[X] ADMINISTRATIVE AUTOMATION – By streamlining the administrative sector and farming out the more menial tasks to computer systems and analytic programs, you'll be able to free up more time to take a more active role in your Base. (Grants an additional Sector I Action.)
[X] HAZARD CONTAINMENT – The last thing you need is some weird alien virus or magical critter escaping and wreaking havoc on your staff. By implementing additional hazard containment systems throughout the base, you should be able to isolate problems before they spread. (Makes it harder for hazards to spread and allows sectors to be isolated.)
[X] EXPANDED MOTORPOOL – Sector II serves as the base's motor pool, but it should be a cinch to expand it. That way, you'd be able to field a wider variety of vehicles and, possibly, giant robots. (Increases available vehicles and provides launch site for advanced machinery)