ItzNarcotic's Prescription Cabinet (Snippets, One-Shots, and Ideas Thread)

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My snippets and story ideas thread. Some of these ideas may eventually get their own threads. Eventually. Probably. Maybe?

More tags to be added after writing and posting certain snippets/short story ideas.
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Fireside Eldritch Munchies
Bay Area, California
Welcome to the Prescription Cabinet, aka my snips and ideas thread when I want to post something because don't have space on my GDrive need to take a break from writing my main story and let loose my ideas.

This is where I post one-shots and ideas that may eventually turn into stories if they flourish enough.

And eventually, these snips or ideas may get their own threads once a certain amount of chapters are written or created. When they aren't at that point, they stay here. In a waiting list of sorts. All alone...

Stories with their own threads:
Green Haired Greek In Brockton Bay (Worm CYOA v3) (Indefinite Hiatus until stated otherwise)

Snips and (Maybe?) One-Shots:
The Ultimate Peacekeeper (Danganronpa SI) (Small snippet; not my main focus atm).
Bedside Manners (Re: Zero One-Shot; Subaru x Rem Fluff)
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Ultimate Peacekeeper (Danganronpa SI) - 1
Ultimate Peacekeeper (Danganronpa SI) 1
A Peacekeeper can't stop all conflict, but he can at least try, right?

I awoke to an increasingly pounding headache and the sight of wood. Wait a minute, what and why? Lifting my head up slightly, I noticed I was sleeping on a desk. I froze for a moment, waiting for people to start making jeers or snicker at me for sleeping in class. I looked around and saw nobody here, not even the teacher. I slowly got off the chair I was sleeping in.

Still somewhat confused and dazed, I examined the walls. The windows were bolted shut with metal sheets. 'That's pretty comforting,' I thought sarcastically. Looking around the room, there was a blackboard with some sticks of chalk, a security camera blinking with a red light in the corner of the room, and many rows of desks lined neatly. There was a symbol on the front desk with a piece of paper on it.

I grabbed it off the desk and nearly ripped it in half as I glared at it for a moment, thinking I was pranked or something. Looking it over, I finished reading the lined paper. I instantly started rereading it over and over to make sure I wasn't going insane.

'Hello, Rey Hanamoto.
You have been officially invited to Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Peacekeeper of Class 78. Please follow the instructions written in the letter below to find your way to the Orientation location.
Yours Truly,
Jin Kirigiri.'

The Ultimate Peacekeeper, huh? Did that mean I could just stop any argument or dispute instantly? I wonder what I did to achieve this title... Wait, why am I acting like this is normal for me!? One moment I was in math class, taking a nap and suddenly I'm in a video game/anime setting?

Oh man. This has fan-fiction written all over my situation.

Letting out a deep breath, I began to calm myself down. There was no need to panic so suddenly. I may be in a fictional world, but I needed to adapt if I wanted to not die and try to save some people in the process. I was a bit of an ass, but hopefully with this talent I have I can save some people from their unwanted fates. Not everyone here deserves what happens to them.

I balled up the paper and brushing my hand through my hair I noticed that was wearing a black beanie with a red Hope's Peak Insignia emblazoned on the center. I gazed downwards and saw that I wore a white buttoned up shirt, khaki pants, and black sneakers. I stuffed the note into my pocket and opened the classroom sliding door. I walked down the really familiar hall until I reached the main hall door. Hesitantly, I slowly opened the door and saw 14 familiar figures.

I say familiar because they kind of look like they did in the game, but they looked just much more realistic. They didn't really look anime-esque, they looked like real live people. I walked in and felt some sort of pressure pushing against me. Man, Makoto really was right. Ultimates really did have an aura that showed. After thinking for a moment, I decided to introduce myself.
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Bedside Manners (Re:Zero; One-Shot; Subaru x Rem Fluff)
It was a bright and sunny day, Rem thought as she finished trimming the last of many shrubs at Roswaal's Manor. As she clipped one last leaf off of a shrub, she raised her arm to block the rays of sunlight from reaching her eyes. Basking in the warmth and simply thinking.

Around four weeks had gone by since the day that the Wolgarms within the forest bordering Irlam Village were wiped out. The day that the children had been saved with the help of her sister and Subaru-kun.

It was also the day that her hero and the one who saved her - from bodily harm and falling into her guilt - had given another lifeline to cling on. A bright light in the vast, mental abyss she found herself in. One without nearly as much remorse and guilt as before.

A hand landed on Rem's shoulder, breaking her out of her mental reflection. Rem turned her head to the side the hand was on and- "Ah, nee-sama." Ram stood beside Rem with her normal and perfect disposition.

However, an undertone of a frown was present on her face. "Rem," her sister started, "have you seen Barusu today?" Rem paused, setting down the hedge trimmer to think.

Right. She had brushed it off earlier, but Subaru-kun notably was not present for breakfast today. She had thought that he was simply sleeping in and would eat later, along with continuing his part of the housework with Ram at that time. However, he hadn't been seen at all since yesterday?

How strange.

"Nee-sama, did you check his room?" Rem asked.

