Voting is open
That said, I think bringing Quintus to RI should be fine. The Abyssal Hunters are probably still in Iberia working with the Inquisition thanks to Kal'tsit, and even if Gladiia is here Kal'tsit was able to stop her from murdering Mizuki who was someone who went full Seaborn but was able to turn back, so she should be able to help keep Quintus safe from the Abyssal Hunters.
I'm pretty sure all of the Abyssal Hunters came with us to RI so they should at least be in the landship. That said I guess Kal'tsit can probably convince them to not kill Quintus on the spot, but I'm pretty sure she would be in favor of send him to Iberia to improve RI's standing with them.
too lazy to simplify quote.
Then I'm afraid that your write-in is flawed from the start and won't be simplified by Ayam like you thought it would be. The arguement will fail on the front that the speaker itself won't be very good at making their points since they literally only just learned how to talk, much less debate.

Ayam doesn't need to be an experienced orator, he's a kid telling the Adult(s) what he sees, that they're stupid for stating the obvious(Carmen) and an idiot by not changing how he helps others (Quintus).
the plan is flawed because I took 1-3 minutes to think of the plan and 10-15ish to type it down, Ayam would take 10 seconds to say the voice is stupid and your dumb if your told your actions are bad and not attempting to change that; if you want to be good but did bad things, stop doing bad things and do good things.
Considering you've admitted that the whole thing is flawed, I do think that's evidence enough to say that the plan won't work out due to factors we've discussed before.

I'm pretty sure all of the Abyssal Hunters came with us to RI so they should at least be in the landship. That said I guess Kal'tsit can probably convince them to not kill Quintus on the spot, but I'm pretty sure she would be in favor of send him to Iberia to improve RI's standing with them.
Would be nice if they could help out with WhiteNight then. Having the Abyssal Hunters brute force their way and repeatedly pummel respawning Apostles would helpus out a lot.

Probably won't be available though, since Kal'tsit wants RI to keep a low profile and having 3 supersoldiers destroying the district they're on would draw too much attention.

That said, I think Kal'tsit's smart enough, and Amiya emphatic enough, to keep a reeling and doubting Quintus around. They do have Mizuki as a operator, and he's arguably a greater risk than Bishop Quintus considering he has the potential to replace Ishar'Mla if IS3 is any indication.
@LucidProp said:
Then I'm afraid that your write-in is flawed from the start and won't be simplified by Ayam like you thought it would be. The arguement will fail on the front that the speaker itself won't be very good at making their points since they literally only just learned how to talk, much less debate.
@LucidProp said:
Considering you've admitted that the whole thing is flawed, I do think that's evidence enough to say that the plan won't work out due to factors we've discussed before.
Ayam is a kid, of course his statements have flaws. his speech and debating skills are summarized as "the voice is stupid, your actions are stupid, do better next time". Just because its a shit argument doesn't mean its not in character, hell it might be a decent argument if Ayam wasn't a kid telling Quintus what he sees with absolute disregard of his mental state and zero tact, even when he knows Quintus is in a depressive state and is trying (horribly) to help him.

the goal of my Write-In isn't to get the best outcome but to have fun while being in character; of course this is me rereading the past 3 threads and reading the new Ayam Adom character sheet, might not be accurate character portrayal but I tried.
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Ayam is a kid, of course his statements have flaws. his speech and debating skills are summarized as "the voice is stupid, your actions are stupid, do better next time". Just because its a shit argument doesn't mean its not in character, hell it might be a decent argument if Ayam wasn't a kid telling Quintus what he sees with absolute disregard of his mental state and zero tact, even when he knows Quintus is in a depressive state.

the goal of my Write-In isn't to get the best outcome but to have fun while being in character; of course this is me rereading the past 3 threads and reading the new Ayam Adom character sheet, might not be accurate character portrayal but I tried.
I'd say it isn't even in-character since Ayam only has the beginnings of an idea on what selfishness and identity is, so I find the idea that he can go on and talk about it with Quintus strange, especially since the chosen dialogue doesn't even fit his character voice so far.

