Yes, she does seem depressed.

So, minor characters are named before the seemingly Main Character.
She follows the minor character's advice to the other minor character (Can't tell which is which.) to head to the Dormitory.

If she turns out to have some sort of shotgun behind the desk, I will be peeved.

We learn the Main Character's name!

Yura-Chan. Nah, I think I will just call you Yamato.

Japanese High Schools only last 3 years, so this Sonora is Sempai.
Who she will be sharing a room with.
Anyone see an issue with this?

They arrive to her room, with her name already on it.
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Wow, she really can go on that emotional roller coaster. Happy, happy, depressed, now happy.

I have seen things.

Yamato looks around the room, and finds a picture of Sempai.


Maybe she is homicidal? Not Sempai, but Yamato?

That day dreaming is going to get you into trouble. And Sempai has blue hair, not blonde.

She jumps on the bed and hugs the pillow, day dreaming of sempai....

When she feels something hard under her pillow.

A GUN! A BB gun, but still. A GUN!

Almost like the look of horror I had when I saw a five year old in walmart playing with a vibrator that was in his mothers purse.


This made me stop and blink a few times. I thought this was about BB's?
Also, I think this is the blue haired Sempai, Sonora, but I could be wrong.

So it's both. Music is ok I guess.

Too bright....

For a show with no panty shots so far, they cover the shipping well enough.

Sempai has noticed you. Good thing this hasn't happened yet otherwise the universe may have imploded.

It shows her getting ready, with a pistol in some basic protection and safety glasses. Pretty good.

Also, first guy seen thus far.

Six, five, and the main characters thus far without our protag is five. So, enemy teams from different schools?

The team.

It then does a close up on Sempai's and Yamato's guns, then zooms out for this:

Will Sempai acknowledge her?
(snort.) As if.

Anyway, the music is good, the Art is ok, but the hole for the Barrel's on the BB guns seem too large. I won't let that get to me, but it's worth noting.

Large, but seems easy to remember.

That building....it looks condemned.

It cut's to the chase pretty quickly, this club of theirs have only five members, Kashima Sonora 3rd year and President, out visiting her family name in dark blue, her hair is dark blue so i believe that there is a running theme and will guess who is who, 2nd year Mutsu Honoka (With green color.), 2nd Year Hatsuse Karila (Purple color), First Year Hinata Yachiyo in pink, and 1st year Kirishima Rento in orange.

they need new members, and are talking shop on how to get new members. Which is stupid because their president is not there to lead them.

They are a Survival Game Club, which suggests many things, but considering all the BB guns I am assuming that it is war games.

Girl with Orange hair tie, 1st year Kirishima Rento
Girl with Pink Bow, 1st Year Hinata Yachiyo

Purple shoes, 2nd Year Hatsuse Karila.

Indeed, War?
Is this another Gunslinger Girl? Or are the Survival Games that are implied to happen between schools (With the different uniforms.) called War Games or something?

For the next few, just read what I put into the images...

Green bow and hair ties and eyes: 2nd year Mutsu Honoka
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Then, who I assume is Hinata pulls out a BB Gun Pistol, and shoots a target.

Sorry, but she sounds so clueless.

It is Karila's turn to make a comment about how great or not so great the games are.

She then whips out her P90 and starts shooting at the target.

She makes a claim about it being the best, and get's called a weirdo for it by Hinata.

Why are they translating Hentai to Freak?


That is an interesting choice of cloths in the likely humid Japan.

Back with the four girls, they start talking about how to get new members.

They assume the key to getting new students is to be aggressive.

The BB gun obsessed club is assuming they have to be aggressive.

This can't possibly go wrong.

Honoka calls the person I thought was Hinata, Rento. So pink visor is Rento? Then Orange girl is Hinata?


Yes Hinata...Rento....whatever the fuck your name is....Do it. You know it will work perfectly.

Then they all say at the same time:

Something tells me you are not afraid of getting into trouble, but I understand not wanting to get expelled.

Doing a demonstration on site should be good enough, I know my niece would have joined if she saw a good match.

They comment about new students who would need to be real weirdo's, NAY!

Hentai. Why do you keep saying that?!

They all agree readily.

Who I assume is Karila mentions that she will want a M60, you know. Like the Machine Gun. The one Rambo used.

Anyway, blondie order's Pinky to go get the M60 from Sonora's room. You know? Yamato Yura's room as well?

Anyway, this confirms pinky as Rento

And hey! She IS raiding the wardrobe!

This is adorable.

You know it is EXACTLY what it looks like.

Nail. Head. Rinto is a Hammer.

How many people cosplay like this? This would be awesome.

Yura then screams to the heavens about how this is not what it looks like.

I guess she was dragged over here somehow, to the condemned looking building. That in of itself must have been hilarious.

Torn between calling her a bitch and thanking her for not making us go though that right now.

So, thanks bitch.