The pink-haired oni shook her head. "No, Roswaal-sama did. And he told me that something happened to Barusu." Eh? Something had happened to Subaru-kun?

It seemed that her concern had shown on her face, as Ram had a frown again, but it was far more prominent than before. Rem stared at Ram with concern, "What happened nee-sama? What happened to Subaru?"

Ram paused for a moment, thinking for a moment before solemnly saying, "Barusu is…"

How awful. Horrendous. Absolutely terrible. Nothing else was as bad as this. Rampant disease, unsettling unrest in towns, anarchy within the Kingdom, or the livelihoods of many hanging by loose thread wasn't as bad as what had happened. Frankly, it was the worst possible thing that Rem could ever imagine happening.

Well, witch cultists appearing and then destroying everything she loved would have been enough to incense her emotions to the same and quite possibly even a higher level, but that was another thing entirely and besides the point. What she had found out earlier was just plain horrible.

She stood outside Subaru's room, fidgeting with her pristine outfit. A veil of worry clouded her usually polite demeanor. Despite how she usually portrayed herself as a superficially courteous person, she was a maid of action first and foremost.

At this moment, however, she stood still. Wrapped up by her very own lack of action. Just thinking about what could have happened to her hero was enough to make her emotions spur into a frenzy. She wanted to go in and see if he was fine, but if he truly was- no!

She shouldn't think so negatively. With that thought in her mind, she turned to the one person she admired the most...

What, in this situation, would her sister do?

After a tense moment that seemed to last an eternity, she took in a deep breath and readied herself. She placed her hand on the door handle, and with the gentleness only a maiden could display, eased the door open. An impossibly loud creak echoed throughout the hall and filled her eardrums as she slowly entered the room.

It was then that her worry increased tenfold.

Subaru - her hero, savior, and the one she loved - laid in bed, stricken with a case of the common cold. His odd eyes had a watery sheen, even as he valiantly tried and failed to blink the liquid away while staring at the ceiling. His arms laid on his stomach as he rasped a cough out. Mucus dripped out of his nostrils, only for him to snort them back up and then groan morosely. Drool stuck to his chin in a disgusting fashion, a far cry from his usually enthusiastic mannerisms.

Despite these very prominent setbacks, Rem still found him to be rather charming. And that wasn't just her infatuation taking over her rationality. There was just something about the way the water in his eyes accentuated their cute shape even more...

When Subaru noticed the maid staring, he quickly wiped it away with a towel and flashed her a lazy, confident smile.

"Ah, Rem-rin," Subaru said with the energy of an Earth Dragon on its last legs, "I didn't see you come in. Did you finish the rest of the housework?" he asked.

Rem moved, closing the door behind her with a soft nudge before nodding. She quickly stated, "I rushed over here as soon as I finished your part of the workload, Subaru-kun."

"Ah." Subaru muttered in bewilderment. She blinked, slightly tilting her head to the side. Was he so surprised by her readiness to answer his question? Or the fact that she had completed the rest of the housework for the day? It wasn't much work, at least that was what she personally thought. The routine she had followed for the many years while working at the manor certainly helped with her efficiency, but it was honestly something she felt that anyone could do given enough time and error.

"Eh? What if you get sick, Rem-rin? I feel and look absolutely disgusting right now! Even a strong and unyielding maiden like yourself could get sick if you're not careful!" asked Subaru, looking at her blankly.

She pouted, putting her arms on her hips. "Mou, Subaru-kun. It would hurt me knowing that I wasn't by your side to help you while you're unwell. Besides, don't you know that the power of love defeats all sickness?"

Subaru blinked. "I appreciate your sentiment in these trying times, Rem-rin, but I don't think that's how defeating illness works..." He looked around the room with befuddlement. "Anyway, where is Emilia-tan? I haven't seen her since last night. I hope I didn't get her sick."

Rem's pout increased tenfold as she puffed her cheeks out. Of course Subaru-kun would be talking about another woman in the presence of a woman who loved him. Well, not that she couldn't blame him. As far as she knew, Emilia-sama had left early this morning to attend some Royal Candidate business. She could admit that Emilia-sama's interactions with him were cute, but she wanted to be in her place and experience them for herself-

A loud growl echoed throughout the room, breaking Rem out of her daydream and filling her with confusion. As trepidation filled her, she slowly brandished her Morningstar. Had a mabeast entered the room without either of them noticing? She hadn't smelled anything, so where did that noise come from?

What if it was a mabeast she couldn't smell? It was always a possibility, but she had never encountered such a thing. Was there even such a mabeast that she couldn't smell? Either way, she needed to get in front of Subaru-kun and protect him from it. Considering what had happened a few weeks back, he would definitely be attacked first!

"Erm, Rem-rin," Subaru said with a tinge of embarrassment, "I haven't had breakfast yet. Or lunch."

Ah. Yes. That would certainly explain it. With a small blush on her face, Rem put away her Morningstar. "I'll go to the kitchen and prepare a meal for you. You won't have to wait long, okay Subaru-kun?" she said with a smile.