It's advancing Ayam's character without the necessry stimulus and set-up for it, and that makes for poor pacing in the story. Like I said before, they won't be able to convey those ideas properly.
[X] Write-in: Root of Kindness
-[X] Maybe you did make a mistake. But that was all it was, a mistake. Something anyone could have made.
-[X] What matters is what you do from now on. If you failed in your path, then pick yourself up and try to do better. If your path was wrong from the very beginning, then step off of it and find a better way. It isn't over, because right now you are still alive. You can change, just like I can change.
-[X] What I want to know is, why did you take this path in the first place? Why did you want to help people? And ask yourself, was it wrong to want that?
-[X] Think it over. In the meantime, I am heading towards somewhere. Would you like to come with me?
@LucidProp said:
I'd say it isn't even in-character since Ayam only has the beginnings of an idea on what selfishness and identity is, so I find the idea that he can go on and talk about it with Quintus strange, especially since the chosen dialogue doesn't even fit his character voice so far.

It's advancing Ayam's character without the necessry stimulus and set-up for it, and that makes for poor pacing in the story. Like I said before, they won't be able to convey those ideas properly.
your probably correct, that it would be poor pacing and the diologe not fitting Ayams character, but I like the Idea of Ayam attempting to make his childish speech of "the voice is stupid, your actions are stupid, do better next time" sound more intelligent then it is, with Quintus giving him the most "are you serious?" face with Ayam being oblivious to his own social ineptitude.

on the idea of selfishness and individuality being to complicated for Ayam, meet childish argument and reasoning:
"I am me, and I like myself. others are themselves, so they should like themselves. people that like themselves are selfish, so people should be selfish. people that are selfish have individuality and free will, I want seaborn/others to selfish have individuality and free will; I want others to be selfish."

@Redsoff said:
[X] Write-in: Root of Kindness
-[X] Maybe you did make a mistake. But that was all it was, a mistake. Something anyone could have made.
-[X] What matters is what you do from now on. If you failed in your path, then pick yourself up and try to do better. If your path was wrong from the very beginning, then step off of it and find a better way. It isn't over, because right now you are still alive. You can change, just like I can change.
-[X] What I want to know is, why did you take this path in the first place? Why did you want to help people? And ask yourself, was it wrong to want that?
-[X] Think it over. In the meantime, I am heading towards somewhere. Would you like to come with me?
like this , you get a vote (adding it back on my Write-in)
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your probably correct, that it would be poor pacing and the diologe not fitting Ayams character, but I like the Idea of Ayam attempting to make his childish speech of "the voice is stupid, your actions are stupid, do better next time" sound more intelligent then it is, with Quintus giving him the most "are you serious?" face with Ayam being oblivious to his own social ineptitude.

on the idea of selfishness and individuality being to complicated for Ayam, meet childish argument and reasoning:
"I am me, and I like myself. others are themselves, so they should like themselves. people that like themselves are selfish, so people should be selfish. people that are selfish have individuality and free will, I want seaborn/others to selfish have individuality and free will; I want others to be selfish."
I'm glad we agree this is poor pacing. I do want something similar in the future, but the set-up isn't here yet so the pay-off won't be as good. If we're voting in terms of what's interesting or not, then we're certainly losing out on a better scene in the future if we're trying to get the big pay-off now when there's barely been any set-up for it.

I'd like to know Quintus more, and how Ayam reflects on his beliefs, before we go and try to change his mind about anything.