I take that back. Now it's just "Bitch."

How are you keeping that hot?

Seriously. LOOK AT THAT.

Come on, 3 out of four...granted Rento is likely to fuck up too.

OK, she got it.

She then get's called the "Calculating type" I guess they thought that she only wanted to "Sweeten" the deal.

I'll see myself out.

They comment on her being easy to read...well so are they really.

Anyway, they say that the Cake and sweets are all apart of the clubs activities. What utter bullshit.

Time to burst her bubble.

Really should have gotten that from the signs around the room and the targets they leave around to shoot.

Phrases I did not think I would hear in Anime: We shoot each other

I see you are wary about the pain. That is somewhat understandable, they have protective gear but that is not going to always protect you.


I will do the rest of it tomorrow, I got it mostly written up and done, but its late.

Generally, this is a nice anime if a bit weak on the voice acting.
You know, if you haven't seen Girls und Panzer yet, then you should totally do that one after this. :p:D:V
I remember watching this while it was airing. Was a bit of a ride.

Girls Und Panzer blows it completely out of the water though. Stella alternately jokes around too much and takes itself too seriously. It basically has too many peaks and valleys to enjoy the ride , whilst GUP manages to balance itself out very nicely.

That being said, from memory Green Hair is FTW, and Rento is pure drugs.
She is evil?

I seriously doubt that, but let's see. That would be a nice plot twist.

Class C3 was not successful in recruiting the legendary protagonist pokemon.

Is that a banana next to Rento?

Besides scaring the poor girl

Blondie? She barely said anything, if anything it was Rento that came on too strong by dragging Yura across campus into a seemingly condemned building.

It's not you're fault this time.

Pot, Kettle. Black.

She starts to speak nonsense about Survival games, but this gem sticks out the most:

I recognized that, and I never even watched Kill La Kill....just saw a music video.

Uhhh...with all her talk about "freaks" (Hentai.) and what she is saying, I get the feeling that someone is going to take something the wrong way.

See? They can barely understand her as is.

She is about to do something so insane that it just might actually work, isn't she?

Pot...I already used that one. Hypocrite.

Obviously you get to dictate what is and is not meant for girls. :rolleyes:

Nao and Kaori, but which is which?

Anyway, Yura tries and fails to make friends with these girls.

It turns out that the brown haired girl is named nakamura, but no first name...

they then move on, not giving poor Yura-Chan a second glance or thought. She goes to her room and thinks about how assertive these two girls are.


About how she basically envies the crowd friendly girls.

Cinderella eh? Waiting for prince charming? Or Sempai?

God I hated her point of view. She has a point, but they all have responsibilities to one degree or another.

Bullshit. They don't have you're approval.

Don't know. But it look's like shooting a little girl might help.
(Things I thought I would never type^)

She ends up crying over it, and the look on her face when she realizes that she is crying is priceless.

She get's mad at herself, and overhears the girls next door. She leaves her room to investigate, but moves on. It would be pretty weird to just go into their room.

She then finds something mysterious.

I mean, it's not like she didn't see cake that looked kinda like this less then an hour ago.

She is forgetful I guess.

You apparently.

I am more amazed that you managed to hold the cake so well.

You should have brought your pokeball.


Where did the cake go? You just grabbed her hands....

She is about to give in.

I think we know what happened to the Cake. Yura hesitantly agrees to play ONE game with them.

Yura is now silently wondering what is wrong with this girl.

For safety reason's I guess. But I doubt that anyone will want to anyway.

I feel that they should be thanking her for coming over.
They all take turns getting her name wrong, with Rento calling her "Yura-Pyon" which is normally used for young children.

They are the same age/grade.

It's ok. Just shoot them.
Cutting her sadness short, they start to explain the game for today:

One person plays Rambo, the other four play peace officers, who must pursue and defeat Rambo. It is one shot one kill.

There is a catch, that you may have already guessed.

Yes, yes he can.

Karila cuts in, interrupting Honoka.

A bit blood thirsty?

I don't know...that wrapper looks sharp. (Sarcasm detector ON.)

Even on a non-letal spot? What about throws, and the handle hit's her. Which end is the handle?

I just invoked Richard B Riddick's "Tea cup" moment, didn't I?
The grounds are nice looking with a small stream and plenty of natural and teenage girl made cover.

Oh good. We missed that last time.

Pellet. Not bullet.


Ok, so pretty much like I predicted.

Good safety tip. I approve.

Yeah, I get safety first, but these glasses do not offer full protection from dust and derbies. It can be dangerous.


Never enough dakka.

The match then begins in 5 mins and lasts 15 mins. Or the time is 3 PM. One of the two.

With that curve, this is a pretty small arena to be honest. Assuming it is a circle.
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She almost looks bored.

Man, her teammates already consider her dead weight. How is she going to enjoy herself?

Oh, like that is going to help when you wear bright pink. Even Dark blue is better.