Without seeing his reaction, she quickly left the room. Walking through the hall, she pondered. What would a sick Subaru-kun like to eat? Soup was a good start for any sick person, she found. However, she didn't think mayonnaise would combine well with that, despite his enjoyment of such a strange thing...

She'd have to consult the rest of the manor's inhabitants. Maybe they'd know something that could help her in her struggle.

After all, the battle for Subaru-kun's hunger and overall well-being was at stake!

As Rem left to go and prepare some food for him to eat, all Subaru could think of was how useless and pathetic he was.

He thought it was going to be a normal day when he woke up. Wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, do housework, have banter with nee-sama, talk with Emilia-tan, and talk with Rem-rin. He didn't think he was so careless as to get sick. Now the rest of the manor was working while he was in this stuffy room. Sick, and feeling… sorry for himself. Sorry for the fact that he couldn't help and contribute, even though he desperately wanted to.

He tried to get up, but he couldn't even move his legs to get out of bed. Let alone any part of his body that weren't his arms or head. It was like when Beako had drained him of his mana to see if he was an intruder, but with the fatigue dialed up to eleven alongside an uncomfortably warm fever.

He truly felt terrible, more so than before when he was down at his lowest. He wasn't sure if Emilia-tan was here since she was away from the Manor for short periods at a time, but at least Rem-rin was here to keep him company.

For the moment, however, he was alone. There wasn't anything that he could do at the moment. No books to read, no T.V to watch anime on, no game consoles to play with, no magazines.

There was nothing or anything that he could do. Again. Just like in his nightmares, where he couldn't do anything as they-

"No! Don't think like that, Subaru." He softly patted his cheeks with his hands, before taking in a small breath. He couldn't let himself get swallowed by that fear and uncertainty.

Not when he needed to be strong for Emilia-tan and all the others. Especially Rem-rin, after she had opened her heart out to him that one day.

"Was I the one who did this?" Subaru said, gesturing to their intertwined hands. "Like, I grabbed you and never let go?"

Rem looked to the side, before turning back to face him, "Uh, well, not exactly. It, uh…" she paused, as though she was finding the courage to say what she wanted, "It was me to be honest. I was watching you and it looked like you were in pain while you slept, so I…"

He gazed at her with surprise. "You held my hand?"

"It's always so confusing and overwhelming." She earnestly said, holding his hand as he stared her in the eyes. "So I did what would have made me happiest if I was in your place."

Subaru couldn't get that moment out of his head, no matter how hard he tried. Such earnestness and passion coming from Rem-rin as though it were natural. It was that moment which cemented in his memory how genuine she was in her actions.

It was also a reminder that Rem-rin loved him with the intensity of one of Ros-chi's Ul Goa's, despite his own fierce adoration of Emilia-tan.

God, love was truly a confusing thing that he wished he understood more.

A sudden voice whispered into his ear, "Subaru-kun, are you there?"

"Ahh!" Subaru half-yelled and half-rasped, startled by Rem's stealth. Geez, was he so out of it that he didn't notice her even enter and walk up to the side of his bed?

Rem had an apologetic expression as she placed the bowl and spoon on the wooden drawer beside his bed. "Sorry if I startled you, Subaru-kun, but I'm back with some soup." The fragrance of meat and other herbs filled his head as he felt his mouth open and start to drool.

She giggled when she saw his expression. "Well, I'm glad you like it, Subaru-kun. I asked others around the manor for some advice on what to do." Eh? The others helped with this too?

As he picked the bowl up, Subaru stared at the contents with slight apprehension. It looked fine at a glance, but... "Does that mean nee-sama too? Are there any… steamed potatoes here?" he asked, slowly sifting through the broth with his spoon.

No offense to Ram, but since she herself claimed that her best dish was steamed potatoes, he felt that he could be at least somewhat concerned by her contributing to it as well.

"No, sis didn't add anything in. She helped me make the soup." said Rem, shaking her head in understanding. Well, with that inquiry answered...

With slow movements, he lifted the spoon past his lips, into his mouth, and swallowed the broth. Smooth and rich. The familiar taste of meat touched his tongue and filled his vying stomach as he drank in more of the delectable soup.

All the while, Rem stared at him. Unflinching and unmoving as she watched him with rapt attention. Quickly, he felt his cheeks tinge as he fervently gulped down the rest of the soup.

He set down the empty bowl with a satisfied smile on his face. "Ah, that was great, Rem-rin! I'm sorry for doubting nee-sama for even a moment!" He patted his stomach with delight.

Rem smiled brightly, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Subaru-kun. I'm sure the ones who helped me would be happy too. What else was there… right!" She pulled out a small flask from her skirt and held it out for him. "Roswaal-sama gave this potion to me on the way over here. He said that you need to take it after eating something so that the effects can take over faster."

"Oh. I see," Subaru said curiously. As she easily uncorked the lid, he examined the opaque, mysterious blue liquid inside. This would make him better? He didn't know how remedies and other things worked in this world yet beyond simple means, so he mentally shrugged. It was probably some magic concoction anyway.