That said, the childish argument doesn't work either. I don't think Ayam even knows what selfishness is, much less what it implies. Ayam doesn't have the life experience for it yet, so I sincerely doubt he'd be able to put it in the terms you wish especially when the the vote isn't worded to be spoken like that. Just look at previous updates where we vote for Sieg to try and convince someone. The updates don't change the dialogue much, so if you don't edit your vote to be more in line with your abridged/simplified version, it won't appear in the update. Granted, you've already said you're too lazy to change it so I do think your intent for the vote won't manifest the way ypu imagine it would.
I think adding an extra vote is funny

[X] Write-in: Annoying Old Man
-[X] "Stop talking to yourself old man, you aren't my real dad"
Well, Quintus was responsible for circulating Arabella's blood to the Seaborn so it's either him or Gladiia that is the dad.
[X] Write-in: Root of Kindness
-[X] Maybe you did make a mistake. But that was all it was, a mistake. Something anyone could have made.
-[X] What matters is what you do from now on. If you failed in your path, then pick yourself up and try to do better. If your path was wrong from the very beginning, then step off of it and find a better way. It isn't over, because right now you are still alive. You can change, just like I can change.
-[X] What I want to know is, why did you take this path in the first place? Why did you want to help people? And ask yourself, was it wrong to want that?
-[X] Think it over. In the meantime, I am heading towards somewhere. Would you like to come with me?
@LucidProp said:
I'm glad we agree this is poor pacing. I do want something similar in the future, but the set-up isn't here yet so the pay-off won't be as good. If we're voting in terms of what's interesting or not, then we're certainly losing out on a better scene in the future if we're trying to get the big pay-off now when there's barely been any set-up for it.
poor pacing or not, the fall out will be interesting, and as I said before, I'm not trying to have a big pay-off or create the best outcome, but to have fun with the Write-In.

@LucidProp said:
I'd like to know Quintus more, and how Ayam reflects on his beliefs, before we go and try to change his mind about anything.
what is there for Ayam to reflect on? Quintus told us he wanted to do good, something something, seaborn, something something, failing, others are doing the same but for nihilism, that a voice is telling him to be selfish, Quintus questioning if he should follow the seaborn.

Ayam knows everything he needs to know, Quintus said he wants to do good, but failed. Quintus answered his own question, that he has good intentions that he wants to act on. the fact that he's letting a voice bully him, telling him "its alright to be selfish" is stupid.
who tells a guy to "its okay to want what you want, do what you want to do"? Idiots, so the voice is an idiot.
Quintus is being a bum and listening to the voice's stupidity instead of being good, stop being a bigger idiot and do good.
Ayam is not trying to change Quintus' mind, but stating his own observations.

if your talking about how Ayam reflects on Quintus' beliefs of being and/or doing good, he already his. gonna eventually give seaborn free will and individuality, he's family with mom, etc. those are good things, so he's a good person. anyone against him or mom is a bad person; Look, that bum hurt mom so he's bad, he even said he did bad things. that he's spending time with said bum that tried to kill mom proves he's a good person. what is their to reflect on?

@LucidProp said:
That said, the childish argument doesn't work either. I don't think Ayam even knows what selfishness is, much less what it implies. Ayam doesn't have the life experience for it yet, so I sincerely doubt he'd be able to put it in the terms you wish especially when the the vote isn't worded to be spoken like that.
doesn't need to work, childish argument is childish argument.
poor pacing or not, the fall out will be interesting, and as I said before, I'm not trying to have a big pay-off or create the best outcome, but to have fun with the Write-In.
Your entire argument hinges on "this will be interesting" and I'm pointing out that due to the lack of set-up, it won't be especially when the execution of the vote won't be simplified like you want it to be.

This isn't about effectiveness and what works, but rather that your desired outcome isn't supported by the vote itself due to the flaws we've pointed out already from before.

Story wise, the pacing problems due to the lack of set-up which you've admitted before, just kills the narrative which contradicts any potential for a interesting outcome.