She never done this before, and has never had a reason to do so before. You want to teach her how first?

For that matter, Yura-Chan doesn't know military hand signs either.

Unless they took it off for her.

Of course they left her so they can hunt "Rambo."

A few things. Apparently Rento can stay hidden properly better then a military sniper while wearing bright pink, and having less then five seconds to hide, and within eyesight.
They explain leaving Yura alone out in the open by forming a siege circle, which can't work with 3 people.
Yes, three. Rento is using Yura as bait, keeping her in eyesight while moving forward on "Rambo.".

she believes that the machine gun is aiming in the general direction of Rento, meaning that they are close by.

Come on, it has all the signs of a trap.

Should have turned around or ran.


So she is the athletic one among the four.

You know, I live for the little things.

Like how much this is going to hurt.

You know? She deserves to lose this one. She made mistakes, and this is a war game. I wouldn't expect less in chess.

It must be worrying to see you're allies get knocked out of the game so fast.

They panic. Good. Maybe they will include their teammate now.

No duh. make a new plan.

Poor girl, just go and shoot the girl with the nice hair.

Honoka just is not that good a shot I guess.

This is not a respected tactic.

Come on, flanking is to be expected by now.

Yeah, back the way she likely came. She didn't attack you WITH it, she attacked you with a captured pistol.


You just are not thinking it though.


machine gun confirmed.

She then switches to the pistol again for some reason, I guess to conserve ammo? She is still shooting at Yura, but Honoka is attacking as well.

They might just take her down.

Nah, sempai's win. She is going to lose this one, because she is ignoring the fact that she still has her machine gun.

Come on, you could tell Yura to circle around while you guys do this. Even if she distracts "Rambo" for a moment, that is a moment you can use to get closer for a flanking maneuver.

I guess you didn't see it, but you should have figured it out from the sound of the steady drum of pellets from Yura's mic.

This is the face of someone expecting to win with sufficient firepower. But she doesn't have sufficient firepower.

Except Rento does.

Damn it, just ask her to fire a few shots!

She is now day dreaming. Maybe she might call Rento "Mitchell."

I shot the sheriff....

I shot the Sheriff...

Bad ass looking.

You just watched Rambo.

True enough.

You could have watched it online or something....Oh, BB Guns, right.

Oh, you are not really going to die.


Whistle. I am impressed.


Well, not necessarily, but it's likely.

Huh. She is now 19 Years old. What year is this anime taking place in? Isn't she a bit old for high school?
Then again, I graduated when I was nineteen, but that is because of my birthday and being held back because of lost records when I moved all over the US in my younger years.

Attempt to make them look adorable. May have succeeded.

(Shakes head.) The music was ok.

She isn't evil. Okay she's a cheater, selfish, takes any chance to sacrifice the weak, dishonorable as all hell, suck up to superiors, greedy, greedy, greedy, sadistic and laugh at others suffering but I wouldn't call her evil.

If she does this, it's because of what is happening in this episode, and maybe the next (haven't watched it yet.). Thus far, they have chosen to pretty much leave her out to dry, give her no direction, or instruction on how to help them, and greedy, sadistic, and selfish. Pretty sure they all but sacrificed her by not teaching her (And she is weak right now.).

If she is like this, she had good teachers.

Yeah, Rento told her to get out of the way, but she never included her in the plan like she could have with the ear piece, hell, just telling her to circle around and attack while they did their own plan would have helped.
I haven't watched the third episode yet, so I'm pretty much with Tsjoat here.

Anyhow, this has been fun so far. Looking forward to more Rento-drugs. ;)
As a tip, it may be worthwhile to convert the png's to jpg's for ease of loading, even if image quality suffers a little.

As I recall, episode three was somewhat funny, but I'm stretching to recall since it was 1+ years ago since it aired.
If she does this, it's because of what is happening in this episode, and maybe the next (haven't watched it yet.). Thus far, they have chosen to pretty much leave her out to dry, give her no direction, or instruction on how to help them, and greedy, sadistic, and selfish. Pretty sure they all but sacrificed her by not teaching her (And she is weak right now.).
Actually, I'm pretty sure they're talking about Sabagebu, which is a completely separate anime which happens to also be about a bunch of girls in a high school survival game club.

I may have misspelled the title, though.
If she does this, it's because of what is happening in this episode, and maybe the next (haven't watched it yet.). Thus far, they have chosen to pretty much leave her out to dry, give her no direction, or instruction on how to help them, and greedy, sadistic, and selfish. Pretty sure they all but sacrificed her by not teaching her (And she is weak right now.).

If she is like this, she had good teachers.

Yeah, Rento told her to get out of the way, but she never included her in the plan like she could have with the ear piece, hell, just telling her to circle around and attack while they did their own plan would have helped.

Yeah I was talking about the MC from Sabagebu who will do anything to win. Its a running joke that she's a pretty terrible person.