"Say ah, Subaru-kun." Rem said. He complied, letting out a small "ahh" as the liquid flowed down his mouth and through his throat. It tasted bitter and sour, not unlike most of the other medicines that Subaru had taken back in his old world. Yet, it had a small undertone of… blueberry? It had been so long since he had eaten one but it definitely tasted fairly similar to it, at least.

Almost immediately after swallowing the rest of the potion, he let out a sigh of relief. "I already feel better, Rem-rin! I feel like my body's gone into overdrive! I might even be able to run laps around the manor," he paused, looking at his sleeping legs, "Well, if I could move them around."

"I'm happy you feel better already, Subaru-kun." She flashed him a small smile, before beginning to fidget with her dress nervously. Wait, Subaru thought. What was she doing? Did she want a reward? He cycled through multiple things in his mind, discarding idea after idea until...

Aha! Perfect. He had just the thing.

"Rem, come here next to me. I have something I want to give you, if you trust me." He motioned to his side with a smile. She looked up. and seeing his expression shuffled closer with excitement. "Ah, can you tilt your head a bit?" She nodded, tilting her head downwards.

He extended his hand out. He paused halfway towards her head. Did he really want to do this? An uncertain moment of silence passed. And then another. After mulling through his thoughts, he came to a conclusion. Fuck it, he thought to himself.

In a swift motion, the boy placed his hand on Rem's head and affectionately patted it. Something which she wholeheartedly accepted with a blush. His fingers ran through her blue locks of hair, delicately making sure to not mess with her red ribbon or maid headband. Small, barely audible noises left her as she voiced her satisfaction. She nuzzled up against his hand, enjoying his tender touch.

Sadly, the other effects of the potion began taking effect. Subaru withdrew his hand from her head, making sure to not mess with her hair any further, and she let out a sound of discontent.

"I'm feeling pretty sleepy." He stared at her with an expression of fatigue as he felt himself reclining into the bed further. Rem nodded, flashing him a smile. She stood up and dusted off her outfit before-

"Wait," he started, his cheeks flush with embarrassment as he met her eyes, "I have something that I want you to do, Rem-rin." She paused. Wordlessly and silently staring with understanding, waiting for him to say his request.

"Rem-rin," he shamelessly extended his hand out, "can you hold my hand until and while I sleep, if only for a little bit? Like you did that one night." He…

He didn't want to deal with the nightmares alone. At least, not physically.

It took a bit for the request to process in Rem's head. When it did though, she gave Subaru a gentle smile. "Of course, Subaru-kun. You don't even have to ask."

She intertwined her hands with his and a warm, content smile formed on his face. Her thumb ran over the back of his hand as he felt his eyes drifting away.

It didn't take long for Subaru to get taken away to dreamland soon after.

In a dimly lit room, Rem stared down at a peacefully sleeping Subaru. Sitting beside him like this, she felt like a guardian angel, watching over him. She felt happy to be in his presence. Happy that she could help Subaru relax and drift off to a great sleep.

And she stayed there like that for another hour or two, holding onto his hand and watching him sleep. He was so cute, she noted as his chest rose and fell from his soft breathing with a rhythm similar to clockwork.

She looked out of the window. Ah, it was almost dinner time. She turned to face Subaru one last time, the grip of uncertainty taking hold of her. With a pleased smile, she gave him a soft, chaste kiss on his forehead before silently exiting his room.

As she walked through the halls, she started a mental checklist. The first thing Rem would do, she noted, was check on him tomorrow. If Subaru was still sick, then she would take care of him like she did today, whether he fretted about it or not.

Because, as they had discussed many weeks before, the both of them needed to lean on each other as they moved forward in life together.

Sup, peeps. It's been a while since I've published a fic on any of the three "main" sites (AO3, FFNet, SB/SV), let alone anywhere else. I personally don't think the quality is all that great since I rarely - if ever - write these types of fics and I consider myself to be a wet blanket regarding this stuff, but who knows. I also went through five different drafts for this, but I found that they all fell flat on their fucking face so yeaaaah. At the very least, I know that I tried my damndest, so that's what matters in the end I guess not really but whatever lmao

I hope you all enjoyed it.
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Learned Helplessness (Pokemon SI) - Chapter 1
Following a short nap, a sheltered teenager is transmigrated into the world of Pokémon. With no clear or easy way to go back home, he embarks on a journey of self-recovery that changes his life for the better—all the while coping with his various issues with the help of his new companions. Pokemon SI that highlights mental health, addiction, and recovery.

[CH 1 - Sink or Swim]

"Darren, would you like to hear about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?" someone said in a sing-song tone.

I shoved a textbook into my backpack as the low-pitched notes of a random, inaudible heavy metal song echoed throughout my ears. Hopefully, whoever was trying to talk to me would soon give up in favor of conversing with someone else. The best outcome would be that they'd talk to another person, preferably someone who'd occupy them with a productive or otherwise engaging topic. Worst case scenario, they'd give me a harsh glare that I'd shrug off without as much as a care in the world.

Not like I gave a shit about how some random people thought about me. All these people were lucky enough to enjoy their lives without the intervention of something out of their control. I wasn't so lucky to be privileged with such a luxury.