Similarly, our Seafiend doesn't know enough about selfishness to even make the childish argument you want them to make. They've only just gained the bare scraps of a identity, concepts such as what it means to be selfish and why people are so aren't something they know enough about yet to make the argument you wish them to make. They don't even have enough context behind Quintus' actions and motivations to make a judgement about them, so the Seafiends' words just kind of fall flat.
@LucidProp said:
Your entire argument hinges on "this will be interesting" and I'm pointing out that due to the lack of set-up, it won't be especially when the execution of the vote won't be simplified like you want it to be.
yep, the write-In was for fun, even without set up, and I don't want to simplify the vote, just that I gave a simplification so others can understand the thought process.

@LucidProp said:
This isn't about effectiveness and what works, but rather that your desired outcome isn't supported by the vote itself due to the flaws we've pointed out already from before.
my desired result is to see the outcome of Ayam saying how dumb the voices statement is and telling Quintus to be good. I get that if my Write-In wins, unlikely it might be.

@LucidProp said:
Story wise, the pacing problems due to the lack of set-up which you've admitted before, just kills the narrative which contradicts any potential for a interesting outcome.
Ayam could just fail, that's narratively impactful. whether you consider that an interesting outcome or not is on you, but I stated my Write-In was for fun and not the best outcome.

A person said:
Similarly, our Seafiend doesn't know enough about selfishness to even make the childish argument you want them to make. They've only just gained the bare scraps of a identity, concepts such as what it means to be selfish and why people are so aren't something they know enough about yet to make the argument you wish them to make. They don't even have enough context behind Quintus' actions and motivations to make a judgement about them, so the Seafiends' words just kind of fall flat.
so what your saying is that if my Write-In Wins, then there is the possibility for Ayam to bullshit his way into the response I have written. no knowledge about selfishness, a barely existent identity, no context what Quintus is talking about from the voice to his actions and motives. everything is garbage he tacked on the the statement "anyways, do you want to come with me?".

yeah, I think am even more curious on what will happen if my Write-In wins.
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Complicated discussion aside, I'll vote for this.

[X] Tell him to come with you. Then return home.

It seems the most fitting for our hatchling human.

Besides, having Quintus nearby in case he explodes into a distortion so we can gank him is a good idea!

"On my way to distort more people."
"Still recovering from losing twice to E.G.O in chapter 4"
Complicated discussion aside, I'll vote for this.

[X] Tell him to come with you. Then return home.

It seems the most fitting for our hatchling human.

Besides, having Quintus nearby in case he explodes into a distortion so we can gank him is a good idea!

"On my way to distort more people."
"Still recovering from losing twice to E.G.O in chapter 4"
Pocket Carmen is harmless and can not distort you.
Closing vote five hours from now. If you want to turn things around do so quickly.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by thenew on Jun 17, 2023 at 11:58 AM, finished with 57 posts and 28 votes.

  • [X] Tell him to come with you. Then return home.
    [X] Write-in: the voice is stupid and ask him to come with you.
    -[X] "its alright to be selfish" is a stupid sentence, whoever told you that is an idiot. Everyone is already selfish, their actions are made based on what THEY believe is best.
    -[X] The question you should be asking is "what you are selfish for" and you already answered that, you have good intentions that you want to act on. the problem is what you think is the best for others was Challenged by others."
    -[X] "if you were wrong, then find another way to act that makes sense; anyways, do you want to come with me?"
    [X] Utter to him what the ideal is.
    [X] Write-in: Root of Kindness
    -[X] Maybe you did make a mistake. But that was all it was, a mistake. Something anyone could have made.
    -[X] What matters is what you do from now on. If you failed in your path, then pick yourself up and try to do better. If your path was wrong from the very beginning, then step off of it and find a better way. It isn't over, because right now you are still alive. You can change, just like I can change.
    -[X] What I want to know is, why did you take this path in the first place? Why did you want to help people? And ask yourself, was it wrong to want that?
    -[X] Think it over. In the meantime, I am heading towards somewhere. Would you like to come with me?
    [X] Walk away and return to Mother. Leave him alone to his thoughts.
    [X] Write-in: Annoying Old Man
    -[X] "Stop talking to yourself old man, you aren't my real dad"
Voting is open