Then, the person spoke once again, far clearer than before. "Darren, can you hear me?"

I grabbed my notebook and pencil, shoving them into my backpack with a touch bit more force than I intended. Seriously? Who the hell was trying so damn hard to talk to me at the end of the school day? With an irritated look, I turned to face my would-be addressee. Quickly, I stopped the scathing hellfire of a reply from escaping my throat in favor of silently staring in annoyance.

I hoped the fact that I had my earbuds in meant that I could deter everyone from speaking to me as soon as class ended. That was one of the many standard defensive maneuvers I employed throughout the school year, one that had proven to be effective against almost everyone in my classes.

Unfortunately, however, Lia–my best friend for as long as I remembered–knew better than to give up at such a paltry defense. And she definitely didn't count in the "almost everyone" category compared to others.

It also, sadly, didn't help that she also knew what exactly to do when I didn't say anything in reply, having dealt with me and my shitty attitude whenever it popped up.

"Darren, are you listening? I know your music volume isn't at max. You always keep it at low volume so you can eavesdrop on people," Lia paused, her annoying lively green eyes peering through her bangs to meet my dull brown ones. Ugh, I hated when she did that. "You know how much I hate being ignored. Even a simple 'No' would be fine."

I stood still, not unlike a mouse in the sight of an average housecat, as she proceeded onward without fear—unyielding at one of many social interaction escape provisions I held secret within the confines of my mind. With soft steps, she closed the gap between us and stopped in front of me. And then, with a swift movement of her arm, her hand fell onto my shoulder.

Almost immediately, I flinched back at her touch. "Alright alright! You know I don't like that, so why the hell—" Unconsciously, I stepped back frantically to make space between the two of us. Taking in a deep breath to calm myself, I took out my earbuds, the rumble of far-too-happy students chatting amongst themselves filling my ears.

One of Lia's brows rose as she held her hand in front of her face, definitely in amusement if her barely hidden smile had anything to say about it. Damn it all. That was a mean and devious trick, exploiting one of my many weaknesses.

Dusting off my shoulders, I met her twinkling expression with a flat look. "So, what were you asking again?"

"You don't remember? I told you in our first class earlier today, but I managed to get a study group together for our upcoming exams. Adrian, Tamvi, Rae, Jordan, Ty, Megan and her friend-but-not-really Danny are all joining. Chris might join but he's not sure, but he might also bring some of his friends along. Soooo, are ya joining?" she asked excitedly.

"Sounds fun, but not today," I replied, moving back to my desk and shoving the last of my supplies–a mythology book I had borrowed from the school library–into my backpack, before closing it with a quick zip. "I've got a short shift at Target later today, but it starts in a half hour and doesn't end until 7. Holiday sales and all that means rush hour. Knowing my luck, I'll be stuck there for the whole shift."

I rolled my eyes as Lia began to fake-cough into her fist, the mere thought of working retail part-time far too much for her to handle. "At any rate, I'm free tomorrow. I don't have another shift until the weekend hits, so I'll join you guys then. The boss is merciful like that sometimes." Admittedly, I hated working there, but it strengthened my will to be as polite as possible. Even in the face of utter evil itself in the form of the occasional Karen or some other overly entitled customer.

It had taken a lot of effort and answering lots of vague questions with specific answers, but I somehow managed to get hired at that place. Even after being rejected by three other retail stores, at that. Though I had to say, working part-time sucked–if only because the wage was honestly subpar compared to working full-time–and working part-time retail of all jobs was even worse in that regard.

In any case, work was work and my college tuition wouldn't pay for itself no matter how much I thought or wished for it. The discounts for being an employee were just a little side bonus, anyway. The real reward was the break room, where I could sleep as much as I wanted when I wasn't on shift.

It beat sleeping on the poor excuse of a bed I had at home. Moreso since I had managed to fall asleep at a normal time for once. That was definitely nice for a change of pace.

"C-can you buy me something?" asked Lia with a small stutter, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Sure. What do you want?" At my inquisitive look, she hesitated. Twirling a strand of her brown hair with a finger, she looked off to the side. "I want you to buy…"

I regret ever asking. Moreso since I agreed to buy it for her with no delay whatsoever. My face flushed with embarrassment as she began to excitedly recall the details of what she wanted me to buy.

Every single last detail of them, down to the fine print of all things. I didn't even know these had a fine print until now!

Damn me and my almost non-existent dignity and pride. Damn my willingness to be a good friend to the only person in my life that I held a barely stable friendship with. Damn my weakness to puppy eyes and everything cute in the world.

Damn it all to hell and back.

After finishing my shift and purchasing what Lia requested without so much as making eye contact with my curious coworker, I sprinted over to the break room with the receipt and shopping bag in hand. My shift of stacking boxes and cleaning the shelves finished not too long ago, but it wouldn't be for another hour that mom would be here to pick me up.

It was too awkward, standing outside of the store with what I was holding. And I sure as hell didn't want any more attention than the typical passing glance people gave me. Not to mention that standing outside with nothing but a leather jacket to protect me from the winter breeze was probably not ideal. Doubly so with winter exams soon.

Hey, did I mention that I'm a terrible planner yet? Because I am definitely terrible at planning, especially regarding anything in the future. If only due to my indecisive brain and thought process never letting me stick to one specific schedule.

As such, my "plan"–if it could even be called such with how haphazardly strewn together it was–was to have a small nap before she arrived. My back acted up like a motherfucker while I was moving all those crates around and hopefully some well-deserved rest would be enough to alleviate my spinal misery for at least a little while.

For a brief moment, it would allow me to go back into my former modus operandi of being a recluse. Even if it was for a mere thirty minutes compared to how long I had spent being a practical shut-in.

"Those were the days," I muttered with a smile. Just like that, the floodgates broke, memories rushing out to fill me with nostalgia. I remembered lounging in my room all day, watching the latest episode of a show or anime without a care in the world while in my bed. I remembered skipping school and sleeping my problems away, the comfort of dreams taking me away to somewhere better.

Ah, the wonders of childhood innocence and greed. What I would do to relive those memories again—

Ugh, what am I doing? I wanted to have a nap, not do some short, but long-needed self-reflection! And at the entrance of the break room no less!

After doing a quick look-around to make sure nobody saw me standing around like an idiot, I hurriedly made my way into the room. Taking off my jacket, the warm air from the AC enveloping me, I put it onto the coat rack on the wall along with the shopping bag. The paint on the wall had chipped slightly, but it was only notable because everything else was pretty well-off.

I don't know how, but my coworkers prior to me being hired had somehow managed to get one of the storage rooms to be repurposed into a break room.

"Come on, cloud bro. Get paralyzed already so I can catch you." someone pleaded in frustration, the low pitch of their voice and use of words instantly clueing me onto who exactly was in the break room with me.

My curiosity peaked, I walked over to the table to see what all the fuss was about. I glanced at my coworker's laptop screen and, almost instantaneously, felt myself and my inner backseat gamer die a little bit inside.

Hunter–a senior coworker agonizing over trying to capture Landorus–acknowledged my presence with a slight nod of his head before focusing back onto dealing with the legendary, furiously tapping his hotkey. Deciding to be nice for a change, I pulled a chair over and sat myself down next to him with a knowing grin.

"You know Landorus is a Flying/Ground type, yeah? Thunder Wave is not a good option for it, but I've heard that Hypnosis works nicely." I heard a sharp intake of breath, but before he could say anything I cheekily added, "I also heard that Dusk Balls are better than Ultra Balls when it's night time, which it is right now."

After one liberal use of Hypnosis by switching to his Gothitelle alongside throwing a couple of Dusk balls, Hunter finally caught Landorus. With how he skipped the pokedex entry and nickname screen before unceremoniously slumping down into his chair, I didn't want to imagine how long he had been failing in his attempts to catch it.

He turned to me with an expression of gratitude that I honestly didn't deserve whatsoever. "Appreciate the heads up, 'Ren. Forgot to save before starting the fight. Woulda lost hours of progress if you hadn't helped."

I shrugged. "Don't worry about it. Just make sure to remember it all for next time. Don't want any fuckups to happen, yeah?" I stood up, stretching my arms and cracking my knuckles before making my way to the other side of the room. "I'll be taking a nap on the couch. Won't be staying the whole night." The second part drew out, a yawn escaping my lips at the last moment. Throwing myself onto the cushions, I embraced the comfiness and warmth.

Man, I was more tired than I thought if I was soothed by the cushions of a couch in the break room of a Target of all things.

"Not the whole night for once?" asked Hunter curiously.

Was it really so weird that I wasn't staying the whole night? Had I done it so much that not doing it was an outlier? Regardless, I couldn't dignify a typical nod with my current position, so I settled for giving him a thumbs up instead. Hopefully, he didn't prod any further.

I didn't want to drag anyone else into my problems. Lia was already enough, there was no need to add someone else in

He let out a low hum of understanding, the wheels of his chair scraping against the marble floor. "Gotcha. Well, I'll be out for a moment. Going to grab some grub and clean up the rest of the place. Enjoy your nap, 'Ren." I heard the door close with a slight creak, heavy footfalls fading off into the distance.

Not even more than a few moments later, my brain fully embraced dreamland and I was out like a light.

Waking up was, if I had to personally describe it, a sad experience. A truly sorrowful experience indeed. The shift from vivid dreaming to the harsh wonders of reality, the grogginess that weighed down my entire body from head to toe, the sudden tiredness that gripped my brain with a vice so undeniably tight that it made me wonder why I was even awake at all.

Usually, when I woke up, I'd just stay in bed for a bit. Think about things. Ponder about the most riveting of things and topics and stuff I liked to do in my spare time. My thoughts would drift between going to sleep again or harshly criticizing my future plans for the day.

Some say that's a product of seeking success, but I see it as a mark of constant failure molding me into who I am. Something I hated the most, even more than him.

—A cold gust breezed along my arm, breaking me out of my thoughts, and I couldn't help but shudder. Did Hunter open it up again? It would explain why it was colder than usual. Even the AC couldn't stop the winter breeze from entering through the…

Something wasn't right there.

I moved my numb arms, lifting myself up and getting something rough onto my hands. "There's no fucking windows in the break room. Not a single damn one," I said with clarity.

My brain, now supplied with that vital information, allowed my body the strength it needed to move. With a grimace and adrenaline rushing through my veins, I pushed myself up onto my feet and—

I stumbled to keep my footing as I stood up, and despite the moonlight going through the tree leaves surrounding me–I ended up in the middle of a fucking forest somehow–all I could see was darkness. Light, I needed light. Phone. My phone had a flashlight feature, and as far as I remembered I had charged it to full while I was working my shift.

Hopefully, my goldfish memory of all my flaws wouldn't be what ended me tonight.

Frantically fishing through the backpack that was somehow brought with me, I found that I still had my wallet, a bag of snack bars, all of the textbooks and books I borrowed alongside other school supplies, and a pair of spare clothes. Rummaging even further, I discovered my comb, an extra pair of my prescription glasses, and—

I grabbed my phone with my now mud-covered hands and stumbled to turn on the flashlight feature. A beam of light filled the dark expanse ahead of me, lighting the way. Yet, instead of the hope that I anticipated, all I felt was utter disbelief and shock pairing nicely with my jaw that dropped onto the floor.

Right in the middle of that very beam of light, a dark sphere floated along with a hint of mischievousness. Wisps of purple fog surrounded it as though it were a pyre; the thing's appearance becoming clearer with every detail I noticed, from it's damnable cheeky smile to the eyes that were—

My disbelief and shock were instantly overshadowed by the fact that the Gastly, a damn Pokemon of all things, was meeting my eyes. A motherfucking Pokemon. What the fuck? Aren't Pokemon fictional? How am I seeing one right now?

"Gaaaaaas," intoned the purple gas orb, and I instinctively moved back a couple of steps; if only from the sheer impossibility of this entire situation. Simultaneously, I began thinking about just where the hell I was. I certainly didn't feel like I was in Kansas or any other place that existed in real life.

Well, my real life, at any rate. A world without Pokemon sounded more fictional to the people of this world than one that had them. God, that was jarring to think about, but I had more pressing matters to attend to. Like the fact that I was staring down a motherfucking Pokemon and that I had no idea where I was.

As far as I knew, Pokemon didn't exist on Earth, so that meant I was in the world of Pokemon, where fantastical creatures roamed the lands and lived amongst humans. But then that begged the question: which continuity? There were the anime, mainline games, manga, mystery dungeon, colosseum, Pokemon Snap, and so many others that I couldn't even remember. I could have ended up in one of those sole continuities, or maybe a weird mix of some of them.

…If I ended up in one of those dumbass grimdark fan-games, I am going to kill whoever sent me here and then off myself. Nobody should have to deal with the horrendously bad writing and fandom lore those games have regarding "realism". Moreso if I ended up inside one of those fanfiction stories where Pokemon are adorable murderbeasts that don't hesitate to rip off the head of a person or their trainer if they were slighted in the least bit. I didn't want to be unceremoniously ended by Ratata or Caterpie before I could even attempt to find my way home, no siree.

Not to mention as to why I was here at all. I had no clue why I of all people was the one sent to the world of Pokemon. I was a nobody compared to the vast population of people, and I had nothing to offer besides my extremely baseline and incomplete knowledge of the franchise. If I had to take a guess as to how I came here it would be a Legendary Pokemon, like Hoopa or Giratina, but it had been so long since I read anything lore-related that the reasonings I thought of all sounded like useless jargon to me.

Fuck. I wouldn't be able to see Lia, Hunter, Mom, or anybody else for a while. Lia wouldn't get the gift she wanted me to buy for her. She was so excited for it too, especially since she really wanted to give it to someone. And Hunter wouldn't have anyone to give him some necessary Pokemon details. I sent my heart out for him and his 100% Black and White Pokedex completion run. There was also the fact that my family and I had spent a lot of time and effort planning out my birthday party. It wouldn't be for a few more weeks at most, but they had wanted to celebrate my eighteenth birthday with a more-than-special occasion, and I couldn't just say no to—

Halting my train of thought, I turned my phone's flashlight to face the direction where the rustling noise came from. Slowly, I approached; leaves quietly crunching underneath my shoes as the silence of the night made my anxiety spike even higher than before. With my hands shaking and covered in sweat, I brushed aside the branch that was between me and whatever had made noise, and found nothing. Not a single thing that could've made the noise.

I let out a breath of relief, one I didn't realize I had been holding. "Fucking hell." I muttered, turning around to face the Gastly. To my slowly mounting dread, it wasn't there anymore.

Shit! Where did it go?!

Harsh laughter suddenly echoed throughout my ears, the noise driving me mad with fear and mocking me, as I put my hands up to cover my ears to no avail. I turned my head and looked around to try and see where the hell it was, but I couldn't see the damn gas ball anywhere. Having my light spazz all over the place didn't help matters much either.

Something warm dripped down my ears and fell onto the floor, but I didn't dare to look. I needed to find a way to stop this, but I couldn't move my legs and everything was in pain—

Then, almost immediately, the laughter ceased assaulting my ears; overtaken by the silent ambience of the forest. I looked around, my hands shaking from fear and paranoia. Did the Gastly go away? Were my ears finally free from the torment that fucker was inflicting upon me?

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw it. That damnable purple orb, with something floating alongside it. My backpack. How the hell had it taken my backpack?

The realization struck me like a lightning bolt. It must have been when I raised my arms up to block that harrowing laughter. That was when it managed to unravel the shoulder straps and take it off of me, while I was distracted by trying to get rid of the noise.

"Gas, gastly," snickered Gastly, floating off into the treeline with my only chance of surviving in the unknown.

And I was having none of it. First it hurt me, and now it was stealing my stuff? Shaking off my fear and pain, I chased after it with newfound motivation. "Get the fuck back here and give my stuff back, you purple menace!" I growled.

At the edge of my vision I could see other pokemon that I didn't bother giving more than passing a glance to. Some of them were flying, others were perched onto the branches, and some were even staring curiously from behind some leaves and trees. But they didn't matter right now.

That Gastly and my backpack, the only thing besides my phone which connected me to my world, were about to disappear. I'd be damned if I let this jackass take it all away without giving it a fight to remember.

I started grabbing anything I could off of the ground and threw them at the bastard. Branches, pebbles, stones, even a damn Leek of all things. There wasn't much that I could do against a Ghost type, so I was banking on the fact that one of these things could stop it for even a moment.

They all passed through Gastly harmlessly, the damn bastard letting out that haunting laugh once more, but I didn't let that stop me from continuing my onslaught. I was discouraged from my lack of progress, I'd admit that. I'd been chasing and throwing shit at it to no avail; from throwing more objects just to get a single opening and my backpack from it—

I picked up another stone and, taking an amateur pitcher's stance, chucked it. This time, it actually managed to hit it right in its smug little face. Granted, it did nothing more than just that, but man did I feel a wave of catharsis wash over me at its disbelief. It was like getting a one-up on those know-it-alls in my class, but more fulfilling and worthwhile.

My confidence reignited, I picked up similar stones–they were a dull teal color I noticed–and started chucking them as fast and efficiently as I could without hurting myself. The Gastly moved more erratically, bobbing and weaving between what I was throwing, and even had the gall to turn around to face me. God, what a prick.

I threw another stone, missing again, and the fucker made the smuggest looking face I had ever seen on, well, anything. "Gas, gas ly. Gastly," It said, shaking my backpack with its non-existent hands before floating off again.

With a growl, I chased after it again. Brushing a few branches aside, I made my way through the treeline and felt my heart drop into my stomach.

Good news, the Gastly stopped running from me, and it looked like it was done with playing this dumb game of cat and mouse. Bad news, the fucker had stopped at the edge of a river, and it was holding my backpack over it.

Not even a moment after I made eye-contact with the purple annoyance, it dropped my backpack into the water with a smirk that made me want to beat its face in. I didn't know if that counted as animal abuse since I couldn't do anything to actually hurt it, but damn I was really considering it before I proceeded to jump into the water.

God, it was freezing. The water got all the mud off of me, but there was no doubt that my phone was irreversibly damaged from all the water here. Aimlessly flailing myself around, I grabbed my backpack and tossed it onto the other side of the river. I didn't want anything in there to be scavenged through, especially the snack bars and my wallet.

The current became inexplicably stronger, and it was then that I came to an intelligently stupid realization.

For all my flailing around in the water, I didn't know how to swim. Rather ironic, really. Living in California but not knowing how to swim. Fun–or not-so-fun–fact, I almost drowned two times in my life. The first time was at a neighbor's pool when I was eight and the second at the beach during a high tide when I was twelve, but I hadn't considered taking up lessons because of how I basically almost never did any swimming of the sort. Truly, I was a grade-A dumbass with no one to match my stupidity.

My regret instantly hit me, but the fast-flowing water hit even harder as I was submerged. I felt my leg scrape along something sharp, and water entered my mouth as I tried to yell in pain. My eyes opened in a panic, water rushing into my stomach, and through the glimmering of moonlight I saw a faint streak of crimson trailing me. Damn it all. My leg hurt and my stomach burned inside, but I didn't think—

Yeah. I didn't think. God, I was an idiot. One of the greatest idiots of my generation. A real piece of work I was. Thinking I could ever be a productive member of society. Thinking that I could do something more than be a waste of space. Thinking that, for all intents and purposes, I would have a bright future ahead of me.

He was always right about me, and I was always wrong. I should have just fucked off and stayed a shut-in like the hermit I am. If I hadn't gotten my job, I wouldn't have ended up in this mess. I wouldn't be bleeding out and then subsequently eaten by whatever Pokemon was in or near the damn river.

I was going to die. I was going to die, and this time there was no one nearby to save me from my stupid mistake. I—

The rush of water and rapid beating of my heart drowned out my thoughts, and my consciousness faded to darkness.
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